The scene opens on a grown man (for this example, imagine Michael Cera) wearing comically age-inappropriate clothing (for example, footie pajamas and a dress-up cowboy hat). A stern woman's voice says "Mikey, you need to take your Vita-mins!". (Note this is pronounced like Vita.) The man says "Yes, Mommy!" and the camera cuts to the palm of his hand, in which sits a pill-sized Vita. He swallows the Vita, and an antenna rises out of his head. The camera zooms in on his eyes as his pupils widen, and within them we see snippets of Vita's games, OS and social interactivity. His pupils contract as the camera zooms out, and the man is now wearing a fashionable suit and hairstyle. It cuts to a black screen with the Vita logo, as a seductive voice whispers "Live it."