I frown upon all those who have not heard the gospel of Jackie "The Real Jesus" Tretton.
Jack Tretton, former president/CEO of SCEA
Yeah, it is a combo of platforming and shooting.totally with colin on the doughnut drake issue and his concerns about artistic expression. nice to hear a mature viewpoint on that issue that doesn't devolve into PC vs. non-PC shit.
is rachet and clank a platformer? I never played one, but i always thought it was a shooter primarily.
also, the god of war story was never very good, not sure why kratos being a bad character automatically rules the game out for them. i don't particularly like the recent god of war games because i felt like they largely abandoned the metroidvania-ish level design and puzzles that gave the game better balance. ascension felt like a very shallow character action game (just encounter after in encounter in linear levels with no puzzles at all), whereas i always felt like the old god or war games, especially the first two had a better mix of action and non-action. either way it always seemed weird to me that they say they don't like the god of war games because they hate kratos as if a great story/characters are required for a good video game. most video games have bad to awful stories and one dimensional characters
Should've used the mic drop GIF!
Who's jackie T?
Dang, Colin got me hyped to play R&C for PS4.
Yeah, he and a lot of the video game press are really high on the game. The fact that is also $40 is huge. I'm really considering picking it up.
Dang, Colin got me hyped to play R&C for PS4.
Yeah, he and a lot of the video game press are really high on the game. The fact that is also $40 is huge. I'm really considering picking it up.
Yeah, he and a lot of the video game press are really high on the game. The fact that is also $40 is huge. I'm really considering picking it up.
Jack Tretton, former president/CEO of SCEA
Oh god, what a classic moment.
Can't wait to listen. I wonder what Greg thinks about the whole thing revolving Neo.
Colin has a talent for ranting. It's hard not to pay attention to him when he goes on them.
Or you and Colin are just being pessimistic and none of that will happen. Not really fair to dismiss that outcomeI don't really feel like it's ranting. It's just frustrating that some people don't understand why this whole situation is bad. The Playstation Neo is a bad move on all fronts- it's bad for developers, it leaves a poor taste in the mouths of early adopters, having two skews confuses the market (think Wii to Wii U confusion), and none of the rumored benefits outweigh the cons. I feel like Colin's representation of the outrage is justified and rational.
Colin is fired up about the NEO. i was looking forward to this.
Greg sounds rational. Colin though.... lol his exhortations to Sony to just "shelve it. abort it." is getting into Pachter territory of business strategy prognostication.
Colin, real talk, get a dev from a Bay Area studio that ships multiplatform or even Sony exclusives, as well as someone from Playstation on your show and hurl your angry questions at them. I think you have legitimately good, reasoned questions that deserve answers from people that are actually involved in the process of making and selling games & consoles, not just having the back & forth with yourself on the podcast.
Agreed. I think it's safe to say the PS4K is coming first and foremost from developer needs. Sony went and made a console that is basically PC architecture, but problem is the technology has outpaced the console faster than it usually does. So I can sympathize with devs (especially the ones who arent part of the elite club responsible for the bulk of game sales) who say to Sony "look, at some point the sacrifices we have to make for our game are too great, and it won't be worth it anymore."
People might argue that that point is moot when you consider every game will be required to work on base PS4s anyway. but I promise you, as the generation goes on longer and longer, the performance of that "Base PS4" mode will turn to such shit that people will pretty much have to upgrade.
Getting into the main part of the episode from this is pretty great. He goes from enraged to happily chatting about fruit. It's a very amusing transition.
I don't really feel like it's ranting. It's just frustrating that some people don't understand why this whole situation is bad. The Playstation Neo is a bad move on all fronts- it's bad for developers, it leaves a poor taste in the mouths of early adopters, having two skews confuses the market (think Wii to Wii U confusion), and none of the rumored benefits outweigh the cons. I feel like Colin's representation of the outrage is justified and rational.
wow Colin is way off base. So much hate for the PS4.5. The article said there will be not exclusive stuff for 4.5. Game will run the same as they do now with current Ps4s.
wow Colin is way off base. So much hate for the PS4.5. The article said there will be not exclusive stuff for 4.5. Game will run the same as they do now with current Ps4s.
wow Colin is way off base. So much hate for the PS4.5. The article said there will be not exclusive stuff for 4.5. Game will run the same as they do now with current Ps4s.
Not really. It is clearly mentioned in all the leaks and also obvious that games will not run the same, the whole reason for the upgrade. The apparent stipulation by Sony is that the games have to run atleast as good as base PS4 or better on the PS4.5 .
Huh? The Giant Bomb and Eurogamer leaked articles both state that the PS4K hardware will have additional power available to developers and encourages upgraded resolution (targeting 4K where possible).
the games WON'T run the same way, they will just have the same features and online... Framerate is not a feature
wow Colin is way off base. So much hate for the PS4.5. The article said there will be not exclusive stuff for 4.5. Game will run the same as they do now with current Ps4s.
I mean PS4 games on the regular Ps4. If you get the PS4.5, the games will have the "Neo" mode so obviously they will run at the higher specs.
I mean PS4 games on the regular Ps4. If you get the PS4.5, the games will have the "Neo" mode so obviously they will run at the higher specs.
I guess that's the glass half-full way of seeing things, i'm more of the idea that some games running like complete garbage on the original ps4 is inevitable
We don't know if devs wanted this. Actually Shinobi said most devs he talked to where not happy about this.
According to the article that is something Sony won't let happen since they don't want that user base separation. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Agreed. I just don't see how this is a good idea. Why would you ever do something like this when you are in the lead and are swimming in money?
I mean PS4 games on the regular Ps4. If you get the PS4.5, the games will have the "Neo" mode so obviously they will run at the higher specs.
This is kinda bad. It is basically like a new console generation already. They might claim that all games have to work on the base PS4 but that is essentially what happens when a new console generation launches. 90% of the games being made for the new console are made cross gen with some visual and performance discrepancies.
I will say the same oft repeated argument against this, this is not why someone buys a console. PS4 is barely 3 years old and still has very few to no real exclusives. To add on to that, the first one year was filled with cross-gen games. So just over a year's worth of new gen games on PS4 and we already have a new one on the horizon.
Lastly, I really hate this luxury hardware argument that Greg makes. If they really wanted to go the Apple route then they should have given the luxury option on Day 1, like Apple does. Not 2 years into the generation without any forewarning and discriminating it's early adopters.
I mean PS4 games on the regular Ps4. If you get the PS4.5, the games will have the "Neo" mode so obviously they will run at the higher specs.
Look at N64 games that are expansion pack optional, and see how well they run without it.
The games might "run" in the most technical sense of the word, but they will increasingly become less and less appealing.
We don't know if devs wanted this. Actually Shinobi said most devs he talked to where not happy about this.
Agreed. I just don't see how this is a good idea. Why would you ever do something like this when you are in the lead and are swimming in money?