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PSN Hack Update: FAQs in OP, Read before posting

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DrForester said:
Time for bed, One more for the night. Enjoy.


You've outdone yourself

You're the Mama Robotnik of gifs describing utter and complete failure ;)


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I just wanted to pop in to say this news totally justifies my decision to be a one-console-owner.


Man I value my gaf account too much but fuck these assholes. I swear any of my accounts get screwed over or my money goes missing I will fucking hunt them down. To think I was on geohotz side. Fuck them all.

jax (old)

Anerythristic said:


that's only if you share passwords. PSN isn't going to give out your email password.


boutrosinit said:
This is what happens when you build a customer-hostile biz philosophy. While they've adjusted their approach in the last few years, it's sad that the carry over is hurting our ability to simply play games online, and at the risk of our credit details.

If anything Sony really needs to make amends with serious freebies. And they need to upgrade the quality of their network because Jesus fucking Christ, when it ISN'T down, the connection quality sucks.

*hugs 360*
Should check your connection then, because PSN usually works flawlessly for me. No better nor worse than XBL.


BlackGoku03 said:
Everyday life is what was said... and these were valid examples.

Except those aren't everyday life. Those are 11 of the worst incidents ever. Everyday life is when you go out to eat or buy something from Amazon or get gas. Which is what the poster I responded to was talking about.

That was not in any way a valid example.

Also, those were examples of serious security breaches of supposedly reputable companies which should undermine consumer confidence in thos companies also. He was claiming that you get just as exposed without the need to breach so why get so upset?

Which is patently bullshit.


AnEternalEnigma said:
How many of you people who cancelled your cards actually saw shady activity on the account?

I see where you're going with this, but why wait for shit to happen? I dont know how well Aus deals with cc fraud. I dont need 10 grand on my CC that I didnt put there. Easier to get a new card now, then have to prove and fight over shit.


Came home to find out about this. Just awesome. :|

I'm not worried about my password, since I changed all of my old passwords when Gawker was hacked. I'm getting a new credit card tomorrow, so I'm not worried about that. I just want to know what my friggin' security question was for PSN, since those tend to be the same across most accounts. My credit card and debit card security questions are strange, but I have no idea about other ones on different accounts. Who knows if there is a long since unused account that still has security questions in place that they could pinpoint to me since they have all of my other personal information?

Fucking ridiculous, Sony.

Dead Man

voltron said:
He the Scottish dude?

Anyway my point just had to do with the fact that Gawker/Kotaku went through a similar situation with their site being hacked last year.
I keep forgetting they are part of Gawker, I think Serrels stuff is the only reason I ever visit the site anyway.



We have to live utmost in a secured place where no can find us. ! Giant corporation are big bad untrustworthy companies.


All my PS3 accounts has the same password. But luckily this password is never used anywhere else. Regardless, just to be on the safe side, I've changed every password of things that are associated with PSN.
I traded in our family ps3 about a month ago at Eb/gamestop because the controllers were toast and the system had a few more issues.. I used the credit to get a 3DS for my Son..

This news is too bad.. it'll make me think twice before owning another sony console.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
xbhaskarx said:
This thread has so many gems...

Oh, so I shouldn't worry, not be a little peeved @ a multi-billion dollar company can't get it's network security right. Yes the crackers/hackers did escalate it, but Sony should have been prepared, not shrug and go "Oh Wells, lets us cover our asses before we let you, the consumer, know all the details"

I admit I am in Sony's camp. People have asked my opinion if the PS3 is worth it, and with me doing free advertising selling Sony's product, I got Sony 8+ sales for PS3

Should I just LOL and quote .gifs (which are amazing by the way, I <3 Spaceballs) or just keep re-posting what was posted on page 3, which was re-posted on page 7, then on 12, then page 25?

If you got your lulz out of my posting good for you, but for me, Sony really now has lost a lot of trust with me, it will have to be built up again

I have a right to worry, I invested a lot of money + time into my PSN gaming account, now that it is compromised, that shit will stick in the back of my head for a long time
A lot of us are going through hassles just to protect ourselves, and due to it, yes as a Sony customer/consumer I'm allowed to vent (may sound irrational to you)

Dead Man

GraveRobberX said:
Oh, so I shouldn't worry, not be a little peeved @ a multi-billion dollar company can't get it's network security right. Yes the crackers/hackers did escalate it, but Sony should have been prepared, not shrug and go "Oh Wells, lets us cover our asses before we let you, the consumer, know all the details"

I admit I am in Sony's camp. People have asked my opinion if the PS3 is worth it, and with me doing free advertising selling Sony's product, I got Sony 8+ sales for PS3

Should I just LOL and quote .gifs (which are amazing by the way, I <3 Spaceballs) or just keep re-posting what was posted on page 3, which was re-posted on page 7, then on 12, then page 25?

If you got your lulz out of my posting good for you, but for me, Sony really now has lost a lot of trust with me, it will have to be built up again

I have a right to worry, I invested a lot of money + time into my PSN gaming account, now that it is compromised, that shit will stick in the back of my head for a long time
A lot of us are going through hassles just to protect ourselves, and due to it, yes as a Sony customer/consumer I'm allowed to vent (may sound irrational to you)
I think it was more the implied admission of being a shill...
Aselith said:
Except those aren't everyday life. Those are 11 of the worst incidents ever. Everyday life is when you go out to eat or buy something from Amazon or get gas. Which is what the poster I responded to was talking about.

That was not in any way a valid example.

Also, those were examples of serious security breaches of supposedly reputable companies which should undermine consumer confidence in thos companies also. He was claiming that you get just as exposed without the need to breach so why get so upset?

Which is patently bullshit.
How is it not everyday life for a Mastercard owner up until that day? They used their Mastercards on a 'daily basis', did they not?

I think what the poster you quoted was trying to get at is the fact that the potential for something like this to happen is out there every day. I.E. be it via a trojan at the credit card company (Mastercard's case), hacking the servers (PSN), unfolding or piecing together a piece of paper that happens to have your information in your trash, etc.


smurfx said:
i really hope the other shoe doesn't drop soon and all that stolen data gets uploaded to some torrent site.

At least that way I'd be able to see exactly what data about me is leaked.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Dead Man said:
I think it was more the implied admission of being a shill...

A shill or plant is a person who helps another person or organization to sell goods or services without disclosing that he or she has a close relationship with the seller. The shill pretends to have no association with the seller/group and gives onlookers the impression that he or she is an enthusiastic independent customer. The person or group that hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members (who are unaware of the set-up) to purchase the said goods or services.

Yeah I'm getting paid fucking truckloads by Sony, forcing others to go that way


manipulate said:
Sigh, this is so crap. So do we all have to cancel our CCs now, or should we wait for further notice?

Call your CC companies. Explain the situation. Have them put your cards on fraud alert. And pay attention yourself to charges appearing on them over the next two weeks or so.

Should be okay.
Bah, this is really f*ed up. If indeed all accounts have been affected this must surely be one of the biggest leaks ever. Changed my e-mail password just to be sure (probably weren't the same ones but you never know) and now monitoring my CC closely - thank you Sony!


OK just finished changing my passwords. I realised that my LIVE password was the same as my PSN. What complete assholes these guys are.

Also keeping a very close eye on my credit card!
Now that these news are literally EVERYWHERE, I just actually realized how screwed Sony is. This is headlining every news program/website here in Germany. Just wow...


wow this is fucked up. I was upset that I couldn't play online but this bullshit.changing passwords and canceling cards? FU sony!


Well. I cancelled my credit card just to be sure (as I can't be bothered waiting around for Sonys audit on whether that data got leaked or not). No biggie. It has the added advantage that I now no longer have to fight with Microsoft about not renewing my XBL Gold account.

A little inconvenient though. And still a major security stuffup that personal data is out in the clear like that. Even worse if it includes credit card data.

Sadly these things happens, as evidenced by the clusterfuck over at RSA (or all companies).

jax (old)

actually the smh.com.au article i linked to has that bit about "identity theft" with the information that they secured and that's the bit that worries me more than some credit card. There was some dude here who has the same name and racked up a massive mobile bill ($5600+ and $6000++) and Telstra came after me - well the debt collectors did anyhow.

All I had to do was write a letter to tell them I've never lived at that address and it went away.

Identity theft >>>> some measly easy to fight credit card fraud.

Chris R

low-G said:
At least that way I'd be able to see exactly what data about me is leaked.
Same. Already changed my email password and my amazon password. They were different to begin with, but I couldn't remember if I used the PSN password for either account. Basically the only two things I would care about if they got broken into.


davepoobond said:
i honestly dont know how much you can sue them, its not like they colluded with hackers, right?

I guess it's a question of how long they were sitting on the information and if you believe the full extent of the breach was only discovered until just yesterday, basically it could be argued that they should've moved much earlier and gave preliminary warnings to the consumer.


Mailenstein said:
Now that these news are literally EVERYWHERE, I just actually realized how screwed Sony is. This is headlining every news program/website here in Germany. Just wow...

I am glad the news is every where as it should be but they are not screwed, it's gonna be interesting to see what will come out of it.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Dead Man said:
:lol Sorry if that offended you. But that was the point of me saying 'implied admission'.

Only time I have advertised for Sony is in my home, when family + friends come over, I show them the new goodies added by Sony

My 4 cousins have it, and we game together, 1 wanted 360, but he liked what us other 3 had, he joined, later on he grabbed 360
(I have 250GB 360 also)

My mom's friends come over and they always request me to show them Blu-Ray stuff, they enjoy it, their kids enjoy it, and after a few watches @ my home, they go grab a PS3 and ask me to help them with details/set-up, etc.


Revolutionary said:
How is it not everyday life for a Mastercard owner up until that day? They used their Mastercards on a 'daily basis', did they not?

I think what the poster you quoted was trying to get at is the fact that the potential for something like this to happen is out there every day. I.E. be it via a trojan at the credit card company (Mastercard's case), hacking the servers (PSN), unfolding or piecing together a piece of paper that happens to have your information in your trash, etc.

What at the bolded? Non-english speaker? I don't even think those words fit together.

As for the other stuff, the potential is there and it's a HUGE deal if something like that happened just like it was when the Mastercard incident happened. Trying to play off the actual event because "the potential is always there!" is fucking retarded. This was a horrible breach of a supposedly secure system. It doesn't happen everyday and it's important that it doesn't happen again so it's worth getting upset about. People are not unjustified in being angry at Sony because they allowed their information to be propogated. Just like they should be if it was Amazon or Microsoft or Steam or Wal-Mart or Chase or any other company.

I don't think Sony is going to go out of business because of this but it will effect their business.
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