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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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And... with a half hour of boredom, I changed my password everywhere as a precaution since someone tried to reset my Facebook password. No, they are not related.

As always, my PSN password will be completely different than the rest.
RPGCrazied said:
Or just find out who did it, and send them to jail for a long time?
right. cause trying to drag George Hotz through the courts sure scared off Anon and whoever is behind this from targetting them.

hackers like the people behind this are already law breakers almost certainly. the threat of punishment hasn't stopped them doing it in the first place, and it won't stop other people from attempting it, should Sony still be the target of choice.

nb. i am not calling George Hotz a black hat hacker.


offshore said:
Of course Sony need to mention this at E3...it's absolutely mindboggling some people think they shouldn't or don't need to.

E3 is probably the only place where Sony will have the largest audience watching; it's the perfect opportunity for Sony to demonstrate, explain and reassure what it is doing to ensure that consumers' data is safe, and to take the time for a genuine apology from Kaz: the guy who is one day tipped to lead Sony.

People are watching Hirai. So far he's done nothing, E3 would be the place to raise his stock, and to explain Sony's data and network strategy going forward, something which is increasingly important for Sony with its network stragegy.

Don't get me wrong, this issue doesn't have to overshadow Sony's conference. Sony could easily spend the first 10 minutes doing the above, and then carry with the show.

But not taking the opportunity at E3 to apologise and demonstrate what they're doing to protect users in the future would be a huge failure.
Not sure why ppl think Sony needs to say or do something at e3. If they fix this issue on the upcoming days and assure us improved network, thats fine for me. As for the guy asking spcifics like how they will improve security....wouldnt that give away their measures to protect users to potential hackers?

btw did MS do a presentation on a past e3 discussing the Rrod issue and the amount they had to spend? If yes, than sony does have to say somthing. If not, then definitely not.
Zeliard said:
Do you think the people attending and watching something like E3 aren't already well-aware of Sony's issues?
Aren't some/most of the ppl at the actual event clap-athon shills though. That's the norm at these types of events isn't it?


works for Gamestop (lol)
PSN bet prize revised: $20 PSN card can be $20 of anything of your choice (Nintendo Points, MS points, Steam, PSN, etc.), just let Mr_Elysia know what you want if you are the winner. Wee. Oh, has to be something in North America.

I haven't updated the list so don't worry if you posted in the last hour and don't see your name


TTP said:
Exactly. If there is one thing Sony did wrong, is telling everyone what happened.

Don't get me wrong, they had to do that, but if there is one thing I've learned these days looking around the web and reading this thread is that shit like this happens all the time, but affected companies deal with it hush hush.

Heck, I realized by pure accident that Play.com was hacked just a few days ago and I do purchase from them quite often! (Never got the warning email either).

Try googling "[company name here] Security Breach". Lots of fun stories!
Ah, i had no idea about the Play.com hack either. I buy most of my games from them (probably bought like 100 games or so from them in total). I also havnt received any mails from them regarding this, at least not what i have seen.
CadetMahoney said:
Aren't some/most of the ppl at the actual event clap-athon shills though. That's the norm at these types of events isn't it?

The only time I can remember that being true was the whole Kinect Cirque de Solei (sp?) event. Outside of that, I'm sure it happens, but can't think of any particular instances to call out.

As for the PSN bet, I'm going to throw in my guess, and say Tuesday, May 5th as well.


CadetMahoney said:
Aren't some/most of the ppl at the actual event clap-athon shills though. That's the norm at these types of events isn't it?

It's mostly gaming journalists. So, yes, clap-athon shills sounds about right.
Metalmurphy said:
Can you remember the last time any game console company, game publisher ever mentioned something bad on an E3, even though nothing was even as bad as this?

Hey I know our last game sucked, but here's a new one.

Isn't this Bioware's marketing strategy?

Anyway, I think it would be better if Sony acknowledged it at E3 instead of ignoring it. Jokes would be in poor taste but if they said that they strengthened security and it was important to them it would be a good move. Microsoft never brought up the RROD issue at E3 or anything but it never had the concentrated critical mass of news coverage that the PSN hack has had.


plagiarize said:
right. cause trying to drag George Hotz through the courts sure scared off Anon and whoever is behind this from targetting them.

hackers like the people behind this are already law breakers almost certainly. the threat of punishment hasn't stopped them doing it in the first place, and it won't stop other people from attempting it, should Sony still be the target of choice.

nb. i am not calling George Hotz a black hat hacker.

Hotz is the iphone hero. And iphone/android savvy community is HUGE. Which is one of the big reasons Hotz got the funding support vs Sony.

If this organization which is behind this is caught, nobody will give a crap. Look at anon's history and show me where they've protested arrests of pirates or black hat hackers such as PSN hacker.
Sblargh said:
Anyone still taking bets? Put me in for tomorrow (30th) just because I really want it this weekend.
Is this some kind of The Secret nonsense? If you really want something, put your energies toward it and you will get it! THE SECRET
electroshockwave said:
Isn't this Bioware's marketing strategy?

Anyway, I think it would be better if Sony acknowledged it at E3 instead of ignoring it. Jokes would be in poor taste but if they said that they strengthened security and it was important to them it would be a good move. Microsoft never brought up the RROD issue at E3 or anything but it never had the concentrated critical mass of news coverage that the PSN hack has had.

Didn't even remember to mention that, not sure if it's at the same nevel as far as news coverage goes, but it's certainly up there, yet... never mentioned at E3.


Metalmurphy said:
Didn't even remember to mention that, not sure if it's at the same nevel as far as news coverage goes, but it's certainly up there, yet... never mentioned at E3.

If you want to talk about coverage level, my local news reported on it and they never do gaming. Also made it to headlines of news channels and papers of countries like India and Pakistan since I'm in touch with friends there. Its basically going all around the world as one of the biggest potential credit card scams.

Rrod never had such coverage.
params7 said:
Breaches happen all the time. XBL has an ever more active piracy scene with hackers trying to find ways to bypass bans. But you no have choice but to go public when personal information like usernames and passwords and CC info have been leaked. If you don't that is just unethical in every way possible.

In the US, companies can also face massive fines for not disclosing security breaches. For some to suggest Sony made a mistake by alerting tens-of-millions of its users had their data compromised is stunning.


FunnyBunny said:
In the US, companies can also face massive fines for not disclosing security breaches. For some to suggest Sony made a mistake by alerting tens-of-millions of its users had their data compromised is stunning.

yeah imagine your CC gets charged, you inquire, trace it Sony's customer care and they're all like "yeah we were hacked and data was leaked but we're just trying to ride it out by not going public". -__-
smurfx said:
i really hope the other shoe doesn't drop soon and all that stolen data gets uploaded to some torrent site.
low-G said:
At least that way I'd be able to see exactly what data about me is leaked.
Professor Beef said:
"Prefers action games, does not collect very many trophies."
low-G said:
Oh shit you already have it!
Professor Beef said:
"You... like your father... are now... mine..."


BeeDog said:
If they weren't completely incompetent, I don't see any reason to store all credit/debit cards you've ever used, since it just creates additional table entries for data that is mostly invalid (e.g. people replacing expired CC details).

you may think that's a given but how can we be sure if they're not clearing that point in any faq?
i think they've been way to vague on the most important issue here... to be safe i blocked both cards i've used on PSN, since both are still active.

Gary Whitta said:
Kudos to Gabe at Penny Arcade, he really nailed the political cartoon style:

only if that dam is made of shit


marathonfool said:
Is there anyway to access Netflix on PS3 without signing into PSN? I tried a couple of times yesterday and it always kicked me out.

Yep - just keep hitting Sign In and when it errors out hit O. After the 2nd or 3rd try Netflix will load no problem.
params7 said:
If you want to talk about coverage level, my local news reported on it and they never do gaming. Also made it to headlines of news channels and papers of countries like India and Pakistan since I'm in touch with friends there. Its basically going all around the world as one of the biggest potential credit card scams.

Rrod never had such coverage.

Like I said, "it's up there". It was in the news several times. Even if it wasn't as big, it was big enough to be mentioned at E3, according to the logic being displayed here. Yet it never was, cause E3 is not the place for that.


Salaadin said:
My bank does a good job monitoring mine as well. I think theyre frowned upon because, if the bank slips up and lets shady stuff go through, youre out the money right then and there because its tied right into your checking account. With a credit card, you have the bad charges and can dispute those before ever having to pay a dime towards them.
I don't want my bank to block my porn subscription at the middle of the night when I'm up for some jacking off


Metalmurphy said:
Like I said, "it's up there". It was in the news several times. Even if it wasn't as big, it was big enough to be mentioned at E3, according to the logic being displayed here. Yet it never was, cause E3 is not the place for that.

Yes its a place to show off games and sales numbers but it would just be a good gesture from Sony if they apologise about mishandling sensitive information and move on. Trying to ignore it like it never happened would be worse, imo. And if time is the matter they can replace this with sales graphs.


Metalmurphy said:
Like I said, "it's up there". It was in the news several times. Even if it wasn't as big, it was big enough to be mentioned at E3, according to the logic being displayed here. Yet it never was, cause E3 is not the place for that.

I don't see it being mentioned on E3 either, it just don't fit. I think they will talk *a lot* about it on interviews as everyone is going to ask, but on the big presentation; why would they not just ignore it and talk about the games? What they have to gain bringing this subject up? Also, what do people expect Jack Tretton to say on stage? That he is sorry his company was victim of cybercrime and that "now we *really* have good security and I will give 1 million dollars to the hacker who breaks it"?

params7 said:
Yes its a place to show off games and sales numbers but it would just be a good gesture from Sony if they apologise about mishandling sensitive information and move on. Trying to ignore it like it never happened would be worse, imo. And if time is the matter they can replace this with sales graphs.

See? This is what they can't and won't do. They apologize for downtime, for inconvenience, for "all the trouble" or something. If they apologizing for anything related to information, then it is, again, apologizing for being a victim of cybercrime. They can go on about increasing security, even about security flaws that are now fixed, on and on, but no victim of any crime really should apologize for being a victim (and yes, they are a victim, they don't misteriously stop being a victim just because we got screwed too).


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Metalmurphy said:
Didn't even remember to mention that, not sure if it's at the same nevel as far as news coverage goes, but it's certainly up there, yet... never mentioned at E3.

Because they never admitted it.

"Things break", remember?


Sblargh said:
I don't see it being mentioned on E3 either, it just don't fit. I think they will talk *a lot* about it on interviews as everyone is going to ask, but on the big presentation; why would they not just ignore it and talk about the games? What they have to gain bringing this subject up? Also, what do people expect Jack Tretton to say on stage? That he is sorry his company was victim of cybercrime and that "now we *really* have good security and I will give 1 million dollars to the hacker who breaks it"?

I don't think leading a PR career for a company is ever in your future. But you're implying Sony wasn't at fault at all for this leak.


params7 said:
I don't think leading a PR career for a company is ever in your future. But you're implying Sony wasn't at fault at all for this leak.

I don't know if they are at fault. I don't know how their security is.


params7 said:
I don't think leading a PR career for a company is ever in your future. But you're implying Sony wasn't at fault at all for this leak.

And you act like it is their fault without any proof other than heresay and conjecture. That is all that any of your posts have been.


params7 said:
Well whatever it is, it wasn't enough was it?

But is it their *fault*? Someone hacks in their system and we blame them without even knowing what they or the hackers did or did not? If their security is somehow sub-standard, if the reports that there were ignored warnings are true, if they could, withing a reasonable context, done something that they did not, only then we can start poiting fingers at a negligence, but even negligence isn't the same as blame.


My Gmail account was just hacked by someone in Slovania and some spam email was send out. Its the same account I used on PSN. I've had this account for years and its the first time it was hacked.
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