I don't feel like taking another picture but I also have that one black label.
Ape escape 1, 2 or 3?
Is this particularly rare?
I had no probs finding it when i went looking
I think the black label version is a bit more difficult to find and thus some people price it higher. The GH version is a huge percentage of the total stock of that game so I imagine it's justifiably a tad more expensive. Not the 40$ some people try to charge, though.Is this particularly rare?
I had no probs finding it when i went looking
Because you're reading by force!I'm not even sure what I'm reading anymore
I think I played the 1st one later after it came out, but need to own it as I own 2 and 3.Ape Escape is soooo good. I had tons of fun with it when it first came out.
Good question as this is highly debatable.So
Ape escape 1, 2 or 3?
copy of strider 2 in good condition just went for 46$. not bad.
I don't remember if it was the 1st PS1 game I played, but it was certainly the 1st 3D fighting game I played...and I don't know if this aged well or not.
Can't unsee now.=OBrendan Fraiser as Eiji
Seems to be highly variable. The lunar games also go for inconsistent prices.guess the spike from the modern release is ending?
edit: one complete one right before it went for $109 wtf
Ape escape 1, 2 or 3?
I don't remember if it was the 1st PS1 game I played, but it was certainly the 1st 3D fighting game I played...and I don't know if this aged well or not.
yep, your first one was busted somehow. I'm sure it's repairable, but is it worth it?
Lucky!!!I'm a big long box fan, so I got the first two in a larger bundle deal from a friend.
I never had one sadly...I have to fix that.Oh man, longboxes are where it's at. I think I'm at around 44 or so.
Hard to find longboxes in good condition, I find. I haven't seen many for good prices that I thought looked nice.
I'm a big long box fan, so I got the first two in a larger bundle deal from a friend.
didnt you say most of em were kusoge though
It was the two Toshindens, RE (beat up, though,) X-com and some others. Not bad, really.
Ugh someone is selling long boxes of Tekken, Ridge Racer, and Ace Combat on craigslist here but he won't sell them to me separately only in some crazy ass $200 bundle. Which btw, outside the long box games, the rest are random disney games. Like... the collection looks like it was bought in 1996, then never bought a game again til 2001 when all the shitty cash in games were $4.99 lol
Even worse is they look like they are in great condition, FUUUU
Oh man, this is right up there with "Bad Box Art" Mega Man LOL.![]()
I don't remember if it was the 1st PS1 game I played, but it was certainly the 1st 3D fighting game I played...and I don't know if this aged well or not.
Anyone have any good advice for what might work best to glue the peeling art back on to PS longboxes?
Regular glue sticks aren't cutting it.
I don't remember if it was the 1st PS1 game I played, but it was certainly the 1st 3D fighting game I played...and I don't know if this aged well or not.
I paid 186 US$, they are all complete. I'm not sure if its a good deal but you gotta start somewhere.
This I would like to know, too.Anyone have any good advice for what might work best to glue the peeling art back on to PS longboxes?
Regular glue sticks aren't cutting it.
There is nothing like finally unlocking the solid door that proves to you that this area leads to that area after all. Or lets say youve passed by a very high ledge countless times, maybe even over years when you were a kid. And then one day you finally kill a bossyou werent thinking about the ledge, just about defeating the enemyand your prize is that you can now jump twice as high.
So you go what if, and you go back to that immortal ledge, thinking just maybe. And you jump, you double-jump, and for the first time in your life you just slip like butter up onto the ledge, and an entirely new place unscrolls before your eyes, a palace of unopened presents and brand new and unmapped rooms.
I was an N64 kid in the 90's. By the end of the decade I started to realize all the awesome games I missed by not having a PS1. Fortunately the PS2 solved that problem but I never got around to start seriously collecting for the PS1. I already have FF 7-9, Colony Wars and MGS. I love the way early 3d games look. I'm also fascinated by games that pushed the hardware limits of the PS1. I decided to start collecting with a few interesting looking
Today I get my first PS1 mail box. It contains:
1- Castlevania SoTN
2- Crash 3
3- Omega Boost
4- Medal of Honor
5- Disruptor
6- Ace Combat 3
7- G-Police 2
8- Soul Reaver
9- Spyro : Year of the Dragon
I paid 186 US$, they are all complete. I'm not sure if its a good deal but you gotta start somewhere.
Any thoughts or recommendations would be apreciated GAF!!
I played the shit out of the TotD demo, haha. Never got around to getting the game tho.
Today I get my first PS1 mail box. It contains:
1- Castlevania SoTN
2- Crash 3
3- Omega Boost
4- Medal of Honor
5- Disruptor
6- Ace Combat 3
7- G-Police 2
8- Soul Reaver
9- Spyro : Year of the Dragon
shoutouts to po kids playing JamPack discs for weeks in the day
Some of the best 3D platformers on the system IMO.2- Crash 3
9- Spyro : Year of the Dragon
Not a bad start. Based on your recent purchases, you may want to check out Blood Omen, Codename Tenka, Silent Bomber, Ghost in the Shell, Future Cop LAPD, Warhawk and Gex 2.
I would also second the Blood Omen recommendation (play it before Soul Reaver if you can), and also Crash 1 and 2 are still very good. For colourful platformers, one of my favourites on PS1 was Klonoa, so check out that one.
And of course other PS1 mandatories are Resident Evil 2, Silent Hill, MGS, and if you're into JRPGs there are tons of great ones like Suikoden I and II, Wild ARMs, FFTactics, Breath of Fire III and IV, etc. (sigh, Konami was so good in those days...)
They're worth playing as well!!!Also have my sights set on Medievil 1 and 2. Love the look of both games!
Do you guys think there would be point in making a PS4 collectors thread? I would love to see peoples collections and trade information between territories, but I'm afraid to create one if the consensus is that only old school consoles deserve collecting topics.
I just went over to the fourth shelf with my collection.
My full PS4 collection: https://instagram.com/vhyttinen/