statham said:
did they not get sued?
edit I see nothing wrong in that quote. Sony fucked up.
sony didn't 'fuck up' unless they put no security at all on their network. a hacker happened to be better than their security. they will put in security that is better than said hacker, but then there will just eventually be a hacker better than THAT security. nothing is 100% secure and unhackable unless it's powered off. how is this so hard to understand? sure, everyone WANTS to dream of systems that cannot be breached at all unless you have a magic key, but that's not reality. all current security systems on networks and computers are just giving us a false sense of comfort that our data/money is safe, when all it takes is simple someone that's better. that's it. think of how many companies out there have worse security than sony's but just haven't been targeted yet. they won't get in trouble unless they actually get targeted and hacked. that's why im calling bullshit because it's like fining a stab victim for not being swift enough to dodge the knife. and until you get stabbed you can't get fined because nobody can prove you're unstabbable until they witness you dodge an incoming knife.
and again, big companies get hacked like this all the time as has been posted again and again by users in this thread. why is it okay for them to 'allow' EVEN MORE data from EVEN MORE users to be compromised, but it's not okay that sony couldn't thwart such attacks.
sony's is a online gaming service. a bank is a fucking BANK.
jim-jam bongs said:
And I'd expect a class action against them too.
Do the people downplaying this incident have any idea how serious this is? To give you a bit of a clue, one of the biggest cases of data theft involved the email addresses of 80 million people. This intrusion has resulted in even more information about 77 million people finding its way into the hands of who the fuck knows. This is not a case of fanboys spreading FUD, this is a massive violation of the trust of 77 million customers.
When a company invites you to save private information with them they have a duty of care to protect that data. When they fail at that duty they get spanked, that's just how it works.
-77 million ACCOUNTS (users with multiple accounts)
-im not downplaying the incident, im asking why sony is being considered a special case despite there being many other similar or more severe hacking cases around the globe, many of which deal with something a bit more serious than some basic user info on a game network (CC info was encrypted, so it's a dead point unless sony verifies that it somehow got decrypted and leaked)
-i never mentioned anything about fanboys spreading anything, not even peanutbutter
-you're right, they do have a duty to protect that data, but if someone stronger than them comes along and takes it by force then you get mad at the person that took it
im not saying they shouldn't get a fine and have all those companies look into it and make sure they are up to code and all that, but i see this class action lawsuit as an attempt to syphon whatever they can get out of a company for something that is utterly impossible to ask of any company regardless of size or purpose- a 100% unhackable security system.