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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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DevilWillcry said:
So let me get this straight, did hackers actually bring down PSN. Or did Hackers compromise personal consumer data and thus Sony took PSN down to rebuild and strengthen security for the network? Because I was thinking it was the ladder.

Where did it go?


Stoffinator said:
If you are speaking of Live, don't fool yourself. It can happen to anyone. Just less likely this size with Live. Sony is still stuck in the stone age with online.

Ya they are....considering they have more users and equal services....
Metalmurphy said:
You do realize that there's no such thing a secure network right? Microsoft has been hacked countless times, Visa has been hacked, Mastercard, NCSoft, Gawkes, etc etc etc

We don't know how competent were the hackers and how incompetent was Sony's security.
I forgot about the whole Gawker thing, that wasn't even that long ago.


y'all should be ashamed
IGN update: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/116/1164186p1.html

There's a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers' data being compromised. We learned there was an intrusion April 19th and subsequently shut the services down. We then brought in outside experts to help us learn how the intrusion occurred and to conduct an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the incident. It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis, and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach. We then shared that information with our consumers and announced it publicly this afternoon.

So there you go. Unless, of course, you don't believe the Sony.
Whoever did this most definitely did it for the money, not for any kind of e-fame. If credit card numbers were taken there's obviously a lot of money to be made there by selling them off.

There's also a lot of money to be made just in having that volume of psn accounts. There are no doubt tons of accounts that will remain with the same password and cc attached, which can be used to purchase games and then sell off the account.

Ideally Sony has a way of resetting everyone's password when the service goes back up.


Neo Member
So what i'm getting out of all of this is I'm going to be able to buy a lot of used PS3 games for cheap from all the ragers who are going to sell all of their PS3 stuff?


Kagari said:
They should have said that to begin with.
People already knew this but a lot of folks have been saying they wanted Sony to come out and say "There a chance of a possibility that your info might have been stolen...............maybe..................we dont know yet" from the beginning and then backtrack on those statements and then clear it up when they found out more info.

It's been repeated over and over within this thread that Sony had to investigate the problems 1st to see how bad it was and THEN report back once they knew more about it.



Hex said:
Look at this thread.
There is no confirmation that any credit card information has been compromised but people are going ape shit insisting that everyone is all up and in their accounts.
It would have been even more so on day one.
I do agree that they could have handled it better but it really was a no win situation.

If the info was accessed, then it is compromised.

For all we know all the hacker (s) wanted to do was shut down PSN for shits and giggles, but the fact they had access to personal data means the data is compromised, per definition.
spindashing said:
WHAT THE HELL? Y2Kev, come at me bro.
my condolences.


Felix Lighter said:
You really think that would have been worse than the current situation?
Uhh yeah...then people would be calling Sony liers for trying to back peddle through the situation and cover it up, not to mention the 6 days that went by where people are freaking out and stocks are dropping.


I couldn't give a fuck how long they knew, I know that they're incapable of giving me a safe and secure network to go about my business and as a result I will have to cancel my credit cards and change my passwords which is a serious inconvenience and breach of trust. As a result I'll not be purchasing and participating in any of their low security services in the future which includes next generation, I've already hatched a plan to end my current Playstation generation short after Uncharted 3 releases and use the proceeds to buy a Cafe.


Full Metal Jacket said:
My debit card was on my psn account but I haven't used it a long time and it has no money, does the bank close down the debit card after long periods of not using it?
Even if it has no money, if someone tried to use that card you'd still be hit with the overdraft and associated fee.


Unconfirmed Member
Metalmurphy said:
You do realize that there's no such thing a secure network right? Microsoft has been hacked countless times, Visa has been hacked, Mastercard, NCSoft, Gawkes, etc etc etc

We don't know how competent were the hackers and how incompetent was Sony's security.

I didn't say everyone else is perfect

using the argument of "well yeah Sony got it wrong BUT LOOK AT EVERYONE ELSE" is nonsense.

this isn't about everyone else.


bish gets all the credit :)
Griffin said:
Patrick Seybold offered clarification on why Sony took as long as it did to notify PSN customers. His full statement sent to IGN is below:


add to OP

Updated Story: Patrick Seybold offered clarification on why Sony took as long as it did to notify PSN customers. His full statement sent to IGN is below:

There's a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers' data being compromised. We learned there was an intrusion April 19th and subsequently shut the services down. We then brought in outside experts to help us learn how the intrusion occurred and to conduct an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the incident. It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis, and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach. We then shared that information with our consumers and announced it publicly this afternoon.
Wario64 said:

"There's a difference in timing between when we identified there was an intrusion and when we learned of consumers' data being compromised."

"It was necessary to conduct several days of forensic analysis and it took our experts until yesterday to understand the scope of the breach
I understand that and all, but Sony said they turned off PSN because of a possible breach. I think they should have told everyone about the possible breach then. Even if it was possible.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
What a massive screwup. I don't even care about the whole CC thing, I doubt it was stolen looking at the statement (and if it was that data is always encrypted), and banks are very good about that kind of stuff nowadays, but to know that if this data leaks to open, any jerk on the internet can have all my personal data just by knowing my PSN ID... just terrible.
Is this where I get to post the colbericalledit.gif?

All in all, as I said earlier, this is something that their system should have been ready for. If something this serious happened on any platform I owned I would seriously consider playing offline only from here on in. Yes, this includes XBL.


Mrs. Harvey
Almost a week is a long time. The games I'm playing I can't do anything unless I sign on PSN. Stay free. Literally.


Absoludacrous said:
Whoever did this most definitely did it for the money, not for any kind of e-fame. If credit card numbers were taken there's obviously a lot of money to be made there by selling them off.

There's also a lot of money to be made just in having that volume of psn accounts. There are no doubt tons of accounts that will remain with the same password and cc attached, which can be used to purchase games and then sell off the account.

Ideally Sony has a way of resetting everyone's password when the service goes back up.
Not really, it could still have been Anon or some of it's affiliates that conducted this attack. It still damages Sony's name/brand/reputation and makes them lose millions in revenue.
I don't know what's worse. The crazy people panicking like it's the end of the world. Or the assholes blaming the whole thing on Sony. Guarantee you half the people blaming Sony could give a shit less about their PS3 to begin with...if they even have one at all. When can we start acting like adults again?
Why would you do that? said:
I understand that and all, but Sony said they turned off PSN because of a possible breach. I think they should have told everyone about the possible breach then. Even if it was possible.

Pretty much, even as a precaution, which is what a responsible multinational corporation would be expected to do in such an event.

Why didn't they tell people yesterday when they found out?

In any case, the next few days will be interesting. I wonder who did it.


RyanDG said:
Btw, everyone stay on the look out for phishing e-mails. I don't know if it's related or not but I just got a phishing e-mail from a company promising Playstation Network Betas.

I'm sure many have already, but the very first thing people should do is change passwords. First thing the hackers are likely to do is try to log into the e-mail account you provided using that same PSN password. A lot of people tend to keep the same password or two for everything (which is incredibly unsecure, but that doesn't stop people due to the convenience of having to memorize fewer things).

Kadey said:
Almost a week is a long time. The games I'm playing I can't do anything unless I sign on PSN. Stay free. Literally.

People keep saying this sort of thing but paying 50 or whatever for XBL doesn't make it any more secure. If Microsoft does something to piss off hackers and they decide to put XBL in their crosshairs, there won't be much MS can do to stop it, especially if they don't see it coming.
Professor Beef said:
Spindashing. Bruh.

You really got Sonic 2006?

Bruh. What the fuck?
I got it on release day.

I was so hyped for it, only to be left disappointed with its story, and glitches.

Couldn't let you guys hate on Sonic in this hell of a thread.

I have a feeling we will be without PSN for a few more weeks...
D4Danger said:
I didn't say everyone else is perfect

using the argument of "well yeah Sony got it wrong BUT LOOK AT EVERYONE ELSE" is nonsense.

this isn't about everyone else.
I think you missed the point entirely. Sony's could have had on of the most secure networks in the world and it still could have been hacked. Sony being hacked doesn't necessarily mean their security was bad.


Lots of people want your social security number cant tell you how many times Ive run into people saying Ill give you $1,000 for your number.


LiquidMetal14 said:
They did not know the extent, as was said. It sucks that idiots do these things but those words are right in the tweet there.

I am not sure I buy that.

Perhaps the brass did not know...


For what it's worth, my email address associated with my PSN account was compromised on April 21st. No suspicious activity on my CC account though.
Gritesh said:
Uhh yeah...then people would be calling Sony liers for trying to back peddle through the situation and cover it up, not to mention the 6 days that went by where people are freaking out and stocks are dropping.
Warning customers that their personal information was potentially compromised when they felt the need to take down their network and then 6 days later letting everyone know the situation wasn't as serious as they originally feared would have been a better situation then what we're dealing with now as far as I'm concerned.


Gold Member
XiaNaphryz said:
Even if it has no money, if someone tried to use that card you'd still be hit with the overdraft and associated fee.

When I tried to buy something over the Internet with my debit card and forgot to put money on the connected bank-account the purchase failed.


bangai-o said:
you guys are outrageous. If my female girlfriend sleeps with some other guy, Is that my fault too? blaming Sony is stupid

why did you feel the need to point out that your girlfriend was a female? I think the girl part kinda gives that away don't you think?


Why would you do that? said:
I understand that and all, but Sony said they turned off PSN because of a possible breach. I think they should have told everyone about the possible breach then. Even if it was possible.

They said there was an intrusion in to the system. That is pretty much a breach.


DevilWillcry said:
I don't know what's worse. The crazy people panicking like it's the end of the world. Or the assholes blaming the whole thing on Sony. Guarantee you half the people blaming Sony could give a shit less about their PS3 to begin with...if they even have one at all. When can we start acting like adults again?

Its hard to blame the hacker who did this.. because we don't know him!

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
In either case, all hate should be directed towards the hacker, not Sony.

You're delusional, and quite sad.

Bangai-o said:
you guys are outrageous. If my female girlfriend sleeps with some other guy, Is that my fault too? blaming Sony is stupid

If you leave her legs wide open after being done with her, and then turn your head away expecting nobody to try to cock her, then it sure is your fault for being an idiot.
Phonomezer said:
Pretty much, even as a precaution, which is what a responsible multinational corporation would be expected to do in such an event.

Why didn't they tell people yesterday when they found out?

In any case, the next few days will be interesting. I wonder who did it.

Probably spent the time preparing the press release to cover their asses. I mean at this point, there's not a whole lot we can do other than wait and see and change what we can.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
greyshark said:
For what it's worth, my email address associated with my PSN account was compromised on April 21st. No suspicious activity on my CC account though.

How did you realize that?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
So were into Sonic hate now?

You know what? Ive played 3 JRPGs in my life and Final Fantasy XII is one of the best games ive ever played. A masterpiece i must add.
FFXII >>>>>> FFX
Come at me Kagari! >8/
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