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PS4 Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I have a worse issue than waiting in lines... nowhere to store PS4 games (this isn't even all my PS3 games).


Good thing PS4 has no games, right?

I have absolutely no space. I am thinking of boxing up the old Xbox games though.



I have a worse issue than waiting in lines... nowhere to store PS4 games (this isn't even all my PS3 games).


Good thing PS4 has no games, right?

It's time to cut your collection down. No sense storing games you won't play again. Are you really going to play Brink again? Band hero? Defiance? Gather up the games you won't play again and sell them or put them in a box. Space cleared.


I have absolutely no space. I am thinking of boxing up the old Xbox games though.

Now that's a collection!

It's time to cut your collection down. No sense storing games you won't play again. Are you really going to play Brink again? Band hero? Defiance? Gather up the games you won't play again and sell them or put them in a box. Space cleared.

I'm a bit of a hoarder when it comes to gaming, I mean I've got a full size last of us cut out just chilling in the corner of my room.



I have absolutely no space. I am thinking of boxing up the old Xbox games though.

You also should get rid of the non essentials. Why do you need 2 copies of madden 06 and kameo (or any copies, really) or 2 mass effects? Are you really going to play call of duty 2 and 3 and blue dragon and Rage again, etc? Dump the stuff you won't play, no point in hoarding it.
On Beyond they made it sound like we are going to get some info at the start of the week. It sounds like IGN actually got a PS4 to mess around with.

Thanks for the heads up. Maybe I'll watch the latest beyond. I remember the very first one back in the day. Was awesome to be "connected" to the internet taking part in a podcast.


Now that's a collection!

I'm a bit of a hoarder when it comes to gaming, I mean I've got a full size last of us cut out just chilling in the corner of my room.

That's a cool cut out. Well even if you're a hoarder, put the stuff you won't play again in a box. It's not gone, but you have more room.


Amazon have amazing customer service, but it took me a bit of extra work to get what I wanted.

I pre-ordered a PS4 the day they became available on Amazon USA and listed my Australian address because I wasn't sure where I would be come release day. I figured that I could simple change the address later when the day was closer.

A few weeks ago I tried to update my address to the one here in China, but the system wouldn't let me. I chatted to a consultant and they gave me some long-winded reason why they couldn't change the address, and he then stated that Amazon couldn't ship to China anyway. Friends here have PS4 pre-ordered with confirmed shipping to China, so I kept trying.

Thanks to a dude called Pavran, they updated my address to my China one, and threw in priority global shipping! Wahey! I should have it 2 to 4 days after release in the US.


This week is going to go by sooooo slowly. And every minute waiting for the UPS man on Friday is going to feel like an eternity.

On a somewhat related note, has anyone claimed the Xbox One OT yet?


I went to Gamestop with one of my buddies tonight (we were going to go pick up Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate) and I noticed that there was a PS4 demo kiosk, so I decided to play it as I was waiting for my friend to buy his game and oh boy, did I love that controller!

The first thing I noticed when I picked up the controller was that there was some weight to it, which reminded me of the 360 controller and personally, I like having some weight to my controllers. Another thing I really loved about the controller was the analog sticks, which have been vastly improved from the other Duel Shocks and the analog sticks this time around actually feel like you have some control over them, which is something I've had an issue with since the first Duel Shock controller came out back in 1998

After playing FIFA for five minutes with it (I didn't find the next gen version of FIFA to look any different from the current-gen version), I was really blown away with the controller and I'm glad that Sony has finally decided to work on the Duel Shock that has been beloved for over a decade now


It's gonna be damn near impossible for me not to open up my PS4 before this semester ends. Why do I have to be so studious?????


Unconfirmed Member
Damn, yall have a lot of games. I hate owning stuff I don't use regularly, so I sell off any game I don't plan on playing again for a few years, except for some of my all-time favorites like Link's Awakening and Yoshi's Island.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You also should get rid of the non essentials. Why do you need 2 copies of madden 06 and kameo (or any copies, really) or 2 mass effects? Are you really going to play call of duty 2 and 3 and blue dragon and Rage again, etc? Dump the stuff you won't play, no point in hoarding it.

Some things I've accumulated and/or found. I only have one Mass Effect, by the way.

I will never, ever get rid of a game ever again. I stopped trading stuff in in 2009 and I will never do it again.


Great OP. I'm really looking forward to playing Knack but I'm looking for another game. I'm not an FPS fan so no KZ, BF, or COD. How's Black Flag BTW? please keep in mind that I'm not exactly an AC fan but dammit this is a launch, I'll give it another shot if I must.


You know, I'm really excited for the PS4 launch. Such a great vibe around the thing. But there isn't a single game that looks interesting to me. Nothing. If there was just something I'd be getting one.


Some things I've accumulated and/or found. I only have one Mass Effect, by the way.

I will never, ever get rid of a game ever again. I stopped trading stuff in in 2009 and I will never do it again.

Same, i learned my lesson.

I am however now knee deep in retail games lol, had to box up a shit ton of my current gen games to make some room for next.


Some things I've accumulated and/or found. I only have one Mass Effect, by the way.

I will never, ever get rid of a game ever again. I stopped trading stuff in in 2009 and I will never do it again.

Same, I made this mistake when I was a kid with the PS2. Been recollecting games I miss ever since. Besides, i think I got like 40-55 bucks in total for like 15 games :(


Unconfirmed Member
You know, I'm really excited for the PS4 launch. Such a great vibe around the thing. But there isn't a single game that looks interesting to me. Nothing. If there was just something I'd be getting one.
Yeah, I feel ya. I'm excited about Battlefield just because it'll be nice to not play it on current gen. Otherwise... Killzone looks alright? The PS4 will really heat up next spring, thankfully.


The space issue is one thing I am glad digital will solve. I am a bit sad because I still love good packaging with some great art the fact is no one has unlimited space so the coming shift will be a boon in that regard. Now I do like how Origin does show you large cover art pictures in your library. Haven't seen Steam do something similar.


Just canceled my Amazon preorder and intend to join the festivities at GameStop Thursday night. Hope the preorder goes to a GAFer! ;)
You know, I'm really excited for the PS4 launch. Such a great vibe around the thing. But there isn't a single game that looks interesting to me. Nothing. If there was just something I'd be getting one.

I feel pretty much the same way. I don't think I've ever been as "meh" about a console launch, maybe ever. The PS4 is just such a safe, frankly boring design that it's hard to get excited about it. There's also just nothing I want to play for launch. Meanwhile I've had one preordered since the reveal, and was about to cancel it but my wife said she wanted it for Assassin's Creed.

So I'll be getting it on Day 1 but I probably won't do much with it until 2014 sometime. Maybe I'll give AC a shot for a while since it'll be there, but there are just so many games on other platforms that are demanding my attention that I don't think I'll miss it if I don't touch the PS4 til something comes out for it.


Any chance we'd be able to stream BluRay movies to the Vita in the future? That would be a pretty awesome feature...


Geoff said that Sony is going to let him start info dropping about the event on Thursday as early as Monday. It sounds like they are confident that whatever he says is going to hype the shit out of the base. It's a shame that, unless something changes, there aren't more preorders to go around.

I think Uncharted 4 and Last Guardian plus the rumored Epic games production would get a lot of people on the fence hyped and prime to make a purchase.


I went to Best Buy and they had some of the controllers. It was such a tease to see it so close and feel some of the curves but not get a real feel for it. The size does seem a lot more comfortable though. Can't wait until Friday.

I really hope amazon decides to do the Buy 2 get 1 deal.
I went to Best Buy and they had some of the controllers. It was such a tease to see it so close and feel some of the curves but not get a real feel for it. The size does seem a lot more comfortable though. Can't wait until Friday.

Using the DS3 as a reference the DS4 will feel like possibly the best controller ever made. Ergonomically, it's like a 300% improvement.


Yeah, I feel ya. I'm excited about Battlefield just because it'll be nice to not play it on current gen. Otherwise... Killzone looks alright? The PS4 will really heat up next spring, thankfully.

Yeah it looks good, but shooters just aren't my thing. All Namco needed to do was release a cash-out Soul Calibur Tag Tournament and I've been down.


Using the DS3 as a reference the DS4 will feel like possibly the best controller ever made. Ergonomically, it's like a 300% improvement.

That's amazing. I much preferred the 360 controller for shooters over the DS3 but I didn't really mind it otherwise. My biggest problems were that the R2/L2 triggers were too squishy and the sticks didn't feel as tight.

I really can't wait to try it out. I feel like the new controller is a large part of the excitement for me.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
I have my extra DS4 charged up and ready, I already got Knack and will be getting KZ, BF4 and AC4 in the mail soon. I'm ready!

Also, anecdotal evidence, but the PS4 pre-orders, at my local ebgames, are beating X1 pre-orders 3:1 (230 vs 70 to be exact), PS4 is gonna sell like gangbusters.
feel sorry for those who are going to be downloading them on launch day, network is going to get hammered.

Not too exceedingly worried. KZ supposedly let's you choose whether you want to download SP or MP first, and loads it while you play. Once SP is done I'll start downloading AC4 and let it roll over night. Shouldn't have too many hitches.

Plus, there's always Resogun.


Has there been any mention of how long the micro usb cable included with the system is? Was thinking about ordering a nice 10 footer if it only comes with a 3 foot cable, but if it comes with a 5 foot cable I could probably live with that.
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