greyshark said:Got a notification from Yahoo telling me it happened and asking me to change my password on the spot.
Interesting. I wonder how Yahoo would know tho.
You sure it was a legit Yahoo email? D)
greyshark said:Got a notification from Yahoo telling me it happened and asking me to change my password on the spot.
No but I can make an assumption based on what I do know. And I know Sony's network has been successfully hacked, so I'm as a result done.PsychoJecht said:You don't know any more than the poster you quoted.
Swifty said:Does anybody have any details as to the vector of this attack? I'm pretty familiar with database backend programming so lay it all on me. Did Sony not sanitize their inputs? Were transactions not using any form of encryption? Did Sony not hash and salt their passwords and instead store them as plain text?
(._.) said:Using the same password for multiple things is very common. Having a different password for everything can be a hassle. I have four passwords that I use for like 20 different things.
You make it sound like all major newspapers and news sites have a section that's the equivalent of any major games news feed.BackwardsSuggestions said:The hell kind of new sites do you use? Most news sites have a 'Technology' section which deals with VG news.
Use something like LastPass.Metalmurphy said:I have TONS of logins, different passwords for each one is pretty much impossible.
I mean, to be fair, this isn't just a one-off account hack. Their entire PSN user-database was compromised. That's a little more -- uh -- uncommon.MoneyLaunderer said:Everyone that is saying "I'm done with Sony" fail to realize that anything can be hacked. iTunes, Amazon, your email, anything. My friend was careful as possible and his iTunes account was hacked without him having any knowledge of it. You just have to be careful with your info and don't list your CC on every service you use, change your passwords every now and again, and you should be fine. You'd have to be done with the online world as a whole to escape identity theft. And even then it could still probably happen. I just don't see blaming Sony as a viable reaction. Sure, they should have disclosed that personal info was probably compromised, but if it wasn't they could have damaged their reputation just as much as if it had been. I'll be back on PSN when it relaunches. Don't plan on letting some hacker take away one of my favorite hobbies. But that's me. To each their own.
Not really, it still took a week to figure it out and say something. After shutting down the service and saying very little about why, letting rumor and paranoia run rampant. Which is why their is such a blow up now over it.DrForester said:My bad then. thread moves so fast.
Akia said:I changed all my passwords and changed my PSN linked credit cards.
I freaking can't believe they've screwed up so badly.
MSNBC...which is partly owned by Microsoft.jimmypop said:Ruh-roh, a full top quarter on devoted to the story.
Metalmurphy said:I got 7 email accounts
Pentagon and the White House got hacked. Are you gonna assume the security is bad?Arnie said:No but I can make an assumption based on what I do know. And I know Sony's network has been successfully hacked, so I'm as a result done.
I'm not going to put my trust in their network ever again after this. That is the crux of the matter.
You had arguments? Sorry, I only noticed crazy fanboy's talk.FINALBOSS said:Way to refute any of the arguments I presented. Laff.
Rez said:I mean, to be fair, this isn't just a one-off account hack. Their entire PSN user-database was compromised. That's a little more -- uh -- uncommon.
TTP said:Interesting. I wonder how Yahoo would know tho.
You sure it was a legit Yahoo email? D)
I miss Wollanchubigans said:MSNBC...which is partly owned by Microsoft.
The plot thickens.
Kagari said:I'm a little surprised some of you use the same password for multiple things. When I originally signed up for PSN they wanted something with both letters and numbers so I created something that I never use elsewhere.
Was their entire database pilfered? If so, yes.Metalmurphy said:Pentagon got hacked once. Are you gonna assume it has/had bad security?
They suspect everyone.Full Metal Jacket said:So only the compromised accounts are getting emails?
BwahahaJinfash said:I miss Wollan
Not really.
Mailenstein said:Oh Sony...:
Both, & were perectly accessible and viewable until some minutes ago. Seems like Sony saw it and changed things. Seriously, fucking amateurs.
Rez said:You really think it's a "meltdown" to be upset over compromised credit card details.
Shurs said:Honestly, I've never really worried about my information being compromised. Now, I don't use the same password for everything, but my PSN password was shared by a few other websites that I frequent. Not anymore, obviously.
Lesson learned, for sure.
So the content of the network is what defines if the security is bad or not?Arnie said:Was their entire database pilfered? If so, yes.
All I did was put a fraud alert on the card holder (which isn't me)Snipes424 said:I think it's serious and Sony are to blame for the weak security, but people closing their CCs? Really? that is WAAAAY over reacting. 1st we don't know if CCs were stolen and second if they were and charged you get the money back and your CC is changed. If you cancel your CC you lose credit rating.
I mean even though it's comical to watch these people lose their minds, people just need to take a deep breath, panic doesn't help anything.
Who's canceling anything? Just get the number changed. Easy.Snipes424 said:I think it's serious and Sony are to blame for the weak security, but people closing their CCs? Really? that is WAAAAY over reacting. 1st we don't know if CCs were stolen and second if they were and charged you get the money back and your CC is changed. If you cancel your CC you lose credit rating.
Dash Kappei said:You had arguments? Sorry, I only noticed crazy fanboy's talk.
If my bank got robbed of my family's jewelry because they didn't hire enough security guards and have no alarm system, you can bet your ass I'm going to be pissed at the criminals but more than that I will fucking sue the bank's ass off for being so incompetent and for breach of trust.
Arnie said:No but I can make an assumption based on what I do know. And I know Sony's network has been successfully hacked, so I'm as a result done.
I'm not going to put my trust in their network ever again after this. That is the crux of the matter.
greyshark said:Heh - now you're making me paranoid . I do login with a different password on my Yahoo account now (have even screwed up a couple of times entering in the old one out of habit), so I'm sure it's ok. As for how they knew, I have no idea. Maybe they can recognize the channels attack programs use to access their users accounts.
Maybe the hacker is sending the emails?Full Metal Jacket said:So only the compromised accounts are getting emails?
Arnie said:No but I can make an assumption based on what I do know. And I know Sony's network has been successfully hacked, so I'm as a result done.
I'm not going to put my trust in their network ever again after this. That is the crux of the matter.
chubigans said:MSNBC...which is partly owned by Microsoft.
The plot thickens.
Well, part of security is how easy it is to access data once on the network. Someone may be able to get through some security to get into a network, but could still be limited to what they can access at that point. That would be more secure than being able to grab everything, even if the two examples had the same external security.Metalmurphy said:So the content of the network is what defines if the security is bad or not?
You're not making any sense.
Sort of irrelevant really, those logs should never have been visible. That in itself is a security hole.Metalmurphy said:That has been debunked. It has nothing to do with the problem.
I doubt anyone is getting emails because Sony just informed us to watch out for emails claiming to be Sony.Full Metal Jacket said:So only the compromised accounts are getting emails?
Ironic your ignore what he's pointing out. How bout you and the troll who apparently will sell his 6 ps3's on eBay have a chat?Kenak said:Fanboy conspiracy? Check.
Insults? Check.
Forgetting about the people blindly defending Sony? Check.
Well I was joking anyways.bigtroyjon said:Microsoft hasn't had an ownership stake in MSNBC in years but they might still have a piece of the website.
The PS3 earned the "bad security" stigma after the signing keys' debacle and thorough explanation of the missteps they took with their approach. So when you have yet another major security-related issue coming hot on the heels of the recent one, a lot of people would jump and accuse Sony of yet another misstep, and understandably so, imo.Metalmurphy said:Pentagon and the White House got hacked. Are you gonna assume the security is bad?