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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast

If they left they were never fans of Greg's to begin with.

Taking it out on Greg because they can't handle Colin not being on the same wave length as them is unfair to Greg.

As someone who left because of Colin, I was and am a huge fan of Greg/Tim/Nick, but no longer could support Colin in anyway.

And yes, it is unfair to Greg/Tim/Nick, which is why it took me 6 months to finally unsubscribe even though I didn't like Colin anymore.
Stealing from Reddit to explain why people didn't like it:
That's well said...my only point? The outrage is misplaced.

I would never make that joke towards any woman. I was raised by a single mom who is a feminist and her values have been instilled in me. That type of humor serves nobody.
Man, my mother raised 5 of us, I'm black and was raised in some of the poorest parts of New Jersey. What people find offensive is different, and I don't really care about your values and that's not my point. Stop tweeting Colin mean things (not saying you) stop rallying people to block this person or that person, this social media mindset is just shit, whatever your stance is, that's my point, it's wasted energy.


That's well said...my only point? The outrage is misplaced.

Man, my mother raised 5 of us, I'm black and was raised in some of the poorest parts of New Jersey. What people find offensive is different, and I don't really care about your values and that's not my point. Stop tweeting Colin mean things (not saying you) stop rallying people to block this person or that person, this social media mindset is just shit, whatever your stance is, that's my point, it's wasted energy.

ok, who the fuck is doing that here?
If my partner said that to me then society would throw away the key on me...

So no he hasn't said this and wouldn't ever say it because he isn't a shit-out-the-same-ass-as-everyone-else idiot that uses 'Dad jokes', 'banter' or whatever little compartmentalised place you wish to put comments like Colin's one.

I assume Colin hasn't shown his face in this thread since making his 'rib-tickler' of a comment? He is an attention-seeker and is gutless to boot as far as I am concerned.

we live in a society with free speech. if you want to make a joke that people may find offensive, go for it. but do not be surprised when people exercise their free speech in reaction to that. if anything it should make the first person realize they can't just say shit without consequences, they don't live in a vacuum, they don't get a free pass.

a lot of hateful speech gets thrown around as "only joking!" and "it's satire". yes maybe you watch South Park and thus anything you say is brilliant button-pushing and not tone-deaf privilege flexing. but other people live in this world too.
You guys obviously aren't getting the point.

I think it was tasteless, I think calling woman the "B" word is super offensive and yet there's a whole community that uses it regularly. I am not saying people are being too sensitive or "get over it", God knows we are waaaay to "free of speech" as it is.

I'm saying this is mostly returning evil for evil, and it doesn't actually help or do anything good. Stop tweeting and talking about this stuff, just actually be a better person. And I'm sorry, when I see how much energy is put into responding back and the insults thrown back Colin's way, I can't see how those same people are putting as much energy into their personal lives, the part that really matters.
Where are the tweets from his girlfriend slinging mud at Greg and Tim? I can't find them.

The screenshots have been posted throughout this thread.

Oy. When I entered my undergrad history program he was still working in guides and we spent a lot of time going back and forth on Twitter about history, academia, hockey, new York, etc. I really looked up to him at point in my life. I still admire his writing and wish he was able to solely write and just stayed off of twitter.

What did he go off on Justin and Goldfarb for, if you don't mind me asking?

Justin calls Colin out whenever he says something completely idiotic or insensitive on Twitter, so they've butted heads a few time. Goldferb politely disagreed with Colin's opinion on safe spaces and things like trigger warnings and Colin absolutely hammered the fuck out of him. Of all the people you'd talk shit to, you do it to Goldfarb? One of the nicest guys on the planet?
You guys obviously aren't getting the point.

I think it was tasteless, I think calling woman the "B" word is super offensive and yet there's a whole community that uses it regularly. I am not saying people are being too sensitive or "get over it", God knows we are waaaay to "free of speech" as it is.

I'm saying this is mostly returning evil for evil, and it doesn't actually help or do anything good. Stop tweeting and talking about this stuff, just actually be a better person. And I'm sorry, when I see how much energy is put into responding back and the insults thrown back Colin's way, I can't see how those same people are putting as much energy into their personal lives, the part that really matters.

Ignoring an issue improves nothing. Addressing an issue and explaining why you dislike something goes further than "stop tweeting and talking."

People pretend as if me spending minutes to discuss a topic on a forum is equivalent to the time and energy I could be using to protest human trafficking.
This is absolutely ridiculous....

If nothing else, this makes me certain, in the long run, social media is doing more harm than good to society.

Poor taste or not with that joke, this is blown so out of proportion my eyes are rolling on the floor. What the FUCK does this do for women being mistreated to spit out evils and insults to someone you think makes a bad joke or is even a bad person?

What does it do for minorities to call people "wealthy privileged conservatives with no clue"?

Who does it benefit to block and call for some rally against a social media figure because of a joke you found offensive?

Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife? Oh, but because it's national women's day, everyone has to adopt the same mentality and take things serious, and take a step back to acknowledge the mistreatment to women over the centuries, so "NO JOKES ALLOWED TODAY" or "NO JOKES ON TWITTER TODAY". Rules change just about every day, and this is just as ridiculous as that stupid Horizon issue.

This really isn't directed at anyone in particular mind you. But I just see this up-in-arms thing with so many issues like it makes a difference. It really does't. The change happens inside of you, how YOU treat your family, friends, and relatives, and how YOU affect the neighborhood and community. This twitter stuff is straight bullshit.

Your argument basically translates to me as "WHY CAN'T I SAY SEXIST RACIST SHIT ON THE INTRERNET?" It comes off as a cry baby response. People like Colin have the right to say all the racist/sexist shit they want on the internet, just like people have the right to complain about all the racist/sexist shit people like Colin say on the internet. Freedom of speech works both ways. Also I'm sick and fucking tired of people saying that pointing out that what someone says might be sexist or racist is somehow harmful to women or minorities fighting or struggling for better treatment. Things don't change when you stay silent.
Stop tweeting and talking about this stuff, just actually be a better person. And I'm sorry, when I see how much energy is put into responding back and the insults thrown back Colin's way, I can't see how those same people are putting as much energy into their personal lives, the part that really matters.

I mean, do I need to point out the irony, Omni?
You guys obviously aren't getting the point.

I think it was tasteless, I think calling woman the "B" word is super offensive and yet there's a whole community that uses it regularly. I am not saying people are being too sensitive or "get over it", God knows we are waaaay to "free of speech" as it is.

I'm saying this is mostly returning evil for evil, and it doesn't actually help or do anything good. Stop tweeting and talking about this stuff, just actually be a better person. And I'm sorry, when I see how much energy is put into responding back and the insults thrown back Colin's way, I can't see how those same people are putting as much energy into their personal lives, the part that really matters.

I have not gone back at Colin in any form other than my one post you have quoted. Christ I am one of the few people in the world without Facebook or Twitter. I have more gold bars than I have those shitty things. I am not putting any energy into this, tapping my fingers down on a keyboard, aside. I had a few minutes break from programming and felt, stupidly, like spending them in this thread. Perhaps I should have gone and mown the grass instead.
That's social media at this point. It's just something you have to live with. Everything is amplified 10 fold, so I just learned to stop thinking that way.
true enough...

I just wish everyone could really travel, and just live longer. Like you have to eat/sleep/play with people and get perspective on stuff. Chatting on twitter or GAF is good, but man, it starts from a much more real place.

I'm never gonna meet Colin or anyone of these Kinda Funny people in real life, never going to break bread with them.

If I was the first person to see that tweet and happen to be on twitter, I would have just said "That was kinda tasteless man" if enough people liked that tweet, no need for any further comments. I mean, in real life that's what you would say to someone you didn't know that well. You would just meet a comedian after his show and be like "You're a horrible person for this this this and this!" lol...

But yeah, rants over, as I don't want to contribute to it either. Let me know when we're talking about video games again guys.
@Cosmic, yeah, I'm done...


The tweet I found not funny but unoffensive. The follow up about sacks of shit was DEFINITELY offensive. And I'm sure its been pointed out already, but Colin knew exactly what he was doing when he made that tweet. I love hearing the guy's opinion on games and his banter with Greg. But he has been starting to get on my nerves as of late, and that includes when he tweets this fully knowing its gonna stir the pot and start a fight.
Yeah the only thing I really have a problem with when it comes to KF is how they don't seem to want to put a lot of time into any one game ever, and so they rarely develop interesting, thorough opinions on games like they used to more often at IGN, thus harming the quality of their punditry...

I love KF but my biggest complaint is easily when one of them likes a game and then goes "wish I could play it but there are too many games to play" - they seem to operate on the idea that touching on every game that comes out is more beneficial to the brand than focusing on less games, diving deep into them, and saying interesting things about them. This is the KF's most major problem IMO.

For instance I would love to hear their thoughts about Persona 5 in its entirety but I'm even doubting a game as important and likely high quality as that will free itself from just being met with similar drive-by sentiments such as "it seems cool but there is just too much other stuff to play", and "it's more Persona, you're doing all these different things and if you really want more Persona than go for it, but there so many other games".

I think they should balance making the content they want to make with making some sacrifices for their fans, especially when that sacrifice is forcing yourself to play really good videogames to the end.

Reason I'm bringing this up is, I fear the comprehensiveness of the Horizon discussion will be the exception as it has been since, really, KF started.

I'm still trying to catch up on all the pages of responses to this tweet I totally missed, but I saw this comment and didn't want it to go buried because I 100% agree. Having more members on your show tends to help this a bit, but honestly just being willing to commit to games would go a long way.


Justin calls Colin out whenever he says something completely idiotic or insensitive on Twitter, so they've butted heads a few time. Goldferb politely disagreed with Colin's opinion on safe spaces and things like trigger warnings and Colin absolutely hammered the fuck out of him. Of all the people you'd talk shit to, you do it to Goldfarb? One of the nicest guys on the planet?

Thanks. I quit twitter about a year ago, which was a good idea overall, so I miss a lot of this stuff now.

As to your point re: Goldfarb, considering how many people Colin has gotten in feuds with in the last 6 months, maybe he should look in the mirror and realize that he creates the controversy.

I just don't get it. Dude seems to have greatly regressed in maturity since he left IGN.
If they left they were never fans of Greg's to begin with.

Taking it out on Greg because they can't handle Colin not being on the same wave length as them is unfair to Greg.

WHAT? Sorry man, you're going to need more than two sentences to try to explain that leap in logic.


Yeah the only thing I really have a problem with when it comes to KF is how they don't seem to want to put a lot of time into any one game ever, and so they rarely develop interesting, thorough opinions on games like they used to more often at IGN, thus harming the quality of their punditry...

I love KF but my biggest complaint is easily when one of them likes a game and then goes "wish I could play it but there are too many games to play" - they seem to operate on the idea that touching on every game that comes out is more beneficial to the brand than focusing on less games, diving deep into them, and saying interesting things about them. This is the KF's most major problem IMO.

For instance I would love to hear their thoughts about Persona 5 in its entirety but I'm even doubting a game as important and likely high quality as that will free itself from just being met with similar drive-by sentiments such as "it seems cool but there is just too much other stuff to play", and "it's more Persona, you're doing all these different things and if you really want more Persona than go for it, but there so many other games".

I think they should balance making the content they want to make with making some sacrifices for their fans, especially when that sacrifice is forcing yourself to play really good videogames to the end.

Reason I'm bringing this up is, I fear the comprehensiveness of the Horizon discussion will be the exception as it has been since, really, KF started.

I've also noticed that if it's a Japanese game, they hardly ever touch them. But a western game..hours and hours of it. Horizon, Rise of The Tomb Raider, etc. Greg also says he can't wait to play Yakuza 0..for all of the hour he played. I could go on and on.

But don't forget trophy time!


The tweet I found not funny but unoffensive. The follow up about sacks of shit was DEFINITELY offensive. And I'm sure its been pointed out already, but Colin knew exactly what he was doing when he made that tweet. I love hearing the guy's opinion on games and his banter with Greg. But he has been starting to get on my nerves as of late, and that includes when he tweets this fully knowing its gonna stir the pot and start a fight.

This a thousand times. Yet they don't address it and keep talking about the "Dad joke"..

At least i learned " dad jokes" were a thing..
And again, sorry if I came off harsh in my initial posts. This thing was just on the last 10 or so pages, I saw Greg's response, and all of the twitter comments under Colin's first posts, it was just a rant on social media more than anyone in particularly here. and LOL @ Alucrid perfect!

But seriously though, Horizon is amazing...and I need a Switch, almost tempted to get one from the scalpers at this point '-) My self control is waning. waining?...


How do you spell that properly?
WHAT? Sorry man, you're going to need more than two sentences to try to explain that leap in logic.
It's the same logic I see used in OT all the time

"If you're no longer X because of X, you were never X to begin with"

I guess it doesnt apply to podcasters.
I'll be back after the next episode, I'm sure this whole thing will be addressed.
I think a lot of people are missing the key ingredient in all of this; tensions over Colin's unnecessary baiting have been bubbling since the election. I think this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. He's been insanely hypocritical in a lot of his trolling bullshit and it has resulted in this. People who are saying "it's just a joke!" don't properly understand the situation. Colin's negative, unproductive attitude has slowly alienated a not-insignificant portion of the audience (and a bunch of other people in the games industry). To play the victim when for 6+ months you have been attacking people non-stop is just absurd, childish and cowardly.

Seeing such a universal reaction from fellow games media people, I honestly think Colin's name could be dirt in the industry now. Do you think devs are going to want to speak to Colin for a Colin Was Right video and be associated with some of the vitriol he spews?

This is exactly it. Totally nailed it. Enough is enough already - people are sick of how Colin does intentionally offensive things and then cries victim when he gets backlash for it.
The tweet I found not funny but unoffensive. The follow up about sacks of shit was DEFINITELY offensive. And I'm sure its been pointed out already, but Colin knew exactly what he was doing when he made that tweet. I love hearing the guy's opinion on games and his banter with Greg. But he has been starting to get on my nerves as of late, and that includes when he tweets this fully knowing its gonna stir the pot and start a fight.
Pretty much mirrors where I am at. I'm just getting tired of him always going on about not calling people you disagree with names and all this shit and then goes on and does it over and over again himself. I remember he had a topic or it was brought up on the GOG show and Greg called him out and said he did the same thing to I think Bernie fans when he kept callin them babies and his defense was well they are being babies.

It's a shame because I think he has good insight on the industry sometimes and really enjoyed his coversations with Jason Schreier and Adam Boyes this week.


good for you, or whatever?

The point is, it's not some offensive terrible joke to say women are naggers. it's a stereotype. My wife personally hardly ever bugs me at all, and the house is super quite because she's a reader. The outrage is misplaced.

It doesn't matter if the joke is harmless when told between two people who understand eachother.

The owner of a business posting it publicly is so incredibly stupid and trashy.


And again, sorry if I came off harsh in my initial posts. This thing was just on the last 10 or so pages, I saw Greg's response, and all of the twitter comments under Colin's first posts, it was just a rant on social media more than anyone in particularly here. and LOL @ Alucrid perfect!

But seriously though, Horizon is amazing...and I need a Switch, almost tempted to get one from the scalpers at this point '-) My self control is waning. waining?...


How do you spell that properly?

Horizon is amazing! I really love Aloy as a character. And the story is so intriguing. As much as I want a Switch, I think I will wait until the holidays and stay strong. I have enough to play (Horizon, Tales of Berseria, Nier, Division... and Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes 2 coming soon).


It doesn't matter if the joke is harmless when told between two people who understand eachother.

The owner of a business posting it publicly is so incredibly stupid and trashy.

I'd argue that this candidness is kind of what they're selling. I mean, this is a business that calls their customers best friends.


Pretty much mirrors where I am at. I'm just getting tired of him always going on about not calling people you disagree with names and all this shit and then goes on and does it over and over again himself. I remember he had a topic or it was brought up on the GOG show and Greg called him out and said he did the same thing to I think Bernie fans when he kept callin them babies and his defense was well they are being babies.

It's a shame because I think he has good insight on the industry sometimes and really enjoyed his coversations with Jason Schreier and Adam Boyes this week.

Definitely does, and it sucks to see someone I look up to end up in something like this. The guy gladly helped me with a school project interview a few years ago when I asked, and I still thank him for that. But man, what now seems to be constant negativity and stirring the pot all the time, just sucks.


Horizon is amazing! I really love Aloy as a character. And the story is so intriguing. As much as I want a Switch, I think I will wait until the holidays and stay strong. I have enough to play (Horizon, Tales of Berseria, Nier, Division... and Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes 2 coming soon).

I think I'm just reserving myself to the fact that some of these games aren't getting played til late in the year or maybe even next year.


The tweet I found not funny but unoffensive. The follow up about sacks of shit was DEFINITELY offensive. And I'm sure its been pointed out already, but Colin knew exactly what he was doing when he made that tweet. I love hearing the guy's opinion on games and his banter with Greg. But he has been starting to get on my nerves as of late, and that includes when he tweets this fully knowing its gonna stir the pot and start a fight.

I agree, of all of the hack comments I saw about International Womens Day yesterday, Colin's was one of the milder ones. But it was so counter-productive within the context of Kinda Funny's "mission". I am not a huge follower of theirs but they are collectively running a small business that leans heavily into cultivating a healthy and positive community. Colin making cheeky little cracks like this doesn't work towards that goal and (as proven) divides their fanbase.

Even if Greg and the other guys weren't super offended by the Tweet that much...I can't believe how pissed they must be about how just unnecessary it was. Greg especially seems to be hustling hard to push the brand by being a part of a lot of events and maintaining a super inclusive and positive attitude. However, while Colin puts in the work content-wise, he brings these completely avoidable controversies that sour people on what Greg is trying to build.

I'm not a huge fan of the current climate of the "if people say something I don't like, get them fired", but Colin should reign himself in instead of causing problems for his team. If he doesn't want to do that, maybe he should walk.
Horizon is amazing! I really love Aloy as a character. And the story is so intriguing. As much as I want a Switch, I think I will wait until the holidays and stay strong. I have enough to play (Horizon, Tales of Berseria, Nier, Division... and Persona 5 and Dragon Quest Heroes 2 coming soon).
yeah, my PS4 backlog is pretty crazy, I just stopped buying games until I'm ready to play them. I think Horizon is the only Platinum I'm going to go for, just going to complete TLG, Yakuza 0 and Nioh, maybe I'll get the plat in Gravity Rush 2 as well, and still have to go back to Grand Kingdom and Dragon Quest Builders.

I really should hold off on the Switch too, but I want something to game on my slow days at work, and get my daughter into gaming with something she can easily pick up like Mario Kart.


I'd argue that this candidness is kind of what they're selling. I mean, this is a business that calls their customers best friends.

He is selling that attitude which is fine in general, but there are some things that are more important than Collin's attitude.


Someone please, please tell me this is a joke.

I'm going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume you've been programmed to think silencing people who disagree with you is a reasonable response. Because I'm an idealist, and I'd rather believe you're too sensitive to handle ideas that challenge your own, than the possibility that you might not have the critical reasoning faculty to differentiate between real and entirely imagined sexism. I know this forum has collectively lost its grip on reality, but if things are that bad, then we have far, far bigger problems than campus boycotts and outrage culture.

This is how intellectualism dies on the Left - not with a bang but with a hashtag.


Someone please, please tell me this is a joke.

I'm going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume you've been programmed to think silencing people who disagree with you is a reasonable response. Because I'm an idealist, and I'd rather believe you're too sensitive to handle ideas that challenge your own, than the possibility that you might not have the critical reasoning faculty to differentiate between real and entirely imagined sexism. I know this forum has collectively lost its grip on reality, but if things are that bad, then we have far, far bigger problems than campus boycotts and outrage culture.

This is how intellectualism dies on the Left - not with a bang but with a hashtag.

no one is saying colin is sexist. we're saying he's an edgelord ass who is constantly stirring the pot for no good reason which flies in the face of what kinda funny claims to promote. because i'm an idealist i'd rather believe that you simply didn't read up on the issue than the possibility that you might not have the critical reasoning faculty to understand that
Who the FUCK hasn't made that joke with their girlfriend or wife?

I made jokes like this when I was a clueless and edgy 18-year-old. I grew out of it and realized that even "jokes" can be hurtful and wrong. Colin is a grown-ass man who plays the "intellectual superiority" card at every possible turn. If he wants to be taken seriously he needs to grow out of the college freshman "I understand everything wrong with the world and YOU don't" bullshit attitude.
Someone please, please tell me this is a joke.

I'm going to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume you've been programmed to think silencing people who disagree with you is a reasonable response. Because I'm an idealist, and I'd rather believe you're too sensitive to handle ideas that challenge your own, than the possibility that you might not have the critical reasoning faculty to differentiate between real and entirely imagined sexism. I know this forum has collectively lost its grip on reality, but if things are that bad, then we have far, far bigger problems than campus boycotts and outrage culture.

This is how intellectualism dies on the Left - not with a bang but with a hashtag.

But you think people that disagree with Colin's attempt at a "joke" should be silent.

The hypocrisy. It drips.
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