Having thought about this a bit more over the last couple days, I do have to say that I agree with the general sentiment that if he did say that with the intent of purposefully making people mad to "prove a point", it's a stupid, immature move that goes against a lot of what he said he was against in the past. If the joke was truly posted with the simple intent to be humorous (whether that was successful or not), I don't think it's terrible, even if I don't think the joke itself is funny. The idea that it "perpetuates a nasty idea about women" kinda misses the point in my opinion. If seeing such a joke truly warps your perspective of women, that's on you for misunderstanding completely. I don't see the humor in the statement, if it's not to point out the irony and inherent ridiculousness of the stereotype. That said, I personally do think the joke was a bit tasteless, especially with the use of the hashtag. As someone here said, it does seem kind of like the "digital equivalent" of walking into a room full of people with strong beliefs and making a joke out of it. Just bad timing. And if the intent really was sinister, then I'm disappointed, but we can't just assume that it was. Colin can be inflammatory sometimes, often to a fault, but he's also usually fair and respectful, and has recognized mistakes in the past.