Can anybody post some Ace Combat pictures (any PS2 version)? I really want to see what that looks like upresed.
When you're at home with the laptop plugged into the TV, do you have it connected to its power supply? When you remove that, most gaming laptops automatically go into eco-power mode by underclocking the CPU/GPU, which is obviously going to have a knock-on effect with PCSX2.I'm experiencing something really weird. Not really a problem, but I'd like to figure out why it happens.
I run PCSX2 on my laptop, and usually throw the image onto my 1080p TV through HDMI. The funny thing is that all games run about 10 or 15% faster when I display the image on my TV, versus on the built-in display. It's sort of inconvenient for gaming on the go (e.g. DQ8 PAL runs at a full 50 fps on the TV, but regularly dips to 40 or 45 on my laptop display). Anyway, this seems completely counter-intuitive, as the TV's resolution is quite a bit higher than the laptop display (not that that should make a difference; the internal res is unchanged). To be clear, I'm not changing the settings at all, the only difference is the screen I'm viewing the image through.
Anyone else experience this, or have any idea why this happens? The only thing I can think of is that the Laptop screen produces a certain amount of heat that doesn't allow the CPU/GPU to run quite as fast... but that seems very unlikely. This also is true when using Dolphin, but to a lesser degree, and I don't notice a difference at all when playing PC games.
When you're at home with the laptop plugged into the TV, do you have it connected to its power supply? When you remove that, most gaming laptops automatically go into eco-power mode by underclocking the CPU/GPU, which is obviously going to have a knock-on effect with PCSX2.
Without being an expert, I can safely assume that the more CPU power the better. You can upgrade your CPU while keeping your motherboard ?I have an E2180 on my desktop, if i OCd it to around a 3ghz, how different would be from a better Conroe CPU at the same speed?
Hmm, so the GPU was holding all of us back.
Does anyone know if Gregory Horror Show is playable yet?
Had the same issue when I was playing. I always thought it's due to the amount of models on screen. I had a X3 720 OC'd to 3.2Ghz then, so it might just have been the processor, too.It's normal a little slow down on Persona 4 in the school parts? music and walking.
I haven't experienced any slowdown except for when it saves.It's normal a little slow down on Persona 4 in the school parts? music and walking.
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner
I haven't experienced any slowdown except for when it saves.
Core i5 2500k OC'd to 3.9 Ghz
1 GB Nvidia GTX 550 Ti
16 GB of RAM
80 gig SSD drive for boot.
Programs and Data on seperate 1 TB partition composed of 2 mirrored 1 TB drives.
Sorry, I have no idea what this means.
Also, I have an GTX 260. Is this still a good card to play?
Have you tried to drop the anti aliasing?The game is unplayable during the next mission though, no matter what settings. Around the part where you get an SOS call it crawls.
Only just heard of PCSX2 today. I have a couple of questions before trying this out, if someone would be so kind to answer.
1) Can I run this with a XPS17 laptop? It has a GT555M (that is OCed to nearly GTX 460M specs) and a i7-2630QM.
2) Is there a way to move saves from PCSX2 to a PS2 memory card or PS3 virtual memory card and vice versa? I have the PS2 to PS3 memory transfer device thingy that Sony released with the 60GB PS3.
You can transfer saves between a PS2 MC to PS3 using the adapter, then a USB drive, and finally your PC. Then use MyMC to add save files to your PCSX2 MCs. I did this with a bunch of saves a while ago...2) Is there a way to move saves from PCSX2 to a PS2 memory card or PS3 virtual memory card and vice versa? I have the PS2 to PS3 memory transfer device thingy that Sony released with the 60GB PS3.
Just means I don't have to worry unless both drives fail. Emulation isn't really GPU limited so much as CPU and ram limited. What kind of ram (also how much) do you have and what cpu do you have?
Incredible Yakuza screens. I keep meaning to replay the first two Yakuza games (2 in particular), and this is such an incentive to do so.Yakuza
- PCSX2 0.9.9 R5194, i5-760@1440-3520MHz, GTX680@1084-1150MHz, 1920x1200
- Preset Balanced as template + MTVU
- GSdx 5191 SSE41: Direct3D11, 5x Native, Software Mode Settings Extra rendering threads 3, rest default
- SPU2-X all default
- FXAA enabled
Does anybody know if there is a way to transfer save game files from your memory cards onto the virtual memory cards (and vice versa) with PCSX2? I'm guessing no, or at least not easily, but if anyone knows a way I'd love to know how it's done.
Anyone? I would like to know before I get home from work in 3 hours. PM if need be.Which version of GSDX plugin do I need to be able to add MSAA? I have the latest one from the 6-22 SVN build but when I choose DX11 HW in the config, I have no options to add AA. Do I need another GSDX version?
Anyone? I would like to know before I get home from work in 3 hours. PM if need be.
Anyone? I would like to know before I get home from work in 3 hours. PM if need be.
I think this should work: Go to your documents folder where you find your screenshots you've taken and save game stuff. Then go to the "inis" folder, open GSdx.ini, and add "AllowHacks=1" if it isn't already there (if it says AllowHacks=0 change it to 1).
I think that should fix it.
It's been standard in the GUI for a few weeks