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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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They already said they found no evidence that CC info was stolen.

Have an ice-cream and just enjoy the nice weather.

Yup. All that this posting about "I had a fraudulent charge on my card!!!" crap is doing is causing doubt and fueling chaos. If you see one on there _at all_ call your bank, get it reversed, get a new card. It doesn't matter where the hell it came from. Please stop saying it's PSN being hacked and your info being grabbed.


RustyNails said:
If they are saying CC info is not compromised off the record, why not put it on the record?

They said they have found no evidence that they have, but just warned people to keep a look out until they are sure.

They would look like even bigger idiots if they said that CC details were fine, only to say that they werent at a later date.


RustyNails said:
If they are saying CC info is not compromised off the record, why not put it on the record?
Because they're not sure yet. Seriously, I know some might find this hard to believe, but Sony aren't COMPLETELY inept.


RustyNails said:
If they are saying CC info is not compromised off the record, why not put it on the record?

because if they said "it probably wasnt" and it infact later was found out it was and then this thread would be double the size.

They informed users of the compromised data, and also said they are unsure of the credit card data, and relayed proper procedures for those who are worried or want to be precautionary.


Does anyone have a link that incited this rumor that all of our personal data was stored in plain-text?

I've heard this twice now from friends.


Speedymanic said:
Some stores still have the old swipe machines, fortunately those who still have it don't really have much worth purchasing. (at least in my experience)

And Visa is covered by 'Verified by Visa' in the UK, not sure if it's available in the US. Basically any online purchases with a Visa (debit or credit) card requires you to enter an additional password to your card details and 3 number security code.
Most stores (if not all) still have the ability to use the magnetic strip, but basically no retailer wants to. I work in a cash office, the only time we will be happy to accept a signature as authentication is if our tills are down.

If a customers chip can't be read, we will use the magnetic strip, but we will ask for identification to prove it's your card.

I remember being quite shocked at how many stores (probably the majority) don't use chip and pin in america. I though it had been an initiative all over the world to move onto it.


Degen said:
a friend of mine just had a charge from some porno site randomly show up in his bank account's pending transactions; shit just got quite real
Perhaps your friend is trying to take advantage of the whole situation. If you know what I mean. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
hikarutilmitt said:
Yup. All that this posting about "I had a fraudulent charge on my card!!!" crap is doing is causing doubt and fueling chaos. If you see one on there _at all_ call your bank, get it reversed, get a new card. It doesn't matter where the hell it came from. Please stop saying it's PSN being hacked and your info being grabbed.

I get an email from a company I do business with that says they are not sure if my CC info was stolen and within 24 hours of them emailing me this I get a fraud charge on my card?

I have never had one in my life.

would you follow your same logic in my situation?
The top-tier security team they hired have found no evidence that CC info was stolen. What more do you guys want.
I thought this was where we stood, as quoted from Sony's legal department approved PR:
Sony said:
Although we are still investigating the details of this incident, we believe that an unauthorized person has obtained the following information that you provided: name, address (city, state, zip), country, email address, birthdate, PlayStation Network/Qriocity password and login, and handle/PSN online ID. It is also possible that your profile data, including purchase history and billing address (city, state, zip), and your PlayStation Network/Qriocity password security answers may have been obtained. If you have authorized a sub-account for your dependent, the same data with respect to your dependent may have been obtained. While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken, we cannot rule out the possibility. If you have provided your credit card data through PlayStation Network or Qriocity, out of an abundance of caution we are advising you that your credit card number (excluding security code) and expiration date may have been obtained.
So unless there's been some new development I'm not aware of, Sony has informed us that Hackers have accessed all of our information, possibly excluding the credit card security codes. I don't see what the downside to taking this seriously is.

CRD90 said:
Most stores (if not all) still have the ability to use the magnetic strip, but basically no retailer wants to. I work in a cash office, the only time we will be happy to accept a signature as authentication is if our tills are down.

If a customers chip can't be read, we will use the magnetic strip, but we will ask for identification to prove it's your card.

I remember being quite shocked at how many stores (probably the majority) don't use chip and pin in america. I though it had been an initiative all over the world to move onto it.

Unfortunately many companies here are too cheap and watching their profits to do something that benefits the consumer. Gas companies are apparently about to post record profits despite a shitty economy and rising gas prices, yet they cannot be bothered to get machines that require a PIN or can detect a chip in a card.


blazinglazers said:
I thought this was where we stood, as quoted from Sony's legal department approved PR:

So unless there's been some new development I'm not aware of, Sony has informed us that Hackers have accessed all of our information, possibly excluding the credit card security codes. I don't see what the downside to taking this seriously is.


even after that statement, they still dunno what was really taken.


Neo Member
Hi Guys,

I can confirm someone got my CC#. Wells Fargo locked my credit card account saying that I needed to verify the use of it. Turns out it was charged for a couple of things today when I haven't used my CC in a while.

Ordered a new CC and a new debit card just in case to be safe (I used it for PSN). Watch your account guys..


blazinglazers said:
I thought this was where we stood, as quoted from Sony's legal department approved PR:

So unless there's been some new development I'm not aware of, Sony has informed us that Hackers have accessed all of our information, possibly excluding the credit card security codes. I don't see what the downside to taking this seriously is.


Cause you bolded the wrong damn part?

While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken


Does anyone have a link that incited this rumor that all of our personal data was stored in plain-text?

I've heard this twice now from friends.

What do you mean by stored in plain text??....

Just got the e-mail also...
RustyNails said:
If they are saying CC info is not compromised off the record, why not put it on the record?

Even if they are 95% certain they still can't tell everyone that they are 100% sure CC info wasn't taken.
Professor Beef said:
If a hacker got me a birthday present, all will be forgiven.


as terrible as it sounds, if XBL gets hacked in a similar way soon i won't be able to help but crack a smile, but only because of all the comments flying around lately about how much better it is when you pay for a service. :p


Does anyone have a link that incited this rumor that all of our personal data was stored in plain-text?

I've heard this twice now from friends.
It comes from that chat between the two hackers who said stuff is all in the text file, I don't know if it's true or not, but someone would have to be in possession of your PS3 to access it, along with installing CFW.

I think this was already debunked to be harmless or something along those lines.
JetBlackPanda said:
I get an email from a company I do business with that says they are not sure if my CC info was stolen and within 24 hours of them emailing me this I get a fraud charge on my card?

I have never had one in my life.

would you follow your same logic in my situation?

I'd think about where else I've used my card at all, let alone recently. Heck, in my case, other than retail stores where I swiped it recently, PSN and amazon are the only places I used my actual CC, my debit is used for everything else.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be alarmed at all, but I find it odd and a bit disheartening that nothing is said at all until RIGHT when Sony says shit might have gotten leaked, and suddenly everyone and their cousin is getting fraudulent charges.
Psychotext said:
I want to compliment FINALBOSS on all of his PR efforts over the last 24 hours. There was a point where he looked like he'd lost it (quoting himself to agree with himself) but he recovered and since then he's been doing his best to spin this all into glorious sunshine and rainbows.



MoneyLaunderer said:
The more I hear about fraudulent charges, the more I'm disappointed in these hackers. $200 at Walgreen's, $1,000 at Wal-Mart? C'mon, guys. I guess the economy has struck hackers, too. Instead of Rolex watches and new speakers, they're buying diapers, groceries, and their grandmother's medication.
Many times people who break into large scale networks like PSN just sell off the data to other thieves.


The second they narrow down on who this hacker is, the entire internet community will bond together and collectively try and ruin his life.

Then we'll all forget about this.


benevolent sexism
Cause you bolded the wrong damn part?

While there is no evidence at this time that credit card data was taken

AT THIS TIME. There is always the possibility of evidence emerging at any time after the moment of the report and they clearly know that, hence the wording. Of course Sony are going to be extra conservative about confirming whether anything was stolen. You should be just ever-so-slightly distrustful of them as a source for the time being. It's completely irrational of you to take "no evidence yet!" as some kind of definitive statement that everything is (and will continue to be) fine.

I want you to be right, but your thought process is so incredibly wrong.


Mama Robotnik said:

Haha...I think they really need to bring the service back up as fast as possible(if it`s secured now of course) because this shit is escalating fast and could be very harmful to the PSN...


Redmond's Baby
hikarutilmitt said:
I'm not saying you shouldn't be alarmed at all, but I find it odd and a bit disheartening that nothing is said at all until RIGHT when Sony says shit might have gotten leaked, and suddenly everyone and their cousin is getting fraudulent charges.
i will go and cancel my card only when i get some concrete reports from users from our local PSN store (in which i used my card) that they were victims of fraud.


The second they narrow down on who this hacker is, the entire internet community will bond together and collectively try and ruin his life.

Then we'll all forget about this.

Mama Robotnik will donate to him.


jmdajr said:

How was the PlayStation Network hacked, though? Ironically, for security reasons, and because Sony is historically very tight-lipped on such matters, we will probably never know the exact attack vector -- but we can certainly make some well-educated guesses about how the PlayStation Network was hacked.

Kind of runs counter to their scary headline, no?


Shit is about to hit the fan about this in LA. Bill Handel on KFI is blasting Sony about it and plans to dedicate his entire morning drive show tomorrow morning to it.
Fistwell said:
oxymoran much? ;)

Haha. I'm just saying, even if they are very sure but not 100% then they can't say that they are. They can say that CC probably didn't leak or that there is no evidance of it, you know, like they are doing now. :p


you can't put a price on sparks
is everyone who is getting fraudulent charges only getting it on cards they have associated with psn?

i'd be inclined to think that they got their hands on SOME numbers, but not all of them. At the very worst, they got all of them, and if they did i'm sure Sony would notify Visa/Mastercard/Amex and all of them would get canceled and reissued.

Visa canceled my last card number cause another retailer apparently had their data compromised too...
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