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PS2 #1 This Holiday


1/2 of Gamecube owners surveyed will be buying another system? :lol

1 in 10 PS2 owners plan on buying the new PS2? That's like 2.5 million units right there (not that they say it will be this holiday), but damn, Sony's rules the sheep :D

Phoenix Marketing International has issued a new market research survey of consumer holiday buying intentions, which predicts that Sony's PlayStation 2 will once again be the preferred system this holiday shopping season.

According to the report, "More than one-quarter of all households are prepared to purchase another gaming system this year—whether it be a PS2, Xbox, or even a new PC. Recent price cuts, the introduction of new games, and design changes are driving consumers to the stores."

"Current GameCube owners lead the way with almost half planning on purchasing a new system this holiday season," said David Pluchino, Senior Research Manager at Phoenix Marketing International. "Slightly more than one-third of PS2 owners and Xbox owners are also planning a new purchase this season. Interestingly, about one-in-ten PlayStation 2 owners are planning on purchasing the newly re-designed PS2 system."


It's likely that a lot of those Gameube owners are talking about DS. One really needs to see the phrasing to make any assumptions.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
This is about the time where all the PS2s start breaking down so everybody needs new ones :D

I'm thinking of getting a premodded PS2 or a Japanese one myself... I'm dying to play a few import-only games (ESPGaluda...)


worldrunover said:
If this stat includes handhelds, then a loser is you.

"More than one-quarter of all households are prepared to purchase another gaming system this year—whether it be a PS2, Xbox, or even a new PC."


"According to the report, 'More than one-quarter of all households are prepared to purchase another gaming system this year—whether it be a PS2, Xbox, or even a new PC....'

'Current GameCube owners lead the way with almost half planning on purchasing a new system this holiday season...'"
:lol Oh, man.


Link316 said:
"More than one-quarter of all households are prepared to purchase another gaming system this year—whether it be a PS2, Xbox, or even a new PC."

Wow, no disrespect to the cube though.........


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I think it's obvious that gamers want FATAL1TY branded PC gaming hardware.


How do you build the Ultimate Gaming Platform? You find the Ult1mate Gamer. In a historical move, ( :lol ) ABIT has partnered with the world's top gamer - Johnathan 'Fatal1ty' Wendel - to develop PC gaming hardware with no equal. Built for extreme speed and unmatched stability, the ABIT Fatal1ty Hardware Series is a platform designed for gaming from the ground up. Today, ABIT is proud to launch the first of the Fatal1ty hardware series - the Fatal1ty AA8XE motherboard and Fatal1ty X700XT Graphics Card.
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