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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

I'm willing to bet you (like me, and 90% of Gaf) doesn't actually know what a teraflop is or how it affects a game beyond "makes it look better"

A teraflop is a theoretical standard for computer power.

It means nothing in reality when it comes to the quality of a game in your eyes.

It doesn't matter that "90% of Gaf" doesn't know what a teraflop is because it's a terrible measure of power/potential.
Colin continuing to be an asshole on Twitter. Never change, and wonder why some people call you for being asshole.

Yeah he's written some inflammatory tweets in the past but it's not as if he wasn't provoked by some flat out insulting tweets. I'm not sure why people are acting that this came from nothing and completely ignore what was said at first.
I agree with this as well. He does get a LOT of shit and I would have to imagine it can be a little difficult to weed through to find the posts worth addressing. I feel for him there. But perhaps addressing the valid criticism would go a long way toward fixing people's perception of him so the first instinct isn't to just bash him.

But regardless, I know I will continue to watch their content because I quite enjoy it a good portion of the time.

There's been a lot of constructive criticism and there's been a lot of hate/name calling. I think negativity is just easier to identify and generalise hence the focus.

It's a shame you stopped posting Colin, even despite the criticisms, which I'm sure you're used to on Twitter anyway, it was still good you engaged with your fans (yeah there are people on gaf who enjoy your content you can't generalise man).

See you later mang.

Legit hope Colin will continue posting because however much I or any of us disagree, it's still good to have a discussion. I just think once again insults or ad hominems from posters won't encourage any of that. Though it's rarely happened here I think some of the other threads went overboard. I think it'd be best to block that out and respond to constructive criticism or disagreements that don't hurl insults (which is why some people do get upset as there was legitimate constructive discussion among what may have seemed a sea of hate).

Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.

I agree with these posts and more. Colin's tweets in particular have been bothering me lately, in addition to a few criticisms we discussed in this thread before Trump got elected (remember the simpler PS I Love you days?). But more than anything I'm glad to have him in here and wish we could keep the attacks to a minimum. Hopefully in the future we can discuss KF content, because I'm one of those longtime fans who spend hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket to fly out to IGN for a live Beyond episode and owe a great deal to Greg and Colin for years of entertainment. I don't want to quit listening.
Colin, bud.. Just go play Ori: Definitive Edition if you're a fan of Metroidvanias. Who cares it's on Xbox. Who cares you can't navigate the Xbox One dashboard despite my 9 year old nephew being able to do so with ease. Who cares about all that.

The only thing that matters is that Ori must be played by all fans of Metroidvanias, especially those who think average Metroidvanias like Shadow Complex are amazing. Just. Do. It. ty, ily.


You constantly argue that the government has little or no responsibility to care for its citizens, even the weakest and most vulnerable. That's not how the world works, man. I understand why some people think that such a statement is "just an opinion," but ideology has consequences and I can't stomach ideology that has been put into practice for decades to keep the faces of society's weakest in the dirt.

I very much disagree with this. Just because you're born doesn't make societal structure responsible for taking care of you. Bad stuff happens all day everyday and unfortunate things are a part of life. The only thing in the world that arguably owes someone something is a child's parent. Whether or not either actually delivers is one thing, but they should sacrifice themselves trying.

Outside that the government is a made up group who agreed to band together because they had a better chance of surviving if they created a militia to protect the group. Just because is HAS evolved into something that panders to every knee scrape and tummy grumble that happens doesn't mean it was meant to or should.


I very much disagree with this. Just because you're born doesn't make societal structure responsible for taking care of you. Bad stuff happens all day everyday and unfortunate things are a part of life. The only thing in the world that arguably owes someone something is a child's parent. Whether or not either actually delivers is one thing, but they should sacrifice themselves trying.

Outside that the government is a made up group who agreed to band together because they had a better chance of surviving if they created a militia to protect the group. Just because is HAS evolved into something that panders to every knee scrape and tummy grumble that happens doesn't mean it was meant to or should.
I very much think this is a bad opinion and an unfortunate view of the potential of people to take care of one another, but this is probably not the right place for a protracted political debate.
Hey Colin,

Just wanted to say that I appreciate your hard work, passion, insight, and humor on Kinda Funny content. I genuinely do belive that you're a nice guy with good intentions.

Nice job on the Colin Was Right episodes. I love that you're writing and researching again.

You have also come such a long way in front of the camera since IGN. I love watching personal growth like that!


Colin, bud.. Just go play Ori: Definitive Edition if you're a fan of Metroidvanias. Who cares it's on Xbox. Who cares you can't navigate the Xbox One dashboard despite my 9 year old nephew being able to do so with ease. Who cares about all that.

The only thing that matters is that Ori must be played by all fans of Metroidvanias, especially those who think average Metroidvanias like Shadow Complex are amazing. Just. Do. It. ty, ily.

I don't understand this. Listen I'll be the last person to try and convince you the Xbox One dashboard is great (still hoping for that Scorpio refresh) but it's not THAT hard to move around on it. There was a Gamespot end of the year platform review and one of the guys doing Xbox said he still had problems finding his games and apps when the button for it is literally right in the top corner on the front page! Maybe nobody likes or cares for pins? I mean I don't I would much rather have a PS4/iOS style all apps front and center in folders approach but this is too much Xbox talk for a PS thread.

Anyways Colin has been getting so much shit lately whether its from the gaming side (not playing or finishing enough games, not venturing outside of the PlayStation ecoystem, not understanding PS4 Pro, etc.) or his politics I feel like there needs to be a kumbaya moment here. Still enjoy him and Greg's discussions on PlayStation though.


Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.
Hey Colin, since your back(yay) just wanted to let you know that you and Greg have entertained me for many years and have provided me with an infinite amount of content to watch. I thoroughly enjoy your analysis of PlayStation and you're really interesting to listen to. Best regards ;)
I don't understand this. Listen I'll be the last person to try and convince you the Xbox One dashboard is great (still hoping for that Scorpio refresh) but it's not THAT hard to move around on it. There was a Gamespot end of the year platform review and one of the guys doing Xbox said he still had problems finding his games and apps when the button for it is literally right in the top corner on the front page! Maybe nobody likes or cares for pins? I mean I don't I would much rather have a PS4/iOS style all apps front and center in folders approach but this is too much Xbox talk for a PS thread.
Yeah man, I don't like to generalize but in this case I truly feel like anyone who complains about the Xbox One dashboard as being impossible to use just proves that they're either not very observant of obvious things (ie: "How do I get to my games!?!?!?" when it's right there on the home screen, not to mention the usefulness of pins), or they simply don't actually use Xbox that much lol.

Anyways Colin has been getting so much shit lately whether its from the gaming side (not playing or finishing enough games, not venturing outside of the PlayStation ecoystem, not understanding PS4 Pro, etc.) or his politics I feel like there needs to be a kumbaya moment here. Still enjoy him and Greg's discussions on PlayStation though.
Colin needs to play Ori, that'll bring the LUV back :]

Seriously Colin, if you're reading this Ori is a beautiful game that I'm sure you'd love. You like challenging games and you enjoy Metroidvanias. It's time to put the big boy pants on and put that Xbox on! <3


Wrong, but again, whatever fits your narrative.

What did actually happen, here in the real world, is that I asked people to specifically point out what they are contesting, whether here on GAF, or on Twitter, or on YouTube, so I can get super specific. Literally no one took me up on that. I asked for timestamps, links, whatever, so I could get granular and we could get to the nitty-gritty. I remember it clear as day, because I was in Anaheim, I had a bunch of off-time in between a work-related task, and I was ready and willing to dedicate time to folks' complaints and concerns.

What people did do was ignore that request and continue to pile on me, mostly about shit I never did or said. As an example, the PS4 Pro "we didn't get one" thing was actually Greg, not me, but who the fuck cares, because I'm the easier target. And so I left. What's the point of defending myself to folks who can't even show me what the hell they're so upset about. The burden of proof is on me, to defend myself when I don't even know what the fuck you're mad about? So I can say something else for you to shove down my throat, likely out of context, and, if history is any indication, misquoted or just, frankly, made up.

But again, whatever fits the script. Who cares what's true?


I've been called, on this forum, almost undisputed by anyone, since I last posted: alt-right, Nazi, white supremacist, racist, bigot, selfish, arrogant, ignorant, and stupid.

I can feel the love.

So when I pour my heart and soul into something, like I have been with CWR, and I see a 20-page thread devolving into how terrible I am, I can't say I see that appreciation. I'm not saying that you have to appreciate me, like me, or support me, by the way. I'm just telling you that reality isn't syncing up with that particular statement. When I saw that last CWR thread, it was so over-the-top that I actually was laughing. Seriously, watch that video and then read that thread, and then tell me who's wildly out of touch.

You would honest to God think I was the devil. Seriously, dudes. Read some of these threads. I do. As I've proclaimed on shows and on Twitter, I still read this forum every day, and I find many people here to be interesting and valuable.

No, it's exactly the way most people talk about me here. I'm not even sure exactly what I did to you guys, honestly. All I know is that this is literally the only place on the Internet where this kind of chatter happens. I know, because I look. I want to know what people are saying about me and my content. I want to improve, and to know what I may have gotten right or wrong.

I'm not here to quarrel; I simply wanted to clear up ONE thing, because at some point, I have to stick up for myself in some respect.

I'm sorry you guys don't enjoy KF or PSILY or anything else I or we do. Thankfully, tons of people do; more every day. What I'm really sorry about, though, is that many of you actually believe the terrible things about me that some of you say, read, or propagate. But, that is very much your prerogative. I'll keep on keeping on; I'm sure you all will, too. -Colin

I haven't gone past this post yet, and you may be gone again as I'll find out later, but I thought I'd comment. I did give you timestamps, as did another (with way more work put into it) if I'm remembering right, and you never replied. Edit: I see it was noted earlier. Instead, you dismissed us all for one or two posters attacking you personally.

I think the reason so many have turned on you is because of antagonizing for the sake of antagonizing. Is there a way to be more constructive? Lumping everyone into a hivemind of hate isn't exactly useful, since everyone has different opinions on why you may or may not rub them the wrong way. Agree with people or not, arguments or not, turning on people, especially your audience, is a god-awful look.

I think it's also that yes, Colin Was Right does have a lot of effort behind it. And yes, it is well done (even if my opinions may be completely different). It's more that the other shows you're part of don't necessarily feel like you're putting effort into them, more that you're there physically but maybe not mentally, or make the same couple of points and overshadow the conversation because of that. That's why I have more or less tuned out from your content.
I'm starting to question whether you actually listen to the podcast, honestly. I don't speak about tech. I make fun of my lack of knowledge constantly.

And I don't care to learn more, FWIW. It's not in my wheelhouse.

Colin, for me and (I am assuming) a lot of other people this was the crux of the issue with the PS4 Pro talk. You are a self-admitted non visual/hardware guy (which is totally fine) and yet you were making this definitive claims about the PS4 Pro (and Scorpio.)

As people pointed out, the (theoretical) difference between the PS4 Pro and Scorpio is the same between the Xbone and the PS4. I don't see you or anyone else claiming the PS4 is substantially more powerful than the Xbone.

Now in a Vacuum is the Scorpio a substantial upgrade to the Xbone? Yes. But it's not in a vacuum and it's competing with the PS4 (and Pro) so I just don't get the substantial argument (especially when we really don't know that much about it.)

If you just had simply said "As a guy who doesn't care about visuals, this isn't for me. I don't think it's a necessarilyy great move by Sony as it could cause a lot of confusion in the marketplace but we'll see how it works out." I don't think anyone here would have been cared at all.

But these rants of "We have to get over this obsession of visuals! And this is a hugely unforced error by Sony! What are they doing!" was just in general very off putting to a lot of people since A. There are a lot of people that care about visuals, which is evident with how well this console generation is doing, and how much PC gaming still thrives, and B. The thing wasn't even officially announced yet, all we had was the leaked document.

Thank you for your time, mad props for coming back.

(PS I really don't think this is the place for the political commentary. That is better left for the OT thread or the CWR thread.)
Yeah he's written some inflammatory tweets in the past but it's not as if he wasn't provoked by some flat out insulting tweets. I'm not sure why people are acting that this came from nothing and completely ignore what was said at first.

Sounds like the guy has been really aggressive in his dislike of Colin in the past. I'm actually surprised this is the first time Colin has responded to him in any form. Sounds like he was a former IGN guy and Colin did not recognize him at an airport or something. I hope this all did not originate with that perceived slight. A grudge held this long is just not a healthy thing. Colin posted some screenshots of the tweets aimed at him (the tweets seem to be from 2013-2017). His Twitter bio says he's the co-host of the Retronauts podcast. Isn't Jeremy Parish, the other? If so, Colin and Jeremy are good friends, or at least respect the heck out of each other. That's gotta be awkward, especially if Jeremy ever comes on Kinda Funny for a thing.
Sounds like the guy has been really aggressive in his dislike of Colin in the past. I'm actually surprised this is the first time Colin has responded to him in any form. Sounds like he was a former IGN guy and Colin did not recognize him at an airport or something. I hope this all did not originate with that perceived slight. A grudge held this long is just not a healthy thing. Colin posted some screenshots of the tweets aimed at him.

Bob's version is Colin said some really shitty things about people on welfare (shocking!). Bob, someone who grew up with a single mother on welfare, didn't really take kindly to it and has disliked him ever since.


Neo Member
Thanks for posting here. I think open discussion is good for everyone involved.
BTW consider co-oping Nioh if you are still playing it. It helped me a lot during the demos.

No co-op! But I'm gonna get back to it tonight. I'm really struggling with that first boss. I think I'm going to run back around the map and gain some more levels, although I feel like I'm already leveled where I should be.

Glad you came around. I had previously deleted my KF subscription on iTunes and stopped my funding on Patreon due to you just picking up an leaving without hearing sincere posters out. Now that you have made an effort I'll probably be back listening soon.

Cool. The shows are pretty much the same, I think.

Yeah tbh, I think PS4 Pro debacle aside, the more recent heat on GAF (especially on other threads) has been from some of his inflammatory tweets. Twitter not being the best place for nuance doesn't help, but I think some of his political comments have rubbed people the wrong way (including me), and on a left leaning forum like GAF, you're going to get criticised, some of which will be insulting (par the course for any internet site). Doesn't excuse people insulting him, but I'm not sure it's also right to insinuate that GAF always hates him generally because it obviously isn't true.

GAF has absolutely turned on me. That's fine, I respect that. But the lion's share of posters here don't have nice things to say about me, and I don't feel like that was always the case.

The thing is, I don't think anything I've said is particularly bad or inflammatory. I mean, I called Steve Bannon "smart," because I think he clearly is. That's not an endorsement. I said the sun will come up tomorrow after Trump won, because people needed context, that the world wasn't suddenly ending.

Dudes, I abandoned my party because of Donald Trump, and voted for a third party I knew had no real business running because I refused to vote for either major party candidate. I did FAR MORE THAN MOST to resist Trump WHERE IT COUNTED, which was right in the fucking thick of conservative politics. Not as an outsider.

Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.

I'll try to be around more.

See you later mang.

Legit hope Colin will continue posting because however much I or any of us disagree, it's still good to have a discussion. I just think once again insults or ad hominems from posters won't encourage any of that. Though it's rarely happened here I think some of the other threads went overboard. I think it'd be best to block that out and respond to constructive criticism or disagreements that don't hurl insults (which is why some people do get upset as there was legitimate constructive discussion among what may have seemed a sea of hate).

It's "rarely happened" in this thread? C'mon. It's happened constantly in this thread for six months.

That said, I will continue to try and post.

Stopped listened to you guys a while ago unfortunately. But fair play to you for coming here and having a discussion with people.

Cool. Our shows aren't for everyone. Our audience continues to grow as some people leave and others come on board. That said, you're welcome back any time.

I'm glad he is back too but honestly if he cared to discuss those important things he would go post in those threads. Baby steps

I'm not posting in the CWR threads, which are some of the most hostile, out-of-control threads about me I've seen in my nearly 15 years as a paid member of the gaming industry.

The last one, in particular, is borderline psychotic. For real.

But the heart of the issue is exactly that, his huge ego. The jab is definitely not a nice thing to do, but when the most obnoxious and condescending voice in gaming comes around, it's hard not to.

Next time I'll think of my lords and saviors and their message of love and respect. I have failed you allies.

I don't have a huge ego, nor do I intend to be condescending or obnoxious.

Colin continuing to be an asshole on Twitter. Never change, and wonder why some people call you for being asshole.

I'm going to go ahead and continue to reserve the right to be assholes back to people who are assholes to me. I'm defending myself, from one person in particular who has been incredibly hostile to me for years for no discernible reason. Today is literally the first time I ever fought back, I did so proportionally, and I'm not sorry about it, at all.

Yeah he's written some inflammatory tweets in the past but it's not as if he wasn't provoked by some flat out insulting tweets. I'm not sure why people are acting that this came from nothing and completely ignore what was said at first.

Because that's what fits some folks' narrative. Honestly, half of the things folks are mad at me in this and other threads I never even said, or was taken out of context, or is just flat made up.

(As an example, I once saw a dude write this diatribe about how he watched me play The Wonderful 101 at E3, and how awful I was at it, and all of this, when, as far as I remember, I have literally never played the game in my life, nonetheless at E3. Now multiply that by many, and you live my reality.)

I agree with these posts and more. Colin's tweets in particular have been bothering me lately, in addition to a few criticisms we discussed in this thread before Trump got elected (remember the simpler PS I Love you days?). But more than anything I'm glad to have him in here and wish we could keep the attacks to a minimum. Hopefully in the future we can discuss KF content, because I'm one of those longtime fans who spend hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket to fly out to IGN for a live Beyond episode and owe a great deal to Greg and Colin for years of entertainment. I don't want to quit listening.

We appreciate your support.

Colin, bud.. Just go play Ori: Definitive Edition if you're a fan of Metroidvanias. Who cares it's on Xbox. Who cares you can't navigate the Xbox One dashboard despite my 9 year old nephew being able to do so with ease. Who cares about all that.

The only thing that matters is that Ori must be played by all fans of Metroidvanias, especially those who think average Metroidvanias like Shadow Complex are amazing. Just. Do. It. ty, ily.

Maybe one day. I played it fairly extensively at a preview event once, but never went back to it.

My backlog is absurd, so it's really a doubtful proposition. But we'll see.

I very much disagree with this. Just because you're born doesn't make societal structure responsible for taking care of you. Bad stuff happens all day everyday and unfortunate things are a part of life. The only thing in the world that arguably owes someone something is a child's parent. Whether or not either actually delivers is one thing, but they should sacrifice themselves trying.

Outside that the government is a made up group who agreed to band together because they had a better chance of surviving if they created a militia to protect the group. Just because is HAS evolved into something that panders to every knee scrape and tummy grumble that happens doesn't mean it was meant to or should.

I agree, but I literally never even said what you were responding to.

This is how shit got out of control, just like in the Greg/PS4 Pro thread, which was two dozen pages of people attacking him for something he didn't even say.

You guys have to understand, that problem in particular seems out of control on NeoGAF. Why don't people care what the actual truth is before they go crazy?

Hey Colin,

Just wanted to say that I appreciate your hard work, passion, insight, and humor on Kinda Funny content. I genuinely do belive that you're a nice guy with good intentions.

Nice job on the Colin Was Right episodes. I love that you're writing and researching again.

You have also come such a long way in front of the camera since IGN. I love watching personal growth like that!

Thank you. <3

Anyways Colin has been getting so much shit lately whether its from the gaming side (not playing or finishing enough games, not venturing outside of the PlayStation ecoystem, not understanding PS4 Pro, etc.) or his politics I feel like there needs to be a kumbaya moment here. Still enjoy him and Greg's discussions on PlayStation though.

The "not finishing enough games" thing was bothering me, because I actually played and beat more games than my co-workers in 2016. But again, facts don't seem to be all that important.

As for not venturing outside of the PlayStation ecosystem, I rarely do. I've never hidden that. And it's unlikely to change.

Hey Colin, since your back(yay) just wanted to let you know that you and Greg have entertained me for many years and have provided me with an infinite amount of content to watch. I thoroughly enjoy your analysis of PlayStation and you're really interesting to listen to. Best regards ;)

Thank you. Glad you've enjoyed my content over the years.

Huh? Colin's back? I'm not sure why, but that just makes me happy.

I'm glad to hear it.
Bob's version is Colin said some really shitty things about people on welfare (shocking!). Bob, someone who grew up with a single mother on welfare, didn't really take kindly to it and has disliked him ever since.

Hmm. Well, that earliest screenshot was a 2013 post, that was on the heels of the 2012 election.

Also (ignore me if you want to, everyone), but if Colin is to continue posting here, maybe the whole PS4 Pro thing should just be dropped. I know that's something that gnaws at a lot of us here (I really don't care either way). It just feels like something that should be in the past after all this time. There's really going to be no point in bringing it up over and over again if he posts anything again. That's the kind of stuff that'll keep people away. I don't think Greg ever posted here again after his own PS4 Pro thread. And it's a shame. Both of them used to be active here. Quite active. I understand if there are other issues you'd like to take up with Colin (or Greg), but at this point, I don't think anyone is going to change their minds about their reactions to the PS4 Pro. Again, feel free to ignore me. I know how frustrated people were with that.


Neo Member
A valid question! More valid as KF has its own community thread.

Admittedly, if not for Colin's conservative roots, he'd probably be far and away one of favorite Internet personalities.

I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher are some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

Like, what core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.

For me, it's not your beliefs, it's how you present them. You come across as ultra dismissive and holier than thou. It's not even in a funny way, more smug. People have been fucked over with the travel ban alone and yet you still rub Mitt Romney in everyones face. You don't have to be so antagonistic.


Neo Member
For me, it's not your beliefs, it's how you present them. You come across as ultra dismissive and holier than thou. It's not even in a funny way, more smug. People have been fucked over with the travel ban alone and yet you still rub Mitt Romney in everyones face. You don't have to be so antagonistic.

So, when I wrote a massive article about the travel ban and how disturbed I was about it, and how I thought it was both unconstitutional and immoral, that doesn't count as me contributing positively to the conversation? I can't talk about Mitt Romney because of the travel ban, even though I emphatically spoke out against it? That's strange to me, in all honesty.

Also, no one I actually know well seems to feel this way about me, and they actually say the opposite, that I'm intellectually curious and like to hear all sides. (This is actually something our girlfriends talk about at length on one of our podcasts, and it was a great honor for me to hear.) I've changed my mind on many issues over the years. All it takes is a convincing argument.

And yes, I love Mitt Romney.


So, when I wrote a massive article about the travel ban and how disturbed I was about it, and how I thought it was both unconstitutional and immoral, that doesn't count as me contributing positively to the conversation? I can't talk about Mitt Romney because of the travel ban, even though I emphatically spoke out against it? That's strange to me, in all honesty.

Also, no one I actually know well seems to feel this way about me, and they actually say the opposite, that I'm intellectually curious and like to hear all sides. (This is actually something our girlfriends talk about at length on one of our podcasts, and it was a great honor for me to hear.) I've changed my mind on many issues over the years. All it takes is a convincing argument.

And yes, I love Mitt Romney.
Twitter snark is a "dangerous" thing. Deprived of context & shallow, easily shareable. If that is the only facette of your public persona I would encounter, I probably wouldn't like you as much as I actually do, either. (And when I say "don't like you'" I mean specifically in regards to your public persona)


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.
The most succinct way that I can put this:

I do not believe that you have a morally tenable view of how the world's societies should function. I feel like your heart is fundamentally in the right place, but the policies you seem to support make me think that you aren't committed to building a more fair and just world.
So, when I wrote a massive article about the travel ban and how disturbed I was about it, and how I thought it was both unconstitutional and immoral, that doesn't count as me contributing positively to the conversation? I can't talk about Mitt Romney because of the travel ban, even though I emphatically spoke out against it? That's strange to me, in all honesty.

Also, no one I actually know well seems to feel this way about me, and they actually say the opposite, that I'm intellectually curious and like to hear all sides. (This is actually something our girlfriends talk about at length on one of our podcasts, and it was a great honor for me to hear.) I've changed my mind on many issues over the years. All it takes is a convincing argument.

And yes, I love Mitt Romney.

I'm glad to see you back. Please convince Greg to return, too! Also, condolences on the loss (I was really pulling for ATL!), although, I guess Erin is happy, so I guess you have a nice silver-lining there, huh? Some here in Baltimore have their own silver-lining, in that Joe Flacco is still the only 2008 1st Round QB to have a SB Ring. But that was 2012 (2013 SB), quite a while ago, and Matt Ryan is the 2016 NFL MVP (and maybe would've been SB MVP had ATL won).


I like both Bob Servo and Colin Moriarty so I'm pretty bummed out by that hostility between them. They're both fans of retro games and have that in common. I'm sure they could have a great conversation about Mega Man. It's a shame that politics and social media can get people riled up like that. Social media can also give the impression that they're taking it more seriously than they actually are to be fair.


I like both Bob Servo and Colin Moriarty so I'm pretty bummed out by that hostility between them. They're both fans of retro games and have that in common. I'm sure they could have a great conversation about Mega Man. It's a shame that politics and social media can get people riled up like that. Social media can also give the impression that they're taking it more seriously than they actually are to be fair.

I really want to see that debate Colin brought up lol....no joke.


I'm interested in the inevitable deeper dive into Ni-Oh from you Colin. Like you I didn't into the Souls games because I found them kind of slow and awkward to play but got super into Bloodborne (platinumed!). Seems like Ni-Oh's combat is enough of its own beast for me to pay attention to it.


Neo Member
The most succinct way that I can put this:

I do not believe that you have a morally tenable view of how the world's societies should function. I feel like your heart is fundamentally in the right place, but the policies you seem to support make me think that you aren't committed to building a more fair and just world.

I'd argue that my stance is the quickest way to build a fair and just world for the greatest number of people.

I'm interested in the inevitable deeper dive into Ni-Oh from you Colin. Like you I didn't into the Souls games because I found them kind of slow and awkward to play but got super into Bloodborne (platinumed!). Seems like Ni-Oh's combat is enough of its own beast for me to pay attention to it.

I have so much shit to play right now that it's unlikely I'm going to get all the way through it. That said, I really do think folks are going to love it. It feels so, so, so much better than Dark Souls.

It just happens to be way harder than Dark Souls, too.


I'd argue that my stance is the quickest way to build a fair and just world for the greatest number of people.
I'd like to talk through this, but I know you're usually too busy for protracted discussions with KF listeners. If I PM you my email, would you be willing to have a more substantive discussion?
So, when I wrote a massive article about the travel ban and how disturbed I was about it, and how I thought it was both unconstitutional and immoral, that doesn't count as me contributing positively to the conversation? I can't talk about Mitt Romney because of the travel ban, even though I emphatically spoke out against it? That's strange to me, in all honesty.

Also, no one I actually know well seems to feel this way about me, and they actually say the opposite, that I'm intellectually curious and like to hear all sides. (This is actually something our girlfriends talk about at length on one of our podcasts, and it was a great honor for me to hear.) I've changed my mind on many issues over the years. All it takes is a convincing argument.

And yes, I love Mitt Romney.

Just because one guy is terrible doesn't make another guy with 80% of the same policy great.

You're essentially saying to millions of women and people of color, let alone poor white people, "hey, since you didn't vote for the guy who would've been only terrible for you, your interests, and rights, Republicans just had to vote for this terrible human being who at best is a bumbling idiot because Hillary Clinton had some issues with email security and ya' know, she said not nice things about video games, and dared to take the same amount of money per speech from Goldman Sachs that such corrupt people as Larry the Cable Guy have taken for speeches."

But, no, I'll gladly take Donald Trump's next four years over Mitt Romney in 2012? Ya' know why, because the years from 2012 to 2016, the economic growth we had in those years would've been painted as a result of Romney's giant tax hikes, giveaways to corporations, and cuts in social spending.

Instead, the next four years will show just how far the Republican Party and men like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, et al will go if it means that rich people get lower taxes, corporation will get regulations slashes, and welfare spending gets cut or "block granted" to states so it can get cut by those states instead.
I'd argue that my stance is the quickest way to build a fair and just world for the greatest number of people.

I have so much shit to play right now that it's unlikely I'm going to get all the way through it. That said, I really do think folks are going to love it. It feels so, so, so much better than Dark Souls.

It just happens to be way harder than Dark Souls, too.

I know there might not be time for this (for everyone involved), but with Kinda Funny's friendship with Hunter Pence, it would feel like a missed opportunity if KFG does not do a MLB The Show 17 Let's Play with him. Unfortunately I know none of you are sports gamers, except maybe when it comes to Madden.


The "not finishing enough games" thing was bothering me, because I actually played and beat more games than my co-workers in 2016. But again, facts don't seem to be all that important.

As for not venturing outside of the PlayStation ecosystem, I rarely do. I've never hidden that. And it's unlikely to change.

First, thanks for coming back into the thick of it and answering questions. Takes real courage even though it's "just the internet" and you've earned a lot of respect from me today.

Second, I've always credited you for at least trying games, even if you don't finish them. There's a lot out there so giving something a chance at least is all I can realistically ask for from any gaming commentator. If I want to watch someone mercilessly beat a game into oblivion there's always The Completionist or someone else. I don't want my gaming commentators to have to do everything. There's loads of variety out there. Do what you do best.

And third, I'm one of those people who really wished you would venture outside of PlayStation just because I would love your take on other games. Like Ori and the Blind Forest as someone else mentioned because I enjoy your takes on games. For some reason I feel there's a hidden PC gamer inside of you haha


Colin, since you're on here listening, I suggested and would love to hear either a KF or GoG episode diving into how you all actually started KF, what each of your roles are and how you all function behind the scenes.

Who does taxes, schedules, payroll and how you balance getting sponsorships and press invites with your unbiased opinions.

I run a small company myself of 10-14 people at any given time and it's not easy but I use video games to decompress, but it's your all's actual job. I think a lot of people would enjoy hearing a candid convo on how the company runs.


It feels so, so, so much better than Dark Souls.
Mmmmmm that's what I needed to hear. Thanks for the impressions.

Another game to play in addition to Yakuza... Tales... Resident Evil...

Sometimes I'm grateful that my girlfriend travels internationally for work. Gives me time to catch up on games and podcasts.


So, when I wrote a massive article about the travel ban and how disturbed I was about it, and how I thought it was both unconstitutional and immoral, that doesn't count as me contributing positively to the conversation? I can't talk about Mitt Romney because of the travel ban, even though I emphatically spoke out against it? That's strange to me, in all honesty.

Also, no one I actually know well seems to feel this way about me, and they actually say the opposite, that I'm intellectually curious and like to hear all sides. (This is actually something our girlfriends talk about at length on one of our podcasts, and it was a great honor for me to hear.) I've changed my mind on many issues over the years. All it takes is a convincing argument.

And yes, I love Mitt Romney.

Of course it counts, but your tweets are more prolific than your Facebook posts (or the ones you post on Twitter as I don't use Facebook). That helps to colour in the picture that I see of you, which is unfortunately starting to overshadow the picture I had from your content, which is wholly positive. You may be everything and anything to those you know and love, I don't dispute that at all. But that is not the side of you that you present when you tweet those kinds of things.

You can love Mitt Romney all you want, but don't tweet smug memes about him with a 'Colin was right! Told you so!' attitude while your country is falling to shit around you, affecting real people's lives in real ways that you can only imagine from your cushy position in life. It's at the very least extremely tactless and (to use some of your phrases) tone deaf and devoid of all nuance.


Mmmmmm that's what I needed to hear. Thanks for the impressions.

Another game to play in addition to Yakuza... Tales... Resident Evil...

Sometimes I'm grateful that my girlfriend travels internationally for work. Gives me time to catch up on games and podcasts.

2017 GOTY voting is going to be a bloodbath...we're not even to March yet lol....
Cool. Our shows aren't for everyone. Our audience continues to grow as some people leave and others come on board. That said, you're welcome back any time.

Thank you for replying. I will come back eventually to consume the content you make, sadly I felt PS I Love You and the Gamescast was getting too repetitive so I stopped listening. I do enjoy your work during E3 and PSX when we get you guys reaction straight away.

PS: Thought your Colin was Right about Nintendo Switch was amazing btw!


Nice to see Colin stop by again &#8211; keep up the great work with CWR, seems to be off to a strong start!

Colin, bud.. Just go play Ori: Definitive Edition if you're a fan of Metroidvanias. Who cares it's on Xbox. Who cares you can't navigate the Xbox One dashboard despite my 9 year old nephew being able to do so with ease. Who cares about all that.

The only thing that matters is that Ori must be played by all fans of Metroidvanias, especially those who think average Metroidvanias like Shadow Complex are amazing. Just. Do. It. ty, ily.

Also, THIS!
I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

I watched the opening interview of this week's episode of Bill Maher. What an amazing conversation. I honestly wish my more conservative family would give his show a shot if it's consistently like this.

Also (ignore me if you want to, everyone), but if Colin is to continue posting here, maybe the whole PS4 Pro thing should just be dropped. I know that's something that gnaws at a lot of us here (I really don't care either way). It just feels like something that should be in the past after all this time. There's really going to be no point in bringing it up over and over again if he posts anything again. That's the kind of stuff that'll keep people away. I don't think Greg ever posted here again after his own PS4 Pro thread. And it's a shame. Both of them used to be active here. Quite active. I understand if there are other issues you'd like to take up with Colin (or Greg), but at this point, I don't think anyone is going to change their minds about their reactions to the PS4 Pro. Again, feel free to ignore me. I know how frustrated people were with that.

Since it was mostly ignored, I'll just say I agree.

Of course it counts, but your tweets are more prolific than your Facebook posts (or the ones you post on Twitter as I don't use Facebook). That helps to colour in the picture that I see of you, which is unfortunately starting to overshadow the picture I had from your content, which is wholly positive. You may be everything and anything to those you know and love, I don't dispute that at all. But that is not the side of you that you present when you tweet those kinds of things.

You can love Mitt Romney all you want, but don't tweet smug memes about him with a 'Colin was right! Told you so!' attitude while your country is falling to shit around you, affecting real people's lives in real ways that you can only imagine from your cushy position in life. It's at the very least extremely tactless and (to use some of your phrases) tone deaf and devoid of all nuance.

I also mostly agree with this.
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