Why would demand drop off as production meets the level of demand? ......... seems a leap in the dark in terms of logic.
Simple. Once there's enough to not want them, no one wants them.
That's, logical, right?
Why would demand drop off as production meets the level of demand? ......... seems a leap in the dark in terms of logic.
I prefer to be conservative and estimate mid-late 2014 rather than early. PS4 demand is very high right now but when supply meets demand there could be a significant drop off. I also think MS will introduce a $399 model after Titanfall doesn't move the units they expect.
Sony will probably sell about 300-500k consoles in Japan.
You're just looking at it backwards. Production isn't likely to speed up much, so if demand falls behind production, it'll be because demand drops off.Why would demand drop off as production meets the level of demand? ......... seems a leap in the dark in terms of logic.
Simple. Once there's enough to not want them, no one wants them.
That's, logical, right?
Ah thanks amar.Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro have been launched on 28.01.
In Croatia (and Slovenia AFAIK) pre-orders were not 100% fulfilled and complete March allocation is already soldout in advance. No idea about contigent after March, but since the new PS4 games will arrive in March/April, demand should continue.
Destiny beta will also be HUGE around here because all people I know are talking about it and waiting it to commence purchase.
Unlike with X360, not a single person I personally know bought or is interested in XboxOne. Few gaming stores have it (unofficially), but almost nothing is selling. XboxOne subforum on largest gaming portal is also a practical wasteland if actual owners are concerned.
Speaking of Destiny Beta, I thought for sure they would try to undercut the attention Titanfall is getting with a Destiny Beta announcement, but we probably won't get one until August, with a release in September.
I was foolish enough to think Destiny would be May at one point.
Wii U vs. PS4 search interest in Japan since 2011:
If you want a laugh, add Xbox One.
you do know japan isn't that big a country, right? rest of the world vs japan sales? usa alone is twice as big.Man, I just have a bad feeling about Japan, just can't shake it. Maybe PS4 will break the console sales dry spell, though I don't have high hopes.
Still, even if it gets ho-hum numbers like last gen, it really says something when out of the 80 million both PS3 and 360 sold, only about 10 million were from Japan for PS3 and around 1 million for 360. The rest of the world out of Japan was really fueling the duo consoles pretty hard.
you do know japan isn't that big a country, right? rest of the world vs japan sales? usa alone is twice as big.
Well, for example a very reliable retail blogger has stated that his store is allocated about 3.5 times as many PS4s for launch as PS3s, and that almost all are dedicated to preorders already.Why are people so optimistic that PS4 is going to do so well when it's clear that Japan has moved on from home consoles to mobile gaming?
I'll never wake up to Cerny whispering in my ear "8GB GDDR5".
This world is cruel.
Console launches : 4 Week sales
PS2 : 969k
Wii : 867k (Holiday)
3DS : 746k
WiiU : 627k (Holiday)
Vita : 482k ( 3 weeks during Holiday)
PS3 : 200k (Holiday)
Considering its not a holiday PS4 would be doing very well if it posted 750k+
500k is what I expect which is still fine.
Since everyone is talking about JP launch.
So the PS2 got almost a million sales in its launch day/weekend not during the holidays?
Damn that's good and still hasn't launched in japan.
4 week sales -____-
Still best selling despite not launching in a holiday
But isn't Japan a small market for PS4 anyway?
But isn't Japan a small market for PS4 anyway?
PS2 numbers if it were not supply constrained would have finished the Earth. People really forget this. Nothing has ever come close to that demand except for Wii fleetingly. The hype for the thing was devastating. Remover 982k sold out in minutes with the online pre-order for Japan.
I think the PS4 is going to sel mediocre for the first monthbor to in japan then have a massive spike. Like from 25k to 100k in a week.
Well, we're getting down to the wire. We probably won't see any actual Sony PR for at least twenty-four hours after sales start, but we can at least expect to see some amusing photos and GIFs of the line festivities soon-ish.
What are the titles that American audiences were running to the store to buy PS4 for?
Launches are launches. Pretending that a console needs 1 killer game at launch ignores the entirety of the history of console launches. People were buying 360's at launch to play Perfect Dark Zero.I was one them. ;_;
What would cause that massive spike?
The fact that people are running out and buying so many PS4's with few compelling games actually concerns me. It makes me wonder if it is riding some sort of hype bubble at the moment that will lead to a bottoming out period soon.
And people were buying a PS2 in Japan to play Fantavision.The PS2's Japanese launch line-up was atrocious, but somehow it's ignored in this case.
The fact that people are running out and buying so many PS4's with few compelling games actually concerns me. It makes me wonder if it is riding some sort of hype bubble at the moment that will lead to a bottoming out period soon.
You forgot Lego Movie the game. That's kept me entertained lol.Please, can we stop this crap already. PS4 launched with CoD, BF, AC, NFS, FIFA, NBA (you know, some of the biggest franchises in gaming), admittedly few exclusives and lots of indie games. With TR and Rayman now out, Thief coming next week and inFamous shortly thereafter, that's more than enough games to keep the average player occupied for months...
And people were buying a PS2 in Japan to play Fantavision.The PS2's Japanese launch line-up was atrocious, but somehow it's ignored in this case.
The PS2 launch was awful outside of SSX. Though, I really loved Summoner >.<Huh?! For me this has been the best launch so far, when it comes to games. There's certainly been more to play than during the past two launches.
SSX (+Shadow of Memories in March)
RFOM & MotorStorm
KZ:SF, Resogun, Flower, Tomb Raider, Outlast.
I find you guys' faith in the Japanese market disturbing. 700k sales opening weekend.
I am ready to be oh so wrong