that's awesome. you should have saved and share it. my son is turning 4 on thanks giving day. Feels great. What a precious age![]()
Well anytime you just press the share button it saves up to the last 15 min and starts a new recording. So anytime she playing and you want to save it just hit share and it will save that part and she can keep playing. Then later you can edit and upload.
Am I the only one not diggin' Killzone: Shadow Fall ?
I played KZ for an hour, lost interest, went back to playing BF4 and RESOGUN.
I love chewing the scenery. It's really my only motivation at this point to finish the game.
When I first set the console up, I entered letter A as my 1st name and letter B as my last name. Thought I was being clever, and that when I choose on the next step to just use my PSN ID for displaying, I'd never see that A B again.
Right now, every single thing I do on the console shows up in my activity as A B has done this or that. I've even changed that A B to be something more meaningful now (my PSN handle + shortened handle) but it STILL keeps showing A B everywhere even for new recent activity while it uses that new changed name for other things in the UI.
What can I do to get rid of this A B crap?![]()
Already done it yesterday, and it started showing the newly edited name at my login screen and in most other places in the UI. However, the Recent Activity pages all still show the A B has done this or that every time I do something. So it's as if the PSn server has now remember that first name I ever entered, (or maybe it's somehow stuck in console settings?) and it won't budge, won't switch over to a newly edited name.
Wait, what is this?where is that fake Facebook thread for us gaffers?
I saw it pop up once and liked the idea of a special gaming Facebook page.
.... and it vanished.
anyone have any 7day trials lying around?
Mine as well. The story is not well paced, but for all that's holy, it's one of the most impressive things I've ever seen.
Yah i know all about actually holding on to the video you save when you hit the share button. I was just curious how far back the recording goes constantly - people saying there is video from multiple days ago gives me hope it might still be there somewhere for me to grab and edit just to save it for prosperity. Does shutting the PS4 completely off compared to just putting it into standby make a difference? It was Tuesday afternoon this happened... if I'm actually able to go back and find that gameplay and save it then... well fuck. The whole sharing thing is FAR more robust than i initially gave it credit for.
It will save a video forever as long as you press the share button. When you press that button it saves the last 15 mins.
It doesnt matter what way you shut it down long as you at least press the share button to save that video.
Anyone have an issue where there is no sound at all after waking the system from standby? Happened to me twice in the last two days and the only remedy seems to be to shut the system off completely.
Sorry, but it's just the 15 minutes, I promise. :-(yah i know. I'm asking without actually hitting the share button... how far back does the video save? Since i definitely did not hit the share button is it safe to assume that the gameplay from 24 hours + is gone?
I would normally assume "of course"... but some people here have given me hope that perhaps the PS4 is saving much more than JUST the last 15 minutes of you playing on the machine.
If i'm completely wrong and it works as I initially expected (like - anything that is 15 minutes and 1 second old or more is gone forever) then - as i said - bummer but no big deal. She freaking LOVES the boat and cannot wrap her mind around the fact that we don't find running on peoples roofs facking hilarious. There will definitely be more footage![]()
Then later you can edit and upload.
Its gones....yah i know. I'm asking without actually hitting the share button... how far back does the video save? Since i definitely did not hit the share button is it safe to assume that the gameplay from 24 hours + is gone?
I would normally assume "of course"... but some people here have given me hope that perhaps the PS4 is saving much more than JUST the last 15 minutes of you playing on the machine.
If i'm completely wrong and it works as I initially expected (like - anything that is 15 minutes and 1 second old or more is gone forever) then - as i said - bummer but no big deal. She freaking LOVES the boat and cannot wrap her mind around the fact that we don't find running on peoples roofs facking hilarious. There will definitely be more footage![]()
Finally gathered my babies all in one family photo. So poor but well worth it. Thanks to Target and Amazon for their awesome sale.
Finally gathered my babies all in one family photo. So poor but well worth it. Thanks to Target and Amazon for their awesome sale.
What does a red led indicator on my DS4 mean?
What does a red led indicator on my DS4 mean?
Well what are you doing? in killzone it means low health.
What does a red led indicator on my DS4 mean?
I'm playing NFS. Whenever I go to the home, the led switches to blue and vice versa.
Its blue if you're a cop, red if you're playing as a racer.
Is anyone's PS4 scratching your games during the install? I have gone through 2 NBA2K14's now that can't get past about 50% install then when I check out the game it is completely scratched.
Is anyone's PS4 scratching your games during the install? I have gone through 2 NBA2K14's now that can't get past about 50% install then when I check out the game it is completely scratched.
Yep all my games are getting scratched. The unit is horizontal position, and I haven't moved it since I put it down after I got home from launch day.
I wouldnt keep putting games in it! lol
I got a 7day and a 30day! Pm if you want it.
Its blue if you're a cop, red if you're playing as a racer.
someone totally going to think their battery is dying lol.
What do I need to format my USB drive as for the PS4 to recognize it? FAT32? NTFS?
Call sony. I get it shipped backI'm not and I plan on getting replacements for all the games I got for it. This really sucks as now I have to wait for the Walmart I got it from to get more in stock before I can get it replaced. And I think it is only a 14 day return/exchange policy.
FAT32 is what you want.
My amazon replacement came and it works!!
Greatness indeed!!
Thanks! Finally getting updated to 1.51. There are serious issues between the PSN servers and AT&T right now, downloads are taking hours.
how did you manage to get it?! i'm still getting failed update after failed update on ps4 and pc downloads just stop after 30-40mb :/
Also saw this dated for 1/31/14 guess this patch isn't that far off...
Compact USB dongle requires minimal setup