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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Neo Member
So the thing between Bob Servo and Colin is getting worse and worse, with stuff like
this and more: https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828677306675666944 and https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828673060647563269

I tried following Bob awhile ago because I'm a fan of Retronauts but his Twitter account was unbelievably negative. I canceled my Patreon sub after he attacked Colin last night without provocation. He's trying to spin it as though he's fighting some campaign for justice or something. Just seemed petty to me, like he was itching for a fight.


I tried following Bob awhile ago because I'm a fan of Retronauts but his Twitter account was unbelievably negative. I canceled my Patreon sub after he attacked Colin last night without provocation. He's trying to spin it as though he's fighting some campaign for justice or something. Just seemed petty to me, like he was itching for a fight.

Seriously, is twitter good for anyone these days?



First of all, welcome back. I know it seems hostile here, but it's hostile for everyone. Just imagine being a fan of No Man's Sky, Street Fighter V or Star Wars Battlefront and posting here. Or worse yet—and I don't have to experience this, but witness it all around me— being an Xbox One fan. It's brutal. Just practice doing this: roll eyes, scroll down, repeat.

Second of all, and this is to the posters here, not Colin, but this thread is about PSILY, not Colin's Twitter feed. If you have an issue with his Tweets, Tweet him. You don't have to bring that garbage into this thread. I get enough political arguments on Facebook, Twitter, G+ and every single other social media site out there. This thread is about their show and if they don't discuss politics on that show, then WHY DISCUSS IT HERE?!!??!m

Because what a person says and how they present themselves publicly can affect the way you consume and feel about their creative content. That's why it's being brought up.


So the thing between Bob Servo and Colin is getting worse and worse, with stuff like
this and more: https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828677306675666944 and https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828673060647563269

Just updating the situation for everyone ITT whose curious, as there was quite a bit of discussion over it here recently.

Ps: I'm on mobile, so I cant paste links very well at the moment

Will continue listening to Talking Simpsons but any notion of supporting the Patreon is a no go now, come on Bob...
I'd argue that my stance is the quickest way to build a fair and just world for the greatest number of people.

I have so much shit to play right now that it's unlikely I'm going to get all the way through it. That said, I really do think folks are going to love it. It feels so, so, so much better than Dark Souls.

It just happens to be way harder than Dark Souls, too.

Souls has top tier mechanics, level design and combat, Nioh does as well, but to sat it is far, far better then souls? No, then again you have a blatant bias against souls and said some false things about it before (Like it being unfair). Souls feels and plays sublime. There is a reason it is the standard bearer in gaming for melee combat.

On an unrelated note, why anyone even bothers to go to twitter and get into arguments, an adult no less, puzzles me, people with any sense should know better, it's embarassing.


Which part of that Steve Bannon crap was out of context? Or that I'm sorry you were bullied into disagreeing with me Rami crap? Or all the you should have voted for Romney crap? Or telling people to stop being melodramatic right after the election, when hey, surprise surprise, two weeks into the presidency minorities have begun to eat a bunch of shit. The sun will come out tomorrow, right?

Okay well,

People were insinuating that by calling someone smart means that you're automatically agreeing with ideas/actions that they say/do. That's being really dishonest. I know we live in an age where if people disagree with one another it's a default to say the other party is stupid/don't know what they're talking about, but intellect has nothing to do with that.

Looking back into history there have been numerous leaders that were extremely intelligent yet were terrible people. People assume that being intelligent is a redeeming quality, it's not.
So the thing between Bob Servo and Colin is getting worse and worse, with stuff like
this and more: https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828677306675666944 and https://twitter.com/notaxation/status/828673060647563269

Just updating the situation for everyone ITT whose curious, as there was quite a bit of discussion over it here recently.

Ps: I'm on mobile, so I cant paste links very well at the moment

I really am trying to find two sides to this, but I just can't sympathize with the fact calling out someone personally, ripping into him, trashing him, then trying to play the victim card. I really can't. Especially when you've been doing it for years and then expect no blow back.
People were insinuating that by calling someone smart means that you're automatically agreeing with ideas/actions that they say/do. That's being really dishonest. I know we live in an age where if people disagree with one another it's a default to say the other party is stupid/don't know what they're talking about, but intellect has nothing to do with that.

Looking back into history there have been numerous leaders that were extremely intelligent yet were terrible people. People assume that being intelligent is a redeeming quality, it's not.
No, what's being dishonest is playing dumb when shown Breitbart articles and going "but did he write them though"


Pretty interesting episode. I can't wait for Horizon, here's hoping that it scratches that open-world itch. I just got done with FFXV and that helped get me excited for other open-world games.

Edit: Holy hell, what have I missed?


Colin, you should give MGSV another chance. I know you said you loved the opener, but you should definitely play more of it and experience an episode in Chapter 2 which will BLOW YOU THE FUCK AWAY! Trust me.


No, what's being dishonest is playing dumb when shown Breitbart articles and going "but did he write them though"

What? Was he being shown articles written by Bannon and asking if they were written by Bannon? Or just general articles.

I dipped from that thread after his first tweet because the hyperbole was turned to 11 at that point.


Neo Member
Colin, since you're on here listening, I suggested and would love to hear either a KF or GoG episode diving into how you all actually started KF, what each of your roles are and how you all function behind the scenes.

Who does taxes, schedules, payroll and how you balance getting sponsorships and press invites with your unbiased opinions.

I run a small company myself of 10-14 people at any given time and it's not easy but I use video games to decompress, but it's your all's actual job. I think a lot of people would enjoy hearing a candid convo on how the company runs.

That's actually a really good idea, but I'm not sure how down the guys will be, as we are privately-held.

Still, it's food for thought, and I'd love to talk about the behind-the-scenes shit more, as I don't think people quite understand how much work we actually do. For five full time people, the amount of content we make is actually pretty bonkers, without even worrying about the 95% of the time we aren't in front of a microphone.

Thank you for replying. I will come back eventually to consume the content you make, sadly I felt PS I Love You and the Gamescast was getting too repetitive so I stopped listening. I do enjoy your work during E3 and PSX when we get you guys reaction straight away.

PS: Thought your Colin was Right about Nintendo Switch was amazing btw!


I understand the repetitive problem, by the way. We're trying to fix that. Just understand that PSILY is massive, and doesn't necessarily have the crossover with Gamescast, so most of that information is new to most folks who listen to either.

Colin, huge fan. You guys are getting me through a dark time where I'm physically limited to almost no gaming. I will continue to support the great content you create. However,

I am a Jets fan essentially looking to fight anyone right now, you hack.


Nice to see Colin stop by again – keep up the great work with CWR, seems to be off to a strong start!

Thank you!

Just so you know you have fans on both sides... I'm a longtime (liberal) listener and I always look forward to you talking politics. A lot of the time I agree with you, but when I don't I find it eye opening to hear the other side from someone who's so well read. Most of my life republican views seemed so short sighted, uninformed and illogical, I'm sure growing up surrounded by liberals didn't help me see reasonable right wing opinions as often. I never feel that was about your views.

Listening to you over the years has helped me read into politics a more and realize I'm a bit more center-left then I thought. Thank you for that. Keep it up!

Thanks. My honest take, looking critically at myself, is that I'm brash and outspoken, but I tend to know what I'm talking about, even if you don't agree. I know and understand politics. That's not organic. I work at it, every day. I read constantly. I live that life.

So I'm glad that it's being received well by some folks.

If you think GAF collectively turned on you, then maybe take some of that to heart. Have some self reflection and try to see what you might be putting out there to rub people the wrong way. No one wants to think that they are the asshole so to speak(not saying you are though). Take this as you will, but I'm sure our new president doesn't think he has a huge ego or is obnoxious. He just surrounds himself with people that validate his opinions and stroke his ego while shutting out everyone who oppose his way of thinking.

Sorry, but I'm not going to be taking my moral compass from NeoGAF. If you think that I need to read what's been said about me to understand, I suggest you do the same. Many of these threads are the definition of unhinged, and NeoGAF is well, well, well outside of the political mainstream with its viewpoints.

Big fan since 2010 beyond days, I listened to all the ign podcasts daily when working at a batting cage. You, Greg and Clements totally got me through that job and some depression I was dealing with for many years after. I'm forever thankful for all your work and I wish you the best in your endevors.

I'm glad to hear we could be there for you.

I deal with pretty acute and persistent depression, myself, and it is very difficult.

Kudos for Colin to seemingly reengage again I hope this leads to just improvement across the board. On one side people having less reasons to drift negative in discussions and the other side Colin making less remarks on shows that just lack any kind of empathy that just unnecessarily stir people up to hammer points home or are played for "laughs". I mean Colin just seems the type of person that is smart enough to not have to rely on that to get his points across, but at the same time I don't want to be all "change!" if that's so integral to his personality. In that case I guess like he said their stuff is just not for me anymore which is a shame cause I appreciate a lot of what they do.

I am an empathetic person. I'm sorry that doesn't always come off, but that won't stop me from speaking my mind.

If you think the government is too big, but support helping those in need of it, then where's the line that you draw of helping people and people being self-sustaining? In other words, in your ideal, where would you trim the fat and redistribute the spending?

I fundamentally disagree that the government should be in any permanent "social" businesses, like Medicare and Social Security. That said, they exist, people have paid into them for decades, and it would be unfair to just get rid of them at this point. Hell, we're slowly nearing Social Security's 100th anniversary.

My take on government's involvement is this: help people when they really need it, for a limited time, and get something in return for it, when possible. For instance, work-for-welfare. Go plant trees or clean up the local park or something. But nothing should be permanent. I actually have a pretty detailed "idea" of what I'd want ALL of this to look like, but this isn't the place for it.

As for those permanently fucked in some way, we of course should make sure they are taken care of (e.g. the disabled).

The fact that we have a sixth of our population on food stamps is embarrassing. People flout that number like it's something to be proud of. I've personally seen people using food stamps at Safeway as they're typing away on their iPhone 7. There's nothing wrong with that picture?

We have to fix this entire social safetynet system, ASAP. Medicare's age should be raised, Social Security's age should be raised and be means-tested, et al.

Don't get me wrong, I completely understand all of that, especially your third point. As someone from a conservative background, you were obviously outspoken against Trump. Regardless of all of this, like you said, tweets taken out of context, or posted on Twitter will get you flak on GAF unfortunately, but trust me, this happens all the time, even with popular celebrities or game developers. Just look at people in the CWR thread ripping into Neil Druckmann just because he agreed with your sentiments in the latest CWR episode, yet people assumed the worst. Same thing with other popular posters, like Angry Joe or Jim Sterling, even if they have GAF accounts, people rip into them like any other person on the internet. It just happens they have more 'leverage' to work with as they're more popular and have more things on record, which can be misconstructed/misunderstood.

FWIW, there are many devs and publishers who love what I'm doing, including some who completely agree with me politically. Very big names and small names alike. They reach out to me privately, because they're afraid to let their voices be heard publicly, as, well, look at what happens to people like me.

So when folks run around and think that support is limited, I smile, because I know full well it isn't. I'm just not going to "out" anyone for being conservative-leaning or for free speech.

Holy shit. The "ps4 pro" arc of this novel is finally over.


It's over.

All I know is Colin turned me on to Harpoon at the Hitman PAX East after party and I will forever be thankful for that.

Keep up the great work, Colin. <3

That's what's up.

I stopped listening to your content because I don't need to support someone who supports a party that actively tries to stop me from having civil rights. Personally that is a problem for me. Your tweets on the subject have made you seem tone deaf and even if your content is about gaming and not about politics, I want to listen to people that I have a connection with. Thankfully there are options like EZA where I do feel like I connect with the podcasters. I want to listen to people who I feel like I want to be around, like a friend.

If you're wondering why GAF has turned on you maybe understand that you come off as very abrasive, and the superiority complex joke of "Colin was Right" doesn't feel so much like a joke.

If other people's politics put you off, and you can only deal with people who agree with you lockstep, that's your prerogative. Your world must be small.

As for CWR, would it surprise you to learn that that wasn't my title idea, nor what I would have named it? Still, I like it.

No, it's really not just about that though. When you post a tweet to the effect of "you demonized Mitt Romney so and so years ago", the idea that it was Trump who made you leave the party becomes hilarious.

That says a lot. It's not as if the Republican party just turned into the party of minority haters and racist dirtbags with the election of Trump. They've been like that for a long time. So acting like your leaving that party cause Trump is now president while idolizing the dude with a binder full of women whose practically like every other Republican on minority, women and other issues?

That is incredibly telling. Don't talk politics if you don't want to get exposed.

I actually symbolically "left" the party and wrote my huge missive about it long before the primary was over, and before Trump officially won the nomination.

It doesn't matter how socially liberal you are if you are blind to privilege.

I acknowledge some inherent privileges. I deny that I have many others, however. I don't walk around with this endemic guilt because I was born a white man. I also would contend that you know literally nothing about how I was brought up, in what conditions, or what I had to go through to get where I am. All I can tell you is that I am the definition of "rising from the bottom" in this industry, from a GameFAQs writer to a freelancer to an intern to an associate editor to an editor to a senior editor to the co-owner of a thriving, growing business. That doesn't happen by accident, or because I'm a white male. It happened because I've worked hard my entire fucking life.

I treat everyone with respect based on merit and character. I don't hold bigoted views. I don't talk down to or think differently of people due to anything outside of their control. I actively preach tolerance, show vocal support for gay and transgender causes, and have made entire videos with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of viewers watching talking about racial injustice, gay marriage, and much more.

I am not responsible for the plights that scar the world. Sorry.

I really am trying to find two sides to this, but I just can't sympathize with the fact calling out someone personally, ripping into him, trashing him, then trying to play the victim card. I really can't. Especially when you've been doing it for years and then expect no blow back.

Dude showed his true colors. Shrinking to nothingness when you're called out for years of unwarranted abuse says it all, no?

No, what's being dishonest is playing dumb when shown Breitbart articles and going "but did he write them though"

Unlike I'm assuming everyone who has a problem with this, I worked at a major publication, and have had hundreds of things published. There were articles my bosses absolutely disagreed with. More than one. But they published them.

I don't condone Bannon's demeanor or stances, and I don't read Brietbart, so I can't really speak to it. What I can say is that, if his publication worked like many others in this world, he doesn't necessarily condone or agree with what's written. I'm not saying he does or doesn't. I'm just saying that, from my personal experience, there are categorically things on IGN I wrote that were published even though the powers that be didn't agree with what was written, because that's how it works.


People were insinuating that by calling someone smart means that you're automatically agreeing with ideas/actions that they say/do. That's being really dishonest. I know we live in an age where if people disagree with one another it's a default to say the other party is stupid/don't know what they're talking about, but intellect has nothing to do with that.

Looking back into history there have been numerous leaders that were extremely intelligent yet were terrible people. People assume that being intelligent is a redeeming quality, it's not.
What I don't understand is the purpose of going on Twitter and praising Steve Bannon's intelligence
There is a ravine of a difference between the type of stuff Bannon let through, and the type of stuff your boss let through though Colin.

Glad you're engaging again, by the way.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Colin, if you are still on the thread, can I ask if your stance on the Pro has softened/changed in any way?

Nowadays it seems the people that bought one are happy with it, the support has been fairly good, it's seems to be selling reasonably well and it hasn't fractured the userbase or resulted in poor base PS4 games (just look at Horizon on base PS4).
I really appreciate your views, Colin. I consume a bunch of podcasts and some of my favorites, /Filmcast for example, are completely dismissive of other people's views completely.

In fact as someone who just likes art in general and likes to talk about it and consume it I find it really discouraging sometimes that I cannot venture into any kind of discussion nowadays without my conservative or republican viewpoints being completely misinterpreted and stretched to the point where I don't even feel comfortable consuming whatever piece of media that is anymore.
Colin, if you are still on the thread, can I ask if your stance on the Pro has softened/changed in any way?

Nowadays it seems the people that bought one are happy with it, the support has been fairly good, it's seems to be selling reasonably well and it hasn't fractured the userbase or resulted in poor base PS4 games (just look at Horizon on base PS4).

Yea it seems like people with the right TV sets are happy with their purchase. I can't even imagine how good stuff like Spider-Man and TLOU 2 will look.


Unconfirmed Member
I am an empathetic person. I'm sorry that doesn't always come off, but that won't stop me from speaking my mind.
I mean I don't doubt it given how many people that have met you personally do echo that sentiment it I just wish you could tap into that more during the shows(cause on the other side I feel like there are also maybe a good number of people that only know you from your shows that echo the opposite) cause when you do I think the content you do can be/is incredibly insightful especially because you often represent an opinion that does challenge people in a good way I think.

I didn't reach the place where I felt burned because of one remark(by themselves they all come of as harmless although I think some are just unnecessarily mean spirited) you made it's more over the years they all kind of added up + current events make it extra hard to gloss over.

Also like I said I don't feel like you speaking your mind has to be at odds with easing of a little bit on that.
But I might be wrong, I hope I'm not. Given that like I said I kind of like the content you guys do.

In any case best wishes. I truly respect that you at least seem to try and it sucks seeing some of the responses to that attempt in here despite that but I also think I've read some reasonable stuff in here. :-x

Edit: To everyone in the thread that seems to be out for blood I just want to say let's all remind ourselves that not being able to talk to each other in person always makes things harder so before attacking maybe let's not assume the worst of each other.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Yea it seems like people with the right TV sets are happy with their purchase. I can't even imagine how good stuff like Spider-Man and TLOU 2 will look.

I have a 4K TV, so I can't speak for 1080p users, but it seems as if they are fairly happy with it as well from the various Pro threads on GAF. Also the difference for PSVR is night and day.

I firmly believe TLOU 2 will be a PS5 launch title, as well as being the PS4's swan song. And yes, Spiderman will look insane on the Pro.


I find this so weird, and, without trying to be disrespectful, I find it super closed-minded, too.

First of all, my mother and both of my sisters are about as liberal as they get. That aside, most of my closest friends are also liberal. My girlfriend is liberal. My co-workers are universally liberal.

I watch Rachel Maddow, John Oliver, and Bill Maher. They're some of my favorite talking heads.

Like, I just don't get the political hangup. It's so strange to me.

What core belief do I have that's SO OFFENSIVE to you? I'm curious. Honest question.

Hey Colin, big fan of yours, but also a very critical one when it comes to politics.

My three major bones to pick with you, what I'd love to discuss at length if I ever had the chance to hypothetically talk to you at length over beers, are these:

1. Your false equivalence narrative lately of the left and right being "equally" bad. Essentially a fallacious argument to moderation.

It's simply not true. The unprecedented obstruction Obama received was unlike anything we had seen since right before the civil war, or perhaps the famous "do-nothing" congress of the mid-20th century. For instance, the same people saying Democrats must not "obstruct" Gorsuch would not even hold a damn hearing for Merrick Garland, a man Orrin Hatch specifically cited as an example of a nominee Obama could choose to not be divisive. Democrats probably won't even end up filibustering Gorsuch, but WE are the problem? Come on. That's just one example, if you'd like, I will find more. In most cases, I think you will find that the Republican party is the one constantly pushing the envelope of polarization.

Yes, the left has its problems (fuck the regressive left) but overall the unprecedented polarization began in the 90s with Gingrich and Limbaugh, continued through the unprecedented obstruction and birtherism of the Obama era GOP (even though Obama embraced their own policy ideas very often), and has culminated in Trump. Liberals are sometimes too PC, sure. But Conservatives made a loud and proud xenophobe President, the same guy who started his political career by insisting Obama wasn't even American.

Those arent equivalent and it is bullshit to "blame both sides". The right is blatantly more to blame, it is intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise. This extends to the ideas they embrace that cross the line. To be clear - I think you can be a pro-life Democrat, or a pro-gay Republican, etc. (oh and btw, Don't Ask Don't Tell was a step forward at the time, you are rewriting history a bit on that)

But some things though should be dealbreakers for EVERYONE, like violent protest or xenophobia. The difference is the most recent representatives nationally of Democrats - Obama and HRC - did not ever endorse violent protest. Trump basically DOES endorse xenophobia.

We have our shitty elements but marginalize them. Republicans, lately, empower their worst tendencies.

2. Good people voted for Trump

So fucking what? Good people probably voted for Hitler.

Not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe. Maybe not even most. But EVERYONE who voted for Trump decided his well documented racism, sexism, and xenophobia was not a deal breaker for them, and that makes them enablers.

I'm not saying you can't be friends with them (my brother voted for Trump), but their political opinions are discredited to me, and I don't understand why you insist it is more on liberals to reach out and find common ground with these people.

3. On the left "Demonizing" Romney

This is probably the least important of your points but simultaneously the most infuriating. Obama for years was literally ACCUSED OF NOT BEING AMERICAN (and then Republicans made one of the ringleaders of that President). You think Romney had it hard from the left for Bain Capital? You say we called him Hitler, I don't think very many people actually did that, mostly I remember him being called an insensitive corporate vulture.

Still, Obama was by far the most demonized of the two, it isn't even close. Socialist, anti-American, marxist, blah blah blah. Hell, if Obama had said what Trump said yesterday equating Russia with the US, could you imagine FOX right now? lol

Romney promised to get unemployment under 6% if he won by the end of his first term. Obama did that in less than two years, and now Trump is cheering Obama's economy, taking credit for what he used to call phony. Obama left Office at nearly 60% approval. I'm still glad Obama was reelected.

Maybe if the Republican base wasnt so willing to embrace its worst elements, Romney wouldnt have needed to go so far right to get nominated and Trump wouldnt have happened. If the point is that the left was too mean to Mitt, well, the GOP base helped put the guy who said Obama isnt American in the White House. It's insane to make Mitt the victim after what Obama was put through and the unprecedented insults he endured with grace.

Blame the Republican base for once, quit pointing fingers at mostly the left here. Yes, we can do better too, but for the most part we are just the idiots constantly bring knives to gun fights, that is our biggest problem.


ps. - Last time you were on Gaf I feel you were a bit unfair. A lot of people gave you well-reasoned replies, but you then cherry-picked the assholes and used them to justify bailing out on the convo entirely. You have a lot of fans here, including me haha, we hope you stay and just ignore the haters. I understand too that that is probably easier said than done.
That's actually a really good idea, but I'm not sure how down the guys will be, as we are privately-held.

Still, it's food for thought, and I'd love to talk about the behind-the-scenes shit more, as I don't think people quite understand how much work we actually do. For five full time people, the amount of content we make is actually pretty bonkers, without even worrying about the 95% of the time we aren't in front of a microphone.

Speaking of Kinda Funny, when you guys did the pre-studio tour of the studio space, Greg and Nick showed an area by the fireplace (I think it was a fireplace), where you would do some Let's Plays while sitting on a couch. Now, I understand the studio is so versatile that you are able to do practically all the content there, I just think there's something to be said about having a more relaxed/laid-back set-up with a couch as well. Is that no longer part of the plan? I loved those early group Let's Plays you used to do in your living room. There was just something laid-back about those. You guys just seemed to have so much fun (especially during your Juke Mania videos).
The PRO is awesome, didn't fracture the player base (That was always a silly complaint), is an option for those who want better visuals and performance while maintaining the entire library. There is nothing negative about the pro. Anyone who had an issue with it was being overly dramatic. Nothing colin said would happen did with PRo, and it is still mainly sold out.


Hey Colin, big fan of yours, but also a very critical one when it comes to politics.

My three major bones to pick with you, what I'd love to discuss at length if I ever had the chance to hypothetically talk to you at length over beers, is this:

1. Your false equivalence narrative lately of the left and right being "equally" bad. Essentially a fallacious argument to moderation.

It's simply not true. The unprecedented obstruction Obama received was unlike anything we had seen since right before the civil war, or perhaps the famous "do-nothing" congress of the mid-20th century. For instance, the same people saying Democrats must not "obstruct" Gorsuch would not even hold a damn hearing for Merrick Garland, a man Orrin Hatch specifically cited as an example of a nominee Obama could choose to not be divisive.

Yes, the left has its problems (fuck the regressive left) but overall the unprecedented polarization began in the 90s with Gingrich and Limbaugh, continued through the unprecedented obstruction and birtherism of the Obama era GOP (even though Obama embraced their own policy ideas), and has culminated in Trump. Liberals are sometimes too PC, sure. But Conservatives made a loud and proud xenophobe President, the same guy who started his political career by insisting Obama wasn't even American.

Those arent equivalent and it is bullshit to "blame both sides". The right is blatantly more to blame, it is intellectually dishonest to pretend otherwise. I think you can be a pro-life Democrat, or a pro-gay Republican, etc. (oh and btw, Don't Ask Don't Tell was a step forward at the time, you are rewriting history)

But some things though should be dealbreakers for EVERYONE, like violent protest or xenophobia. The difference is the most recent representatives nationally of Democrats - Obama and HRC - did not ever endorse violent protest. Trump basically DOES endorse xenophobia.

We have our shitty elements but marginalize them. Republicans lately empower their worst tendencies.

2. Good people voted for Trump

So fucking what? Good people probably voted for Hitler.

Not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe. Maybe not even most. But EVERYONE who voted for Trump decided his well documented racism, sexism, and xenophobia was not a deal breaker for them, and that makes them enablers.

I'm not saying you can't be friends with them (my brother voted for Trump), but their political opinions are discredited to me, and I don't understand why you insist it is more on liberals to reach out and find common ground with these people.

3. On the left "Demonizing" Romney

This is probably the least important of your points but simultaneously the most infuriating. Obama for years was literally ACCUSED OF NOT BEING AMERICAN (and then Republicans made one of the ringleaders of that President). You think Romney had it hard from the left for Bain Capital? You say we called him Hitler, I don't think very many people actually did that, mostly I remember him being called an insensitive corporate vulture.

Still, Obama was by far the most demonized of the two, it isn't even close. Socialist, anti-American, marxist, blah blah blah. Hell, if Obama had said what Trump said yesterday equating Russia with the US, could you imagine FOX right now? lol

Romney promised to get unemployment under 6% if he won by the end of his first term. Obama did that in less than two years, and now Trump is cheering Obama's economy, taking credit for what he used to call phony. Obama left Office at nearly 60% approval. I'm still glad Obama was reelected.

Maybe if the Republican base wasnt so willing to embrace its worst elements, Romney wouldnt have needed to go so far right to get nominated and Trump wouldnt have happened. If the point is that the left was too mean to Mitt, well, the GOP base helped put the guy who said Obama isnt American in the White House. It's insane to make Mitt the victim after what Obama was put through and the unprecedented insults he endured with grace.

Blame the Republican base for once, quit pointing fingers at mostly the left when it is not our fault.


I tried to get a little in depth with Colin on politics last night. He bailed. Good on you for trying but I wouldn't expect a response.
This is ridiculous. If you are relying on a gaming personality to get your political insight, information, persuasion, etc. you are doing it wrong. Likewise, if you are offended, feel slighted, or angered by a gaming personality's political stance, you are doing it wrong.

If someone's opinions actually bothers you that much, don't follow them. Don't look at their twitter accounts, stop retweeting or commenting. It's pretty simple. I enjoy listening to PSILY podcast, but it doesn't mean I agree with everything they say.

I personally disagree with a lot (most) of the things Colin says or believes in politically. However, I'm not going to let that ruin my day or my experience. People need to start reading for themselves and stop relying on other people for their opinions. Similarly, people need to be understanding and learn to be accepting of other people'so opinions.


This is ridiculous. If you are relying on a gaming personality to get your political insight, information, persuasion, etc. you are doing it wrong. Likewise, if you are offended, feel slighted, or angered by a gaming personality's political stance, you are doing it wrong.

If someone's opinions actually bothers you that much, don't follow them. Don't look at their twitter accounts, stop retweeting or commenting. It's pretty simple. I enjoy listening to PSILY podcast, but it doesn't mean I agree with everything they say.

I personally disagree with a lot (most) of the things Colin says or believes in politically. However, I'm not going to let that ruin my day or my experience. People need to start reading for themselves and stop relying on other people for their opinions. Similarly, people need to be understanding and learn to be accepting of other people'so opinions.

Who say's we're relying on them? If we relied on them we wouldn't be in such disagreement. It's not easily avoidable either, Colin's politics seeps into almost all of his content.


This is ridiculous. If you are relying on a gaming personality to get your political insight, information, persuasion, etc. you are doing it wrong. Likewise, if you are offended, feel slighted, or angered by a gaming personality's political stance, you are doing it wrong.

If someone's opinions actually bothers you that much, don't follow them. Don't look at their twitter accounts, stop retweeting or commenting. It's pretty simple. I enjoy listening to PSILY podcast, but it doesn't mean I agree with everything they say.

I personally disagree with a lot (most) of the things Colin says or believes in politically. However, I'm not going to let that ruin my day or my experience. People need to start reading for themselves and stop relying on other people for their opinions. Similarly, people need to be understanding and learn to be accepting of other people'so opinions.

I like the guy and enjoy his content.

I don't bother watching much liberal-TV (except Bill Maher cuz he isn't always toeing the line and has conservatives on) because I get nothing out of that.

When Colin (or other right-leaning people) says something that makes me start talking to myself while driving with counter-arguments, I am getting something out of that haha. I don't listen to Limbaugh or anything like that, I don't hate myself, but I do like to hear from the center-right.
Who say's we're relying on them? If we relied on them we wouldn't be in such disagreement. It's not easily avoidable either, Colin's politics seeps into almost all of his content.

I wasn't speaking about any one person here. My point really was that it's pointless and a waste of time to argue with or against a person, or people, because an internet videogame personality, Colin, has an opinion on politics.
I actually symbolically "left" the party and wrote my huge missive about it long before the primary was over, and before Trump officially won the nomination.

So, I just want to make sure I have this correct. You symbolically "left" the party before the primaries. But, you stated, I believe after the election, if someone put a gun to your head, you'd vote for Trump over Hillary. You have a recent tweet about how people "demonized and character assassinated Mitt Romney."

I'm not going to tell you not to be a Republican or hold conservative values and thoughts. But it's hilarious to me, as a minority, for you to talk about having a conversation with the other side and engaging in a discussion. And then bringing up Mitt Romney in the way you did or saying what you did about Trump over Hillary after the election. Because it shows, you don't really have a good understanding of minority issues at play or the problems that plague the communities.

Seems like you just want to police the discussion.


I tried to get a little in depth with Colin on politics last night. He bailed. Good on you for trying but I wouldn't expect a response.

Eh, all good. I bet if he tried to respond to everyone who challenged him on politics he'd do little else all day.

I can that long post all out because I don't have a thousand people criticizing me daily to try and respond to.

It was cathartic for me to write my criticisms real quick, so nbd if he is too busy haha
Unlike I'm assuming everyone who has a problem with this, I worked at a major publication, and have had hundreds of things published. There were articles my bosses absolutely disagreed with. More than one. But they published them.

I don't condone Bannon's demeanor or stances, and I don't read Brietbart, so I can't really speak to it. What I can say is that, if his publication worked like many others in this world, he doesn't necessarily condone or agree with what's written. I'm not saying he does or doesn't. I'm just saying that, from my personal experience, there are categorically things on IGN I wrote that were published even though the powers that be didn't agree with what was written, because that's how it works.
Well gee, out of all the racist, xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, and misognystic articles at Brietbart, it's great to know the Neo Nazi boss man might not completely agree with everything.

I can't even begin to fathom why you're trying to equate your experience writing about freaking video games and whatever possible disagreements your boss had with a propaganda site, nor can I comprehend why you're even giving the benefit of the doubt especially after these last two weeks.



It's over.


When it comes to the reasons of why we play certain games, mines and yours don't really fall align at all which is understandable because games are interactive medium. That's fine and all dandy. So I'd like to apologise in advance if any of emotionally charged or just about anything during that arc I said in this thread that went too far with you.

Also I appreciate your initiative for discussion regardless of political background. Because, well just say... I've ran and had huge, and awful friction into individuals last some in GAF would deeply hate on. We're in good terms now because we talked it out instead of dividing each other. It's actually something I want to keep on striving on since throughout 2016, I've been constantly cutting people out of my life because of heated quarells.

Please keep this message live and well Colin.



Neo Member
Hey Colin, big fan of yours, but also a very critical one when it comes to politics.

My three major bones to pick with you, what I'd love to discuss at length if I ever had the chance to hypothetically talk to you at length over beers, are these:

1. Your false equivalence narrative lately of the left and right being "equally" bad. Essentially a fallacious argument to moderation.

I don't agree. I think both extremes are loathsome, and both have done some fucked up shit that's worth calling out. The far left is no better than the far right. I believe that for one simple reason: we shouldn't be running to either extreme.

See, if the left is making one major political error (among many, frankly), it's this: just because a large group doesn't support or like Trump doesn't mean the left automatically represent us. Trust me, they don't. I find portions of left to be an actual cartoon. The far right, at this moment, is simply stupid. Easy to out-maneuver with ideas. Which is why the somewhat shocking reliance on political violence as time moves on is something I find troubling.

The left can continue to tell themselves that they're better, smarter, and more virtuous than the right if they want. As you can tell from November, that technique works wonders. I, for one, want a moderate path, and I'm willing to compromise to get some of what I want, knowing full well I will never get all of it.

2. Good people voted for Trump

So fucking what? Good people probably voted for Hitler.

Do you really not understand why that's a salient point? Read the news. Read how people talk about these folks. A lot of these people really are forgotten, and I'm in their corner. That doesn't mean theirs is the only corner I'm in. It's just that, those folks really do need some help, and I hope they get it.

The Democrats lost, in part, because of the way they spoke about people. Do you think I want to go vote for folks who castigate people I know and love? Do you think I'm the only one?

If Democrats want to continue down this road, prepare for a very rough 2018 midterm.

3. On the left "Demonizing" Romney

If Democrats were more honest about John McCain and Mitt Romney, people would have actually listened about Donald Trump. The numbers play this out; there was significant voter remorse in early 2013 after Obama won, and if the election were played out in the months after, Romney would have won. When people realized the smears simply weren't true.

Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts. That may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. I lived there for five years. That place is about as liberal as it gets.

But yeah, Romney's gonna take away your social security, everyone!

Can you guys make a political thread in Off topic or something? Jesus.

I'm merely answering questions, but I'm more than happy to get back to games. I don't really know the rules, or if you guys self-police or what. Just tell me.

So, I just want to make sure I have this correct. You symbolically "left" the party before the primaries. But, you stated, I believe after the election, if someone put a gun to your head, you'd vote for Trump over Hillary. You have a recent tweet about how people "demonized and character assassinated Mitt Romney."


Seems like you just want to police the discussion.

I did say that. I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, in a million years. Ever.

I'm not sure what discussion I'm trying to police. I'm literally here having a dialogue.

Hey Colin, are you getting a switch?

It's funny, I actually just remembered that I had a pre-order. Might as well just get it. We'll see.

There is a ravine of a difference between the type of stuff Bannon let through, and the type of stuff your boss let through though Colin.

Glad you're engaging again, by the way.

I won't dispute that; I was merely making a larger point, that you can't really assume what the relationship between high-up publishing executives and the pool is. I know that, because I literally wrote for an outlet that's, frankly, much bigger than Breitbart. And I know how it all works from that level.

I'm not excusing Steve Bannon. I'm merely making a technical point.

Also, I'm happy to engage, and will continue to, if you guys find it useful. If not, I can spend my time doing something else equally unproductive. =)

Colin, if you are still on the thread, can I ask if your stance on the Pro has softened/changed in any way?

Nowadays it seems the people that bought one are happy with it, the support has been fairly good, it's seems to be selling reasonably well and it hasn't fractured the userbase or resulted in poor base PS4 games (just look at Horizon on base PS4).

Softened? No. I still think it's a dumb idea and a needless half-assed iteration. But I've heard lots of good things, too, and I'm glad folks are enjoying it.

I'll reiterate that console gaming has traditions, and Pro bucked one of 'em.

I really appreciate your views, Colin. I consume a bunch of podcasts and some of my favorites, /Filmcast for example, are completely dismissive of other people's views completely.

In fact as someone who just likes art in general and likes to talk about it and consume it I find it really discouraging sometimes that I cannot venture into any kind of discussion nowadays without my conservative or republican viewpoints being completely misinterpreted and stretched to the point where I don't even feel comfortable consuming whatever piece of media that is anymore.

I'm not going to play the violin for us here (mostly because I'm not that talented with string instruments), but people don't understand how difficult it is to even have moderate conservative views in the gaming industry, especially when you're high profile. I mean, look at the Twitter war with the coward. It's all politics. That's it!

I want us to recapture decency again as a society, but that will take hard work, and I don't know if any of us will reach that goal.
I'm not going to play the violin for us here (mostly because I'm not that talented with string instruments), but people don't understand how difficult it is to even have moderate conservative views in the gaming industry, especially when you're high profile. I mean, look at the Twitter war with the coward. It's all politics. That's it!

I want us to recapture decency again as a society, but that will take hard work, and I don't know if any of us will reach that goal.

Don't want any sympathy either. However it's nice to see someone intelligent and well adjusted voice their opinion despite the consequences.


I don't agree. I think both extremes are loathsome, and both have done some fucked up shit that's worth calling out. The far left is no better than the far right. I believe that for one simple reason: we shouldn't be running to either extreme.

See, if the left is making one major political error (among many, frankly), it's this: just because a large group doesn't support or like Trump doesn't mean the left automatically represent us. Trust me, they don't. I find portions of left to be an actual cartoon. The far right, at this moment, is simply stupid. Easy to out-maneuver with ideas. Which is why the somewhat shocking reliance on political violence as time moves on is something I find troubling.

The left can continue to tell themselves that they're better, smarter, and more virtuous than the right if they want. As you can tell from November, that technique works wonders. I, for one, want a moderate path, and I'm willing to compromise to get some of what I want, knowing full well I will never get all of it.

Do you really not understand why that's a salient point? Read the news. Read how people talk about these folks. A lot of these people really are forgotten, and I'm in their corner. That doesn't mean theirs is the only corner I'm in. It's just that, those folks really do need some help, and I hope they get it.

The Democrats lost, in part, because of the way they spoke about people. Do you think I want to go vote for folks who castigate people I know and love? Do you think I'm the only one?

If Democrats want to continue down this road, prepare for a very rough 2018 midterm.

If Democrats were more honest about John McCain and Mitt Romney, people would have actually listened about Donald Trump. The numbers play this out; there was significant voter remorse in early 2013 after Obama won, and if the election were played out in the months after, Romney would have won. When people realized the smears simply weren't true.

Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts. That may not mean anything to you, but it means something to me. I lived there for five years. That place is about as liberal as it gets.

But yeah, Romney's gonna take away your social security, everyone!

Thank you for replying, but you didn't really answer the main point of each.

1. What have democrats done that is really the equivalent of the obstruction of the Republicans in the Obama era?

2. Yes, I know many of these people need help. I also don't like when people talk a lot of smack about them being dumb hicks or something (again, my own brother). But their ideas are abhorrent, and I have no desire to reach out to them in regards to politics. To some degree, like it or not, this is about ignorance - look at Kentucky where Obamacare is popular because it is called something different. How do you square that?

3. Obama met Romney's economic campaign promises re: the unemployment rate in half the time Romney was promising, without blowing up the deficit, which Romney's tax cuts would have done.

But set that aside, we don't need to re-litigate that. Obama won, and based on his near 60% approval rating when he left, most were happy he won. The main point was that you act like Romney was so demonized, but ignore the birther bullshit against Obama, which is 1000x worse than anything Romney faced.

In fact, reading back, you didn't acknowledge the birther point at all, and how these people I'm supposed to feel sorry for made the Birther-in-Chief commander in chief.

Democrats are in for a rough 2018 regardless unless Trump continues to be historically unpopular, the map leans too favorably to the GOP. But in 2020, unless Obama's economy saves Trump, he is probably going down. He only barely won this year thanks to a total of 80,000 votes across three states, and he lost the popular vote by millions (national polls ended up not being so far off, the state polls in the midwest were just busted).

Anyway, thank you for taking the time, hope your day is going well :)
I did say that. I would never vote for Hillary Clinton, in a million years. Ever.

I'm not sure what discussion I'm trying to police. I'm literally here having a dialogue.

That's good to know that your stance hasn't changed. Given the other things you have said, it's become increasingly clear that you don't actually care much about minority issues. It's all just sort of lip service or this new platform or point for you to espouse your views about and around.

Since that's the case, I'll hop out of the discussion here and let you go back to talking with your fans and other posters here. I'm not interested in a discussion with another white, privileged male who feigns interest with passing cursory knowledge of the issues. Those are a dime a dozen on Internet as is.
So I was thinking, (and this is partly my fault because I was saying this thread had been going off topic for weeks, but then I, myself, went off topic once Colin came back), politics should be kept to the Kinda Funny Community thread and the rest of gaming discussion, mainly PSILY, should be kept here.

Not sure if it's going to work but hey worth a try :p
Yeah, this was an awesome discussion. Shame that the original Gamescast with Tim and Colin also on had technical hiccups; would've loved to have heard Colin's insights and questions for Pete.

I know right, that legit must suck having to record a whole episode only for it to not record aha. Pete's a legit stand up guy tho for coming back on.
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