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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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he's Virgin Tight™
Smells like class action lawsuit. I already see the lawyers that live for moments like this in the background... and trust me I am joining that one. The financial impact for Sony will be huge enough that any profits the PS3 has made will be cleared in one minute. =P
Holy fucking shit. Yeah, that's about as bad as I could have imagined. Glad that they came out and said it so everyone can protect themselves from any possible fraud. Sucks that jackasses had to attack the service like this and ruin it for everyone.


Guys I'm not sure if this is related or not... but the 21st my card was used fraudulently... I used it once or twice on PSN but I always deleted it after I put money in my wallet. soo. :/ Had to cancel the card. :(


Cyborg said:
Who is crazy enough to support the hackers now? :) Good luck.

You say "the hackers" as if they are one monolithic mass.

I am pissed at the specific hackers that caused this. I am also pissed at Sony for sucking.


Cancelled my debit.

I'll hate having extra cents sitting in my PSN wallet, but I guess I'll have to deal.


A Good Citizen
So are the passwords themselves stolen or just the encrypted data that could be decrypted to obtain passwords?

Kud Dukan

3rdman said:
LOL really? First and foremost, your anger should first be directed squarely at Sony for (1) having such a shit security that they fear that everyone's personal data has been compromised and (2) because they took a week to tell their customers (an act of negligence which may very well be illegal!).

There is no proof that those involved with hacking the PS3 has anything to do with what happened but that won't stop people from speculating, of course.

The bolded part is why everyone should be upset. If they even suspected (even just a little) that they had been compromised to this degree, they should have said something a hell of a lot sooner than they did.


What the hell happened? How could Sony be so totally incompetent? And how the fuck could they think they can get by not telling any of their customers until 6 days after the breach was discovered?

This is absolutely insane; can anyone name a bigger fuck-up for a network in recent years, because I'm really struggling here.

Sony are well and truly fucked; I just feel sorry for the thousands of Sony employees who will no doubt find their jobs are on the line when the exorbitant fines and class action lawsuits come to be.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
snack said:
One a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, and 10 the highest, how bad for you feel for Sony right now?

I would say 10.


If they immediately alerted us of what may have been comprised, I might feel bad. They've handled this so poorly, they can just fuck off.


Cerebral Assassin said:
This only relates to PS3 accounts, right? I have a PSN acct tied to my PSP & I can't remember if I have any card details on it, could this affect me?

its every PSN/Qrioricity account, that includes that
Damn, this thread is a breeding ground for over reactions and fanboy comments. Even when they say there is no evidence of CC info being stolen people are freaking the fuck out. Take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. The only thing really stupid about this whole thing right now is how long Sony took to tell everyone.

On another note, lmfao CWF support for the greater good of gamers! What a crock of shit.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm actually deeply saddened by this situation. It lowers the faith in all networked services.


Prodigal Son
Wow, I hadn't played on my 360 for three months and this happened. If I lose access to my account or PSN games I'll be going PC-only from then on. What a fucking travesty. Consoles, huh?


I DEMAND cash COMPENSATION from Sony for their careless handling and leak of my private personal information and for the emotional trauma this is causing to me and my family !

Sony's resolution department may contact me to arrange a wire transfer to my bank account in Morocco.

Let's start a worldwide class-action lawsuit at the Hague International Court of Justice.


Luckily my account is tied to a card that is empty and expiring this month.

But i can't believe it took a fucking week for Sony to even confess that they may have suffer a breach. Ridiculous.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Yeah its sony's responsibility to keep it safe but people in here saying its more there fault than the hackers fault... Get your life together.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
phosphor112 said:
I can understand being upset with Sony, but why be mad AT Sony? They weren't the problem.
It's their service dude .....

This sucks - just when I started to buy every PSP game on psn - and now all that account data got out ? I'm really disappointed .....

F*ck those hackers ....


Patryn said:
Thank you Sony for informing me in e-mail that my data was stolen! Now I can surely remember exactly WHICH e-mail address I used to sign up for your stupid account!

At least they sent you one. I didn't get one yet. Guess their canadians customers are third class citizens.


neoism said:
Guys I'm not sure if this is related or not... but the 21st my card was used fraudulently... I used it once or twice on PSN but I always deleted it after I put money in my wallet. soo. :/ Had to cancel the card. :(

Doesn't matter most likely.


Brandson said:
If Sony has no way of distinguishing legit PSN account owners from identity thieves upon login, does that mean Sony is going to have to wipe all PSN accounts and start clean? Presumably many users will not be able to login instantaneously once PSN is re-activated, allowing hackers to login for them, change their password and keep the account. Alternatively, if you are able to login fast enough to change your password, couldn't a hacker just call Sony later claiming their account was stolen and get Sony to change your password so only the hacker has access anyway? If they have all your info, there's no way for Sony to distinguish between legit customers and hackers. Deleting all PSN accounts seems like the only way forward at this point.
What about all the games each account owns?


Cyborg said:
Who is crazy enough to support the hackers now? :) Good luck.
Oh...so someone has already taken credit for it?

Seriously people, we've no idea who did this...it could've been freakin' China for all we know...


3rdman said:
LOL really? First and foremost, your anger should first be directed squarely at Sony for (1) having such a shit security that they fear that everyone's personal data has been compromised and (2) because they took a week to tell their customers (an act of negligence which may very well be illegal!).

There is no proof that those involved with hacking the PS3 has anything to do with what happened but that won't stop people from speculating, of course.
If Sony's security is shit then why wasn't this done years ago


Anyone else think that sony is just being extra cautious about the CC info?

They cant say that it definitely wasn't stolen, only for a few days later to announce it was.
So they are probably just covering themselves until they know the whole picture


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Kud Dukan said:
The bolded part is why everyone should be upset. If they even suspected (even just a little) that they had been compromised to this degree, they should have said something a hell of a lot sooner than they did.

Telling people triggers numerous requirements and regulations that Sony must then satisfy.


snack said:
One a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest, and 10 the highest, how bad for you feel for Sony right now?

I would say 10.
Why should anyone feel bad for Sony? They got us into this mess with piss-poor security and then waited a fucking week to tell us about what happened. They're just as responsible as the hackers for this catastrophe.
Enco said:
I put up a fake DOB and I'm not sure if my full name is on there. The only thing anyone can possibly get is my address. Come at me.

Fuck the hackers (mainly) and fuck Sony.



Trevelyon said:

  • G-mail done
  • GAF done lol
  • Amazon done
  • Steam done
  • Apple store done

I'll take my chances with everything else/too lazy.

So you use the same username everywhere? When the torrent comes out imma go lookin for you. ;0
My personal information has been "stolen" so many times in the last few years its become comical. I've received letters from my bank, my health insurance company, my credit card company, my freaking natural gas company, all offering me a free credit report and blah blah blah. I'm not too worried. My credit history is fine. Most people can find out most of my personal info by Googling me anyway.

I'm not going to cancel my debit card either. I'll keep GAF informed if and when I see any erroneous charges.
RobbieNick said:
Damn. I just got a new debit card cuz I lost my old one. Now this shit happens. Luckily, my bank monitors my purchases very carefully.

Sony's gonna get sued up the ass for this. I can easily see a class-action lawsuit happening.

Can you get a new debit card for free if you lost it?or do you need to pay?
I used to be really angry that for some reason PSN would NEVER accept my credit card info. It would always tell me that it was invalid. I'd have to go buy pre-paid cards to buy everything. "Piece of shit," I thought, "what a waste of time. Every other service accepts my (now long-expired) card."



Next time, hire a firm that actually knows what they are doing.

Damn I these fucking leaks. Hackers can go suck a big one.

By tomorrow I hope they have established that nothing sensitive was leaked.


I want to throw this warning out there for people. I work in a position that handles an online market place. If you've previously made a purchase with the company, even if you don't request to store the information on file, the information for CC details can still be accessed in the purchase history information. These are not removed. Though on a basic account level if someone got into the acct all they would be able to receive would be the last 4 digits of the CC #. However, if an finance admin account accesses that information, it is absolutely possible to retrieve the full payment detail.

So for those saying that they have removed their details, this is part of the reason why I asked this on page 1 (whether or not Sony stores that information even if we request not to have it remembered), because if you have previously made a purchase with the card via the PSN, it is not safe to assume that the information was not available if the other credit card records were.

Sony tells us they don't know if this information was obtained (or that they think not). Regardless, even if you didn't have the information 'remembered' absolutely begin to pay attention to both your credit report and account detail.


Oozinator said:
I DEMAND cash COMPENSATION from Sony for their careless handling and leak of my private personal information and for the emotional trauma this is causing to me and my family !

Sony's resolution department may contact me to arrange a wire transfer to my bank account in Morocco.

Let's start a worldwide class-action lawsuit at the Hague International Court of Justice.

i'd imagine hundreds of class action lawsuits around the world, Sony is doomed


bish gets all the credit :)
Talk about overreacting.

My e-mail pw and PSN pw are the same exact thing and I'm not changing shit.


I would highly encourage you to have a completely separate/random email password from any other site/service.
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