The PlayStation has native support for RGB. In fact, the pins are wired to the same as the component pins on the PS2/3. What this means is that, using a PS2 component cable, you get an RGB signal. It is then a simple matter of converting it to component for use on the TV. I have no idea what converter one would use for this.
omg, i loved this game so much. i remmeber playing a full lap race in monaco and in the last round my engine died. lol.
Got my Jumping Flash! 2 in the mail yesterday and played up until the 3rd world. Game's got some nice new visual effects compared to the original. The trees sway in the breeze, flags blow in the air, and the world design seems a lot more defined. There's also a really interesting underwater screen filter when you dive into pools. I love seeing all the little updates/details to direct sequels from this era of gaming. It may seem laughable/insignificant today, but I find these small graphical "updates" fascinating. It still feels VERY similar to the first game, almost like an expansion pack though. But I guess if nothing's broken, why fix it? There's an interesting "Achievement"-like system in the game where you can earn Medals depending on meeting certain stage criteria too. Seems like it has a lot more replay value than the first. Loving it so far. Looking forward to playing more of it!
Formula 1 '97 is considered the best on PS1 (it's called F1 Championship Edition in the US, but not to be confused with the PS3's F1 Championship edition). It was developed by Bizarre Creations, who went on to make the Project Gotham/MSR titles.
PAL version left/North American right
ah, so another specialty cord, then? man i really need that retro game accessories chick on ebay to come back from hiatus.
Any instructions on how to do that?
Couple of games I played this week
Funny you mention JF2, I got it just last week as well. Awesome 3D world for an early PS1 title. I played the first one just a tad, but not sure how I missed this one when it was released. Love the graphical style in this game.
Teras Kasi was fucking gash as far as fighting games go, but my friend and I had a blast picking Hoar in versus just to hear the announcer say 'Whore'. It was funny as hell to us at the time.
Does she even make them?
Teras Kasi was fucking gash as far as fighting games go, but my friend and I had a blast picking Hoar in versus just to hear the announcer say 'Whore'. It was funny as hell to us at the time.
Any instructions on how to do that?
literally any PS2/PS3 component cable will output RGB when connected to a PS1. I'm not sure, but I think the system uses sync on green.
Star Gladiator was so much better as a fighting game than this, which was funny because it basically copied the Star Wars universe and then some. It's a very underrated fighting game by Capcom, although it hasn't aged that well.
Star Gladiator was so much better as a fighting game than this, which was funny because it basically copied the Star Wars universe and then some. It's a very underrated fighting game by Capcom, although it hasn't aged that well.
You misunderstand. No, the PS1 does not output component. The pins in the multi-av connector, however are wired for RGB on the exact same cables as the standard Sony component cable. If you connect a component cable, the signal on the wires will be RGB. You can then connect it to an RGB monitor, or use a transcoder to convert the signal to component and connect to a regular TV.Interesting. I didn't think the ps1 system supported straight component. Are you sure about that? Know it does RGB but that is completely different.
Is the Dreamcast sequel any good?
You misunderstand. No, the PS1 does not output component. The pins in the multi-av connector, however are wired for RGB on the exact same cables as the standard Sony component cable. If you connect a component cable, the signal on the wires will be RGB. You can then connect it to an RGB monitor, or use a transcoder to convert the signal to component and connect to a regular TV.
I was just pointing this out because some people think you need a fancy third party cable (scart or otherwise) to get RGB. It may still be easier to use a scart cable since there are a few scart to component converters, but this way you can use a first party cable. The component cable also makes it easy if your RGB inputs are RCA jacks.
not really.
You went back to play Die Hard Trilogy?! Sorry to hear that. The fake Samuel L Jackson is hilarious though.
Speaking of Die Hard Trilogy
Did anyone find any use for the strafe shoulder buttons? You can kinda stand next to a doorway and strafe while you pick guys out, but in a full firefight it just does not protect you.
The best tactic seems to just watch the radar like a hawk and just shoot guys before they even spot you, as you can kill people before they are even barely in your vision.
Thought these pics would be appreciated here. I decided to paint and mod a few of the audiophile Playstations (model SCPH-1001). I use mine exclusively for music, but games sound beautiful too.
This is a matte black one I sold a while back. The modifications are:
Blue power indicator LED.
Sorbothane® vibration isolation feet.
Muting transistors lifted.
Entire laser assembly replaced with one of higher quality and adjusted to ideal specs (intensity, bias, and gain).
One of my biggest gaming regrets was not picking up a new copy of Tron Bonne from GAME for like £15 around 2002-ish.
I'm right to still be kicking myself for that, aren't I?
I just imagine you using a whole bunch of Goo Gone to make them look presentable.
Thought these pics would be appreciated here. I decided to paint and mod a few of the audiophile Playstations (model SCPH-1001). I use mine exclusively for music, but games sound beautiful too.
This is a matte black one I sold a while back. The modifications are:
Blue power indicator LED.
Sorbothane® vibration isolation feet.
Muting transistors lifted.
Entire laser assembly replaced with one of higher quality and adjusted to ideal specs (intensity, bias, and gain).
Not going against your excellent work on the modding, but isn't that rumour of the PS1 sound quality busted long time ago? Does anyone have an article about this? I have a 1001 myself I believe.
Not going against your excellent work on the modding, but isn't that rumour of the PS1 sound quality busted long time ago? Does anyone have an article about this? I have a 1001 myself I believe.
It was debunked as being an "audiophile's dream" etc. It's a decent player, and nothing more. I can't find the article now... but use a little common sense.
Many in the so-called audiophile community are prone to superstitious nonsense.... you really have to sick the skeptics on them once and awhile. I believe all of the "PS1 is an amazing CD player" can be traced back to the same article on 6moons.
Here are my recent PS1 pickups, including the JF!2 mentioned earlier. Never even heard of Torneko, so that was a nice find. Rogue Trip might just become my favorite car combat game ever, just because it's so out there. And never played Loaded but have always heard good things about it.
Yo, can anyone who owns Ace Combat 3 & a PS3 real fast try saving their data while playing the game on their PS3? I just booted up AC3 for the first time tonight on my PS3 and when I go to save the game nothing happens. My digital memory card isn't full and I've definitely assigned it to a slot. First time I've experienced something like this.
I have a question for anyone in here.. I have a US copy of Parappa the rapper and Crash bash for the ps1, but I have weird questions to ask for anyone who has either/or, or has knowledge of them. For Parappa, I opened up the manual to discover the manual has no pages.. just a front and back, is this normal? Some kind of play on the paper chars? Not sure if anything was ever there..
The next one is a bit more odd, i'm a stickler for things like color fading, my copy of crash bash has a slightly more grey tint on both the manuals spine, but as well as the artwork spine. When placed directly next to a typical PS1 title it's definitely noticeable, but I want to know if this is normal or actual damage to my copy?
Anyone who can answer these would be a life saver.
Good news is the front insert is normal for Parappa. You will notice it doesn't have staple holes I'm sure. Bad news is that it also came with a fold out poster thing that has the instructions on the back. Most resold copies bought probably do not have this now though as it was smaller then the manual folded up, so would get lost.
Here is what you are missing.