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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

Honestly, I have a really hard time keeping everyone straight. I don't really read posts with names attached to them here. I know EdReedFan because of his Orioles icon (I think?), and that Colin dude I feel bad for because people think he named himself after me. LOL.

Lol. I'm happy that the bolded was a key takeaway for you in the midst of all the other chaos :D
I don't like that whole situation but I don't think I'd be too open hearted if I was getting dick pics from an account with my face on it.

To be fair the whole thing is silly because you shouldn't randomly call out a peer in the industry, or if you want to criticise respectfully (like Danny O Dwyer has done in the past), rather than in a scorched earth fashion and crap on the person and their content. However with such a large following you should be more wise about subtweeting as it'll provoke hate.
They were posted well after I left. That said, I'm trying to figure out how to copy them and quote them here so I can answer. I'm not very good using NeoGAF's tools.
I'm not asking for a reply to the time stamps. I'm saying your very first post in here claimed they didn't exist. Now that u know don't you feel like you should have idk maybe went to go check first before posting that they didn't exist? Or now say something like damn my bad guys I can see why my first post was so inflammatory? I know you Colin is right stuff is just for fun but ignoring when you are wrong sure leaves a bad taste in gafs mouth.

Ps. If you do reply plz go back to that thread an address ALL the post with timestamps.. since it was your idea and ppl took time to do it. I'd also love if You addressed general post without timestamps in the future because you are just another member to us man most won't cater to your whims like that. We are equals here.


Neo Member
1. You guys continue to spout this rhetoric that PlayStation Pro is a marginal upgrade- while Scorpio is a "giant leap forward". The reality is: the power difference between PlayStation Pro and Scorpio is roughly the same difference between PS4 and Xbox One. This argument undermines and twists reality and unfortunately continues this mistaken belief that Scorpio is somehow this "Beast" - while PlayStation Pro is going to fall apart at the seams. The two machine are much closer than you realize and unfortunately the press has run away with this ill-informed tales of 4 versus 6, without taking into account that percentage wise the gap is pretty much identical to what we have now.

The real question I'd ask is: Is Scorpio powerful enough to adequately distinguish itself graphically from PlayStation Pro? The higher in resolution you go, the smaller the differences become. I honestly expected more out of the conversation.

PS4 Pro IS a marginal upgrade. Scorpio will be more powerful. I still think it's their new console, but they won't position it as such at first. I can't speak to specifics, because I don't understand technology.

2. You guys continue to insinuate that 1080p users will only see "marginal" improvements. This couldn't be further from the truth. One of the poorest communicated (by Sony) messages at the PS Pro Meeting was just how substantial the upgrades to 1080p would be.

Here's one example: 1080p users will get a super-sampled image- which without going into a technobabble - is probably the holy grail when it comes to improve the actual image quality. If you can hunt down a gaming PC, I want you to boot up GTA V on a 1080p set. Play the game in native 1080p and than super sample it from 1600p. That's the type of jump PS4 Pro will get you, and it's quite impressive.

We also haven't touched on improved effects, higher quality post processing, fewer framedrops etc. etc. etc. The point is - the 1080p user will get a 1080p game that is polished to a shine that only PC gamers have been able to appreciate to this day.

I really don't know what was said, and I am not a technical person, so I can't speak to this.

3. This isn't a dig at your fundamentals or passions, but it would be nice if you brushed up on technical specs. Like- did you know: The PS4 Pro has hardware dedicated on the GPU to help reduce the artifacts from their checkerboard rendering method? This might sound alien- but it's a 15-20 minute video away from all of us wanting to give Mark Cerny a high five.

I implore you to download the gamersyde video of Horizon: Zero Dawn running in uncompressed quality and play it back on a 4K monitor or hell even watch the 1080p "high bit rate" stream. The jump in quality from the original PS4 is quite substantial.

See above.

5. Please stop casting this shadow that PlayStation gamers can't be "graphics enthusiasts". Sony's first party puts out the best looking, tehcnically proficient games and hires the most talented programmers in the business. It's a testament to just how strong Sony believes in visuals when they quite literally set the benchmark for fidelity on aging hardware when PC's that magnitudes more powerful don't even get those games.

When I did QA at Nintendo 6 years ago, we had this small minority of PS3 heads (pre-Slim) that were massive graphics afficianados and could articulate just how complex and incredible the minutia of what Naughty Dog in Uncharted 1 or Insomniac in Resistance 1 (the glass breaking anyone :) ) were pulling off. Gameplay trumps graphics, but some of us value both, and value graphics a lot. I say this as a dual PC / Console gamer. I'm not reaching when I say this: the best looking games are on PlayStation.

I never said or insinuated that. I'm glad people like pretty games. I do, too. I just don't think it's the most important thing.
I'd You addressed general post without timestamps in the future because you are just another member to us man most won't cater to your whims like that. We are equals here.

I think this is the takeaway point -- and it shouldn't be taken personally or in a negative way by him, but it highlight how even on GAF, people crap all over popular gaming personalities like Jim, Angry Joe or JackSepticEye even when they have GAF accounts and post.
To be fair the whole thing is silly because you shouldn't randomly call out a peer in the industry, or if you want to criticise respectfully (like Danny O Dwyer has done in the past), rather than in a scorched earth fashion and crap on the person and their content. However with such a large following you should be more wise about subtweeting as it'll provoke hate.

Oh I'm not saying its cool to start shit but dick pics arent a good way to respond
PS4 Pro IS a marginal upgrade. Scorpio will be more powerful. I still think it's their new console, but they won't position it as such at first. I can't speak to specifics, because I don't understand technology.

I really don't know what was said, and I am not a technical person, so I can't speak to this.

See above.

I never said or insinuated that. I'm glad people like pretty games. I do, too. I just don't think it's the most important thing.

Then you should not speak about tech if you are not a tech guy...Scorpio will be marginal over pro, about ps4 to x1 difference when it is all said and done (Around 40%). Scorpio and PRO are the same thing. Scorpio is not doing anything different then PRO. Scorpio will run games at a better resolution, and better Frame rate that's about it. Going up to 4K that extra power will be eaten quickly, demonishing returns.

So let me get this straight. Greg will call out Bob Mackey for being a jerk, which he knows very well will mobilize his community against Bob, but won't call it either Colin (who did the exact thing Greg just said he shouldn't do) or any of his community when they take things too far?
So let me get this straight. Greg will call out Bob Mackey for being a jerk, which he knows very well will mobilize his community against Bob, but won't call it either Colin (who did the exact thing Greg just said he shouldn't do) or any of his community when they take things too far?

It's a shame that he won't hold a friend accountable. Publicly calling someone else out though.

Then you should not speak about tech if you are not a tech guy...Scorpio will be marginal over pro, about ps4 to x1 difference when it is all said and done (Around 40%). Scorpio and PRO are the same thing. Scorpio is not doing anything different then PRO.

Spreading misinformation and responding to comments saying that you said something incorrect with "I'm not a tech guy" comes off as disingenuous and does not show the level of professionalism that I would expect from someone on their platform.


One other criticism I desperately want to get across, if you're still listening:

I—and many others here—hate that you spend so much time publicly railing against the "PC left," seemingly without taking the time understand what activists are actually trying to accomplish. It sucked reading your tweets about Berkeley the other day. Yes, some people (mostly non-students, by most accounts) showed up, broke a few windows, lit a tree on fire, and caused trouble. That was a small minority. At the heart of that protest though was a very noble idea: "We don't want literal white supremacists coming to our campus. We don't want people who are (allegedly) going to out undocumented students and ridicule trans people on our campus." You're allowed to say that. You can retain belief in free speech and still not allow bigots and monsters to come practice it in your backyard. I don't think that we should send Milo to the gulags for hating Muslims and trans people, but his right to free speech is not a right to any and all platforms he wants to use to spread hate.

Steering the conversation about protests in the direction of "lol look at those stupid fucking college kids" is so deeply unproductive. There's a movement of pure hatred that has bubbled up to the surface of this country. I think that a lot of us just want you to spend a lot more time condemning that/Trump/his enablers and a lot less time telling kids who feel scared and powerless to grow up.
So let me get this straight. Greg will call out Bob Mackey for being a jerk, which he knows very well will mobilize his community against Bob, but won't call it either Colin (who did the exact thing Greg just said he shouldn't do) or any of his community when they take things too far?
No, man! Different lenses!
It's a shame that he won't hold a friend accountable. Publicly calling someone else out though.

Spreading misinformation and responding to comments saying that you said something incorrect with "I'm not a tech guy" is dense.

It is pretty ridiculous, especially considering all the crap they said about PRO and tech on their pod cast. But..but..I am not a tech guy.
It's a shame that he won't hold a friend accountable. Publicly calling someone else out though.

Spreading misinformation and responding to comments saying that you said something incorrect with "I'm not a tech guy" is dense.

Why would his best friend IRL hold him accountable though on twitter. I'm sure he'd just be able to talk to him instead. I think you guys are just reading too much into this. The whole thing is silly, but I also feel you're ignoring the whole fact this came unprovoked.

Regarding the second part yeah they should have been more informed, but tbh, you only have to look at the 720p viewing distance debacle from the Xbox Crew on IGN to realise that most gaming personalities aren't tech savvy, though that isn't an excuse because it then should mean you should be more informed in your opinions if you're going to give one.


Neo Member
Here you are:
  • 00:08:25 - Please try the other way around for a change! Find me a game that is anything like The Witcher 3 on PS2! You keep saying "we had open world role playing games", but what specifically are you talking about? I found nothing remotely similar on PS2 - PS3, sure, fine.

  • I can't really know what I was saying specifically, but are you saying that I need to find you examples of big, open worlds on PS2? Because that was pretty consistently my argument.

    [*]00:12:50 - We don't really know anything substantial about the Scorpio. There are 2 numbers that don't really make it leaps and bounds better than PS4 Pro, everything else is vague promises by Microsoft and hopeful speculation based on it. With the given 43% increased computational power, I can't really see Scorpio render 2 times the pixels without any tricks.

    And most of all: Microsoft themselves said they will do exactly the same as Sony does, keeping the Scorpio and One as one family with full compatibility up and down. So there goes your argument that this will do anything substantial for gameplay. How could it do that without leaving the One behind? You are speculating it will, but that again is not what's on the table right now. Scorpio always gets the benefit of doubt from you in a direction that it will do everything right.

    I don't know anything about the first paragraph. Per the second, as I said previously, I don't believe Microsoft. I think it's their new console, or will eventually be (as in, games will be published on both, and then eventually only on one... like Titanfall to Titanfall 2, for instance).

    [*]00:25:00 - HDMI, component, composite or whatever? Do you have people coming to your home connecting the PS4 to your TV that you don't seem to know what it uses?

    I don't understand the question. I use HDMI cables.

    [*]00:26:00 - Goldfarb said that the only thing that would make the Pro relevant for VR would be if "a twenty hour experience requires extra processing power", and you agreed. That is so utterly wrong on multiple levels!
    1. It directly contradicts the promise that PS4 regular and Pro will be one family and you can play everything on both.
    2. What does the length of the experience have to do with how demanding it is for the hardware?
    3. Why is it suddenly not possible to scale back and have the same gameplay experience? You are contradicting yourself here!
    4. The Pro will enhance all VR titles with at least applying supersampling, which is extremely beneficial for VR.
    5. You still don't seem to get what the breakout box does. For starters, if it was integrated into the Pro, you'd have much shorter cables. But what you said about a cheaper unit and "the processing box" was inconclusive, because you didn't finish any sentence in that short part, so it is hard to judge what you really think, but it didn't sound like you know it does audio calculations and signal routing / straightening out for tv, nothing more.

    I'm not sure I agreed; I probably just nodded or was being agreeable, as I was hosting. Otherwise, I have no idea about the technology.

    [*]00:27:30 - The Pro being closer to the One S than Scorpio is just embarrassing to listen to. It strengthens my feeling that you both don't really get how the Pro renders 4K images (in a way) and think it is basically the same as what the One S does. Please educate yourselves, it does far better!

    You're right, I really don't get it, nor do I care about it. Games look good enough to me, right now. Happy for them to become prettier, though I wouldn't want that to be what's deemed most important.

    [*]00:35:30 - Simply no, it would not be better if Sony split the user base and allowed Pro only games. They don't even allow Pro only features, and that is the exact thing keeping this one generation and not a super early successor.

    I agree.

    *]00:42:00 - Funny how you can at length complain how Sony fucks up first party games releases, then later on happily nod when Goldfarb says Sony didn't make a single mistake this generation (until the Pro).

    Again, I think your confusing agreement with hosting.

    [*]01:21:10 - Even more funny how after a very lengthy discussion of how unimportant graphics are compared to gameplay, Goldfarb gets dreamy-eyed about how much better Bioshock Remastered looks. He didn't talk at all about the performance (which is clearly better, huzzah), he explicitly talked visuals. And again, not the slightest bit of downplaying the importance of that from your side, Colin. Putting down money for improved visuals on a game you already own suddenly is a good thing again - how selective of you!

    Am I supposed to defend Goldfarb, here? He's entitled to his opinion.
So let me get this straight. Greg will call out Bob Mackey for being a jerk, which he knows very well will mobilize his community against Bob, but won't call it either Colin (who did the exact thing Greg just said he shouldn't do) or any of his community when they take things too far?
Goddamn I would have so much respect for Greg if he realized how hypocritical that was an addressed it.


One other criticism I desperately want to get across, if you're still listening:

I—and many others here—hate that you spend so much time publicly railing against the "PC left," seemingly without taking the time understand what activists are actually trying to accomplish. It sucked reading your tweets about Berkeley the other day. Yes, some people (mostly non-students, by most accounts) showed up, broke a few windows, lit a tree on fire, and caused trouble. That was a small minority. At the heart of that protest though was a very noble idea: "We don't want literal white supremacists coming to our campus. We don't want people who are (allegedly) going to out undocumented students and ridicule trans people on our campus." You're allowed to say that. You can retain belief in free speech and still not allow bigots and monsters to come practice it in your backyard. I don't think that we should send Milo to the gulags for hating Muslims and trans people, but his right to free speech is not a right to any and all platforms he wants to use to spread hate.

Steering the conversation about those protests in the direction of "lol look at those stupid fucking college kids" is so deeply unproductive. There's a movement of pure hatred going on in this country right now. I think that a lot of us just want you to spend a lot more time condemning that/Trump/his enablers and a lot less time telling kids who feel scared and powerless to grow up.

Also, banning Milo isn't banning free speech, Colin. If I were to ask to come on a Kinda Funny show, and you said no, you would not be denying me free speech. You are denying me a platform to express that free speech.

You are, again, being disingenuous and antagonistic when you claim otherwise.


Neo Member
Then you should not speak about tech if you are not a tech guy

I'm starting to question whether you actually listen to the podcast, honestly. I don't speak about tech. I make fun of my lack of knowledge constantly.

And I don't care to learn more, FWIW. It's not in my wheelhouse.
Why would his best friend IRL hold him accountable though on twitter. I'm sure he'd just be able to talk to him instead. I think you guys are just reading too much into this. The whole thing is silly, but I also feel you're ignoring the whole fact this came unprovoked.


Because he could have also taken the route of saying a general statement that would be targeted to both parties instead of addressing one and having his fans attack him.

If my friend is doing something wrong in a situation along with someone else I will call them both out in the light instead of just one.

Also a platform comes with responsibility regardless if you asked for that platform.
I'm starting to question whether you actually listen to the podcast, honestly. I don't speak about tech. I make fun of my lack of knowledge constantly.

And I don't care to learn more, FWIW. It's not in my wheelhouse.

Well you did about PRO, and a fair amount of it was wrong. As has been pointed out. I used to listen I stopped when you went ham against the pro and all the constant negativity and the hypocrisy.


Neo Member
Also, banning Milo isn't banning free speech, Colin.

When did I ever say it was?

I really don't get why I'm having to defend myself against things I literally never said, or even insinuated. It's strange. Profoundly strange.

And I hope you guys can see my frustration in that regard. Because it's out of control.


Neo Member
They were posted well after I left. That said, I'm trying to figure out how to copy them and quote them here so I can answer. I'm not very good using NeoGAF's tools.

That's because the tools are not very straightforward, imo. Anyways, I appreciate everything you do, Colin. I share the majority of your opinions, and look forward each week to nodding in agreement as I listen to PSILY on the way to and from work. Keep up the work, and we'll keep listening. Thanks for making the PS community great.


When did I ever say it was?

I really don't get why I'm having to defend myself against things I literally never said, or even insinuated. It's strange. Profoundly strange.

And I hope you guys can see my frustration in that regard. Because it's out of control.
See my longer post on this topic above. Doesn't accuse you of saying anything you didn't say.


When did I ever say it was?

I really don't get why I'm having to defend myself against things I literally never said, or even insinuated. It's strange. Profoundly strange.

And I hope you guys can see my frustration in that regard. Because it's out of control.

You made at least a few comments to that effect in the KFMS.

Edit: and your tweet earlier today 'The left wants to stymie free speech'. You were saying?


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I'm starting to question whether you actually listen to the podcast, honestly. I don't speak about tech. I make fun of my lack of knowledge constantly.

And I don't care to learn more, FWIW. It's not in my wheelhouse.
Would you be interested in bringing in expert guests for devices, technology, games etc. that you aren't interested/informed about? You have the resources and the contacts to do so, and I think it would greatly improve the show.


Neo Member
As he said himself... he JUST DOESN'T CARE lol

I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin
Scorpio being a new "GEN" would be a small jump from pro for a new generation console. MS would kill themselves doing that. Scorpio is a PRO one year later.
I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin

See you later mang.

Legit hope Colin will continue posting because however much I or any of us disagree, it's still good to have a discussion. I just think once again insults or ad hominems from posters won't encourage any of that. Though it's rarely happened here I think some of the other threads went overboard. I think it'd be best to block that out and respond to constructive criticism or disagreements that don't hurl insults (which is why some people do get upset as there was legitimate constructive discussion among what may have seemed a sea of hate).


Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.


I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin

See ya, fellow Colin. Hopefully the Patriots lose for your sake.
Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.

Yeah tbh, I think PS4 Pro debacle aside, the more recent heat on GAF (especially on other threads) has been from some of his inflammatory tweets. Twitter not being the best place for nuance doesn't help, but I think some of his political comments have rubbed people the wrong way (including me), and on a left leaning forum like GAF, you're going to get criticised, some of which will be insulting (par the course for any internet site). Doesn't excuse people insulting him, but I'm not sure it's also right to insinuate that GAF always hates him generally because it obviously isn't true.


I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin

Thanks for posting here. I think open discussion is good for everyone involved.
BTW consider co-oping Nioh if you are still playing it. It helped me a lot during the demos.
I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin
Glad you came around. I had previously deleted my KF subscription on iTunes and stopped my funding on Patreon due to you just picking up an leaving without hearing sincere posters out. Now that you have made an effort I'll probably be back listening soon.
X1 - 1.6tf
Scorpio 6tf

Huge jump

Percentages ..how do they work? The difference is close to what it is now with PS4 and x1. Also consider diminishing returns, 4k resolution will eat that difference quickly. It is not a huge jump, percentage wise the gap is about the same.
Percentages ..how do they work? The difference is close to what it is now with PS4 and x1. Also consider diminishing returns, 4k resolution will eat that difference quickly. It is not a huge jump, percentage wise the gap is about the same.

Wait, what do you mean by this? I'm not tech savvy so am going to need you to explain :p
I mean, I don't. I'm trying to have a conversation with you here. I don't care about technology. I like using it. I don't care how it works. At all. I never will.

Anywho, I haven't eaten all day. I'm gonna go. I hope you're all well. -Colin

Stopped listened to you guys a while ago unfortunately. But fair play to you for coming here and having a discussion with people.
Disappointing Collin started engaging in the thread and y'all spent your time trying to trip him up on the wording of how much he cares about PS4 Pro... there are important things going on. :/

That said I really appreciate Collin's effort and would love to see it continue when he has time.
I'm glad he is back too but honestly if he cared to discuss those important things he would go post in those threads. Baby steps


These are the kind of unnecessary jabs that will serve to distract from the heart of the issue.

But the heart of the issue is exactly that, his huge ego. The jab is definitely not a nice thing to do, but when the most obnoxious and condescending voice in gaming comes around, it's hard not to.

Next time I'll think of my lords and saviors and their message of love and respect. I have failed you allies.
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