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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Next move for Sony is starting a positive PR assault.

This incident has been severe enough to force Sony to communicate a lot better than they have previously.

The new FAQ is reassuring in many respects, it is the best thing they have produced so far during this incident.

Update on the date PSN resumes is a must, and it needs to be soon along with more info on how they are improving security and reliability.

PS3 will be around for a few more years but PSN is part of their long term strategies ..... they have to repair consumer confidence in the service.


he's Virgin Tight™
The Sony emailed I received specially stated that over 240,000 accounts were "stolen" here in Puerto Rico. Damn =P
I'm not going to chime in with the troll chorus of LOL DO SOMETHING ELSE, but I will say that not having the PSN up has allowed me to make up time in my reading, french practice and valkyria chronicles 2. Thankfully my PSN pw is different than the account its bound to so i dont have to worry too much about getting my PW's mined


Industry Verified
X-Frame said:


Rebel Leader

Onion_Relish said:
I'm not going to chime in with the troll chorus of LOL DO SOMETHING ELSE, but I will say that not having the PSN up has allowed me to make up time in my reading, french practice and valkyria chronicles 2. Thankfully my PSN pw is different than the account its bound to so i dont have to worry too much about getting my PW's mined

This PSN downtime actually help me be a bit creative. I have 2-4 music videos in mind. But The programs I would want to use are out of my reach. Also, don't have a powerful computer.


KingOfKong said:
ya looks like those handful of you that canceled and/or changed your credit card did so a little prematurely :p.

I'd rather not worry about type of encryption/can hackers figure out the number/is sony being honest/etc and just get the number changed.


works for Gamestop (lol)
KingOfKong said:
ya looks like those handful of you that canceled and/or changed your credit card did so a little prematurely :p.

There is no such thing as premature. Better safe than sorry.


NullPointer said:
I'd rather be overcautious about this kind of thing than naively optimistic.
me too , this kind of thing can take months to fix. months of stress. or 3-5 days without a CC, VS months of stress if maybe I got hacked. and if I did FML.
the silliness of the class action lawsuit that's being filed is beyond stupid.

"Sony promised its customers that their information would be kept private. One would think that a large multinational corporation like Sony has strong protective measures in place to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of personal information, including credit card information. Apparently, Sony doesn't."

banks can't even keep card numbers and other data from being leaked. why is sony being treated like such a special case?


Commanche Raisin Toast said:
the silliness of the class action lawsuit that's being filed is beyond stupid.

banks can't even keep card numbers and other data from being leaked. why is sony being treated like such a special case?
did they not get sued?
edit I see nothing wrong in that quote. Sony fucked up.


Well the Q&A made me feel much better about my info. The CC side of things at least. Still going to keep an eye on my account though.


statham said:
me too , this kind of thing can take months to fix. months of stress. or 3-5 days without a CC, VS months of stress if maybe I got hacked. and if I did FML.

Even if your card number got skimmed, your cardholder's agreement will protect you.

Let me put it this way: if you cancel your card (ie. not swap numbers) before it gets flagged, your credit rating will drop. If your card gets flagged and then you change your number, your credit rating is unaffected.
Commanche Raisin Toast said:
the silliness of the class action lawsuit that's being filed is beyond stupid.

banks can't even keep card numbers and other data from being leaked. why is sony being treated like such a special case?

And I'd expect a class action against them too.

Do the people downplaying this incident have any idea how serious this is? To give you a bit of a clue, one of the biggest cases of data theft involved the email addresses of 80 million people. This intrusion has resulted in even more information about 77 million people finding its way into the hands of who the fuck knows. This is not a case of fanboys spreading FUD, this is a massive violation of the trust of 77 million customers.

When a company invites you to save private information with them they have a duty of care to protect that data. When they fail at that duty they get spanked, that's just how it works.
statham said:
did they not get sued?
edit I see nothing wrong in that quote. Sony fucked up.

sony didn't 'fuck up' unless they put no security at all on their network. a hacker happened to be better than their security. they will put in security that is better than said hacker, but then there will just eventually be a hacker better than THAT security. nothing is 100% secure and unhackable unless it's powered off. how is this so hard to understand? sure, everyone WANTS to dream of systems that cannot be breached at all unless you have a magic key, but that's not reality. all current security systems on networks and computers are just giving us a false sense of comfort that our data/money is safe, when all it takes is simple someone that's better. that's it. think of how many companies out there have worse security than sony's but just haven't been targeted yet. they won't get in trouble unless they actually get targeted and hacked. that's why im calling bullshit because it's like fining a stab victim for not being swift enough to dodge the knife. and until you get stabbed you can't get fined because nobody can prove you're unstabbable until they witness you dodge an incoming knife.

and again, big companies get hacked like this all the time as has been posted again and again by users in this thread. why is it okay for them to 'allow' EVEN MORE data from EVEN MORE users to be compromised, but it's not okay that sony couldn't thwart such attacks.

sony's is a online gaming service. a bank is a fucking BANK.

jim-jam bongs said:
And I'd expect a class action against them too.

Do the people downplaying this incident have any idea how serious this is? To give you a bit of a clue, one of the biggest cases of data theft involved the email addresses of 80 million people. This intrusion has resulted in even more information about 77 million people finding its way into the hands of who the fuck knows. This is not a case of fanboys spreading FUD, this is a massive violation of the trust of 77 million customers.

When a company invites you to save private information with them they have a duty of care to protect that data. When they fail at that duty they get spanked, that's just how it works.

-77 million ACCOUNTS (users with multiple accounts)
-im not downplaying the incident, im asking why sony is being considered a special case despite there being many other similar or more severe hacking cases around the globe, many of which deal with something a bit more serious than some basic user info on a game network (CC info was encrypted, so it's a dead point unless sony verifies that it somehow got decrypted and leaked)
-i never mentioned anything about fanboys spreading anything, not even peanutbutter
-you're right, they do have a duty to protect that data, but if someone stronger than them comes along and takes it by force then you get mad at the person that took it

im not saying they shouldn't get a fine and have all those companies look into it and make sure they are up to code and all that, but i see this class action lawsuit as an attempt to syphon whatever they can get out of a company for something that is utterly impossible to ask of any company regardless of size or purpose- a 100% unhackable security system.


SRG01 said:
Even if your card number got skimmed, your cardholder's agreement will protect you.

Let me put it this way: if you cancel your card (ie. not swap numbers) before it gets flagged, your credit rating will drop. If your card gets flagged and then you change your number, your credit rating is unaffected.
I'm not talking about canceling the card, just requesting a new one. the reason its a pain because I have everything on autopay so I don't deal with late fees on bills I forgot, or the time to remember to pay them. I have ten bills to pay a month, all of them besides the mortage is on autopay, switching cards means a afternoon of switching payments for each. something I rather not do. let alone I forget one and have late charges applied to them. some thing I wouldn't have to do if sony ran a better security business.

Musashi Wins!

This is the single worst interaction I've had with a gaming company. Unbelievable. I keep reading this horrible email from them filled with rage. Security breaches can happen with any online entity, but the handling of this was slimy as hell. I've definitely spent my last dollar with Sony.
jim-jam bongs said:
And I'd expect a class action against them too.

Do the people downplaying this incident have any idea how serious this is? To give you a bit of a clue, one of the biggest cases of data theft involved the email addresses of 80 million people. This intrusion has resulted in even more information about 77 million people finding its way into the hands of who the fuck knows. This is not a case of fanboys spreading FUD, this is a massive violation of the trust of 77 million customers.

When a company invites you to save private information with them they have a duty of care to protect that data. When they fail at that duty they get spanked, that's just how it works.

I'm convinced that a lot of people here don't. I don't know why, but the whole concept of "privacy" doesn't seem to be valued too highly- it seems everybody is fixated on the argument about whether credit cards have been skimmed which is relevant but misses the forest for the trees. As you said, there's a violation of trust here.

People are incredulous here that people in the media are making a big deal of it. If you posit this PSN scenario to most people, they're not going to shrug it off. My perspective is based in the US, but privacy is pretty sacred in this country.

jax (old)

Musashi Wins! said:
This is the single worst interaction I've had with a gaming company. Unbelievable. I keep reading this horrible email from them filled with rage. Security breaches can happen with any online entity, but the handling of this was slimy as hell. I've definitely spent my last dollar with Sony.

seriously? Rage? I'm glad I'm not you. :)

I see statham's still @ it too.
All of the data was protected, and access was restricted both physically and through the perimeter and security of the network. The entire credit card table was encrypted and we have no evidence that credit card data was taken. The personal data table, which is a separate data set, was not encrypted, but was, of course, behind a very sophisticated security system that was breached in a malicious attack.

This is somewhat a sigh of relief but not enough since its not that hard decrypting a series of numbers since all you can do is generate a 16 series of numbers ranging from 0000-0000-0000-0000 to 9999-9999-9999-9999, encrypt it and match it with the pre-existing encrypted numbers; so unless they added a buffer value in between, it should be as easy as decrypting/brute-forcing your wifi password.
Four_Chamber said:
I'm convinced that a lot of people here don't. I don't know why, but the whole concept of "privacy" doesn't seem to be valued too highly-
At this rate I'll be surprised if it lasts the decade.
Musashi Wins! said:
This is the single worst interaction I've had with a gaming company. Unbelievable. I keep reading this horrible email from them filled with rage. Security breaches can happen with any online entity, but the handling of this was slimy as hell. I've definitely spent my last dollar with Sony.

Seriously? Making people call customer service to cancel xbox live instead of being able to cancel it on-line, like every other service in the world lets you, is far more slimy than anything Sony has done here.
X-Frame said:
I can see why he'd be angry. He puts up a lot of inflammatory stuff and while I think most people either find it funny or don't care, there will always be some people for whom it is serious business and post insults etc. in his comments. There's a very real possibility that at some stage his real name and home address could be released (along with every single other person with a PSN account) and traced via his PSN, and I think that's an unsettling thought for anybody let alone people in El Presador's position.
Four_Chamber said:
I'm convinced that a lot of people here don't. I don't know why, but the whole concept of "privacy" doesn't seem to be valued too highly- it seems everybody is fixated on the argument about whether credit cards have been skimmed which is relevant but misses the forest for the trees. As you said, there's a violation of trust here.

People are incredulous here that people in the media are making a big deal of it. If you posit this PSN scenario to most people, they're not going to shrug it off. My perspective is based in the US, but privacy is pretty sacred in this country.
I'll just say this: people love their game console manufacturers and will downplay even the worst of offenses. We saw it with RROD. We saw it with YLOD. We saw it though the long droughts of Wii and GameCube game releases. We see it now. I suppose it's because public acceptance allows for haters to hate with impunity.
Privacy is not sacred in our country. No one gives crap about intrusive TSA patdowns and I hardly recall public outrage over the recent revelation about iPhones tracking your locations. Stuff like Dancing with the Stars and American Idol are sacred here. So much so that the Whitehouse had to negotiate with TV execs when to air Obama's address to the nation, and how much flexible their programming is.


Q: When will the PlayStation Network and Qriocity be back online?
A: Our employees have been working day and night to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some services up and running within a week from yesterday. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we are confident that the network is secure.
Nothing we can do about it we have to wait a little longer.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Trent Strong said:
Seriously? Making people call customer service to cancel xbox live instead of being able to cancel it on-line, like every other service in the world lets you, is far more slimy than anything Sony has done here.

statham said:
I'm not talking about canceling the card, just requesting a new one. the reason its a pain because I have everything on autopay so I don't deal with late fees on bills I forgot, or the time to remember to pay them. I have ten bills to pay a month, all of them besides the mortage is on autopay, switching cards means a afternoon of switching payments for each. something I rather not do. let alone I forget one and have late charges applied to them. some thing I wouldn't have to do if sony ran a better security business.

It takes on average 2 minutes to change payment for each of your bills.

1. Call them
2. Dial 0
3. Give them your account number and tell them to change auto-payment.

You've been complaining about this since the past 24 hours, and you have not acted upon it. Hilarious.


Musashi Wins! said:
This is the single worst interaction I've had with a gaming company. Unbelievable. I keep reading this horrible email from them filled with rage. Security breaches can happen with any online entity, but the handling of this was slimy as hell. I've definitely spent my last dollar with Sony.



Trent Strong said:
Seriously? Making people call customer service to cancel xbox live instead of being able to cancel it on-line, like every other service in the world lets you, is far more slimy than anything Sony has done here.

why? what? ugh.
Trent Strong said:
Seriously? Making people call customer service to cancel xbox live instead of being able to cancel it on-line, like every other service in the world lets you, is far more slimy than anything Sony has done here.

You cannot be serious. This is really the pinnacle of "reaching for straws." There is no facepalm image good enough to post here.

Well, keep on fighting the good fight guys. This thread is moving too fast right now. Hopefully, we'll have some more concrete news tomorrow.


KingOfKong said:
ya looks like those handful of you that canceled and/or changed your credit card did so a little prematurely :p.

Right, it only takes a couple mins to cancel and get a new one. A lot less hassle than having to call up the card company due to a fraudulent transaction.
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