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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I think Colin could be very successful as a right wing pundit, he's already loud, thinks he's cleverer than he actually is, thinks taxes=stealing and lacks empathy.

Just needs to deny climate change and be openly transphobic to fit right in.

But I honestly don't see it happening unless he chooses to, Greg seems like he'd never be able to force Colin to go
Something I think should be mentioned: Greg and Tim are being attacked for not backing the dumb joke, and I don't see Colin telling anyone to give it a rest. He's letting it happen. I know they're his fans, but it shows what he thinks of his coworkers a little bit.

This is the same thing that happened with his incident with Bob Mackey. He publicly said on the Morning Show that he was over it and letting it go, etc. but never once addressed the fact that his superfans were continually attacking Mackey over every little thing/sending shitty emails/trolling reviews on the retronauts page. If he really wanted to drop it, he would have told his fans "Look, this is between Bob and I, and all of you need to stay out of it."

Very simple to do. Yet he never did.

Edit: Apparently he did, and I completely missed it. Carry on!


Neo Member
This is the same thing that happened with his incident with Bob Mackey. He publicly said on the Morning Show that he was over it and letting it go, etc. but never once addressed the fact that his superfans were continually attacking Mackey over every little thing/sending shitty emails/trolling reviews on the retronauts page. If he really wanted to drop it, he would have told his fans "Look, this is between Bob and I, and all of you need to stay out of it."

Very simple to do. Yet he never did.

He definitely did. Nick and Colin both said just leave him alone.
I think Colin could be very successful as a right wing pundit, he's already loud, thinks he's cleverer than he actually is, thinks taxes=stealing and lacks empathy.

Just needs to deny climate change and be openly transphobic to fit right in.

But I honestly don't see it happening unless he chooses to, Greg seems like he'd never be able to force Colin to go

This shit always pisses me off when you consider the lion's share of their revenue comes from patreon. Oh excuse, yeah - paying for their video game coverage 'services' that society so desperately needs.

No, that's not it. Patreon is largely based off of the generosity of others. But no, tax me very little cus' fuck everyone else. SOMETHING SOMETHING BOOTSRAPS. And for those wondering I'm in the highest U.S tax bracket and gladly pay my taxes with little complaint because I know the important function it serves.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Yup all over a tasteless fucking joke. And of course because it's Colin Moriarty. I feel bad for the guy, I wish him nothing but the best.

It isn't like this is the first time he's pulled something like this though, hard to evoke much sympathy for him


I really enjoy KF, they make me laugh and overall have the most fun and interesting podcasts/shows in terms of most of the other popular gaming shows and channels. It's so hard to know what to believe with all this nonsense. I like Colin as he adds a unique and different dynamic to their shows. I find that he does just say what's on his mind and I respect that but it seems like he's intentionally trying to get a rise out of people with this tweet and others and then he doubles down on it once his plan works which seems intentionally malicious IMO. Like how do you make that joke on Twitter without knowing that it's gonna cause a disruption? Obviously it was meant to do so.


I miss the Colin from Beyond. Yeah he was still grumpy, but it was funny and he was also really enthusiastic, energetic, and talkative. Now the grumpiness seems real, he seems apathetic towards his work (apart from the content he himself is putting out), and he's always "tired" or seems bored. He seems to get off less on talking about how awesome a game is (which seems to be becoming more uncommon) and how shitty one is.

Been saying this for some time. I can't say whether he actually is bored of gaming, but he certainly seems that way most of the time.


I agree. I wish they stayed. Both Kinda Funny and IGN are worse now than what we used to have.

Speaking of IGN, Podcast Beyond has evolved into something really awesome albeit different than it used to be. The early months were rocky for sure but ever since Altano and Max calmed down a little bit and Andrew Goldfarb came back, it's been a great podcast. Funny enough, it almost seemed to have coincided with the decline in PSILY's quality lol.
This situation really is a shit show, huh?

"I've said this before," (a regular Colin quote) - I generally don't like Colin because of his "my opinion is right and everyone else who disagrees is wrong" attitude. But I kinda think KF does need him in the group to stay relevant. Without him it's basically Tim and Greg, and their "passion" for video games would never come close to people like EZA. Colin adds some flavor to it. I'm ready to stop following them if there's actually a shake up, but we'll see what happens.

People automatically throwing everyone who supports Colin in even the smallest of ways into a basket of deplorables / fascist / women hating is a little haHAA for my tastes, though.

Speaking of IGN, Podcast Beyond has evolved into something really awesome albeit different than it used to be. The early months were rocky for sure but ever since Altano and Max calmed down a little bit and Andrew Goldfarb came back, it's been a great podcast. Funny enough, it almost seemed to have coincided with the decline in PSILY's quality lol.

IDK how I feel about Beyond, I tend to only listen when Alanah's on. PSILY is pretty bad though. They can't be bothered to do time stamps for some reason, they waste a 30 minute chunk reading summaries of 50 games coming out every week, etc.
I really enjoy KF, they make me laugh and overall have the most fun and interesting podcasts/shows in terms of most of the other popular gaming shows and channels. It's so hard to know what to believe with all this nonsense. I like Colin and find that he does just say what's on his mind but it seems like he's intentionally trying to get a rise out of people and then double down on it once his plan works which seems very malicious IMO. Like how do you make that joke on Twitter without knowing that it's gonna cause a disruption. Obviously it was meant to do so.

I tend to find that Colin talks a big game when it comes to things like intellectualism or pragmatism, but when it comes down to it - when he needs to practice what he preaches...


Yup all over a tasteless fucking joke. And of course because it's Colin Moriarty. I feel bad for the guy, I wish him nothing but the best.
He's loving all this, though. And now he gets to have a chat with Glenn Beck!

These comments on their recent videos are cringeworthy
I also like the Colin cult tweeting snake emojis at people (Tim Gettys from what I've seen). Super cool and not weird.
Yup all over a tasteless fucking joke. And of course because it's Colin Moriarty. I feel bad for the guy, I wish him nothing but the best.

I wish him nothing. He deserves nothing. The longer this goes on, even as a lapsed KF fan, the more frustrated I become. Colin wouldn't be here without Greg. Greg has done so much for this guy. It's funny that Colin talks about the idea of acknowledging privilege as laughable. Privilege is growing up an upper middle class white dude in the long island burbs with a beach house and then feeling entitled enough to authoritatively talk about issues he's never experienced. Privilege is having your friend basically bring you along as he was rising and then all but spit in his face to prove some kind of inane point. KF would honestly be better without him. I used to not think that, even when colin got on my nerves, but as time goes on, it's clear that he's more trouble than he's worth.


IDK how I feel about Beyond, I tend to only listen when Alanah's on. PSILY is pretty bad though. They can't be bothered to do time stamps for some reason, they waste a 30 minute chunk reading summaries of 50 games coming out every week, etc.

Alanah has become one of IGN's best personalities and podcasters for sure! Current Beyond's structure of having 4 people on continues to highlight one of the weaknesses of PSILY in that there simply aren't enough voices and opinions to keep the discussion interesting. You can usually anticipate what Greg and Colin are going to say about a topic before it's even said.

What's wrong with this?

It's sad seeing what has happened to the Kinda Funny community. It started off as one of the most positive on the internet.
I don't have the same beliefs of Colin, but I respect him and his views. I found Gregs garbage PR cut and paste tweet a ridiculous backhand to his friend and business partner.
I'll actually add something positive about Colin from what I've seen that's not endless praise - he does a good job of listening and presenting in his videos and interviews and if he didn't act like a turd on Twitter could garner a lot more respect. It's so stupid in my view that he insists on 1) making not funny/dumb joke on a social media platform that was sure to rile feathers and 2) shitting on people that didn't find his lame grandpa joke funny.
I don't have the same beliefs of Colin, but I respect him and his views. I found Gregs garbage PR cut and paste tweet a ridiculous backhand to his friend and business partner.

A good business partner would recognize the optics of a bad situation and realize it would be bad for the brand. A good business partner would swallow his pride for the sake of the group owned business. Colin did none of these things and left Greg holding the bag.
Yup all over a tasteless fucking joke. And of course because it's Colin Moriarty. I feel bad for the guy, I wish him nothing but the best.

The good news is only a very vocal minority care, and the vast majority either don't know about what's going on or don't care. Everything will be back to normal next week. The people who hate Colin will still yell about how terrible he is on GAF, everyone else will keep on keeping on.


Having thought about this a bit more over the last couple days, I do have to say that I agree with the general sentiment that if he did say that with the intent of purposefully making people mad to "prove a point", it's a stupid, immature move that goes against a lot of what he said he was against in the past. If the joke was truly posted with the simple intent to be humorous (whether that was successful or not), I don't think it's terrible, even if I don't think the joke itself is funny. The idea that it "perpetuates a nasty idea about women" kinda misses the point in my opinion. If seeing such a joke truly warps your perspective of women, that's on you for misunderstanding completely. I don't see the humor in the statement, if it's not to point out the irony and inherent ridiculousness of the stereotype. That said, I personally do think the joke was a bit tasteless, especially with the use of the hashtag. As someone here said, it does seem kind of like the "digital equivalent" of walking into a room full of people with strong beliefs and making a joke out of it. Just bad timing. And if the intent really was sinister, then I'm disappointed, but we can't just assume that it was. Colin can be inflammatory sometimes, often to a fault, but he's also usually fair and respectful, and has recognized mistakes in the past.


I don't have the same beliefs of Colin, but I respect him and his views. I found Gregs garbage PR cut and paste tweet a ridiculous backhand to his friend and business partner.

I find this to be a very school-yard POV though. Greg needs to protect his business (which largely depends on his persona and how he's represented), the REST of his business partners, etc. He said he was issuing the response because so many people had asked. Wouldn't be surprised if he got a ton of messages from people they both know saying "are you really going to support this?" Greg himself probably looked at that tweet and thought it was offensive, so did Tim. They didn't even respond to it until enough people had latched onto it.

It's like having a friend who constantly starts fights at bars. There comes a point when you've been punched enough times for jumping in on their behalf when you just say "you're on your own next time, I'm not doing this anymore".


Why does he wear the mask!?
The good news is only a very vocal minority care, and the vast majority either don't know about what's going on or don't care. Everything will be back to normal next week. The people who hate Colin will still yell about how terrible he is on GAF, everyone else will keep on keeping on.

Except Colin will pull this shit again, as he has done in the past


I bet Greg will mention that they understand why people are mad and try to tone down the political talk and that'll be that

You guys now speculating that Colin is leaving to become a political video maker or whatever have spent too much time in this thread, kinda like how Brad has been "leaving" Giant Bomb for the past 10 years


I'll actually add something positive about Colin from what I've seen that's not endless praise - he does a good job of listening and presenting in his videos and interviews and if he didn't act like a turd on Twitter could garner a lot more respect. It's so stupid in my view that he insists on 1) making not funny/dumb joke on a social media platform that was sure to rile feathers and 2) shitting on people that didn't find his lame grandpa joke funny.

Yeah, he did great in his interview videos this week. I don't get why he turns around and shits it all up on Twitter though.


I think with Colin he just has run out of things to say so he ended up saying something stupid on Twitter without thinking it through. When you do the amount of content KF does, eventually you will say something wrong or stupid, Greg brought this up in his response, obviously on Twitter too context is lost. We all say stupid stuff from time to time, especially if we are constantly engaged in conversation. I'm not excusing it, just trying to find a reason for it happening. If he did it on purpose to get a rise out of people than I'd be disappointed in his actions. Either way I'll still watch KF because they're the most fun out of the podcasts I watch and listen to.


Neo Member
If he worked at IGN, I can't help but think they would have cut ties with him over this.

As for how the guys should address it, they have to say something about it at the panel, but I imagine they'll briefly say "what happened Wednesday has no bearing on this panel. This isn't the medium to discuss it. We respectfully ask that you don't ask us about it as we will address it on our own terms."

Panel happens, people feel good, "positive vibes" all around. Continue to step around the issue until Monday. Colin's GB appearance doesn't conflict with the usual KFMS time, so I imagine the best way to get in front of this is to let him have his piece on the radio show (hopefully it goes smoothly), and the four of them appear on the show to let everyone know where it stands.

What happens? Colin completely backs out of GOG, KFMS, and GC (making rare appearances). Continues PSXOXO and CWR.

Greg will say this year is about community and how they don't want to leave us in the dark, and whatever. Tim will apologize to Colin (not that he should) and Nick will make the most sexist joke he can possibly think of before Kevin screams: "OH GOD, NICK!!"

80% confident in this prediction.

All predictions pale in comparison to mine (that got bottom-paged)
Yup all over a tasteless fucking joke. And of course because it's Colin Moriarty. I feel bad for the guy, I wish him nothing but the best.

Yeah, how dare people get called out for making a tasteless sexist joke with no context on a day meant to fight sexism. He's the victim here.

I think with Colin he just has run out of things to say so he ended up saying something stupid on Twitter without thinking it through. When you do the amount of content KF does, eventually you will say something wrong or stupid, Greg brought this up in his response, obviously on Twitter too context is lost. We all say stupid stuff from time to time, especially if we are constantly engaged in conversation. I'm not excusing it, just trying to find a reason for it happening. If he did it on purpose to get a rise out of people than I'd be disappointed in his actions. Either way I'll still watch KF because they're the most fun out of the podcasts I watch and listen to.

I think the problem is, he couldn't even have the empathy to admit he was wrong, regardless if it was a joke or not. He could have added context by posting a picture of him in a red shirt and maybe mentioning his wife was working. Or he could of just said "Hey, was meant as a joke. Was tasteless, sorry to those who it offended". But instead he wants to call people humorless sacks of shit. People are imperfect by nature and will do things wrong, but just like, be the adult and own up to your mistakes and people will be more understanding.
The good news is only a very vocal minority care, and the vast majority either don't know about what's going on or don't care. Everything will be back to normal next week. The people who hate Colin will still yell about how terrible he is on GAF, everyone else will keep on keeping on.

Agreed. I sometimes wish he would just come out and say "hey it was joke, in poor taste and I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused my co-workers and the community". That's all it would take. I can care more about what his political views are. I agree with some and not with others. But Colin, eat some humble pie. Not for you, but for the other KF members.
You gotta realize that the KF guys know each other, they're friends. No one hates anyone else, no one is leaving over this. The response in bubbles like this spins out of control and leads to crazy hyperbole, but rational adults will work these things out.
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