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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


I like how they said that "nothing would change" after announcing the RT collaboration, but already they cancelled multiple days of C&G Live and looked tired as hell in the latest episode of PS ILY because of the filming obligations they have with RT.
I like how they said that "nothing would change" after announcing the RT collaboration, but already they cancelled multiple days of C&G Live and looked tired as hell in the latest episode of PS ILY because of the filming obligations they have with RT.

Yeah they were really good about doing C&GL almost every day last year. This years it's very hit or miss. How am I suppose to find my gaming news? By reading?!?!? What is this, 2014???
This weeks episode wasn't amazing, but far from bad. I generally like the tangents and antics that happen, the wings and the water man were great, I think people are more bent out of shape this week because the guys were so obviously tired, and it's different when the guys are going off on tangents but sound really enthusiastic to when they sound tired and not really enjoying themselves.

But if they didn't do the episode im sure people would complain about RT effecting things already.

I just think by the very nature of this show some episodes are going to resonate with you more than others depending on the weeks news, topic of the show, the reader mail etc.

Anyway, wasn't my favourite episode I've listened to but still enjoyable and made me laugh :)
Aside from the audio sounding like crap it was a fine episode. Not great, but not bad. I enjoyed the Vita discussion, I would have thought they'd advocate more for finding a new OLED. Surprised they didn't mention needing grips for the Vita though.


Always love listening to PSILY every week. Even when they're tired and busy as hell, they always deliver with a product that is personal with all of the shenanigans. Plus it's always a good distraction from my school work. Keep up the great work you guys. Vita Island will prevail


I stopped offering my opinion of the show, positive or negative, after the hilarious food ordering incident when a bunch of people mentioned how they'd rather not listen to them debate their meals for 20 minutes, and Colin got all snarky and legitimately pouted about it for the next few episodes.

Now I just listen, and 90% of it is great, and what I don't like I skip. It's just that simple.

D i Z

If you guys don't want to come off as being hostile towards anyone who posts criticism (whether it's legit or not in your eyes is irrelevant), then just stop being hostile. It's really that simple. Engage the complaints in discussion if you actually have something to contribute or challenging. Otherwise just agree to disagree and let it go.
Colin and Greg are big boys and your special place in their hearts is not going to be compromised. The defense force against criticism and the need to label any detraction as vitriolic and entitled is really kind of childish. Everyone needs to stop taking shit so personally and give others room to speak their minds in this space, as this for many might be the best method to file away some input about the show and content. There is no ownership here. KF will decide for themselves what they would like to respond to, what they might like to adopt or ignore. Your heroes are doing just fine, and you aren't saving them from anything. You might just be hindering some progress if this thread becomes more about your sensibilities, and less about the show.

I kind of liked this weeks show. Lower energy over all, but sometimes it's a nice pace to get into when they power down.
If you guys don't want to come off as being hostile towards anyone who posts criticism (whether it's legit or not in your eyes is irrelevant), then just stop being hostile. It's really that simple. Engage the complaints in discussion if you actually have something to contribute or challenging. Otherwise just agree to disagree and let it go.
Colin and Greg are big boys and your special place in their hearts is not going to be compromised. The defense force against criticism and the need to label any detraction as vitriolic and entitled is really kind of childish. Everyone needs to stop taking shit so personally and give others room to speak their minds in this space, as this for many might be the best method to file away some input about the show and content. There is no ownership here. KF will decide for themselves what they would like to respond to, what they might like to adopt or ignore. Your heroes are doing just fine, and you aren't saving them from anything. You might just be hindering some progress if this thread becomes more about your sensibilities, and less about the show.

I kind of liked this weeks show. Lower energy over all, but sometimes it's a nice pace to get into when they power down.

Wow, comment of the entire thread. Great point.


If you guys don't want to come off as being hostile towards anyone who posts criticism (whether it's legit or not in your eyes is irrelevant), then just stop being hostile. It's really that simple. Engage the complaints in discussion if you actually have something to contribute or challenging. Otherwise just agree to disagree and let it go.
Colin and Greg are big boys and your special place in their hearts is not going to be compromised. The defense force against criticism and the need to label any detraction as vitriolic and entitled is really kind of childish. Everyone needs to stop taking shit so personally and give others room to speak their minds in this space, as this for many might be the best method to file away some input about the show and content. There is no ownership here. KF will decide for themselves what they would like to respond to, what they might like to adopt or ignore. Your heroes are doing just fine, and you aren't saving them from anything. You might just be hindering some progress if this thread becomes more about your sensibilities, and less about the show.

Great post. I think a lot of the hostile defense force stuff is a product of Colin and Greg posting here and people wanting them to keep posting here. Anyway, agree with everything you said.


So none of you guys had a long ass workday before and were not on form at the end of the day?

This is the negative effect of them collaborating with RT though, it's their own fault. They have obligations to occasionally fly to Texas and film stuff with RT which will inevitable result in dropped of quality on their contents as seen in the latest episode of PSILY and shows been cancelled (C&G Live).


Gold Member
This is the negative effect of them collaborating with RT though, it's their own fault. They have obligations to occasionally fly to Texas and film stuff with RT which will inevitable result in dropped of quality on their contents as seen in the latest episode of PSILY and shows been cancelled (C&G Live).

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt as they hash things out and evolve what they are trying to do. They probably just had a long day.
Upset? All I said was it rubs me the wrong way to see them have such little respect for their listeners time when they're asking for money.
Why are you acting so hostile especially after you got called out for the whole "don't let the door hit you on the way out" line??

Again, I didn't mean to come across as hostile -- honestly tone is difficult to translate through text - I
didn't mean any of what I'm saying in that tone. Honestly - I was just asking. I already said that before and apologised.


I think it's best I stop to be honest - I can see what I'm saying isn't being taken how I wanted it to be - probably using the wrong words and lost in translation. I hope with this post that sincerity counts for something - I didn't mean to offend anyone or rub them the wrong way but that's irrelevant because I did and for that I apologise.

Once again, not meaning to act hostile -- however reading my posts again I can see myself coming across as over defensive.

For all other posters I replied to ITT, I apologise as well. Reading through my posts again -- what I wanted to get across didn't come out as I like. Hope you can accept my apology. I'll end my discussion here.

And +1 Kiddizzy -- definitely taken on board what you said there. Definitely have a point there.


Not exactly sure what's going on, but just want to say that every episode recently has been great. The ups and downs in mood, energy, etc. is part of what makes the show interesting and authentic.


For those that don't watch C&GL, they said:

- They were not under any obligation to travel and do stuff with RT because of the partnership. They wanted to make things. There are only 5 of them and sometimes they will be tired.
- They never claimed to do stuff in a "professional" manner, so don't expect that every single PSILY will be super polished. You will see/hear them as they are at the moment.
- Recording situation was not ideal, but they felt they have made a promise to post episodes whenever possible.
- Standard speech about if you're going to be an asshole and are not trying to understand, don't watch, etc.

I thought this episode was good and had zero problems with it, but the last point always bothers me. First, I don't know if it's just my own paranoia, but I always hear that as saying "If you don't like something we do, gtfo," which is a terrible way to handle and address people that enjoy their work and might just disagree about something that they do. Second, it comes off as them not giving a fuck because they've "made it" and don't need the support of the plebs who made the company possible. Thirdly, and frankly, people can continue to watch, listen and comment on the product under no obligation to say anything nice about it. Yes, it's kind of terrible to be strictly negative, but it's a public good and people are allowed to speak their mind about it. People are just as free to speak and criticize as KF is free to make it.


For those that don't watch C&GL, they said:

- They were not under any obligation to travel and do stuff with RT because of the partnership. They wanted to make things. There are only 5 of them and sometimes they will be tired.
- They never claimed to do stuff in a "professional" manner, so don't expect that every single PSILY will be super polished. You will see/hear them as they are at the moment.
- Recording situation was not ideal, but they felt they have made a promise to post episodes whenever possible.
- Standard speech about if you're going to be an asshole and are not trying to understand, don't watch, etc.

I thought this episode was good and had zero problems with it, but the last point always bothers me. First, I don't know if it's just my own paranoia, but I always hear that as saying "If you don't like something we do, gtfo," which is a terrible way to handle and address people that enjoy their work and might just disagree about something that they do. Second, it comes off as them not giving a fuck because they've "made it" and don't need the support of the plebs who made the company possible. Thirdly, and frankly, people can continue to watch, listen and comment on the product under no obligation to say anything nice about it. Yes, it's kind of terrible to be strictly negative, but it's a public good and people are allowed to speak their mind about it. People are just as free to speak and criticize as KF is free to make it.

Agreed on everything. I love the work everyone at KFG does, and I enjoy the vast majority of it, but Colin specifically straight up does not take well to criticism, even if it's meant to be constructive. Maybe the feedback loop is a bit better on the KF forums ( I don't know, I don't go there), but at least on here I can't remember an instance of him responding to something simply with "thanks for the feedback, we'll keep it in mind." It may have happened, I don't keep a mental log of every one of his posts, but it certainly doesn't seem to be the overall holistic attitude. It's super weird, considering even if the feedback isn't positive, it's inherently coming from someone who clearly cares enough to tune into your content, so wouldn't you want to keep that relationship healthy? I don't know if they're just super in love with their independent nature, but Colin has an incredible attitude of "if you don't like it, don't watch it," which is both patronizing and hilarious considering their business revolves around a constant audience.

Now I totally get that they're human, they put out a shit ton of content, and not all of that content can fire on all cylinders 100% of the time. I don't expect it to, and anyone who does is a special kind of ignorant. But the flippant attitude (and flippant is the exact correct term to describe it) towards people when they offer advice or criticism for something their passionate about is just silly to me. I don't get it, it's the anti-youtube mentality.
I would say though that we have no idea, or at least I don't and I imagine most the people posting here don't know what it feels like to have people constantly analysing everything about you and the things you do and say and reading into it.

Like I can imagine feeling tired and thinking oh god I'm a bit tired if I do this episode people are going to be saying how I'm not enjoying myself I'm not into it, I don't care, oh god I don't want to do it now.

I'm super self conscious and always over thinking what people think of me etc, and I'm not doing something that is literally being in the public eye as my job, like I can only imagine how stressful and anxious that would make me.

All you have to do is look at some of the comments on their videos or posts even here about them. People talk with such authority behind the anonymity of their internet personas about how Colin's pretentious or condescending, or Greg's to much or Tim doesn't know about games etc. These are opinions and of course they are fine to have, but not every opinion needs to be voiced. Imagine how it would feel to have strangers talking out loud about you. Again I can only imagine how I would feel reading some of the shit I see posted about all the KF guys.

And while I can understand people don't like this, if you dont like it then leave mentality, its stll sort of true. Obviously enough people do like it that they are staying afloat. If people really didn't like it, and pulled their money from the patreon then you might question Colin's views, but its like he always says, vote with your wallet. If you don't like the KF stuff don't pay. If enough people don't like it, it will change, but for now people obviously don't really mind.


Man, I love it when you post in here, especially when things start getting tense. You come in and things tend to calm down. I try my best to maintain this thread weekly by adding in the new episodes (and related information) on the first page, so I'd be bummed if it closed because of vitriolic posts.
It's gonna take more than Karu's saltiness to close this thread. As a fan, I appreciate the consistency of PSILY every Tuesday on my iPhone while at work. They didn't have to do it, I'd be fine if they skipped it due to the travelling to Austin, but they went above and beyond.

I know Greg and Colin's humor and professionalism, I don't watch/listen to these guys to be PR media drones who keep the script rated PG. There was good content in the episode, the bathroom segment made me chuckle, I felt like it was a chance for Greg to do color commentary while Colin was out, like when Greg left to pay a water bill a few episodes ago lol.

Some people are just impossible to please.

Keep doing what you do guys.
It's gonna take more than Karu's saltiness to close this thread. As a fan, I appreciate the consistency of PSILY every Tuesday on my iPhone while at work. They didn't have to do it, I'd be fine if they skipped it due to the travelling to Austin, but they went above and beyond.

I know Greg and Colin's humor and professionalism, I don't watch/listen to these guys to be PR media drones who keep the script rated PG. There was good content in the episode, the bathroom segment made me chuckle, I felt like it was a chance for Greg to do color commentary while Colin was out, like when Greg left to pay a water bill a few episodes ago lol.

Some people are just impossible to please.

Keep doing what you do guys.

I agree with everything you said except the last two sentences. That's the same flippant attitude that Colin has toward any criticism people have for him. People having constructive criticism does not mean they are impossible to please. Maybe there are legitimate complaints? The "haters gonna hate" mentality these days seems to have gotten out of control on the Internet and is used as an excuse to block out all criticism.


I agree with everything you said except the last two sentences. That's the same flippant attitude that Colin has toward any criticism people have for him. People having constructive criticism does not mean they are impossible to please. Maybe there are legitimate complaints? The "haters gonna hate" mentality these days seems to have gotten out of control on the Internet and is used as an excuse to block out all criticism.
You call complaining about the topic title constructive criticism?


I didn't say every complaint is genuine and constructive. But most are. Yet Colin seems flippant about them all.
Ah I see. Everyone interprets things differently I guess.

You see him as flippant I see him as blunt and more laid back. Honestly, I just saw him responding truthfully about why the show was recorded the way it was and being upfront about it. If anything, it was the criticism that came off as smug :p


If you guys don't want to come off as being hostile towards anyone who posts criticism (whether it's legit or not in your eyes is irrelevant), then just stop being hostile. It's really that simple. Engage the complaints in discussion if you actually have something to contribute or challenging. Otherwise just agree to disagree and let it go.
Colin and Greg are big boys and your special place in their hearts is not going to be compromised. The defense force against criticism and the need to label any detraction as vitriolic and entitled is really kind of childish. Everyone needs to stop taking shit so personally and give others room to speak their minds in this space, as this for many might be the best method to file away some input about the show and content. There is no ownership here. KF will decide for themselves what they would like to respond to, what they might like to adopt or ignore. Your heroes are doing just fine, and you aren't saving them from anything. You might just be hindering some progress if this thread becomes more about your sensibilities, and less about the show.

I kind of liked this weeks show. Lower energy over all, but sometimes it's a nice pace to get into when they power down.

Thats the problem with Kinda Funny mentioning people as "Best Friends" people can get alittle weird..Nothing wrong with it but like always people can go alittle too far either side, its like someone personally dissing a "friend" you love, you would certainly defend them. And on the other side since your their "friend" your most likely to question them first when they mess up.
In any case It wasn't the best episode nothing wrong with keeping it casual but when the Host/Hosts are tired and not into the Podcast it makes for a boring time listening, and thats with any type of media. Still love Colin/Greg/Tim/Nick just remember to take it easy or and don't overextend yourselfs, personally wouldn't have cared if the episode was late a few days.


Colin would probably reply with articulate and considerate thoughts, but he's very tired. How do I know that? We're reminded of it 18 times a week in almost every show they do.

P.S. the PSILY episode was fine.


decided to watch C&L for the first time and in the latest ep they're super angry about people not liking something and GAF was mentioned. >_>
Thats the problem with Kinda Funny mentioning people as "Best Friends" people can get alittle weird..Nothing wrong with it but like always people can go alittle too far either side, its like someone personally dissing a "friend" you love, you would certainly defend them. And on the other side since your their "friend" your most likely to question them first when they mess up.
In any case It wasn't the best episode nothing wrong with keeping it casual but when the Host/Hosts are tired and not into the Podcast it makes for a boring time listening, and thats with any type of media. Still love Colin/Greg/Tim/Nick just remember to take it easy or and don't overextend yourselfs, personally wouldn't have cared if the episode was late a few days.
This is why I really love total biscuit, he says this kind of shit leads to a false relationship where viewers can take it too far when it's just viewers and content creators.


Based on several months of watching gamecast and kinda funny, I think they are not known for having great quality produced shows. They are more laid back and off tangent most of the time, and that is how I like it.

If I want to watch something more highly produced I watch gamespot news.

Regarding Collin always complaining he is tired, he is every episode of the PS podcast haha


Neo Member
I didn't say every complaint is genuine and constructive. But most are. Yet Colin seems flippant about them all.

Sorry, but that's total bullshit. Go through my post history here, and you'll find that much of it is responding to people's questions, comments, and concerns respectfully, including in massive posts that literally respond to 10-15 inquiries at a time. Filling them in on why things are the way they are, apologizing for some mistakes, et cetera.

Do I have my moments? Sure I do. I always have, and I always will. But to say that I'm "flippant" about criticism is total nonsense. It's simply not true. Am I brash? Sure. But I care about our audience as much as anyone else in the company. Take it to the bank.

Keep in mind, I will fiercely protect my brand, and -- most importantly to me -- my three co-founders and our lone employee. I know how hard we all work. How much we put into this business. How much we sacrifice to do what we do. I know it's hard for some folks to believe, but it is a job, and it isn't easy. It is incredibly stressful, and it is all-consuming. I see the toil we all put in, and yes, it pisses me off when some people call that into question, and so much as insinuate that we aren't passionate, or aren't giving it our all, or even have the audacity to call us things like sellouts. Which is especially ironic, considering we still 100% own every aspect of our business. I mean, nothing says sellout like filming all day, then putting together a separate show the best you can because you know people want it, even though you're just about out of energy and have to scrap together the resources to do it. All because you want to please the audience.

Because that's all we really want to do, at the end of the day: please our AUDIENCE. Not EVERYONE. Not EVERYONE has been, is, or will be our audience, and as Greg said today on C&GL, that's totally fine with us. We're not out for massive growth, at all. We're out for maintaining a bad-ass, positive, loving community, no matter what, and sometimes I have to be our attack dog. So be it.

But understand that it's really shitty to make moves you think are best for the company -- and know in your heart that you're on the right track -- and have people call that into question without even giving us time to prove it. Because we will prove it. Skeptics will see why this was positive, why this will free up Nick and Tim especially, why this gives us reach to meet new positive people to add to our audience, and how everything from our merchandise to our ability to more effectively communicate will improve. We missed a few days of C&GL to do something totally badass. So at least give us time to show you before you jump down our throats. That's all we're really asking. It wears us down -- all in different ways -- when all we're trying to do is what's best for our audience. What's best for us and best for our audience is literally identical, in our minds.

We are nothing without our audience, and we pay homage to them every day. But you're sadly mistaken -- and frankly don't pay very close attention -- if you think I (or we) don't listen to and take on-board criticism. Go ask the thousands of people we've listened to over the past 16 months, and look at the results in our products, if you need any evidence. -Colin


Neo Member
I'm not sure if Colin has ever felt well rested in his whole life!

I've been chronically tired for much of my life, no matter how much or little rest I get, especially when I'm sedentary. Which I am when I'm writing, filming, gaming, and doing a bunch of other things. When I was younger, I played hockey constantly and was very athletic, and I think that kept me going. But as an adult, this is my reality.

Sorry if y'all feel like I "remind" you a lot, but I always try to wear my heart on my sleeve. I very rarely, if ever, feel "100%" and I can't quite explain why that is. But it is what it is.
I've been chronically tired for much of my life, no matter how much or little rest I get, especially when I'm sedentary. Which I am when I'm writing, filming, gaming, and doing a bunch of other things. When I was younger, I played hockey constantly and was very athletic, and I think that kept me going. But as an adult, this is my reality.

I feel ya there, the older I get the more being awake is like some form of mild torture.


Colin would probably reply with articulate and considerate thoughts, but he's very tired. How do I know that? We're reminded of it 18 times a week in almost every show they do.

P.S. the PSILY episode was fine.
Colin needs to drink more coffee, sugar, or eat more calories if he's always tired :p

I kind of take the "I'm tired" line as a returning gag for the show now, so whatever.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Watched the episode yesterday and while it wasn't what im used to seeing, it wasn't bad or anything. Only negative is that is was short. Would like to see each episode be at least two hours long and have a random longer Q&A section near the end because you can always learn and find out stuff that you may not have previously known about.

I like the random conversations and jokes because they're entertaining to watch and like their name suggests, kinda funny. Hehe. Only thing I don't watch is the end with the best PSN name/friend and music parts since I have no interest in either.

For this past show, I agree with Colin in regards to PS4.5 and really hope that they don't even announce or talk about the damn thing.

To Greg/Colin personally -

I know you both are centered around PlayStation but with Tim being a Nintendo fan and NX eventually being released, any plans to have a show like PS, I Love You but centered around NX? Also, any plans for a future Xbox show? To be perfectly honest, I watch PS I Love You, Gamescast and the base show. I would easily watch the other two shows as well and with different people doing those two shows, it wouldn't stretch you two thin since you guys aren't into Nintendo and Microsoft like you are PlayStation. Just a thought.

In closing, keep up the good work and keep the shows coming. :)
This thread has gotten really, really weird.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that EdReedFan20 started this thread to celebrate the return of Colin & Greg to a PS podcast. To celebrate and talk, discuss what the topics of each podcast brought to the table. Instead this thread has turned extremely toxic and full of folks who just want to dump on Colin and Greg.

Moreover, I feel like this thread was made not only for newcomers but specifically for fans of Colin and Greg and Podcast Beyond.

I am of the mind that if you don't like it, just gtfo and don't listen to it, don't watch it. But I also get that many people on here do not adhere to that line of thinking and that's fine. Criticism to make a product better is fine, even valued.

The issue is that at times some people here on Gaf (and I won't name anyone) seemingly were out to just shit on Colin, Greg and KF. It wasn't constructive criticism at all. Folks who were flapping there gums and talking nonsense just to be hurtful. That is not acceptable, not on Gaf, not anywhere.

Colin, you don't owe anyone explanations brother. You don't owe anyone on here a darn thing.
This thread has gotten really, really weird.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that EdReedFan20 started this thread to celebrate the return of Colin & Greg to a PS podcast. To celebrate and talk, discuss what the topics of each podcast brought to the table. Instead this thread has turned extremely toxic and full of folks who just want to dump on Colin and Greg.

Moreover, I feel like this thread was made not only for newcomers but specifically for fans of Colin and Greg and Podcast Beyond.

I am of the mind that if you don't like it, just gtfo and don't listen to it, don't watch it. But I also get that many people on here do not adhere to that line of thinking and that's fine. Criticism to make a product better is fine, even valued.

The issue is that at times some people here on Gaf (and I won't name anyone) seemingly were out to just shit on Colin, Greg and KF. It wasn't constructive criticism at all. Folks who were flapping there gums and talking nonsense just to be hurtful. That is not acceptable, not on Gaf, not anywhere.

Colin, you don't owe anyone explanations brother. You don't owe anyone on here a darn thing.

Initially, yes. The original post was to simply spread and celebrate the fantastic news (I was honestly shocked that there was no thread already at that point). Once the first episode posted, I made the decision to completely overhaul the original post to become a all encompassing database for all the PS I Love You XOXO episodes and related interviews. While I'm thrilled at how large this thread has gotten, I wish more people would post over in MattyG's awesome Kinda Funny Community Thread over in the NeoGAF Gaming Community section. On a side note, I can't tell you how many times I wanted to edit the thread title. Every few weeks it seems that someone complains that Colin's name is not included. I didn't have enough space for both names. If I could change it, it'd read PS I Love You XOXO: Kinda Funny's PlayStation Podcast. If a mod reads this, perhaps you could edit it in?


Hey I just wanted to pop in here and say it's the personalities and casual atmosphere of Kinda Funny that makes their content so great. I'm a C&G Live Subscriber and Patreon supporter for both their shows. I sometimes have some criticisms and/or commentary, but that's just because I want to see them better. I would never ask them to change the essence of what they are about though - having casual conversations with your friends about shit. That's what makes them great.

Colin, I want to debate politics with you! American Libertarian vs Canadian Socialist! Some day :)

EDIT - Oh, and fix your damn GoG sign! :) <3 you guys.


It's gonna take more than Karu's saltiness to close this thread. As a fan, I appreciate the consistency of PSILY every Tuesday on my iPhone while at work. They didn't have to do it, I'd be fine if they skipped it due to the travelling to Austin, but they went above and beyond
. The fuck? What have I to do with anything? :-/ I thought the topic was not thrilling. That's it. I'm glad they did the episode. I watched the episode. And I pay them money on Patreon.

Edit: You know what? Now I am indeed salty. Not about the show, though. :D

I will just refrain from visiting this thread so nobody has to bother argueing about shit like that.
This thread has gotten really, really weird.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and bet that EdReedFan20 started this thread to celebrate the return of Colin & Greg to a PS podcast. To celebrate and talk, discuss what the topics of each podcast brought to the table. Instead this thread has turned extremely toxic and full of folks who just want to dump on Colin and Greg.

Moreover, I feel like this thread was made not only for newcomers but specifically for fans of Colin and Greg and Podcast Beyond.

I am of the mind that if you don't like it, just gtfo and don't listen to it, don't watch it. But I also get that many people on here do not adhere to that line of thinking and that's fine. Criticism to make a product better is fine, even valued.

The issue is that at times some people here on Gaf (and I won't name anyone) seemingly were out to just shit on Colin, Greg and KF. It wasn't constructive criticism at all. Folks who were flapping there gums and talking nonsense just to be hurtful. That is not acceptable, not on Gaf, not anywhere.

Colin, you don't owe anyone explanations brother. You don't owe anyone on here a darn thing.

This is a general gaming forum, if you only want the predictable fanboy comments, then there's the KF forums imo.
I also find this thread not so bad, people can say they don't like Colin or Greg or whoever. Why wouldn't that be acceptable?

Personally I like their content, but I'm also critical of it, I never liked when Colin or Greg says 'they know what they can expect from us' when they talk half an hour about food or other nonsense on a gaming podcast. Who wants to hear that.
Personally I like their content, but I'm also critical of it, I never liked when Colin or Greg says 'they know what they can expect from us' when they talk half an hour about food or other nonsense on a gaming podcast. Who wants to hear that.

But thats been their shtick forever. So they are quite right to say thats what to expect, They've been doing it that way for years.
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