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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Rebel Leader

ClosingADoor said:
How would we know if their security was a "piece of shit"?

We have no way to compare it to other companies. We don't have details, we don't have any info about their security as far as I know.

Sony could of had good security.. it's just that the person(s) were better then the security


MalboroRed said:
Get a box, write "Sony" on it, keep throwing it against your wall.
Maybe i will just put a few buck shots into my ps3 box, whoever buys it on craigslist doesn't need the box it came in.


iNvidious01 said:
its true, but its not an excuse to have a piece of shit security system in place

You could make the argument that it's your fault for not looking into the security of the system you're using as well.

Who knows what's going to happen? I'm just going to keep an eye on my bank account.


Agent X said:
Well, if we suppose the hacker(s) obtained your name, mailing address, phone number, E-mail address, etc., then it's probably easier for them to scam if you logged onto the other service using the same E-mail address that you used on PSN. That said, since they might have other vital information (name, mailing address, etc.), you might want to take precautions on other services, even if you used a different E-mail address.

How could they even get to those other services they surely would have to enter those services as well.


Kusagari said:
Considering the way Sony has handled PSN as a whole I doubt their security matches up anywhere near XBL's for example. And if that's true then Sony is definitely held accountable for jeopardizing our info with crappy security.

Umm...you couldn't even freaking DELETE YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD from Xbox Live prior to a couple of years ago.

You had to call a service person, and even then, it sometimes wouldn't work. Happened to me so I know what I'm talking about.


The worst part about this isn't the credit card stuff being stolen IMO - a credit card is easy to get replaced.

But all your personal information like email address, password, home address, date of birth, security question and answer being compromised makes it extremely easy for your identity to be stolen. Someone can phone customer service posing as you, provide all that information, get a representative to reset your password, and gain control of your account.


InsertNameHere said:
Bank of America itself got some of its data stolen, and I was recently given a new card by them because of that.

So I mean, yeah, anyone can get compromised, even the place where you store your money.

Was just about to post this. BOA sent me a new card late last year because they thought my information had been compromised. The bright side is the old "compromised" card was still saved on PSN - I hadn't updated my credit card information yet... which also means I haven't had the desire to buy anything on PSN in a long time, unfortunately.

I totally get how people are pissed at Sony for this. But the way I see it, this stuff will happen and it does happen all the time. If the largest bank in the US can't even keep my information secure then there's no hope for anyone else. It sucks, plain and simple. But to write Sony off for this, or any company in a similar situation, is kinda nonsensical. Might as well go off the grid if you're going to be that paranoid.


Crystal Bearer
Speevy said:
Umm...you couldn't even freaking DELETE YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD from Xbox Live prior to a couple of years ago.

You had to call a service person, and even then, it sometimes wouldn't work. Happened to me so I know what I'm talking about.

You still can't.


Junior Member
robotzombie said:
Do you understand what you actually bolded? The person said not to blame Sony OVER the hackers. How in the world is that not a reasonable statement? How could it possibly exist that the person who was attacked maliciously, no matter how negligent they were to defend themselves, should be blamed over the people who ATTACKED them in the first place? I honestly can't understand what is wrong with you people.

Because the threat of hackers is present always.. it is ITSECs job to keep a company secure. A small intrusion, hell those happen and need to be patched up.. But this is fucking MASSIVE..

Ask anyone who works in IT, and they will tell you that ITSEC gets the blame when a virus hits your network, or a hacker compromises data. It is their job to keep a company and vital information Secure.
Mama Robotnik said:
How has Steam, a far far more tempting target with larger customer base and such, managed to resist then?

If even one company can competently defend themselves, there is no excuse for the rest not to follow suit.
I really don't think Steam has nearly as large of a user base than PSN.

But I agree with your point.
Mama Robotnik said:
How has Steam, a far far more tempting target with larger customer base and such, managed to resist then?

If even one company can competently defend themselves, there is no excuse for the rest not to follow suit.
Mama, come on, I'm not defending sony or whatever but you do know Steam was hacked and by a single guy. They (Valve) learned from their mistake so it's all good now. But it did happen. I'm more upset at sony because they took too long to report what happened than because of the hack itself. Even when I know that securing their network is their responsibility.


Sean said:
The worst part about this isn't the credit card stuff being stolen IMO - a credit card is easy to get replaced.

But all your personal information like email address, password, home address, date of birth, security question and answer being compromised makes it extremely easy for your identity to be stolen. Someone can phone customer service posing as you, provide all that information, get a representative to reset your password, and gain control of your account.

Of my PSN account? Holy shit, they will go wild with that.............?
Mama Robotnik said:
I'm unfamiliar with that story, but reading it, it explictly says that Steam was not hacked. What am I missing?

Oops, Posted the follow up story on how it happened. But basically this is a list of things that where stolen:

Screenshots of internal Valve web pages
A portion of Valve's Cafe directory
Error logs
Credit card information of customers
Financial information on Valve


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
People are assuming other services are secure but the truth of the matter is look at how many security blunders Microsoft has had over the years. Just think about it. Just because XBL has not gone down recently due to security compromise does not mean there was no recent attack or leak of information.


Vestal said:
Because the threat of hackers is present always.. it is ITSECs job to keep a company secure. A small intrusion, hell those happen and need to be patched up.. But this is fucking MASSIVE..

Ask anyone who works in IT, and they will tell you that ITSEC gets the blame when a virus hits your network, or a hacker compromises data. It is their job to keep a company and vital information Secure.

We get it...but anyone who says Sony's PSN security sucks is talking out of their ass.


Of my PSN account? Holy shit, they will go wild with that.............?
if the security question is similar to your other online account security questions, they could reset your passwords on other sites and use them.


Treefingers said:
I really don't think Steam has nearly as large of a user base than PSN.

But I agree with your point.

Can't really agree with his point when we don't know if hackers have attempted to penetrate Steam, XBL or <insert your favourite service>. Not much is known to make any claims. This thread is a carnival :/

FirstInHell said:
This is the last straw for me. I just put my PS3 up on ebay.


I'm so done with Sony.

This thread keeps on giving, :lol
Speevy said:
I think we can give a little leeway when some jackass like Geohot gets martyred and the "hacker elite" monkeys go out of their way to break in.

Frankly I would be in support of someone going back and purging the forum of anyone who thought these guys were fighting the good fight. I use PSN everyday. Screw these guys.

Why are geohot and these hackers being put on the same boat? One kept to his word, the other attacked both Sony and all of us PS3 owners in one fell swoop. Not even the most arduous arguments in the past few days can successfully link CFW to the server side hacking. There is no proof of concept presented, merely speculation like most of everything else in the thread.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
so this thread is what a real life mob looks like as it's coming together...

...on the internet. Still, the same principle.. scary shit.
Morn said:

Social engineering some $10/hour idiot on the other end of a CS line isn't hacking Xbox Live.
Of course... the amusing (not really amusing) part of this is that someone just got a whole shitload of data which will make social engineering much, much easier.


GillianSeed79 said:
The thing that makes me mad, like a lot of posters have said, is not that Sony's network security apparently wasn't up to snuff, it's that they waited so long to tell people that their personal information had been possibly comprimised. I'm honestly not worried, because I think my debit card info on my PSN account is expired. Still, even if they didn't know the full extent of the security breach, they should have released a statement the first day they pulled the plug that they couldn't confirm if cc info was compromised. That way they could dismiss speculation that they knew this all along, and people could have taken precautionary measures if they wanted to. If they did know for six days, that's a good case for negligence. If they didn't, a full statement day one would have saved them from or at least minimized the PR nightmare and possible hit to their stock and shareholders that they are left with now.

I agree with you in the fact they should have let everyone know day one that it could information has been comprised but to be fair they did release a warning that CC info might have been stolen a couple days ago at least, I know it's not acceptable and I am pissed about this part of it but I don't understand the full meltdown's some people are having over it.

I feel that it should be a wait and see approach because I don't know what was all taken if anything and what is actually the full extent of what happened.
Vestal said:
Because the threat of hackers is present always.. it is ITSECs job to keep a company secure. A small intrusion, hell those happen and need to be patched up.. But this is fucking MASSIVE..

Ask anyone who works in IT, and they will tell you that ITSEC gets the blame when a virus hits your network, or a hacker compromises data. It is their job to keep a company and vital information Secure.

BUT NO ONE SHOULD BE ATTACKING PEOPLE IN THE FIRST PLACE! Seriously, what in the world is wrong with you people? How can you not comprehend that the person making an attack on someone else should be the most to blame for the situation? THEY ARE THE FUCKING CAUSE OF IT. You shouldn't kill people, you shouldn't commit crimes as a basic human being you shouldn't do malicious things. Why should anyone in the world be blamed over the people who ACTUALLY DO THIS SHIT?

Edit: And make note, I am taking about MORE. I am not saying certain parties should be void of any blame, I am saying the party who initiates an attack should be MORE to blame.
Speevy said:
Umm...you couldn't even freaking DELETE YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD from Xbox Live prior to a couple of years ago.

You had to call a service person, and even then, it sometimes wouldn't work. Happened to me so I know what I'm talking about.

It's so annoying that MS still makes you call to this day to delete your CC info. I got rid of my Xbox and wanted to cancel auto-renew and their stupid employees kept offering me the 19.99 plan to keep my account active. Had to explain to 3 different people that I didn't have a Xbox anymore and didn't need to auto-renew XBL. They weren't understanding and kept trying to get me to keep my CC info there. Finally after 25 minutes they removed it and hung up. Talk about customer service at it's worst.

That experience inspired me to remove my debit/credit card info from iTunes, PSN, WoW, and anything else that wasn't utility/mortgage/car payment bill.
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