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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Junior Member
Context of today aside, I didn't think a joke in the vain of what is often presented on family-friendly shows was something that the public found offensive.

You make it sound like that prevents the idea from being problematic. You know how many garbage ideas exist have existed in what many feel to be perfectly safe entertainment?

People seem to think that age or tradition make things okay. "We've been making jokes/remarks/comments like this forever!"

Yeah and maybe we shouldn't anymore.
I wish Colin didn't resort to this tweet today as I was enjoying his conversation videos this week a lot.

The video with Boyes this week was great.

He can be a decent professional adult, but he chooses not to be at times. Words can have consequences, especially as someone who's the face of a business.
I'm not sure that the possibility of Colin leaving would be as cut and dry as some of you guys make it seem, considering he's a part time owner of the company, is a huge part of the majority of their content, and lives with Greg when he's not staying with his girlfriend.

This is all beyond the fact that they are all friends with each other, and it would never be an easy decision to make.


If Colin actually left KF it would be a huge blow both in terms of their viewers as well as the money they get from Patreon. I'm not sure it would be good for any of them involved for him to leave

Would it really though? I feel like a lot of Kinda Funny is Greg oriented. Maybe they hire Brian Altano or something?


But he clearly isnt a sexist. It was a crap joke in a bad context. The joke itself was barely offensive.

An "ironic" sexist joke that reads identically to actual sexist jokes shows at best a total lack of self awareness and empathy.

One would have to actually be pretty sexist and/or stupid to think a joke like that would fly without controversy, and so to give him the benefit of the doubt, he thought today of all days would be a smart time to intentionally provoke people...

Dude just loves punching down. It'll fuck up his business eventually as people are tiring of this shtick.
Yeah, it would suck to lose that alt right money.

If you are Gregg and crew who make a living doing this? Yeah it would probably suck if a chunk of your users left

Would it really though? I feel like a lot of Kinda Funny is Greg oriented. Maybe they hire Brian Altano or something?

Without a doubt. Not saying it's their main source of fanbase but they would lose substantial money if Colin leaves. Look at the view counts Colin Was Right gets. Despite how many hate him here on GAF he has many fans
I'm with Obliterator more or less. It's distasteful for sure, and especially so on Intl Women's Day. As someone who values diversity and inclusion, I certainly wouldn't have made that joke.

Having said.

I saw someone earlier in this thread compare this to praising National Socialism on Holocaust Memorial Day. Come the fuck on. That's ridiculous. Someone on Twitter today told me that "Colin's worn hate on his sleeve for years". Again, ridiculous. He's certainly not for everyone, and I don't agree with everything he says at all, but the dude doesn't espouse hatred. He doesn't hate women or gays or non-whites. Hell, he dumped the Republican party because of Trump (as did I). I've watched many of his peers, individuals who he's been friends with for years, suddenly start subtweeting him today with some pretty nasty stuff. I don't like dogpiles. Yeah, it was a dumb thing to say any day, much less today. But we've all said dumb shit in the past. Every one of us. Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark. I'm sure some of the more self-righteous among us are the most egregious offenders.

None of this means he shouldn't be held to account. Of course I think an apology should be made. I'm an unabashed, proud advocate for more inclusion and recognition for women and non-white/straight individuals in gaming. But, man......the rush to attack him over a poorly timed and thought out tweet, from people I am CERTAIN have said far worse, is disconcerting and troubling. Especially since this will almost certainly be forgotten in a week once everyone has moved on.

Same goes for the other side, willing to completely brush it under the rug like nothing ever happened. They're just as bad. Sorry, but what he said was wrong and shouldn't be accepted. Period. Stop defending it. Free speech doesn't mean not speaking up when you're offended. Every person who funds KF has a right to express frustration with a viewpoint, considering there the true employers of those guys.

Watching the two sides tear each other apart today was really sad.
I've been not feeling Colin's vibes for nearly a year, so I stopped watching KF all together. Anyone thinking that KF fans are upset over this alone aren't seeing the full context. This isn't Colin's only transgression, and typical of Colin, he's only doubled down. Good riddance, honestly.


If you are Gregg and crew who make a living doing this? Yeah it would probably suck if a chunk of your users left

Without a doubt. Not saying it's their main source of fanbase but they would lose substantial money if Colin leaves. Look at the view counts Colin Was Right gets. Despite how many hate him here on GAF he has many fans

That is true. Kinda Funny doesn't really rake in the views compared to other large YouTube channels to say the least. But I always thought Colin was Right received more traffic just do to the controversial nature of the show and the titles of the videos. Talk about Trump, Nintendo sucking, or PlayStation winning wars and watch the views roll on in!
I can't stand Colin but i got that this was a joke and didn't see any harm. Sounds like his girlfriend approved of the joke before he posted it, she thought it was great. Oh well. Sucks for them and the uproar it's causing.

Even seen some of their game industry friends get offended by it, so something had to be said.


I'm with Obliterator more or less. It's distasteful for sure, and especially so on Intl Women's Day. As someone who values diversity and inclusion, I certainly wouldn't have made that joke.

Having said.

I saw someone earlier in this thread compare this to praising National Socialism on Holocaust Memorial Day. Come the fuck on. That's ridiculous. Someone on Twitter today told me that "Colin's worn hate on his sleeve for years". Again, ridiculous. He's certainly not for everyone, and I don't agree with everything he says at all, but the dude doesn't espouse hatred. He doesn't hate women or gays or non-whites. Hell, he dumped the Republican party because of Trump (as did I). I've watched many of his peers, individuals who he's been friends with for years, suddenly start subtweeting him today with some pretty nasty stuff. I don't like dogpiles. Yeah, it was a dumb thing to say any day, much less today. But we've all said dumb shit in the past. Every one of us. Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark. I'm sure some of the more self-righteous among us are the most egregious offenders.

None of this means he shouldn't be held to account. Of course I think an apology should be made. I'm an unabashed, proud advocate for more inclusion and recognition for women and non-white/straight individuals in gaming. But, man......the rush to attack him over a poorly timed and thought out tweet, from people I am CERTAIN have said far worse, is disconcerting and troubling. Especially since this will almost certainly be forgotten in a week once everyone has moved on.

Same goes for the other side, willing to completely brush it under the rug like nothing ever happened. They're just as bad. Sorry, but what he said was wrong and shouldn't be accepted. Period. Stop defending it. Free speech doesn't mean not speaking up when you're offended. Every person who funds KF has a right to express frustration with a viewpoint, considering there the true employers of those guys.

Watching the two sides tear each other apart today was really sad.

I think it has more to do with Colin's history. It was bound to boil over at some point. Just happened to be today I guess. And you are right that this will be forgotten in a week, because Colin will say something else stupid for people to talk about by then lol
I'm with Obliterator more or less. It's distasteful for sure, and especially so on Intl Women's Day. As someone who values diversity and inclusion, I certainly wouldn't have made that joke.

Having said.

I saw someone earlier in this thread compare this to praising National Socialism on Holocaust Memorial Day. Come the fuck on. That's ridiculous. Someone on Twitter today told me that "Colin's worn hate on his sleeve for years". Again, ridiculous. He's certainly not for everyone, and I don't agree with everything he says at all, but the dude doesn't espouse hatred. He doesn't hate women or gays or non-whites. Hell, he dumped the Republican party because of Trump (as did I). I've watched many of his peers, individuals who he's been friends with for years, suddenly start subtweeting him today with some pretty nasty stuff. I don't like dogpiles. Yeah, it was a dumb thing to say any day, much less today. But we've all said dumb shit in the past. Every one of us. Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark. I'm sure some of the more self-righteous among us are the most egregious offenders.

None of this means he shouldn't be held to account. Of course I think an apology should be made. I'm an unabashed, proud advocate for more inclusion and recognition for women and non-white/straight individuals in gaming. But, man......the rush to attack him over a poorly timed and thought out tweet, from people I am CERTAIN have said far worse, is disconcerting and troubling. Especially since this will almost certainly be forgotten in a week once everyone has moved on.

Same goes for the other side, willing to completely brush it under the rug like nothing ever happened. They're just as bad. Sorry, but what he said was wrong and shouldn't be accepted. Period. Stop defending it. Free speech doesn't mean not speaking up when you're offended. Every person who funds KF has a right to express frustration with a viewpoint, considering there the true employers of those guys.

Watching the two sides tear each other apart today was really sad.

Nah, sorry, I don't buy some of that. This in particular:

"Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark."

What you do and say in privat is different than how you carry yourself in the public space (aka the Internet). So no, people really don't fall into that category and that's a poor deflection of how this particular statement was made.

I could understand it if the message was private in nature, but it was a public tweet.


Nah, sorry, I don't buy some of that. This in particular:

"Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark."

What you do and say in privat is different than how you carry yourself in the public space (aka the Internet). So no, people really don't fall into that category and that's a poor deflection of how this particular statement was made.

I could understand it if the message was private in nature, but it was a public tweet.
My opinion: Joke was lame and recycled, but whatever.

The brunt of my annoyance with this episode is that this was basically the response he wanted/expected. He'd say something "edgy," people would get "triggered" and he'd make fun of them ("humorless sacks of shit").

He's like Rick James in that Chappelles Show skit - he's a habitual line stepper. He's just too often recently been doing shit like this joke, his rant from the pod today, his political trolling and the relatively recent transformation into the Skip Bayless of videogames. If there's enough blowback, he'll often double down and then retreat and act as the victim of whatever episode he created. Never is there really ever any contrition.

Greg "apologizing" for something that is 100% not his fault that Colin obviously doesn't feel like he did anything wrong just doesn't mean much of anything.
People can pull funding it will just drive others to support him.
I think the problem is people can't handle the fact he is not as empathetic as they are. They expect him to be something he is not and never was. You can't force someone to care about things they never cared about to begin with, if that loses viewers so be it, if Greg is really his boy he would stand by him.

(Especially when Greg has said shit that made me raise an eye brow on one or two occasions)

It's not that people can't handle the fact he is not empathic or that he made an unfunny, shitty, sexist joke about women on international women's day, it's that people like me get annoyed as hell by the "anti-PC" crowd who always play the victim card and complain the loudest about people calling them out on their bullshit. It's not an over reaction or PC police to point out to someone why what they have said is not entirely cool or, say, sexist when in fact is not entirely cool, or say, sexist. It's the same thing as when some diet racist gets called out for saying something racist and then complains about "PC" people calling them out for saying racist shit. Not saying Colin is racist, but that's the alt-right's go to play.
My opinion: Joke was lame and recycled, but whatever.

The brunt of my annoyance with this episode is that this was basically the response he wanted/expected. He'd say something "edgy," people would get "triggered" and he'd make fun of them ("humorless sacks of shit").

He's like Rick James in that Chappelles Show skit - he's a habitual line stepper. He's just too often recently been doing shit like this joke, his rant from the pod today, his political trolling and the relatively recent transformation into the Skip Bayless of videogames. If there's enough blowback, he'll often double down and then retreat and act as the victim of whatever episode he created. Never is there really ever any contrition.

Greg "apologizing" for something that is 100% not his fault that Colin obviously doesn't feel like he did anything wrong just doesn't mean much of anything.

I was disappointed the apology didn't come directly from Colin, yeah.
Nah, sorry, I don't buy some of that. This in particular:

"Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark."

What you do and say in privat is different than how you carry yourself in the public space (aka the Internet). So no, people really don't fall into that category and that's a poor deflection of how this particular statement was made.

I could understand it if the message was private in nature, but it was a public tweet.

Ok. I mean, again, it was certainly distasteful. I just don't think it warrants the extreme response on both sides. Just my two cents.
Wow, I stopped watching and listening KF stuff earlier this year because of Collin but it looks like things are getting worse? This is disappointing.


Unconfirmed Member
Despite how many hate him here on GAF he has many fans

I personally don't actually hate him, it just has gotten too hard for me to listen. More often than not I just didn't feel very good after listening to one of their shows because of in my opinion unnecessary "jokes" or insensitive remarks and because beyond begging the person to be more considerate the line of demanding self censorship would be crossed one really only has the choice to stop listening.

My stance has always been if Colin actually was more the person in public that the people that know him personally defend him and describe him as I would enjoy KF waaaay more. He often has interesting perspectives and in the past I appreciated him a lot for creating very interesting conversations because of it.

Dunno if other people actually hate the guy or if criticism at him is misinterpreted as "hate".
Ok. I mean, again, it was certainly distasteful. I just don't think it warrants the extreme response on both sides. Just my two cents.

What has been 'extreme' about any of this? Dude makes shitty tweet, gets called out for it, can't see the error of his ways so his colleague puts out a statement by means of apology. Are people "extreme" by calling a tasteless joke tasteless? Was Colin being "extreme" by being someone that doesn't seem to introspect when criticised?
What has been 'extreme' about any of this? Dude makes shitty tweet, gets called out for it, can't see the error of his ways so his colleague puts out a statement by means of apology. Are people "extreme" by calling a tasteless joke tasteless? Was Colin being "extreme" by being someone that doesn't seem to introspect when criticised?

The people calling for his removal from KF are being extreme IMO, yes.
The people calling for his removal from KF are being extreme IMO, yes.

You said both sides. What's been extreme on the other side?

People seem to have a lot of stuff to point in terms of behaviour of his that runs counter to the culture KF wants to cultivate. Nothing really extreme about expressing that IMO.
The brunt of my annoyance with this episode is that this was basically the response he wanted/expected. He'd say something "edgy," people would get "triggered" and he'd make fun of them ("humorless sacks of shit").

He's like Rick James in that Chappelles Show skit - he's a habitual line stepper. He's just too often recently been doing shit like this joke, his rant from the pod today, his political trolling and the relatively recent transformation into the Skip Bayless of videogames. If there's enough blowback, he'll often double down and then retreat and act as the victim of whatever episode he created. Never is there really ever any contrition.

Yeah I don't disagree with any of this. Colin's biggest issue to me isn't necessarily his beliefs it's that he purposefully does / says things to piss people off regularly and then when people get upset he makes fun of / bashes on them. Your comparison to Skip Bayless is AMAZINGLY accurate honestly
I laughed at the joke but I understand why people have a problem with it. How much longer does Gregg deal with him?

I am genuinely surprised that you laughed at that tweet. Like for me, even the most clever tweets will not make me audibly laugh, so Colin's super not clever joke def didn't do it for me personally.


Yeah I don't disagree with any of this. Colin's biggest issue to me isn't necessarily his beliefs it's that he purposefully does / says things to piss people off regularly and then when people get upset he makes fun of / bashes on them. Your comparison to Skip Bayless is AMAZINGLY accurate honestly
Is it possible that one of his beliefs is that people are being overly sensitive?...perhaps he's going about it the wrong way, from the sounds of it. I haven't heard much of his content.


Colin just tweeted this image.



Lmao the cult of Colin never ceases to amuse.

"Fuck the crybabies who are sensitive about everything" says totally unironic guy on the internet who is outraged that people are angry at his favorite gaming personality.

Greg had to be a bigger man and apologize on his behalf, yet he's still pulling off this kind of shit like a spoiled brat.

It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy
Given how much this escalated regardless I could see this becoming a rift within KF. It'll be interesting to watch how this all plays off. Whether it just blows over or not
Damn...I was worried this thread blew up because of my comments yesterday about Colin being a piece of garbage. I was actually coming back to say my comments might have been an over reaction. Guess it's just another day of Colin being Colin.


Neo Member
I have begun to somewhat sour on Colin just because his attitude or general grumpiness started to get to me. He can still be pretty funny sometimes. I agree that the joke wasnt that funny and was poorly timed but the vitriole from everyone throughout the internet is getting insane.

The amount of scarlet lettering going around from everyone is really getting out of control. Ok he made a bad joke but that does not mean he is going around slashing womens pay in half and marching them into the kitchen to get him a sammich.
It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy

I agree and think the dynamic Colin brings to Kinda Funny is what makes it special. The controversy is always from the so-called "regressive left" which ends up in absolute outrage that Greg now has to make damage control tweets to calm them down.
I have begun to somewhat sour on Colin just because his attitude or general grumpiness started to get to me. He can still be pretty funny sometimes. I agree that the joke wasnt that funny and was poorly timed but the vitriole from everyone throughout the internet is getting insane.

The amount of scarlet lettering going around from everyone is really getting out of control. Ok he made a bad joke but that does not mean he is going around slashing womens pay in half and marching them into the kitchen to get him a sammich.

Nobody is saying that he will. Nobody is overreacting other than the people building strawmen in service of defending Colin. Why is it that voicing displeasure with his shitty joke is "scarlet lettering" and "outrage culture" and "the internet getting insane", yet voicing displeasure at their displeasure (which you just did, and which hundreds of his whiny fans have been doing all day today) is somehow beyond reproach? Your guys' reactions are no better than the ones you are complaining about.
It was a joke. It's funny because what he said was clearly absurd, and not motivated by hate.

I don't understand wanting to be offended by things. In the words of Stephen Fry, "Well, so what?"

No apology needed, and I hope one isn't given.

The Simpsons > Family Guy

You sound upset about this. People were upset about his joke. What exactly makes you think you are any different/better?
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