Commanche Raisin Toast
dreamer3kx said:
I might be jumping ship with El Presodor, seriously how can you trust putting your CC info into psn now?
same way you trust opening a CC to begin with. banks have mass amounts of card numbers compromised all the time and they have to comp the losses and replace everyone's card.
nothing is 100% secure. you are always taking a risk dealing with technology. so with that said, it's not about if something is 100% secure, like your identity, but what a company can do to fix the situation if/when it happens. ie: why do banks have identity theft and debit/credit card protection? shouldn't they be 100% secure? why is there no outrage over all these other companies?
as i said before, it's not about how secure something is. it's just a matter of there being a hacker or a group of hackers that can defeat it. no system is fool proof. the hackers happened to focus on sony and attack them. had there been reason to do so to MS/360 or Nintendo it would have been done.