Hey guys sorry to bother all of you with this, especially in this thread, however it is the most active one for all things PS4.
I ordered a PS4 from Amazon as soon as some stock popped up on launch day, to ship to Australia.(Fastest possible shipping, which they auto picked DHL Express)
Some others on a Australian forum ordered 2-3 hours later then me and have got theirs already and some will be receiving it tomorrow.(everyone is posting their tracking info)
Latest Event: Phoenix AZ
Package received by carrier – November 15, 2013 12:00:00 AM
DHL/Amazon Chat:
Friday, November 15, 2013 Location Time
1 Shipment information received PHOENIX, AZ – USA 00:00
As seen above, I contacted Amazon chat after DHL told me they only received the Shipment information, not the package itself, rep confirmed it, still assured me 20th November delivery date.
That was 10 hours ago, my package has still not been given to DHL, I doubt very much it will arrive in Australia by the 20th of November.
I'm devastated as information is confusing me, Amazon website says it has given the package, while the Amazon customer service confirmed they had issues giving the package to DHL.
Here is the kicker, same goes for my Assassins Creed 4 order, that one is the same as PS4, stuck in Phoenix and not budging since the 12th which was the shipping day.
Anyone have a similar experience? My hype is dying here, almost like Grinch stole my present.