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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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Wario64 said:

"It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach

That's what I always thought, they just had know idea of the scope and the extent of the data extracted and couldn't just fire off a hasty press release in the first 48 hours without being completely sure what and who was at risk.
Y2Kev said:
There's some upside. We can now identify everyone who bought Sonic Unleashed and ban them all.
WHAT THE HELL? Y2Kev, come at me bro.


styl3s said:
im far too busy changing passwords, canceling credit cards and my bank cards

i don't have the pleasure to set my ps3 on fire yet.. besides i would rather sell it on craigslist and use that money to buy a console from a company that isn't completely fucking ignorant. and yes i know the hackers are part blame, but it takes 2 to tangle, it's also sonys fault for having quite possibly one of the worst security systems in the entire history of worst security systems, i wouldn't be as mad if sony was upfront about the entire situation from the get go, it's the bullshit lies that makes me mad.. acting like oh its just maintenance.. i hope the hackers drain sony dry now just out of pure spite.
You should know that your not the only one Changing passwords and canceling CC.

It was already been said that it takes time to investigate something this big, they cannot just come out with some information without making sure of it. Thats why in my opinion it takes so long for them to come up with some real information. But cmon, it's not Sony's fault, but the stupid hackers.

I just feel that people should stop blaming Sony. That's all...
IchigoSharingan said:
if you just stood there as he wailed on her with his pink meat hammer, yeah.

I don't know, man. Wouldn't it be like you're watching while a man forces himself onto your girlfriend against her will......wait...what the hell kind of analogy....I think I need a drink.
Max said:
My dad's fucking Netflix account is on my PS3.

Should I be paranoid
No, they would have had to have breached Netflix's security which would be a far bigger issue than this. You're CC info for Netflix is with Netflix, not Sony.


Sony was extremely myopic, at best, in going at a mostly nebulous entity like 'hackers' in the fashion they did. This is what a lot of the more vindictive ones live for. This is their entire raison d'etre. They'll use anything they can as a form of motivation, and the more they feel chagrined by a certain course of action a company or whoever takes, the greater the vigor with which they'll fight back.

What did Sony honestly expect? That's my big question. Never mind their security, which the past few months have shown to be more full of holes than swiss cheese; how on earth did they not see this sort of thing coming? And if they were expecting to be revenge hacked, that's probably even worse, since they seem to have prepared for it in the most ineffective way imaginable.

Regardless, you're always going to be one step behind hackers (it's the same reason piracy is nearly impossible to truly stop), so the best course of action tends to be not to rile them up. If you're in a position where you essentially have to, then take some precautions. Sony just threw caution to the wind entirely and now they're paying heavily for it. Too much hubris.
baekshi said:
Fuck the security.

this hacker must be jailed lifetime .

I agree the hackers that did this should go to jail, but when do hackers ever get caught, though, unless they brag about it publicly? I seriously doubt this was the work of a single basement dweller. If they are skilled enough to do this, they are probably smart enough not to get caught. If they were caught, which country would they be prosecuted in? That's not even getting into the problem of extradition treaties. What if the hackers live in like Nigeria or China? Would those countries even hand them over if they were caught?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
spindashing said:
WHAT THE HELL? Y2Kev, come at me bro.
Come at you? Why, are you wearing a fur suit? :kiss

(okay seriously back on topic)


Kills Photobucket
People don't seem to get that there's two thing happening.

hackers screwed up PSN. That's on the hackers, it sucks and it happens. Losing CC info also sucks if true.

Sony's job notifying the public as to the breach is a totally separate thing, as while the Hackers set things in motion, they had nothing to do with Sony's bumbling of the situation. You think your users CC data has been compromised you bite the bullet and let them know ASAP, you do not sit on your ass and keep the customers uninformed.


shagg_187 said:
I'm surprised that no one has came forward and said that they were behind this. I thought hackers love that e-fame.
I dunno, I agree with the people who assumed that hackers who want e-fame do stupid shit like little DDoS attacks to pull something down and post Nelson jpgs.

The people who penetrated the network to steal consumer information are probably more professional in nature, and have a motive that isn't e-fame. Like they want our identities. Those kinds of people are not coming forward. Just like a successful bank robber isn't going to post about his successes on 4chan.


X-Frame said:
Wouldn't the service that just got hacked be very safe after the attack?

Now they hopefully know how to prevent it, and will go the extra mile to recent anything like this happening again.

PSN will be Fort Knox come next week!

LOL, no way.


y'all should be ashamed
Trevelyon said:
That's what I always thought, they just had know idea of the scope and the extent of the data extracted and couldn't just fire off a hasty press release in the first 48 hours without being completely sure what and who was at risk.
The evidence to this is the second blog update that asked for "a day or two." Sometime shortly after that it probably all came into focus.


Wario64 said:

"There's a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers' data being compromised."

"It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach

Yap, just as I expected. ^_^

It's not easy to do forensic analysis for a huge network. They need to find out what happened and where the entry points were amongst tons of traffic and many servers.

They likely pressed the hot button the moment they confirmed personal info has been accessed. Regardless of whether CC info is obtained, they have to alert everyone using the fastest way possible (i.e. via the press).

The email alert should go out too (probably being organized). It will take another few days to a week plus to get them out.


mr_nothin said:
News sites reporting news after press release is put out? No Way!
Video game related press releases don't usually hit the mainstream press is what he's getting at.
"First! even my super talented coding skills can't figure out how to develop shit on these things and now it steals all my moniez !! fuck it I'm selling all six of them on eBay!"

So much trolling on this page and the last...


Crystal Bearer
DrForester said:
People don't seem to get that there's two thing happening.

hackers screwed up PSN. That's on the hackers, it sucks and it happens. Losing CC info also sucks if true.

Sony's job notifying the public as to the breach is a totally separate thing, as while the Hackers set things in motion, they had nothing to do with Sony's bumbling of the situation. You think your users CC data has been compromised you bite the bullet and let them know ASAP, you do not sit on your ass and keep the customers uninformed.

Read back a page.
Gritesh said:
This is what people have been saying, it would have been a catastrophe if they came out day one and said:
"Omg all your data is stolen"
Then 6 days later they came back to say:
"Nope sorry we were wrong its all ok."
You really think that would have been worse than the current situation?


hide your water-based mammals
DrForester said:
People don't seem to get that there's two thing happening.

hackers screwed up PSN. That's on the hackers, it sucks and it happens. Losing CC info also sucks if true.

Sony's job notifying the public as to the breach is a totally separate thing, as while the Hackers set things in motion, they had nothing to do with Sony's bumbling of the situation. You think your users CC data has been compromised you bite the bullet and let them know ASAP, you do not sit on your ass and keep the customers uninformed.
They did not know the extent, as was said. It sucks that idiots do these things but those words are right in the tweet there.
DrForester said:
People don't seem to get that there's two thing happening.

hackers screwed up PSN. That's on the hackers, it sucks and it happens. Losing CC info also sucks if true.

Sony's job notifying the public as to the breach is a totally separate thing, as while the Hackers set things in motion, they had nothing to do with Sony's bumbling of the situation. You think your users CC data has been compromised you bite the bullet and let them know ASAP, you do not sit on your ass and keep the customers uninformed.

They didn't knew till yesterday. If you believe them that is.
My debit card was on my psn account but I haven't used it a long time and it has no money, does the bank close down the debit card after long periods of not using it?


sflufan said:
Then you provide people with at least a warning that there was a possibility that their data may have been compromised so that they can take appropriation action.

You don't bloody well wait 6 freakin' days to do that!

Look at this thread.
There is no confirmation that any credit card information has been compromised but people are going ape shit insisting that everyone is all up and in their accounts.
It would have been even more so on day one.
I do agree that they could have handled it better but it really was a no win situation.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
plainr_ said:
Steam on PS3 is the only saving grace. Do it Sony. :)

Actually, having some big and trusted company grant for Sony security would help a lot after this PR debacle.

Something like Google or whatever. A simple "Security system powered by Google" sort of thing.

I don't even know if Google does security stuff first hand tho.
DrForester said:
People don't seem to get that there's two thing happening.

hackers screwed up PSN. That's on the hackers, it sucks and it happens. Losing CC info also sucks if true.

Sony's job notifying the public as to the breach is a totally separate thing, as while the Hackers set things in motion, they had nothing to do with Sony's bumbling of the situation. You think your users CC data has been compromised you bite the bullet and let them know ASAP, you do not sit on your ass and keep the customers uninformed.
So let me get this straight, did hackers actually bring down PSN? Or did Hackers compromise personal consumer data and thus Sony took PSN down to rebuild and strengthen security for the network? Because I was thinking it was the latter.


TTP said:
Actually, having some big and trusted company grant for Sony security would help a lot after this PR debacle.

Something like Google or whatever. A simple "Security system powered by Google" sort of thing.

I don't even know if Google does security stuff first hand tho.

Google was breached by the Chinese hackers a few months ago. ^_^

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Well we can be fairly sure that someone lost their job over this. Sad thing is that I have little doubt that Sony has people working on this around the clock with little employee resistance because they're probably all afraid of losing their job :\
D4Danger said:
You do realize that there's no such thing a secure network right? Microsoft has been hacked countless times, Visa has been hacked, Mastercard, NCSoft, Gawkes, etc etc etc

We don't know how competent were the hackers and how incompetent was Sony's security.


Btw, everyone stay on the look out for phishing e-mails. I don't know if it's related or not but I just got a phishing e-mail from a company promising Playstation Network Betas.
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