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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Junior Member
robotzombie said:

I mean seriously, the person not defending well enough against a piece of shit is somehow worse than the piece of shit doing something they shouldn't be doing? OBVIOUSLY you need to defend your shit and what Sony did was horrible, but to somehow call them worse than actual villains that are attacking? Really?

Yes.. because that person didn't take the precautions necessary to prevent an eventual attack.

In this case its 1000000x fold, since we are talking about personal information, something that every fucking company in this planet should guard with every single piece of security available, and if they fail at doing that then they are to blame for allowing a third party for accessing it.

If you lend your friend your car, and he goes to an area of the city notorious for theft, will you not lay a large chunk of the blame on your friend for being an IDIOT in parking your car in WEROBCARS4ALIVING blvd?


Fuck Cancer
robotzombie said:
Did you just avoid his/her point because pointing to that comparison which was used for effect was easier than actually making a legitimate argument?

You can't blame people for ignoring someones point who is using rape victims for effect.


I3rand0 said:
Sign up for a Credit Monitoring service, lock your credit report, and send a fraud alert to all three companies. I use the Equifax Complete Advanatage service and it's great peace of mind. You can also have them track online your SSN and any credit cards you may have and automatically be notified if they detect something suspicious.


I don't think its necessary to set up a credit monitoring services personally. At this point in time, a simple fraud alert will handle most issues without much of a problem. Now if suspicious activity starts to happen, it may be something to take a look at but now I don't think it would be worth the money. But this is definitely a personal choice kind of consideration.


Kills Photobucket


So Sony is rebuilding their PSN, eh? CAPTCHAs for everyone!

IMHO don't think anything was compromised, SONY is just doing basic crisis management:
Blowing up the fact, so the truth will sound better.

The problem is the HAX00rS, if they wanted to do something of a robbery in a mass scale, why did they go after the CC data and not the wallet money? That is bound to be noticed

And above all: some kid did it with a laptop in a basement, behind 9000 proxies?


SolidSnakex said:
If a free game is given away then it's going to be one of Sony's own titles. So think of something along the lines of Warhawk (if they do give away something).
Or maybe a free $20 added to your PSN account to encourage people to spend again. Not very likely, but Sony is in for a PR shit storm.


jackdoe said:
I don't understand why you are still trying to defend Sony here. They are liable if any information was stolen and it has been a pain in the ass to change passwords that I even think has some small connection to my PSN password so I fully blame Sony. I still think Xbox Live Gold is a ripoff, but I fully blame Sony for not informing us of this the second they had their doubts. Rumors on numerous websites doesn't count as "informing".

Well if they could have reasonably prevented this Sony is at fault. But nobody knows that yet.

I am sure they pulled the plug when they had their doubts.

I think they wanted to wait to inform people when they knew for sure. Things couldn't really get worse when the plug was pulled. So they had time.
Hex said:
So...all week the service was down and nobody had money stolen but now a week later that Sony says it might be compromised everyone is so positive that their bank accounts are fucked even though nothing has been touched.
Brilliant even.
Carry on.

There are tons of claims of fraudulent charges in the last few pages.
Hex said:
So...all week the service was down and nobody had money stolen but now a week later that Sony says it might be compromised everyone is so positive that their bank accounts are fucked even though nothing has been touched.
Brilliant even.
Carry on.

It sucks that personal information is stolen.
Unfortunately or perhaps fortunately I already dealt with that with the Gawker mess.
Not everyone knew the outages was related to this. Some people are only starting to realize when the news hit today that this was related to them not being able to connect to PSN last week.
kamorra said:
You can't blame people for ignoring someones point who is using rape victims for effect.

But you can blame people for responding to an entire post without showing any comprehension of the post whatsoever


Canadians burned my passport
Dreamgazer said:
but feel free to switching to anything less serious.
Like a Yankee fan who chooses to wear his Yankee Jersey in Boston after a losing red sox game - who then proceeded to get beaten.

How about that?

It's just to show a point

A rape victim or Yankee fan is responsible for his or her own safety.

Sony is responsible for all of its customer's private information.

There is a clear distinction between the responsibility of protecting your own assets versus protecting other people's.
UberTag said:
As someone who has a credit card still linked to PSN and is directly impacted by this news, I can safely say that Sony has now made "the list".

There will be no NGP purchase.
There will be no Uncharted 3 purchase unless I pick it up second-hand off someone.
I will keep my existing PlayStation systems to clear out backlog but I will not be buying any DLC.
Over the years I have purchased the PS2 twice, the PSP three times and the PS3 once (all brand new).
There will be no more purchases/rentals of any Sony electronics or personal hardware of ANY KIND.
They'll get whatever portion of BluRay licensing fees they collect from companies whenever I buy a non-Sony BluRay disc but it's not like I buy many of those.

My financial security and trust was violated so they will no longer see a single drop of revenue from me.

Sony should extend an olive branch to PSN users with cross-game chat. They're basically rebuilding PSN from the ground up. How hard could it honestly be to include cross-game chat now?
Relaxed Muscle said:
They did shutdown PSN for 6 days as now, they knew something happened, they might not knew for sure data was stolen, but certainly that wasn't ruled out so they should made a warning announcement something like:"We suffered an hacker attack, data "MAY" be stole,check your CC closely and inform of any problem, sorry, we'll keep you informed when the contracted 3rd party security firm ends his investigation".

Even if in the end nothing happened causing damage and overreaction, it would have been way better than "Hey you know we closed PSN six days ago? it was because hacked entered our networks, also your data is exposed, SORRY!"
Yeah they should have warned people sooner. I'm guessing they didn't want to freak people out if they weren't sure it was a possibility.
Vestal said:
If you lend your friend your car, and he goes to an area of the city notorious for theft, will you not lay a large chunk of the blame on your friend for being an IDIOT in parking your car in WEROBCARS4ALIVING blvd?
The site of a car analogy is soothing at this point.

DrForester said:
Brilliant! :lol


UberTag said:
This is on a completely different level than a red ring in terms of reputation damage and possible fallout.
Nobody here has any kind of idea just how measurable the impact will be.

Actually he got a point,
the situation MSFT was when they willingly sold ticking time bomb was unacceptable on so many level and that people still bit is really laughable on so many level.
I expect the same to happen here.

I've said it before I'll say it again anyone blaming Sony over the hackers is fucking retarded


So I just call up my CC company and tell them about this situation and they put an alert on my PSN CC# and I hang up?

They just watch my card more closely?
Monas said:
So Sony is rebuilding their PSN, eh? CAPTCHAs for everyone!

IMHO don't think anything was compromised, SONY is just doing basic crisis management:
Blowing up the fact, so the truth will sound better.

The problem is the HAX00rS, if they wanted to do something of a robbery in a mass scale, why did they go after the CC data and not the wallet money? That is bound to be noticed

And above all: some kid did it with a laptop in a basement, behind 9000 proxies?

Man, I wish I can fast-forward to next week, I'm all kinds of antsy. My new credit cards should also arrive by then too.

DrForester said:

Amazing. lol
UberTag said:
As someone who has a credit card still linked to PSN and is directly impacted by this news, I can safely say that Sony has now made "the list".

It's not that I can't get my card replaced; it's mildly inconvenient, sure. But it's not the end of the world.

It's simply a matter of principle. I can't support a company with my hard-earned dollars that conducts itself in such an egregious fashion.

Activision is on "the list" as well and I haven't purchased any of their games new in roughly 5 years and I'm not losing sleep over it.

There will be no NGP purchase.
There will be no Uncharted 3 purchase unless I pick it up second-hand off someone.
I will keep my existing PlayStation systems to clear out backlog but I will not be buying any DLC.
Over the years I have purchased the PS2 twice, the PSP three times and the PS3 once (all brand new).
There will be no more purchases/rentals of any Sony electronics or personal hardware of ANY KIND.
They'll get whatever portion of BluRay licensing fees they collect from companies whenever I buy a non-Sony BluRay disc but it's not like I buy many of those.

My financial security and trust was violated so they will no longer see a single drop of revenue from me. Hopefully for Sony the other 77 million people aren't feeling the same way.

Did they shoot themselves in the foot?


MoneyLaunderer said:
Sony should extend an olive branch to PSN users with cross-game chat. They're basically rebuilding PSN from the ground up. How hard could it honestly be to include cross-game chat now?
Uuuuuhh... when did they say that they were rebuilding PSN. Only the security.


The Inside Track
Dreamgazer said:
Do you go around telling rape victims ""Don't like getting raped? then don't dress like a slut!"?

The obvious person at fault for the CRIME is the person with the criminal intent who carried out the crime.

Sure, the victim has the RESPONSIBILITY to reduce the likelihood of a crime to the best of their effort (and if anyone were to sue, we would be suing on that matter).

However, that has nothing to do with the fact that the Damages done to them (loss revenue, consumer goodwill, lawsuit) was incited and soely done by the f-ing hacker who did this.

Equally, if you got hacked, it is the hacker who should be taking the blame for inflicting damage onto you.

(Should grandma and grandpa be blamed because they did not know they were suppose to install AVG on a computer? No.)
I'll ignore the analogy. My work is basically making sure that our customers can order software from our sites, and do so safely. If someone manages to compromise the servers I'm in charge of, I'll shake my fist at the hacker, but I'll blame myself as much as the guy who found a way inside my network. It doesn't mean I won't get the police involved (though I know that we more than likely won't catch the guy) because it's a crime, but it will still be my company's fault in the end.
Holy shit, it's 2AM. I have to get up in less than 5 hours. Time for bed...


Mael said:
I've said it before I'll say it again anyone blaming Sony over the hackers is fucking retarded

I guess I'm retarded then. Because as I've mentioned before in this thread, it's all about the business consumer relationship and the expectations of that relationship. Did Sony hack the system themselves and leak our information intentionally? Absolutely not. But they did violate the trust that we as consumers put in them in regards to providing them sensitive information about ourselves. And for that violation of trust with this leak (regardless of the cause), they should absolutely be held to blame and accountable.
Agent X said:
This royally sucks. I can't even express in words how sickened I am by this.

I've been a loyal fan of Sony and their systems for a very long time, but my faith in Sony has been shaken hard today.

Totally agree man, its hard to side with them on this one, my personal info was compromised and it was on their system, how about all the parents and other folks who have no clue whats going on, how about them, this deserves a major FU SONY....FU!!!!
Divvy said:
A rape victim or Yankee fan is responsible for his or her own safety.

Sony is responsible for all of its customer's private information.

There is a clear distinction between the responsibility of protecting your own assets versus protecting other people's.

Did I say they don't have responsibility?

what do you think I bolded responsibility for?

We the user will still sue Sony for whatever damages that was inflicted upon due to their negligence

However, you don't blame the crime on the victim.
Divvy said:
A rape victim or Yankee fan is responsible for his or her own safety.

Sony is responsible for all of its customer's private information.

There is a clear distinction between the responsibility of protecting your own assets versus protecting other people's.

And no one is saying they aren't responsible. All of this is in reaction to an idiot who claimed that Sony is worse for not defending correctly against the hackers than the hackers are for attacking in the first place. It is embarrassing for someone to actually believe that.


bangai-o said:
is this true?

People enter their account information for free MS points. There are people that hack known accounts like Major Nelson and some pro gamers.

Nothing to the level of how bad Sony/PSN is though.
Mael said:
Actually he got a point,
the situation MSFT was when they willingly sold ticking time bomb was unacceptable on so many level and that people still bit is really laughable on so many level.
I expect the same to happen here.

I've said it before I'll say it again anyone blaming Sony over the hackers is fucking retarded

Sony's security is inadequate and they took a week to inform consumers about the danger their cc info was in.


UberTag said:
This is on a completely different level than a red ring in terms of reputation damage and possible fallout.
Nobody here has any kind of idea just how measurable the impact will be.

Completely different level!! ........ worse than or more than?
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