My son told me last night Playstation 4 is the best thing in the world and he is going to play with me for 100 years
serious daaaawwwww right here...
Was showing my daughter how to play AC-Black Flag yesterday (she's 3 1/2) and after running around and giggling at jumping over rooftops and finally getting used to the idea that R2 + forward makes you run and climb and jump and that there isn't a "jump" button she really started getting into it. Well after a while she manages to piss off some roof guards and drop down to the floor where she is quickly surrounded and attacked. I'm just watching for a minute while she gets frustrated trying to get away and when i realize
"fuck ...she's gonna die..." i tell her to just start mashing square. Sure enough she kills three people and books it! I give her props and she's laughing and the guards are chasing her and now the Lt. guys show up that you have to counter. I watch this fight turn sour just like the first and figuring that it probably will go right over her head and i'm about to get the sticks back i say "Baby you gotta hit the Circle button when you see those red dots over the bad guy's heads and then press square again ok?" ...
10 seconds later there are 11 dead bodies strewn about the street. I am cheering and clapping. My baby is laughing her ass off.
"I like this game daddy!! Can we drive the ship now??!!"
You're fucking a right we can, love.
The beginning of something beautiful.