It's gonna do well.
Just not PS3 well.
The PS3 did not really do well...
Do you mean the PS2?
It's gonna do well.
Just not PS3 well.
It's gonna do well.
Just not PS3 well.
I so hope everyone is wrong and Sony crushes in Japan.
The sales are good, especially considering how little it cost to develop. It may not end up selling something ridiculous like 4-5 million, but it'll end up as a multimillion seller by the time it's done. It's a successful project all things considered. Killzone should settle around the 4 million mark at the rate it's going. Granted, this success is largely thanks to them being launch exclusives, but it's also why it made sense for them to be there since they're the kind of games that would benefit from it most.I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a proud owner of the Knack PS4 bundle, With it being described as a small title, hopefully the sales will be good enough for a sequel despite the reception by critics. I'd like a little more platforming and more special modes like stealth knack which would be available at different times in the game and perhaps needed for simple "puzzles", But a solid launch game IMO
Why are people so optimistic that PS4 is going to do so well when it's clear that Japan has moved on from home consoles to mobile gaming?
It's gonna do well.
Just not PS3 well.
Should easily hit 6 million after the Japanese launch.
6.75-7 million by the end of March does seem doable.
I still cant see it hitting 10 million by E3 but it should be close.
They have two versions of the PS4 in Japan? What are they?
How long has it been up on Amazon? How many do they have?
Because the PS4 is hotly anticipated since there's lots of good word of mouth going on in the rest of the world, and because they've had to wait 3 monts post-launch.
What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
PS4 will have a decent start. It won't be shattering records or anything, but I think that's expected. It's more of a matter of it achieving a consistent and sustainable baseline of sales in the long-term. That's the real challenge and Japan is more difficult to predict in that respect. I think the the sales in the rest of the world aren't hugely surprising since the pre-order numbers gave a strong indication that it's going to do very well, and it was priced and positioned extremely well. Of course, even there, it still remains to be seen how the coming months fare but they should be good from the looks of it. Next year will likely be a much bigger year for the PS4 in Japan, but more announcements of Japanese oriented games, and even the release window of FFXV hopefully should help somewhat. At launch though, PS4 does have some okay games for the Japanese market even if some are available on the PS3 also.What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
What are the titles that the Japanese audience will run to the store to buy system for? I just don't see it
people were saying the exact same thing at the american ps4 launch.
Exactly.The only true place to play Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Yakuza and Dynasty Warriors
No, COD, NBA2k14, AC4, BF4 mean much more to western audiences then the Japanese audience
What are the titles that the rest of the world ran out to the store to buy a PS4 for?
Why is this thread full of people who think the Japanese are Mooninites or something?
japan dosen't care about yakuza ,dynasty warrior or metal gear ?
Think again. First one sold nearly a million. The last one is about half that but it's still no slouch.Metal Gear Solid: Demo isn't the same as MGS5, and I don't believe yakuza is viewed as a huge franchise that FF or MGS are viewed as
The fact that people are running out and buying so many PS4's with few compelling games actually concerns me. It makes me wonder if it is riding some sort of hype bubble at the moment that will lead to a bottoming out period soon.
Metal Gear Solid: Demo isn't the same as MGS5, and I don't believe yakuza is viewed as a huge franchise that FF or MGS are viewed as
No, COD, NBA2k14, AC4, BF4 mean much more to western audiences then the Japanese audience
Metal Gear Solid: Demo isn't the same as MGS5, and I don't believe yakuza is viewed as a huge franchise that FF or MGS are viewed as
lol it will probably sell more than donkey kong
The fact that people are running out and buying so many PS4's with few compelling games actually concerns me. It makes me wonder if it is riding some sort of hype bubble at the moment that will lead to a bottoming out period soon.
Or they are buying them and enjoying their yearly Fifa, Cods, BFs and Ass Creeds, in the knowledge that Infamous, DriveClub, et al are coming.
lol it will probably sell more than donkey kong
The fact that people are running out and buying so many PS4's with few compelling games actually concerns me. It makes me wonder if it is riding some sort of hype bubble at the moment that will lead to a bottoming out period soon.
Too many cross gen Japanese games on PS4 so I don't see them helping. The only way PS4 will sell out in Japan is if Western hype has affected them in any way. Also PS4 is a very slick looking system, that might help too,
It's on the PS3 & PS4 and it will probably be a better game than tropical freeze. Of course it will outsell it
I meant just the ps4 version .
Can we get Japanese Culture Expert to get his thoughts on how PS4 will do?
I don't know what you know about Japanese culture, I'm an expert... blah blah blah.
Really the market in Japan seems so dramatically different these days anyone who comes close to predicting how the PS4 does there is just making a lucky guess. I would not be shocked to see it sell better than any console launch ever, nor would I be shocked to see it be near one of the worst launches ever. There seems to be some pent up demand for it, however it's not launching with anything that looks like it will drive sales, and the console market in Japan seems really lethargic.
Reaching deep into my ass, 149,000 day 1.
After PS4 launch in Japan
SCEJ : KnacK has been the fastest selling Platformer ever in the history of gaming *
*platformer game that start and end with K
PS4 needs to hurry up and sell 100M so we can start getting Nobunaga's Ambition in the US again. ;.;Good word of mouth is the best system seller, IMO.
But, I think I've got a few potential winners here:
Dynasty Warriors 8
Joysound Dive 2
Nikoli no Puzzle Sudoku
Nobunaga no Yabō: Sozō
Trine 2
Killzone: Shadow Fall
Japanese only is in italics. Let me know if I missed any.
it has to be better than the PS3s day 1 or else console gaming is really dead in Japan
I prefer to be conservative and estimate mid-late 2014 rather than early. PS4 demand is very high right now but when supply meets demand there could be a significant drop off. I also think MS will introduce a $399 model after Titanfall doesn't move the units they expect.
Sony will probably sell about 300-500k consoles in Japan.
The Titanfall model introduction will come AFTER the PS4 hits 2:1, though.
And all this talk of price cuts and new bundles only causes sales to tumble for the Xbox One.
But that introduces the new defense.
"The Xbox One sales are only low in February and March because people were only waiting for the inevitable price drop."
I prefer to be conservative and estimate mid-late 2014 rather than early. PS4 demand is very high right now but when supply meets demand there could be a significant drop off. I also think MS will introduce a $399 model after Titanfall doesn't move the units they expect.
Sony will probably sell about 300-500k consoles in Japan.