I'm with Obliterator more or less. It's distasteful for sure, and especially so on Intl Women's Day. As someone who values diversity and inclusion, I certainly wouldn't have made that joke.
Having said.
I saw someone earlier in this thread compare this to praising National Socialism on Holocaust Memorial Day. Come the fuck on. That's ridiculous. Someone on Twitter today told me that "Colin's worn hate on his sleeve for years". Again, ridiculous. He's certainly not for everyone, and I don't agree with everything he says at all, but the dude doesn't espouse hatred. He doesn't hate women or gays or non-whites. Hell, he dumped the Republican party because of Trump (as did I). I've watched many of his peers, individuals who he's been friends with for years, suddenly start subtweeting him today with some pretty nasty stuff. I don't like dogpiles. Yeah, it was a dumb thing to say any day, much less today. But we've all said dumb shit in the past. Every one of us. Not a soul on Earth has never made a tasteless remark. I'm sure some of the more self-righteous among us are the most egregious offenders.
None of this means he shouldn't be held to account. Of course I think an apology should be made. I'm an unabashed, proud advocate for more inclusion and recognition for women and non-white/straight individuals in gaming. But, man......the rush to attack him over a poorly timed and thought out tweet, from people I am CERTAIN have said far worse, is disconcerting and troubling. Especially since this will almost certainly be forgotten in a week once everyone has moved on.
Same goes for the other side, willing to completely brush it under the rug like nothing ever happened. They're just as bad. Sorry, but what he said was wrong and shouldn't be accepted. Period. Stop defending it. Free speech doesn't mean not speaking up when you're offended. Every person who funds KF has a right to express frustration with a viewpoint, considering there the true employers of those guys.
Watching the two sides tear each other apart today was really sad.