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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Snuggler said:
I thought about it briefly, but nah, even with a fuck-up of monumental proportions I still can't part with my PS3. Uncharted 3, man.

I know, I can't part from Sony until I beat uncharted 3 :/


Chriswok said:
So, I wonder, under UK Law have Sony failed to adhere to the Data Protection Act?

I believe sensitive data has to have some minimum level of encryption in the UK. That would include names, addresses, passwords.


Papercuts said:

If they immediately alerted us of what may have been comprised, I might feel bad. They've handled this so poorly, they can just fuck off.
Maybe they didnt know for sure to begin with and didnt want to say anything before they were 100% positive about it? Would kinda suck to go out premature with such message and then later on learned that it wasnt the case afterall.

At least this is the only reason i can see why they waited. If they knew from day one, they knew they had to say this sooner or later, so i cant really see any benefits of waiting with saying this if they knew 100% for sure earlier.

EDIT: Fixed a typo.


You can bet Nintendo and Microsoft are laughing their arses off right now. You took a fucking week to tell us about this security breach, Sony?


jaxpunk said:
So when a website asks you your mothers maiden name... you have more than one answer? How about your high school? So how's that 101 working out now?

No need to get upset. A lot of places have a very large selection of security questions, and more and more are even letting you create your own. And that still doesn't hold you back from using a different password.

Edit: And this is blaming anyone, I'm sure there's a half a dozen spots that use the same password as my PSN, fortunately non of them hold financial data.


-Pyromaniac- said:
I don't know, I've seen hyperbolic GAF on a variety of topics but I think this takes the cake, didn't even waste any time either, started with the first reply rather than gradually building.

Fully agree

Close the thread tbh, and sticky the information, nothing but whining is going on in here.
I barely play my PS3 anymore. Think I'll trade it in or sell it off on Kijiji and use it to get my siblings a 3DS, depending on how Sony goes about this in the coming days. But I have a lot of Blurays and games...


Dipindots said:
People in charge of Microsoft probably have the biggest shit eating grin right now. This surely will boost their sales and get them more customers.

Yeah but at the same time I bet they are checking their security for holes as we speak. I am sure this will be giving everyone a good scare about information stored on all consoles and services.


bandresen said:
If the passwords you use are the same on PSN as on other services, then yes, you need to change your passwords.

if your username and password is the same for all you do on the internet, then you fail at the internet


MThanded said:
Thats like saying if your house gets broken into its half your fault. Eff all that noise.

Even there were no security measures in place thats another story but I am betting this was a fairly sophisticated attack.

If your house is broken in to it's 100% your fault. Who's else fault would it be?
alr1ghtstart said:

I would highly encourage you to have a completely separate/random email password from any other site/service.
I do that. I have different password for everything. But i am concerned about identity theft. I will go to the police and ask them about it. I will also talk to the bank and see what options i have.


I also fucking love that there is currently no way to check what your PSN password is currently set to.

So if you don't remember, you're screwed until they fix their shit.

Beam said:
I do that. I have different password for everything. But i am concerned about identity theft. I will go to the police and ask them about it. I will also talk to the bank and see what options i have.

The Police? Yeah, that's really going to help matters.
ClosingADoor said:
Are you for real?

You also don't blame the thieves who robbed your house because you didn't have a stronger lock?

Sony is to blame for a large part (not in the least for giving us this info so damn late), but the hackers are the ones doing the stealing and deserve to go to jail for this like this.

I think there's equal blame. What I want to hear from Sony is how our personal information was encrypted. Hacker's having our info in an inaccessible format is one thing, plain text is another. Details, Sony!

ultron87 said:
I also fucking love that there is currently no way to check what your PSN password is currently set to.

So if you don't remember, you're screwed until they fix their shit.

They should just reset everyone's password once the network is back online.
-Pyromaniac- said:
I don't know, I've seen hyperbolic GAF on a variety of topics but I think this takes the cake, didn't even waste any time either, started with the first reply rather than gradually building.
Yeah, no.

If Sony had been forthcoming about this information LAST FUCKING WEEK when it happened then maybe people would be a little more low key about it.

The apologists here are completely baffling.


CrushDance said:
I barely play my PS3 anymore. Think I'll trade it in or sell it off on Kijiji and use it to get my siblings a 3DS, depending on how Sony goes about this in the coming days. But I have a lot of Blurays and games...

Just buy a standalone Blu-Ray player. You can get a decent Sony one at Walmart for under $100 now.


Dipindots said:
People in charge of Microsoft probably have the biggest shit eating grin right now. This surely will boost their sales and get them more customers.
They're probably wondering how in the hell their greatest nemesis can continually pile-drive their own head into the pavement, time and time again, while on the verge of actually gaining some momentum.

Historically, Sony has done far more good for Microsoft, than Microsoft has for itself.
lawblob said:
I am speechless at the posts telling people to calm down and quit being so angry at Sony.

Does Kaz have to force himself on you in the back of a pickup truck before some of you will say anything negative about your favorite corporation? Good lord...
You can be concerned without freaking the mother fucking fuck out with strong and LOUD words on a forum. Some people cope by preferring to be level headed and taking a wait and see approach.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
kamspy said:
If your house is broken in to it's 100% your fault. Who's else fault would it be?
WTF? kampsy lol. I thought you only trolled me in the hip hop thread.
cw_sasuke said:
It's their service dude .....

This sucks - just when I started to buy every PSP game on psn - and now all that account data got out ? I'm really disappointed .....

F*ck those hackers ....

Yeah? So what if it is? They had it secure. I'm going to go out on a limb here and risk a ban, but this wouldn't be an issue if CFW people just stfu and stop being fucking self entitled to god damn everything. I've said this TIME AND TIME again.

We are in a stage of media convergence
, hardware and software is pretty much all connected in some way with personal data.

All this "I want to make my hardware do what ever I want" shit puts TOO many people at risk. Why do we have walled gardens? So fucking idiots can't come inside the garden and shit and set fire to every plant in it. There are security measures for each device for a reason, and it's to PROTECT the people. Sony is Anti-consumer? Yes, because protecting everyone from identity theft is fucking anti-consumer.

You know, if FailOverflow never announced this shit, we wouldn't be here in this thread. I understand wanting to use your product the way you wish, but this isn't a world filled with only butterflies and fucking flowers. Get over yourselves. (not directed to sasuke).



The Amiga Brotherhood
Wasn't it the BBC who were pushing Sony for an open statement today about things?

I'm guessing they will follow it up shortly.


Any (aspiring) game journalists who aim to talk to Sony representatives:

Try to ask them this; what do they aim to do about the actual PSN accounts? Will they offer password resetting to our registered e-mail addresses, will they wipe our transaction history clean, will they provide credit card help, etc.?


For a Finer World
Holy crap. Not only the scale of this thing, but at the same time TAKING A F'N WEEK TO LET ME KNOW – Sony, not very well played at all.


Thank god I haven't linked my credit card to my PSN account. Sony is fucked, this is going to get very, very litigious very soon.
Just got all new cards.

Thanks Sony. Good job. You will never get my billing info again. Lesson learned.

(and of course, fuck the hackers too)


wow... i didn't expect something this big.
The guys that cause this should go direct to jail.

now i understand why it takes so long for Sony to explain, (Probably??) they wanted to make sure of what really happened, and what the really damage.

I'm supporting Sony, this is unfortunate to us, but also for Sony.


Fuck Sony with this shit and trying to hide the damage for this long. I'm not buying as PS4 or NGP after this. They can seriously fuck off.
That's... pretty bad.

I do feel a little bad for Sony, only because they were the target of the hacking (really, it could have been any company), but they said that they shut down PSN because of a possible security breach, and they should have told everyone about the possible breach day 1, even if it was a "possible" breach, then hire the outside security firm to see what happened. Not the other way around.

A lot can happen in a week...


heyf00L said:
You are to blame if you know the thief is coming. Anyone who has a massive database of credit card numbers accessible by the Internet will be attacked repeatedly.
Wow. You remind me of those idiots who say that women who wear provocative clothing deserved to be raped.

The hackers are more at fault than Sony is.


Wouldn't there have been a mass report of credit card frauds during these past few days if that magnitude amount of info went out?
-Pyromaniac- said:
You can be concerned without freaking the mother fucking fuck out with strong and LOUD words on a forum. Some people cope by preferring to be level headed and taking a wait and see approach.

:lol If you're debit card is on there and it's all the money you have you sure as fuck don't want to take a "wait and see" approach. Glad to hear you have so much money.


MThanded said:
WTF? kampsy lol

I'm serious. My house was robbed. I wasn't kicking rocks and cursing robbers. I went an got alarm sensors for all the windows and doors and moved my gun safe closer to the bed.

I guess it's just my personal take on the matter.


When Sony announced last week that the PSN was hacked everyone one should have just assumed the worse instead of waiting for them to give a response.
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