Net Yaroze seem hard to find. I saw one in Japan for ~$300 but looking on ebay... yikes!
Are those different from the blue consoles? i thought i saw the blue ones for much cheaper last year.
This is for Multimode 3, which is just a program installed to a super common microcontroller:
As far as I know it works fine for that model as well. Might be a bit harder to solder in since there are smaller components.
Net Yaroze seem hard to find. I saw one in Japan for ~$300 but looking on ebay... yikes!
So if my only goal is to be able to play all JP games, including the ones that require a stealth chip, will the Multimode 3 let me do that?
So while shopping with the girlfriend today, I went across a local game shop and found a complete copy of Tomba 2 for $60. The manual disc and case are excellent. I went ahead and picked it up, I still need the first game. Did I do well?
Got Gradius Gaiden in the mail a few days ago!
PS1 Appreciation/Collectors Thread ofUgly-AssLovely Retro Polygons
is more accurate imo =)
I adore how some PS1 games look. I even like the pixely textures. Mmmm.
Threads of Fate deserves all the praise.
Beat Mega Man Legends the other day and really liked it. Impressions here.
Recently acquired a bunch of games including a black label FF VII.
What is the difference between black label FF7 and the normal FF7?
welp, I just received Silent hill. Not that I really want to play it, but I'm being constantly told how a masterpiece it was. How scary is it? I'm a big sissy when it comes to these sort of games. It's definitely not next on my list, I guess I'm afraid to be afraid, but I'll play it someday.
welp, I just received Silent hill. Not that I really want to play it, but I'm being constantly told how a masterpiece it was. How scary is it? I'm a big sissy when it comes to these sort of games. It's definitely not next on my list, I guess I'm afraid to be afraid, but I'll play it someday.
Man, San Francisco really is a black hole for retro game stores :/
Instant gratification plays a huge role in me purchasing old stuff. I mean the occasional craigslist ad pops up but that's starting to be risky nowadays as well. I recently had to return a busted copy of Tekken 3 I bought from eBay for like 13 bucks so this entire prospect has me burned.
But dude yeah, the PS1 is a rad ass system.
It doesn't really have jump scares. It's more of a scariness that creeps up on you due to the atmosphere. I think you can handle it.
I'd like to get more deals in person, but opening a package is so satisfying I can't complain.
I have the complete opposite feeling. When I get a retro game in the mail, I kinda dread opening it, because I always wonder "okay, what's gonna be fucked up?" It happens often enough that I don't actually enjoy getting stuff that much anymore.
But when it goes well, that feels pretty great.
I've had pretty good experiences with ordering online. Typically the only times I'm disappointed are because I didn't read.
I just avoid those auctions. Generally I agree, though. I'm always too skeptical to order from amazon 3rd parties.Eh, I would say the bigger issue is seller's not being nearly descriptive enough. Especially on amazon where hardly no one posts photos.
That game over screen sounds like Shockwave 2 on 3DO. I don't know if the PS1 version is similar.Hey
I remembered a game I played as a kid back in the 90's on my uncles PS1, it would have probably been an early game, 96/97 maybe.
It was a spaceship rail shooter, it also had FMV cutscenes and when you lost it showed the doctor's looking down at you and stuff.
Not sure what it's called.
That game over screen sounds like Shockwave 2 on 3DO. I don't know if the PS1 version is similar.
Eh, I would say the bigger issue is seller's not being nearly descriptive enough. Especially on amazon where hardly no one posts photos.
I think most people who are into RPGs really like Xenogears and forgive its many, many flaws.
There's definitely still something enjoyable in all that mess.
Gunbike is damn awesome guys. You race on a bike that can transform into a mech to destroy stuff. You also have boss battles for when you are a mech. You should definitely check it out!
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