Gunner's Heaven was shockingly good when I played it. I wish it was co-op, but otherwise it's a better game that Gunstar Heroes.35+6€ later, I'm now waiting for PAL copy of Rapid reload (Gunner's heaven in Japan). Even at 50Hz, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
Gunner's Heaven was shockingly good when I played it. I wish it was co-op, but otherwise it's a better game that Gunstar Heroes.
I wish it was co-op, but otherwise it's a better game that Gunstar Heroes.
I agree, it's much better. I don't even like *gasp* Gunstar Heroes.
Finally got my hands on US Clock Tower II aka Ghost Head when a dude accepted my best offer for the game and guide. I was balking at the general price on eBay, but it ended up being a decent deal.
I still want the sufami original, but I'm going to play through the PS1/2 trilogy soon.
I was an N64 kid in the 90's. By the end of the decade I started to realize all the awesome games I missed by not having a PS1. Fortunately the PS2 solved that problem but I never got around to start seriously collecting for the PS1. I already have FF 7-9, Colony Wars and MGS. I love the way early 3d games look. I'm also fascinated by games that pushed the hardware limits of the PS1. I decided to start collecting with a few interesting looking
Today I get my first PS1 mail box. It contains:
1- Castlevania SoTN
2- Crash 3
3- Omega Boost
4- Medal of Honor
5- Disruptor
6- Ace Combat 3
7- G-Police 2
8- Soul Reaver
9- Spyro : Year of the Dragon
I paid 186 US$, they are all complete. I'm not sure if its a good deal but you gotta start somewhere.
Any thoughts or recommendations would be apreciated GAF!!
. I have FF8 and FF9 sealed. Dying to play them but I'm not sure if I should open them.
Malick[AI];164441856 said:This thread inspired me to go pick up Vandal Hearts & Battle Arena Toshinden 3.
VH will always have a place in my heart as the first game that I ever saw a curse word in as a kid.
No memories of the fountains of blood?
For me going from FFT to VH and seeing a blood fountain spew from defeated enemies was quite a surprise at first.
I wish there were more games that used Brave Fencer Musashi's copy "enemy attacks" mechanic. It works really well for a ARPG, outside of Kirby games you really don't see it that often.
I can't believe 50 bones is considered a steal for it nowadays :/
Neither could my ex who found it for me. But he texted me saying "this for 50$?" i checked Ebay, and complete it is 90. So i said ABSOLUTELY GET IT NOW!
Finally got my hands on US Clock Tower II aka Ghost Head when a dude accepted my best offer for the game and guide. I was balking at the general price on eBay, but it ended up being a decent deal.
I still want the sufami original, but I'm going to play through the PS1/2 trilogy soon.
you planning on doing a stream or anything? never played any of those but was always curious
I have it, but it's the Occupied Edition, which does not fit in the shelve. Check my Instagram feed for all the bigger Collector's items.How is it even possible to have that many PS4 games but no Wolfenstein
All great games. I would recommend Tenchu as well. Also, are these all black labels?
Hmm I wouldn't open those, but that's just me. There are plenty of other ways to play those games.
Anyone have any good advice for what might work best to glue the peeling art back on to PS longboxes?
Regular glue sticks aren't cutting it.
I've been playing Rockman complete works versions on my Vita.
Did they fix the flicker and slowdown? I'm not noticing any.
Yep. And certain music channels no longer cut out while you're charging your buster cannon. It's great.
I started playing the PS1 Tales of Phantasia remake over the weekend. I'm really digging the 2D-with-some-3D-effects style of this game.
Are there other notable PS1 RPGs like this? Tales of Destiny, obviously, is like this but it seems like most other RPGs on the system went with either mostly 3D with maybe 2D sprites or 3D characters on pre-rendered backgrounds.
I started playing the PS1 Tales of Phantasia remake over the weekend. I'm really digging the 2D-with-some-3D-effects style of this game.
Are there other notable PS1 RPGs like this? Tales of Destiny, obviously, is like this but it seems like most other RPGs on the system went with either mostly 3D with maybe 2D sprites or 3D characters on pre-rendered backgrounds.
so a buddy hooked it up with a cheap CIB Arc the Lad Collection...i remember pining over this one decades ago in GameFan shots, and honestly, i know it's short but its a beautiful game for its time, and i really love the early 32-bit era JRPGs that kinda continued gorgeous 2D spritework from the gen prior but made everything look (and sound!) way better. it's pretty by-the-numbers so far but im digging it.
I liked Arc the Lad 1. What I played of Arc 2, though, was sooooo much better. I really want to go back to those games.
and I agree that 32-bit 2D games were awesome. I really wish indie devs would get inspired by that style more often.
We need more 10 hour RPGs tho.
I liked Arc the Lad 1. What I played of Arc 2, though, was sooooo much better. I really want to go back to those games.
and I agree that 32-bit 2D games were awesome. I really wish indie devs would get inspired by that style more often.
Should check it out the first Alundra if you've never played it, imo it's the best 2d zelda game since Link to the Past.
The gameplay is sublime 2d zelda with a god tier OST.
ah, looking forward to part 2 then!
i gave up on this one halfway through years ago, but yeah, i kinda wanna revisit it now (thanks again, Mzos). how does 2 fair?
This I agree with, so I can do playthroughs on them.We need more 10 hour RPGs tho.
If I wanted to play US PSX titles on my JPN system, what are my options? And vice versa, as well. I remember back in the day a swap disc + a spring was an efficient method.
Lol I can't even imagine the hours I put into Official PlayStation Magazine demo discs. Still kicking myself on the ass for throwing them out when I moved to go to college.
Disc swap kinda sucks. In most cases you'll need to swap the disc twice, really not worth it.If I wanted to play US PSX titles on my JPN system, what are my options? And vice versa, as well. I remember back in the day a swap disc + a spring was an efficient method.
Disc swap kinda sucks. In most cases you'll need to swap the disc twice, really not worth it.
Adding a modchip isn't that hard, just 6 wires.![]()
Is that only for the original PS1? Is there a similar solution for the white PSOne released in 2000?
So there are simple PSOne mod chips? I know it was designed to be more difficult to chip but I wasn't sure how well they had done with that.
Somewhat related, I really would like a Net Yaroze or one of the Blue/Green PSX debug units. They're really cool.