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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Fuck Cancer
macfoshizzle said:
so they said they will take care of dc universe players, but i'm wondering what they're going to do for regular users?

what do you guys see fit?

free dlc? free game? movies? free premium for a month?

A honest statement with all the info's I need would be enough for me. I want to exactly know what happened, when it happened, what was stolen, which of my data is encrypted and which not and the reason why some of it isn't encrypted. Also how they plan to protect my data in the future.


balladofwindfishes said:
I don't even know what any of the games you mentioned in your post are.

I don't own a Playstation 3.
I have a PSN account (for work I did last year)

Starhawk is not going to deflect anything for me.
Luckily I didn't have a CC tied to my account, but I still had email tied to it. A shiny trailer for a game that won't come out for a year and a half is nothing compared to the actual fact that someone may know my real world information that far extends past a random shooter game.

In hindsight I probably should have cancelled the account after the work was done, but who would have guessed this would have happened...

E3 is an industry trade show. It's suppose to mention stuff like that

Why do you think they spend 10-15% of their conference talking about sales figures?

Well its going to be different for you..I'm a fan of the franchise and for at least some ps3 owners out there it'll be something good.

Obviously, it will not overshadow what has happened to PSN. PSN will have to live this for another generation with this tainted reputation. But at least newer games specially those online-focused will give PS3 gamers something else to talk about.


E3: Someone senior (Kaz) will come on stage to apologise for the PSN problems, then briefly mention some of the security upgrades they have in place and say they now have the most secure network possible as verified by outside experts. Then they will move on to talking about games and NGP and PSN security will not be mentioned again. There won't be any booing, LOL.

PSN: My guess is it will be back up with the new firmware around midday Japan time on the 3rd (so late on the 2nd in US).


offshore said:
This thread is absolutely incredible.

Not only have some people been trying to defend how Sony has handled this, some are also now saying Sony don't need to mention this at E3?!

What planet are some people on? It's mindboggling.
Tell me why would they mention it at E3? What good reason would they do that?Don't tell me they have to because that's silly.


Jax said:
Kind of stupid if you ask me... because wherelse Sony doesn't lose money off PSN being down, MS offer free months = losing money. Big time.

Sony does somewhere in the neighborhood of $1B a year in revenue on PSN. That's $19M a week in lost revenue while PSN is down.

Withnail said:
E3: Someone senior (Kaz) will come on stage to apologise for the PSN problems, then briefly mention some of the security upgrades they have in place and say they now have the most secure network possible as verified by outside experts. Then they will move on to talking about games and NGP and PSN security will not be mentioned again. There won't be any booing, LOL.

This strikes me as exactly right.


params7 said:
Its better than just sitting there doing nothing right? And I care about Starhawk and this issue and been following it since Geohot vs Sony. I think I may be the only person on this forum to platinum Warhawk but I do realize it was a niche game. Extremely difficult to master, released with no tutorials or single player practice scenario.

Starhawk will be MUCH different. Its been in development since years now and will definitely the much wider casual market too with single player and completely new engine. Even though Warhawk's engine itself wasn't so bad because Twisted Metal is being developed on it.

What I'm saying is, don't treat Starhawk like a part 2 but more like a reboot.

Warhawk wasn't a niche game and I would be there day one for a sequel. It would probably deflect a bit of the sting for me.


ymmv said:
You could be on to something. The same thing happened with Xbox Live in 2007 when the service was down for about a week. The service never recovered when the publishers bailed out and users switched to other platforms. Look at it now, it's a wasteland! Months go by without a new games, it's impossible to find anyone to play with. MS should have quit after that disaster, it's just embarrassing how they act like things went back to normal after such a disaster. You can't fool us!
Overloaded servers = Hacking and theft...
Loudninja said:
Tell me why woudl they mention it at E3? What good reason would they do that?Don't tell me they have to because that's silly.
Because they want to win customers back and E3 is a giant commercial for video game companies?

If it were a year away, maybe.

But after 2 months, many of the issues are not going to be completely out of memory. And once the spotlight hits Sony, people are going to remember the PSN problem.

And there's no guarantees that all features of the PSN will even be back by then.

Withnail said:
E3: Someone senior (Kaz) will come on stage to apologise for the PSN problems, then briefly mention some of the security upgrades they have in place and say they now have the most secure network possible as verified by outside experts. Then they will move on to talking about games and NGP and PSN security will not be mentioned again.
Yes, something like that would probably be the scenario.
Wario64 said:

Betting list closes at 12:01 AM PDT April 30th :)

This is for partial functionality, as in being able to login to PSN at minimum (but I'll list you if you only guess full funct.)

I going to go with my birthday May 27.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I do think they'll mention this at E3.. but those expecting some sort of humility or apology are insane... no company on the planet would do that. basic marketing says you never apologize to the customer. apologizing accepts blame and admits wrong doing. instead you
"learn from it" or you "understand their frustration and would like to give them something for being so understanding". etc. You certainly won't hear "sorry" or "we screwed up"

hanmik said:
If they mention the hack (which is likely to happen), then it will be about how Sony has secured the future of PSN, instead of talking about what happened, they will talk about how secure PSN is now (by the time of June, that is in the future, that sounds strange)
this is pretty much spot on. they will use this to leverage how secure and safe the "new" PSN is, how they've seen sales grow and soar on the "new" PSN. etc. or similar. of course they will mention it, and it will be a bullet point of the glory of sony. anyone who expects anything less should definitely ask for a refund on that marketing 101 class.


Wolves Evolve said:
I've really been impressed with Gamasutra's quality of reporting over the last two months, and this opinion piece by Colin Campbell is no exception:

From the article (as you quoted) :

Maybe Sony thinks it can drown out all this noise with a big, deflective E3 showing, or an ad campaign on Fox later in the year, or some free DLC. If so, they're wrong.

Here's Sony's problem. In order for people to allow the brand into their lives, they have to identify with its values. Sony's values have always been attractive and alluring. Right now, Sony is hiding. That's not attractive. It does not allure. It frustrates and it annoys.

I asked Karen Post what's the worst things a brand like Sony could do right now. She said, "Fail to focus on finding answers. Fail to be transparent and honest. Behave like cry babies. Underestimate social media."

Sound familiar?

It doesnt sound familiar to me, at least not when it comes to how Sony have handled this PSN case. They were relatively quick to mention that an "external intrution had happened". And after they had done more investigation on what had happened, they gave out a press release telling what had happened. In the upcoming days they have released two FAQs about different questions people have had about this PSN hack and they have informed every PSN user about this through e-mail.

Seeing all this, i wonder why he thinks that Sony is trying to drown it with E3 etc.. And if doing all that Sony did is hiding, then i wonder what not hiding is :)
I checked the last few pages, but I haven't seen this posted so I apologize if it's old. This has to be the greatest spin I've seen in ages, from Just Add Water's boss, via Eurogamer:

Stewart Gilray said:
"I have to say, the press yesterday ripped Sony a new one wider than the Channel Tunnel," Gilray told Eurogamer at the GameCityNights event in Nottingham last night.

"Yes, it's up to 77 million PSN IDs, or 35 million master accounts – the rest are sub accounts. It's bad. But to look at it laterally, you're now one of 35 million people who could get their details leaked out and used by somebody else.

"But when you look at things like Play.com for example, which had 1.4 million details ripped last year, you're one in 1.4 million. There's a much higher chance of your stuff being used from Play than there is of your stuff being used from the PlayStation hack.

"I'm not saying it's good. It's bad. But I don't think half the criticism they've got has been deserved. They have gone about it the right way."

Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. If it was just 100 accounts stolen, that would've been a catastrophe. This? Much ado about nothing.


Loudninja said:
Tell me why woudl they mention it at E3? What good reason would they do that?Don't tell me they have to because that's silly.
Of course Sony need to mention this at E3...it's absolutely mindboggling some people think they shouldn't or don't need to.

E3 is probably the only place where Sony will have the largest audience watching; it's the perfect opportunity for Sony to demonstrate, explain and reassure what it is doing to ensure that consumers' data is safe, and to take the time for a genuine apology from Kaz: the guy who is one day tipped to lead Sony.

People are watching Hirai. So far he's done nothing, E3 would be the place to raise his stock, and to explain Sony's data and network strategy going forward, something which is increasingly important for Sony with its network stragegy.

Don't get me wrong, this issue doesn't have to overshadow Sony's conference. Sony could easily spend the first 10 minutes doing the above, and then carry with the show.

But not taking the opportunity at E3 to apologise and demonstrate what they're doing to protect users in the future would be a huge failure.
offshore said:
Of course Sony need to mention this at E3...it's absolutely mindboggling some people think they shouldn't or don't need to.

E3 is probably the only place where Sony will have the largest audience watching; it's the perfect opportunity for Sony to demonstrate, explain and reassure what it is doing to ensure that consumers' data is safe, and to take the time for a genuine apology from Kaz: the guy who is one day tipped to lead Sony.

People are watching Hirai. So far he's done nothing, E3 would be the place to raise his stock to, and to explain Sony's data and network strategy going forward, something which is increasingly important for Sony with its network stragegy.

Don't get me wrong, this issue doesn't have to overshadow Sony's conference. Sony could easily spend the first 10 minutes doing the above, and then carry with the show.

But not taking the opportunity at E3 to apologise and demonstrate what they're doing to protect users in the future would be a huge failure.

Hey everyone! Here's a bunch of games and services I want you all to be interested in!

Oh and btw, here's the reason why you shouldn't!

Oni Jazar

TTP said:
From that article:

Gimme a break.

I agree. People are annoyed and frustrated with Sony because the shit has hit the fan and it's still not working yet, but it looks worse when you're in the middle of it. Once the services start going up by next week and things start going back to normal the long term effects will be marginal IMO. I would bet that by E3 Sony won't even mention it. There's nothing that they could really say. By then the services will be secure & online and people will know about it. Bringing it up in any way will just re-open the wounds. They'll focus on the future with new games, services and hardware.


I checked the last few pages, but I haven't seen this posted so I apologize if it's old. This has to be the greatest spin I've seen in ages, from Just Add Water's boss, via Eurogamer:

Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. If it was just 100 accounts stolen, that would've been a catastrophe. This? Much ado about nothing.
I think he just means that it is a much less chance to be affected when there are a lot of users, not that the breach itself is any less serious.
Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. If it was just 100 accounts stolen, that would've been a catastrophe. This? Much ado about nothing.

I see his point at least. Your particular info is much less likely to be used if they have to sift through 30 million instead of 100 or even 1000.


Metalmurphy said:
Hey everyone! Here's a bunch of games and services I want you all to be interested in!

Oh and btw, here's the reason why you shouldn't!

That's why they will talk about how secure the new PSN rather than how weak the old one was.

But I agree with the above poster, it's crazy to think they won't mention this. If they don't mention it they will get absolutely hammered by the mainstream media for appearing arrogant.


Q: Will there be a goodwill gesture for the time we haven’t been able to utilize PSN/Qriocity?
A: We are currently evaluating ways to show appreciation for your extraordinary patience as we work to get these services back online.

Kudos to Gabe at Penny Arcade, he really nailed the political cartoon style:



Metalmurphy said:
Hey everyone! Here's a bunch of games and services I want you all to be interested in!

Oh and btw, here's the reason why you shouldn't!
You don't get it, do you?

People have lost confidence in Sony over this. If you don't explain what you're doing to address it, how can anyone trust you with your new services?

Writing a few blog posts is all well and good, but when you have the chance like E3 to communicate to so many people to apologise and explain how you're going to rectify it, you damn well take it.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Metalmurphy said:
Hey everyone! Here's a bunch of games and services I want you all to be interested in!

Oh and btw, here's the reason why you shouldn't!
this assumes people will still have a negative feeling towards PSN then. they won't. It is very easy for sony to spin this once the public has cooled off on it. heck, even look at now. you don't think all of sony's FAQs and tweets about this over the past couple of days hasn't contributed to people settling down?

they'll spin it on an improved service. it's actually IMHO too beneficial to them from a marketing standpoint for them NOT to consider doing it.


offshore said:
Of course Sony need to mention this at E3...it's absolutely mindboggling some people think they shouldn't or don't need to.

E3 is probably the only place where Sony will have the largest audience watching; it's the perfect opportunity for Sony to demonstrate, explain and reassure what it is doing to ensure that consumers' data is safe, and to take the time for a genuine apology from Kaz: the guy who is one day tipped to lead Sony.

People are watching Hirai. So far he's done nothing, E3 would be the place to raise his stock, and to explain Sony's data and network strategy going forward, something which is increasingly important for Sony with its network stragegy.

Don't get me wrong, this issue doesn't have to overshadow Sony's conference. Sony could easily spend the first 10 minutes doing the above, and then carry with the show.

But not taking the opportunity at E3 to apologise and demonstrate what they're doing to protect users in the future would be a huge failure.

100% agree, specially with the last line. And Armada FTW! Best trance music label.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
test_account said:
Seeing all this, i wonder why he thinks that Sony is trying to drown it with E3 etc.. And if doing all that Sony did is hiding, then i wonder what not hiding is :)

Exactly. If there is one thing Sony did wrong, is telling everyone what happened.

Don't get me wrong, they had to do that, but if there is one thing I've learned these days looking around the web and reading this thread is that shit like this happens all the time, but affected companies deal with it hush hush.

Heck, I realized by pure accident that Play.com was hacked just a few days ago and I do purchase from them quite often! (Never got the warning email either).

Try googling "[company name here] Security Breach". Lots of fun stories!


Metalmurphy said:
Hey everyone! Here's a bunch of games and services I want you all to be interested in!

Oh and btw, here's the reason why you shouldn't!

Do you think the people attending and watching something like E3 aren't already well-aware of Sony's issues? The best thing they can is bring it up early in the show to get it over with, or else it's going to be one big ass elephant in the room. The sense of discomfort if they choose to just ignore it will be palpable.


I checked the last few pages, but I haven't seen this posted so I apologize if it's old. This has to be the greatest spin I've seen in ages, from Just Add Water's boss, via Eurogamer:

Well there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. If it was just 100 accounts stolen, that would've been a catastrophe. This? Much ado about nothing.

Hey, it works for Cicadas!


TTP said:
Exactly. If there is one thing Sony did wrong, is telling everyone what happened.

Don't get me wrong, they had to do that, but if there is one thing I've learned these days looking around the web and reading this thread is that shit like this happens all the time, but affected companies deal with it hush hush.

Heck, I realized by pure accident that Play.com was hacked just a few days ago and I do purchase from them quite often! (Never got the warning email either).

Try googling "[company name here] Security Breach". Lots of fun stories!

Breaches happen all the time. XBL has an ever more active piracy scene with hackers trying to find ways to bypass bans. But you no have choice but to go public when personal information like usernames and passwords and CC info have been leaked. If you don't that is just unethical in every way possible.
i think a more interesting betting pool would be when/if hackers bring down PSN next.

it doesn't seem to me like they've done anything that will scrub away the target on their back. i suppose the best they can hope for is another large company to do something to upset the hackers even more.


plagiarize said:
i think a more interesting betting pool would be when/if hackers bring down PSN next.

it doesn't seem to me like they've done anything that will scrub away the target on their back. i suppose the best they can hope for is another large company to do something to upset the hackers even more.

Or just find out who did it, and send them to jail for a long time?
offshore said:
You don't get it, do you?

People have lost confidence in Sony over this. If you don't explain what you're doing to address it, how can anyone trust you with your new services?

Writing a few blog posts is all well and good, but when you have the chance like E3 to communicate to so many people to apologise and explain how you're going to rectify it, you damn well take it.

Can you remember the last time any game console company, game publisher ever mentioned something bad on an E3, even though nothing was even as bad as this?

Hey I know our last game sucked, but here's a new one.
Hey I know XBL was down for 2 weeks, but here's 1vs100.
Hey I know our entire database for Lineage II was hacked, but here's Aion.

E3 is not the place for that sort of thing. They need to do a proper announcement/press conference/whatever after all this is settled for sure, but not at E3. It makes no sense.

Zeliard said:
Do you think the people attending and watching something like E3 aren't already well-aware of Sony's issues? The best thing they can is bring it up early in the show to get it over with, or else it's going to be one big ass elephant in the room. The sense of discomfort if they choose to just ignore it will be palpable.
All the more reason not to open the wound. At E3 it'll be 2 months after it happened.
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