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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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ultron87 said:
I also fucking love that there is currently no way to check what your PSN password is currently set to.

So if you don't remember, you're screwed until they fix their shit.

The Police? Yeah, that's really going to help matters.
Totally different matter but I got a new ps3 and not remembering my PSN password was a pain (got it the next day after managing to temp fix my old ps3 and changing one letter of the password which narrowed it down. It was set to auto sign in).

Oh and this thread is moving like a bullet train.


Adamm said:
How do you know thier security was so bad?

How many companies come under this sort of wide scale attack?
What other companies have been exposed with this size of a breach? Sony's security is bad because of the magnitude of the breach. The security is a failure. It is not good, and we're not sure yet if it even mattered if it was there at all.
darkwing said:
can you guys imagine the class action lawsuits just waiting in the wings? eep

The real winner here is whoever the expert is that the plaintiffs hire to analyze/testify about Sony's network security. That guy is gonna make a shit ton. I would say millions but I have no idea how much those services normally go for.


Requeim said:
Fully agree

Close the thread tbh, and sticky the information, nothing but whining is going on in here.

Yeah, the important thing here is protecting Sony's reputation rather than figuring out how to take proper precautions for this unbelievable security breach that puts everyone with a PSN account at risk of something or another.

We should post some Uncharted 3 screenshots in this thread instead.
So, since they stole my security answers does that mean I need to change my mother's maiden name? That might be hard to do. Can that even be done? ;)


RyanCE said:
Wow. You remind me of those idiots who say that women who wear provocative clothing deserved to be raped.

The hackers are more at fault than Sony is.

No sony is. It's like a bank that would keep the vault slightly cracked open, but just hopes no one notices.
This sucks. Not cool Sony, not cool at all. My PSN password doesn't overlap with any other passwords I have but I am worried about the CC information. WTF!!!
Mercury Fred said:
Yeah, no.

If Sony had been forthcoming about this information LAST FUCKING WEEK when it happened then maybe people would be a little more low key about it.

The apologists here are completely baffling.
You need to calm down and screw your head on. No one is being an apologist. Not bitching doesn't mean I'm not concerned, just prefer not to freak out until you know...something actually happens to me personally that warrants it. Right now it's all just words filled with concern, and concerned I am, but for now that's all it is.
this should teach sony to not piss off the hacking community too. i mean, if they at least had well protected systems, they could try and act tough and shit. but they failed computer security 101 apparently.
Curufinwe said:
Do we know that?
they said the hacker got access to the passwords. if they were well protected (hashed + salted) they wouldn't have the passwords, even if the hacker had access to the database. they could've been just hashed, but it doesn't seem to be the case either

lord pie

Has anything been said about PSN->Facebook account integration being compromised?
I personally don't use it, but I know many who do.


FTH said:
If Sony's security is shit then why wasn't this done years ago
Dude, when you go after people, you put a bullseye on your back...Before they started going all sue crazy, they should have double and triple checked their security...especially PSN as it has access to EVERYBODY.

I am far from defending those who did this...they are scum, to be sure, but if Sony is going to walk with a big stick, they better fucking have a big fucking firewall to protect their incompetent asses.
RyanCE said:
Wow. You remind me of those idiots who say that women who wear provocative clothing deserved to be raped.
Wow, you remind me of one of those people who utilizes false equivalence as a rhetorical tool in arguments.


Green Biker Dude said:
seems they were storing the passwords in plain text

haha oh wow. sony is pathetic

Paznos said:
When Sony announced last week that the PSN was hacked everyone one should have just assumed the worse instead of waiting for them to give a response.
I agree. We don't need Sony to tell us to watch our shit if it might get taken
Guys, credit card information hasn´t been confirmed by SONY, they are now on going investigation on it, but they haven´t to this moment found a sign of CC theft, this i can assured.
So how bad is this exactly if you use different passwords on everything? I'm kind of worried that they have the rest of that info, things like full name/address/state/zip etc etc that they might be able to use to get into accounts in other places.

If they can't do anything with all that info then all I have to do is change my PSN password since I don't use 1 password in more than 1 place.


seat said:
What other companies have been exposed with this size of a breach? Sony's security is bad because of the magnitude of the breach. The security is a failure. It is not good, and we're not sure yet if it even mattered if it was there at all.

Every other breach of this magnitude I can think of that has occurred (Country Wide and the VA hospital breaches are the only things that come close), was a direct result of a Laptop or other such device getting out of someone's hands. If they really did simply brute force their way in and got as much information as is being claimed, I don't even know where to begin...


All I know is that if my information is compromised I may seriously conside legal action. I know it sounds stupid, but I didn't buy a ps3 to have my finances and livelihood fucked with.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
After an incident with my iTunes Store account, I've never linked my credit card information to any account - not even my PSN account.

Guess I wasn't overreacting.


Gamecocks625 said:
What if I don't have a credit card currently tied into my PSN account? Does that matter?
I was coming to ask the same thing. I've used two different credit cards in the past to make purchases. But I then deleted the info from my PSN account.

notworksafe said:
Then no one has your CC info. The address/phone/etc is still out there if your info was jacked though.
So this should be the case with me also then? I'm sorry if it's been asked but this thread is moving so fast. Also, I'm really fucking disgusted at the whole situation. Not only at the person/people responsible but also at Sony. This is ridiculous...


I'll have to read about a comprehensive third party audit before I trust them with my payment details again, that's for damn sure.


Wow, that's quite the fuck up.

What's really strange is that Sony have been very slow in informing their users to the severity of the situation, which to me is inexplicable.
cheesetom said:
What about the steam password I used to link my PSN account to Steam? I have to change that too?


I don't think so as Sony probably wouldn't store that. If your steam password is the same as your PSN password you should change it as basic internet security.


Hopefully Sony caught this breach quickly when some neckbeard started mass-downloading PSN games.. BEFORE the Yugoslavian mafia or whoever steals CC info got a whiff of a breach.


Unconfirmed Member
So password management recommendations, what'ya got for me GAF?
-Pyromaniac- said:
You need to calm down and screw your head on. No one is being an apologist. Not bitching doesn't mean I'm not concerned, just prefer not to freak out until you know...something actually happens to me personally that warrants it. Right now it's all just words filled with concern, and concerned I am, but for now that's all it is.

Again, you shouldn't wait until your debit card is in the negative to react. Not all of us are rich.
i'm pretty sure who ever did this was part of anonymous, and went rouge on them; going further than they agreed to..it was a concerted effort to get as deep into the network as they did, as deep as they went, they could have messed with personal info on psn users but chose not to.. but who ever this was, they got in via the work the group had done, and took it to the next level..i saw things getting ugly once that initial threat was made..but now its getting nasty, its not just harmless subversive lol's anymore.


Post Count: 9999
Trevelyon said:

  • G-mail done
  • GAF done lol
  • Amazon done
  • Steam done
  • Apple store done

I'll take my chances with everything else/too lazy.
I'm confused, why would you need that? Is it the same username and password?


dream said:
Yeah, the important thing here is protecting Sony's reputation rather than figuring out how to take proper precautions for this unbelievable security breach that puts everyone with a PSN account at risk of something or another.
Yes because that's exactly what's going on here...


Will drop pants for Sony.
This is unbelievable, actually it is not at least for me. Years ago i used my debit card to buy wipeout hd on psn and a week later some person in seattle used my card to buy 650 dollars of tickets from ticketmaster, i had to get a new card and have my bank investigate, since then i have used nothing but psn cards on psn.

PSN really have failed in a service if someone can hack it.
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