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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.

Just so you know you have fans on both sides... I'm a longtime (liberal) listener and I always look forward to you talking politics. A lot of the time I agree with you, but when I don't I find it eye opening to hear the other side from someone who's so well read. Most of my life republican views seemed so short sighted, uninformed and illogical, I'm sure growing up surrounded by liberals didn't help me see reasonable right wing opinions as often. I never feel that was about your views.

Listening to you over the years has helped me read into politics a more and realize I'm a bit more center-left then I thought. Thank you for that. Keep it up!
Is this the gaming forum?

After this evening this thread could be more about gaming than it has been in several days.
Mmmmmm that's what I needed to hear. Thanks for the impressions.

Another game to play in addition to Yakuza... Tales... Resident Evil...

Sometimes I'm grateful that my girlfriend travels internationally for work. Gives me time to catch up on games and podcasts.

Feel the same about my long distance relationship as much as every other aspect of that sucks. Do Yakuza first.


You can love Mitt Romney all you want, but don't tweet smug memes about him with a 'Colin was right! Told you so!' attitude while your country is falling to shit around you, affecting real people's lives in real ways that you can only imagine from your cushy position in life. It's at the very least extremely tactless and (to use some of your phrases) tone deaf and devoid of all nuance.

I would say that at it's very worst it's tactless. At the very least, it's just a joke. A 1-off meme really shouldn't become tantamount to abetting the destruction of the country.

GAF has absolutely turned on me. That's fine, I respect that. But the lion's share of posters here don't have nice things to say about me, and I don't feel like that was always the case.


I don't have a huge ego, nor do I intend to be condescending or obnoxious.

If you think GAF collectively turned on you, then maybe take some of that to heart. Have some self reflection and try to see what you might be putting out there to rub people the wrong way. No one wants to think that they are the asshole so to speak(not saying you are though). Take this as you will, but I'm sure our new president doesn't think he has a huge ego or is obnoxious. He just surrounds himself with people that validate his opinions and stroke his ego while shutting out everyone who oppose his way of thinking.




It's far, far from a one off thing. And i'm familiar with Sacco, having read Jon Ronson's book about online shaming. Not the same situation at all.

The "colin is right" thing isn't one-off, but I didn't think he did many Trump-associated jokes. I don't follow anyone on twitter, though.


What else happened this week?

I was referring to more the CWR video and the shitstorm after.

I actually think CWR is the best content KF has put out there but with all the shit that's going on and reading the Gaf thread after it went up, just kinda wanted to distance myself from it all a bit...which probably isn't even really fair.

I'll be back though, probably fairly quickly....just need a breather now and then.

BTW Tim kills it on the Gamescast, love how he's morphed and matured as the product has grown.


The "colin is right" thing isn't one-off, but I didn't think he did many Trump-associated jokes. I don't follow anyone on twitter, though.

Tweeted multiple times after the election about if people voted Romney none of this would ever have happened, about how much people were over reacting and everything would be fine and dandy and just today tweeted about liberals quashing free speech in some tangential relation to Lady Gaga. That's a few I can remember off the top of my head but if you go back in this thread it's full all the trolly (or ignorant) things he likes to tweet.
If you think GAF collectively turned on you, then maybe take some of that to heart. Have some self reflection and try to see what you might be putting out there to rub people the wrong way. No one wants to think that they are the asshole so to speak(not saying you are though). Take this as you will, but I'm sure our new president doesn't think he has a huge ego or is obnoxious. He just surrounds himself with people that validate his opinions and stroke his ego while shutting out everyone who oppose his way of thinking.

Oh god you just perfectly equated the Trump presidency to Kinda Funny. Nailed it.


I'm so torn about Nioh, the beginning of this year is so crowded for me with RE7, Horizon, and Mass Effect that I don't know if I'll have time to play Nioh lengthy campaign. Also Bloodborne difficulty is the max limit for me, if its much harder I won't bother. However, I did well in the last chance demo but I couldn't kill that standalone boss.

To the people asking about Ori, Colin acuatlly had a let's play about it here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_RZTgo2jTc
I don't know if he played anything past the let's play though.
I'm so torn about Nioh, the beginning of this year is so crowded for me with RE7, Horizon, and Mass Effect that I don't know if I'll have time to play Nioh lengthy campaign. Also Bloodborne difficulty is the max limit for me, if its much harder I won't bother. However, I did well in the last chance demo but I couldn't kill that standalone boss.

To the people asking about Ori, Colin acuatlly had a let's play about it here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_RZTgo2jTc
I don't know if he played anything past the let's play though.

I know Colin mentioned it last week, but isn't it weird how quietly Sony acquired the publishing rights to Nioh? I said this elsewhere, but this is literally the inverse of what happened with Demon's Souls, where Sony was not interested in publishing it worldwide. So, I guess Nioh is now a Sony IP (unless Team Ninja holds the rights and this is simply a publisher/distribution thing).


I know Colin mentioned it last week, but isn't it weird how quietly Sony acquired the publishing rights to Nioh? I said this elsewhere, but this is literally the inverse of what happened with Demon's Souls, where Sony was not interested in publishing it worldwide. So, I guess Nioh is now a Sony IP (unless Team Ninja holds the rights and this is simply a publisher/distribution thing).
Colin said that and I was like... wait, what? :D


Big fan since 2010 beyond days, I listened to all the ign podcasts daily when working at a batting cage. You, Greg and Clements totally got me through that job and some depression I was dealing with for many years after. I'm forever thankful for all your work and I wish you the best in your endevors.

(PS the ps2 was a excellent console and resonance of fate was a dope game ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Kudos for Colin to seemingly reengage again I hope this leads to just improvement across the board. On one side people having less reasons to drift negative in discussions and the other side Colin making less remarks on shows that just lack any kind of empathy that just unnecessarily stir people up to hammer points home or are played for "laughs". I mean Colin just seems the type of person that is smart enough to not have to rely on that to get his points across, but at the same time I don't want to be all "change!" if that's so integral to his personality. In that case I guess like he said their stuff is just not for me anymore which is a shame cause I appreciate a lot of what they do.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Pleased Colin is back, it'll hopefully deter the driveby shitposting we've had for the past few weeks


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.
I don't understand why people have a go at you for your political beliefs isn't this a free world? Aren't we all allowed to have an opinion? If we all agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring world. It's not as if your extreme in what you say either I mean you're no milo for example. People need to chill out man not everything is the end of the world.


I'd argue that my stance is the quickest way to build a fair and just world for the greatest number of people.
If you think the government is too big, but support helping those in need of it, then where's the line that you draw of helping people and people being self-sustaining? In other words, in your ideal, where would you trim the fat and redistribute the spending?

For me, I think it's not so much that the government needs to spend much less, but they need to become more efficient. Looking at healthcare for example, we spend twice as much as France who is often cited as having the best care in the world. Education, should public universities be tuition free? Growing up in a pretty poor single parent family, this would've certainly helped me as I'm now 28 and have no idea if I'll be able to even finish school because of funding issues. Funding for the arts and culture? I don't think we have enough at a government level, look at art focused schools, almost all of the best are private and cost an absurd amount of money; again in France, with some of the most well known and historically significant art schools in the world are funded by the federal culture branch and allow for extremely low tuition(€350 per year for Paris de Conservatoire, meanwhile in America, (private)CalArts is $45,580 per year). Defence spending, very overblown, I say this as a vet who saw first hand how wasted American tax dollars are. This is the one thing that really makes me say what the fuck with Trump. On one hand he wants to increase spending, yet wants to be isolationist, it doesn't add up unless you want a North Korea like state? And the like...


I don't understand why people have a go at you for your political beliefs isn't this a free world? Aren't we all allowed to have an opinion? If we all agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring world. It's not as if your extreme in what you say either I mean you're no milo for example. People need to chill out man not everything is the end of the world.

Yes, everyone is allowed an opinion

But also everyone is allowed to disagree with someone’s opinion.

Agreeing and disagreeing with a political stance is what politics is all about really. As long as it is done in a constructive manner of course. And at times Colin does not use a constructive manner and comes off as quite mean spirited, which obviously rubs people up the wrong way.


You know he's a legit jets fan when he'd rather spend time getting attacked on gaf than watching Goatom Brady setting records.


I don't understand why people have a go at you for your political beliefs isn't this a free world? Aren't we all allowed to have an opinion? If we all agreed on everything it would be a pretty boring world. It's not as if your extreme in what you say either I mean you're no milo for example. People need to chill out man not everything is the end of the world.

I think it may be a presentation issue in many cases.
GAF has absolutely turned on me. That's fine, I respect that. But the lion's share of posters here don't have nice things to say about me, and I don't feel like that was always the case.

The thing is, I don't think anything I've said is particularly bad or inflammatory. I mean, I called Steve Bannon "smart," because I think he clearly is. That's not an endorsement. I said the sun will come up tomorrow after Trump won, because people needed context, that the world wasn't suddenly ending.

Dudes, I abandoned my party because of Donald Trump, and voted for a third party I knew had no real business running because I refused to vote for either major party candidate. I did FAR MORE THAN MOST to resist Trump WHERE IT COUNTED, which was right in the fucking thick of conservative politics. Not as an outsider.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand all of that, especially your third point. As someone from a conservative background, you were obviously outspoken against Trump. Regardless of all of this, like you said, tweets taken out of context, or posted on Twitter will get you flak on GAF unfortunately, but trust me, this happens all the time, even with popular celebrities or game developers. Just look at people in the CWR thread ripping into Neil Druckmann just because he agreed with your sentiments in the latest CWR episode, yet people assumed the worst. Same thing with other popular posters, like Angry Joe or Jim Sterling, even if they have GAF accounts, people rip into them like any other person on the internet. It just happens they have more 'leverage' to work with as they're more popular and have more things on record, which can be misconstructed/misunderstood.

I'll try to be around more.

That's good to hear.

It's "rarely happened" in this thread? C'mon. It's happened constantly in this thread for six months.

That said, I will continue to try and post.

It may have been an exaggeration, and yes, it did get pretty bad during the PS4 Pro debacle, and again, in this thread after the election night, but I'd say there were some weeks that were better than others. I just think people who weren't fan of you anyways were encouraged to post here more since you left. And I think choosing to respond to some posts and not others didn't help your case. It seemed like you were purposefully avoiding some posts, and whether intentional or night, people perceived it that way.

I'm not posting in the CWR threads, which are some of the most hostile, out-of-control threads about me I've seen in my nearly 15 years as a paid member of the gaming industry.

The last one, in particular, is borderline psychotic. For real.

I just think GAF being left leaning has meant that after the first few pages of agreement on your CWR threads, the echo chamber took its course and you kept having people rebounding off each other's points in agreement on how bad your opinion was. Some criticism was warranted IMO, but it did get really excessive when people start personally insulting you, even resorting to one of the threads being locked by a mod, but you also have to appreciate you have quite a lot of fans here. CWR threads do get some positive feedback, even if the last two political ones got you some unwarranted flak. Your Nintendo Switch one for example got much more +ve feedback. Again, people see something you posted on Twitter, who may not know that much about you, and jump to conclusions. Again, I don't think you helped your case by posting on Twitter, but at the same time when it gets quoted enough times in a thread, people only start seeing that. On a personal note though, I think really liked your last part of your last episode, but felt you dropped the ball in the last 5 minutes. I personally think it's naive to think after all this time, some people can be reasoned or argue in good faith. I definitely don't agree with the false equivalencies you often say about the left that both sides are "just as bad."

Because that's what fits some folks' narrative. Honestly, half of the things folks are mad at me in this and other threads I never even said, or was taken out of context, or is just flat made up.

(As an example, I once saw a dude write this diatribe about how he watched me play The Wonderful 101 at E3, and how awful I was at it, and all of this, when, as far as I remember, I have literally never played the game in my life, nonetheless at E3. Now multiply that by many, and you live my reality.)

Honestly I think Greg's PS4 Pro summed this up. It even resorted to a mod changing the title because of how misleading and loaded the thread title and OP was, but once again, when people have a pre-conceived notion about someone, or disliked something they once said, you have confirmation bias kicking in, and you get all this sort of stuff. It even sucks that the KF bandwagon hate was still going on after Greg kindly came and cleared stuff up. But eh, again, it's the internet.

I'm glad to see you back. Please convince Greg to return, too!

Wait, did Greg ever say why he left GAF?


Dreams in Digital
I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.

Nice to see you back, Colin. I don't agree with everything you say but I do respect your right to hold the opposite opinion to me. Now buy a bleedin' Pro! :)


Holy shit. The "ps4 pro" arc of this novel is finally over.

I always wanted a EZA x/v KF Arc, but I didn't want it as a filler and as we really didn't have a x/versus moment. Kyle just popped in between jaffe and Shu and popped right out. Oh well. One day.

Anywho, on to the next chapter!
If you think GAF collectively turned on you, then maybe take some of that to heart. Have some self reflection and try to see what you might be putting out there to rub people the wrong way. No one wants to think that they are the asshole so to speak(not saying you are though). Take this as you will, but I'm sure our new president doesn't think he has a huge ego or is obnoxious. He just surrounds himself with people that validate his opinions and stroke his ego while shutting out everyone who oppose his way of thinking.

This post right here
Holy shit. The "ps4 pro" arc of this novel is finally over.

I always wanted a EZA x/v KF Arc, but I didn't want it as a filler and as we really didn't have a x/versus Kyle just popped in between jaffe and Shu and popped right out. Oh well. One day.

Anywho, on to the next chapter!

Didn't Brandon Jones once go on the Gamescast?
Colin got unwarranted flak? That's hilarious. Don't simplify issues. Especially when it comes to political issues that are quite complex by their very nature. When you put yourself out in the public on twitter and FB on such issues, you can't call it unwarranted when people come and expose the holes, irrational logic or naivety in your analysis.


I just think GAF being left leaning has meant that after the first few pages of agreement on your CWR threads, the echo chamber took its course and you kept having people rebounding off each other's points in agreement on how bad your opinion was. It's unfortunate, and it was quite excessive, even resorting to one of the threads being locked by a mod, but you also have to appreciate you have quite a lot of fans here. CWR threads do get some positive feedback, even if the last two political ones got you unwarranted flak. Your Nintendo Switch one for example got much more +ve feedback. Again, people see something you posted on Twitter, who may not know that much about you, and jump to conclusions. Again, I don't think you helped your case by posting on Twitter, but at the same time, people unfortunately assumed the worst, and when it gets quoted enough times in a thread, people only see that. On a personal note though, I think really liked your last part of your last episode, but felt you dropped the ball in the last 5 minutes. I personally think it's naive to think after all this time, some people can be reasoned or argue in good faith. I definitely don't agree with the false equivalencies you often say about the left that both sides are "just as bad."
Left leaning is generous dude. There are some real basket cases around here--the echo chamber is extremely unhealthy for them--it just makes things worse and the discussion can become pretty uncivil.

Looking at the CWR thread from last week was painful. The reaction from the Bannon tweet was the tip of the iceberg, most people just dogpiling and just misconstruing to the Nth degree.
Colin got unwarranted flak? That's hilarious. Don't simplify issues. Especially when it comes to political issues that are quite complex by their very nature. When you put yourself out in the public on twitter and FB on such issues, you can't call it unwarranted when people come and expose the holes, irrational logic or naivety in your analysis.

I should have clarified: some of it was warranted, which I myself very much criticized (regarding the false equivalencies) and I don't track back on that, but again, this was only about his arguments not himself. This is what I said:

I agree with most of his video, but I think the end part is incredibly naive and tone-deaf, and much easier to say from a position of privilege. Empathy and understanding goes both ways, and I'm pretty sure the onus on the racists, xenophobes, Islamaphobes etc. to sort their crap out.

People could tone down the insults in this thread :p (yeah he's made some stupid ass tweets, but I don't think insulting him is the way to go).

The tweets IMO were stupid because in general, with Twitter, if you're going to post about a complex issue, and write in 140 characters, you lose all nuance, and should expect some flak especially in sensitive times where people are treated like crap because of their religion or skin colourm, and guilt tripping people into not voting Romney and thus thinking they made this happen is short sighted and definitely not smart.

However, when I say unwarranted is when people jump straight for the throat and start hurling insults and ripping into him personally, rather than criticizing what he has to say. I think his FB posts do a better job at alleviating that somewhat, even if I disagree with them.
All I know is Colin turned me on to Harpoon at the Hitman PAX East after party and I will forever be thankful for that.

Keep up the great work, Colin. <3


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.

I stopped listening to your content because I don't need to support someone who supports a party that actively tries to stop me from having civil rights. Personally that is a problem for me. Your tweets on the subject have made you seem tone deaf and even if your content is about gaming and not about politics, I want to listen to people that I have a connection with. Thankfully there are options like EZA where I do feel like I connect with the podcasters. I want to listen to people who I feel like I want to be around, like a friend.

If you're wondering why GAF has turned on you maybe understand that you come off as very abrasive, and the superiority complex joke of "Colin was Right" doesn't feel so much like a joke.
I stopped listening to your content because I don't need to support someone who supports a party that actively tries to stop me from having civil rights. Personally that is a problem for me. Your tweets on the subject have made you seem tone deaf and even if your content is about gaming and not about politics, I want to listen to people that I have a connection with. Thankfully there are options like EZA where I do feel like I connect with the podcasters. I want to listen to people who I feel like I want to be around, like a friend.

If you're wondering why GAF has turned on you maybe understand that you come off as very abrasive, and the superiority complex joke of "Colin was Right" doesn't feel so much like a joke.

FWIW, he left the Republican Part of Trump. He doesn't support them at all. I'm not going to bother quoting as he's already clarified it plenty of times here, but he doesn't support any of what Trump says, and is very socially liberal with his views. Problem is, with tweets getting posted constantly around on GAF out of context, it may seem like that, but it's not. That's the only side of him that gets circulated around on here. I mean I don't agree with a lot of what he has to say, (look at my posts above for example), but I'm also not going to misconstruct what he says or misrepresent it, or assume the worst based on context-less, albeit abrasive tweets. That's the issue he exactly has with some people.
FWIW, he left the Republican Part of Trump. He doesn't support them at all. I'm not going to bother quoting as he's already clarified it plenty of times here, but he doesn't support any of what Trump says, and is very socially liberal with his views. Problem is, with tweets getting posted constantly around on GAF out of context, it may seem like that, but it's not. That's the only side of him that gets circulated around on here.

No, it's really not just about that though. When you post a tweet to the effect of "you demonized Mitt Romney so and so years ago", the idea that it was Trump who made you leave the party becomes hilarious.

That says a lot. It's not as if the Republican party just turned into the party of minority haters and racist dirtbags with the election of Trump. They've been like that for a long time. So acting like your leaving that party cause Trump is now president while idolizing the dude with a binder full of women whose practically like every other Republican on minority, women and other issues?

That is incredibly telling. Don't talk politics if you don't want to get exposed.
Which part of that Steve Bannon crap was out of context? Or that I'm sorry you were bullied into disagreeing with me Rami crap? Or all the you should have voted for Romney crap? Or telling people to stop being melodramatic right after the election, when hey, surprise surprise, two weeks into the presidency minorities have begun to eat a bunch of shit. The sun will come out tomorrow, right?

FWIW, he left the Republican Part of Trump. He doesn't support them at all. I'm not going to bother quoting as he's already clarified it plenty of times here, but he doesn't support any of what Trump says, and is very socially liberal with his views. Problem is, with tweets getting posted constantly around on GAF out of context, it may seem like that, but it's not. That's the only side of him that gets circulated around on here. I mean I don't agree with a lot of what he has to say, (look at my posts above for example), but I'm also not going to misconstruct what he says or misrepresent it, or assume the worst based on context-less, albeit abrasive tweets. That's the issue he exactly has with some people.

Okay well,

Colin supposedly left the Republican party, why didn't his magical reason and discussion skills work on them to change their minds? Where did he actually try to change their minds? Where is he actually trying to change their minds right now instead of lecturing liberals to sit down and shut up and take it while he votes for Johnson doing nothing to fight against Trumps ideals? What are you accomplishing?
No, it's really not just about that though. When you post a tweet to the effect of "you demonized Mitt Romney so and so years ago", the idea that it was Trump who made you leave the party becomes hilarious.

Well I don't disagree, I said the exact same thing above. It was silly, but as for that and the rest, he can respond as I'm not going to claim to what he meant by the tweets. And I don't mean that in a sarcastic way lol, but he can defend himself.

Which part of that Steve Bannon crap was out of context? Or that I'm sorry you were bullied into disagreeing with me Rami crap? Or all the you should have voted for Romney crap? Or telling people to stop being melodramatic right after the election, when hey, surprise surprise, two weeks into the presidency minorities have begun to eat a bunch of shit. The sun will come out tomorrow, right?

Okay well,

I don't disagree. Those are things he should be criticised, and I definitely responded to that. But my overarching point isn't to resort to insults to push him away from GAF, because it'd to the opposite of him seeing to how silly some of his tweets are. But eh, what do I know lol.
Which part of that Steve Bannon crap was out of context? Or that I'm sorry you were bullied into disagreeing with me Rami crap? Or all the you should have voted for Romney crap? Or telling people to stop being melodramatic right after the election, when hey, surprise surprise, two weeks into the presidency minorities have begun to eat a bunch of shit. The sun will come out tomorrow, right?

Okay well,

That's so hilarious to me.

Why yes Colin, as a minority, I would have loved to vote for Mitt Romney, the Republican Party candidate.


Could you get any more dense as to the political issues at play while exposing how privileged you are?

First of all, welcome back. I know it seems hostile here, but it's hostile for everyone. Just imagine being a fan of No Man's Sky, Street Fighter V or Star Wars Battlefront and posting here. Or worse yet—and I don't have to experience this, but witness it all around me— being an Xbox One fan. It's brutal. Just practice doing this: roll eyes, scroll down, repeat.

Second of all, and this is to the posters here, not Colin, but this thread is about PSILY, not Colin's Twitter feed. If you have an issue with his Tweets, Tweet him. You don't have to bring that garbage into this thread. I get enough political arguments on Facebook, Twitter, G+ and every single other social media site out there. This thread is about their show and if they don't discuss politics on that show, then WHY DISCUSS IT HERE?!!??! And if his Tweets bother you, practice doing this: roll eyes, scroll down, repeat. Trust me, it helps with your sanity since last November. I even do this with opinions I agree with like Matt Fowler and Adam Sessler, but just because I am so sick of politics. Can't I just sit back and enjoy a podcast and have a conversation about it here while the world burns outside my window? Anyhoo, I digress...

I was just about to write a paragraph on how I'd hate to see you engage in a bitter rivalry with the Easy Allies (I have no idea who this Bob fella is), but then I remembered they don't discuss politics for the most part, so my worry that I'd have to pick sides (see avatar) in some convoluted imaginary scenario is virtually impossible. And since we're on the topic, I'd love to see Kinda Funny do something with EZA at some point.

But... to fix the PS4 Pro debate, please have some guests on PSILY with tech knowledge. You and Greg have such similar tastes and contributions that many of us are clamoring for some outside or extra views to supplement your topics. Even having Tim on, who owns a PS4 Pro and can speak with experience would help. And this is for any topic, not just the Pro, in which you may have limited knowledge or don't necessarily care about fully. I know it's not realistic to have a guest on any time news is dropped that doesn't interest you, but to have a few topics lined up in the queue for when you do have a particular guest on would be awfully swell.

I hope you view this as constructive and not piling on, as I do listen to many of your shows each week, look forward to them each week and appreciate all of your hard work. Keep on doing what you are doing and I'll keep on scrolling past your, and pretty much every other, political Tweet I see.

Also, The Last Guardian rules. :)


I should have clarified: some of it was warranted, which I myself very much criticized (regarding the false equivalencies) and I don't track back on that, but again, this was only about his arguments not himself. This is what I said:

The tweets IMO were stupid because in general, with Twitter, if you're going to post about a complex issue, and write in 140 characters, you lose all nuance, and should expect some flak especially in sensitive times where people are treated like crap because of their religion or skin colour, and guilt tripping people into not voting Romney and thus thinking they made this happen is short sighted and definitely not smart.

However, when I say unwarranted is when people jump straight for the throat and start hurling insults and ripping into him personally, rather than criticizing what he has to say. I think his FB posts do a better job at alleviating that somewhat, even if I disagree with them.

I do honestly think this is a big part of the issue, Colin's Facebook post about Trump's travel ban was thoughtful and well articulated, I really appreciated his view on it. He spoke at length on C&G Live after the election, and his reaction to Trump's win was again well presented. He said nothing offensive or baiting, he just gave his thoughts on the situation, most of which seemed perfectly reasonable.

Then I look at his twitter, and its almost like a different person and inflammatory at times. I don't think its an accurate reflection of him as a person, because he is liberal about many things and generally seems like a good guy. However its his choice and his right to tweet what he wants, he'll just get some heat for it sometimes.

On side note, if Colin likes British parliament and Veep, he needs to watch The Thick of It. It's the same writers, they made The Thick of It before Veep, and it is amazing. Malcolm Tucker's insults are a work of art.
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