I went to target and asked if they had any PS4 games. He said only COD, despite not seeing it on the shelf. He also thought there was street dates on the others, which I informed him there are not. He also did not know if anything was in the back, well informed salesman as usual.
Next went to GS. First does MS moneyhat this whole chain? The XB1 wall was up front while the PS4 in on the back wall, WTF?
They had a PS4 demo station in front and it had some of the normal stuff. We played Knack, both of my kids liked it. I also showed them Octodad, they thought that was some funny shit. I also got to see a bit of Tearway while my son played it.
The XB1 demo station was there playing really bad looking videos. I asked if I could play it and they said they didn't get a controller in the package. I offered to jump around in front of the Kinect and knock magazine racks over, they laughed.
Anyhow it was great to see the PS4 in the wild and see peripherals on the shelf. itishappening.gif