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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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I just started as well. Been trying like crazy to get a top tier god starter, but after 30+ attempts, I may settle with a mid tier god.

I'm getting really good at this tutorial though!

Lol But it really is worth your time though. It saves you so much money and time if you start with top tier gods.


Got my Berserk on my fourth run!
I'm done :)

btw I found that my green 4/1/4 team was way too safe and did my last two runs with a dark Vampire / Hera / Hera / CDK / RK / Lucifer team. With stalling it took me about 10 minutes per run, really nice and quick.
Yeah, I've only ever gotten Highlanders from Two Heroes. The machine likes to drop them for me fairly often, too (my Cu Chulainn's skill level is 3 now, just from extra Highlanders).

EDIT: I do have Siegfried, but that was from the machine screwing me during a godfest. Whoopdeedoo.


I just started as well. Been trying like crazy to get a top tier god starter, but after 30+ attempts, I may settle with a mid tier god.

I'm getting really good at this tutorial though!

Keep re-rolling.

for me:

Log in day 182.

consider this if you aren't going to spend any money in this game - if you become addicted and play for as long as I have a starting god could make all the difference. I started with a mediocre god (Loki) and haven't had too many great pulls - given the slow grind of this game a good starter can really help speed you along so you can attempt harder dungeons.

thirty re-rolls isn't very much if you consider the possibility you will be logging into this game daily for the next six plus months.

(in full disclosure I haven't been playing much, kinda burned out and feel completely Gungtrolled after my last 9 rolls have been 3* garbage)


Well I got lucky today. Ran two heroes with:

Underlord Arch Hades
Duke Vampire Lord
Chaos Dragon Knight
SoD Lucifer (Friend)

It took me a while because I don't have a damage multiplier and this team isn't really optimal, but it was decently safe. I managed to 0 stone my first run and got Berserk. Second run I had to use a stone on the devils because they were all 1 turn and neither dark nor heal orbs were dropping so I couldn't take them down or heal fast enough. Still, it was worth it as I got Highlander. My condolences to everyone who keeps getting the wrong drop. I was prepared for the disappointment of spending all day doing runs and getting the same drop each time, but I got lucky today. Makes me wonder what sort of horrible misfortune will befall me to balance this out.
This dungeon is not giving me any heart orbs. 3 stones on my current run. Have a + egg and....

....another fucking Highlander. That's 4/4 on higlanders for me. Not coming back today, will try next run. Really need a Berserker for my blue team.


3 stones 2 heroes with Lucifer/Persephone.... got a Highlander and 2 +1HP feeds.
I think I could 0 stone it, made a couple of mistake during the play and I was working with a not so ideal team. Hey, you know how it goes, once you spent a stone, you just HAD to go all in. :\
Thinking about doing some cleaning and wondering if these are worth keeping:

- Dino Rider +1 atk +1 rcv
- Sylph +1 hp
- Angel +1 rcv
- Wooden Dark Tiamat +1 hp

I have managed to get my Hera-Is ready for evo. Hopefully get a dubmyth tomorrow.

I ended up putting the rest of what I had (about 300k) into Abyss Neptune bringing him up to 89. I am going to try to get as many plants as I can today. I have 28 red dragons, 23 blue dragons, and only 9 green ones. A couple weeks ago I was feeling a little burned out but trying to max out some monsters is giving me a bit more excitement.


Saint Nic
Spent a stone, got a stone, got a Berserk with +RCV, and another vampire. That dungeon was surprisingly difficult. Lots of spike damage to resist. Better be a combo pro!

And with that, I have both dudes and I'm done. Time to level them up.
Sorry to see people having poor luck on their Heroes runs. Since I already have a max skilled Cu Chu, Siegfried, and Valkyrie, I decided to go ahead and pick up a second of each for when Poring comes back around. Already had my second Valk. Don't hate me, but I got a Berserk and Highlander on my first 2 runs with my Zaerog team.

Wow! 3x ATK for Gods with no conditions? That's pretty amazing. Does anyone know her active skill? Though I've found that the conditional triggers for monsters like Zeus and especially Goemon makes it easier to charge your skills. I've found it almost impossible to charge my Zaerog without killing things or dying due to the constant ATK multiplier and low HP/RCV.

It looks like most, if not all people are evolving their Kagutsuchi's into the Dark form. I have a bunch of Dark Kagutsuchi friends but not a single Light version.
Here's a quick and dirty team for Two Heroes, if you guys have all these:

1. Seraphim Lucifer
2. Abyss Neptune
3. Amaterasu Ohkami (or any monster who can heal without using a turn)
4. Underlord Inferno Hades (or any Ultra Gravity user)
5. Awoken Hera (or any Ultra Gravity user)
6. Seraphim Lucifer

Round 1: No configuration is a threat here. Just kill them.
Round 2: This is a good round to stall. Get your skills ready to go and proceed. If your levels are sufficient, you won't die even if all four masks hit at once.
Round 3: Stall if you killed the masks too quickly. Otherwise, just steamroll through them.
Round 4: Ultra Gravity twice, then use Morning Star, Healing Shower, and Morning Star to instantly kill two Vampire Lords. DO NOT USE POISON HERE! Stall on the last Vampire Lord to get your skills up, then blow through him.
Boss: Poison, Ultra Gravity twice, then use Morning Star to instantly kill Highlander. You can heal up and use your other Morning Star to really knock Berserk to near-death, then just play normally. 14k damage from him every three turns is no problem.


Another run, another Berserk, another lack of highlander. Days like this are when I especially yearn for a player to player monster trading system. If Gungho isn't going to do it then one of these days someone else is going to come along with a copycat version of PAD + player trading system. It just makes too much sense.
Another run, another Berserk, another lack of highlander. Days like this are when I especially yearn for a player to player monster trading system. If Gungho isn't going to do it then one of these days someone else is going to come along with a copycat version of PAD + player trading system. It just makes too much sense.
They would lose all the money they make from people spending $5 to pull from the machine, though.


I started playing this waaaay back near the beginning in the U.S. and at the time did not know about re-rolling to get a good starter. I got Shardra and kept it. I am thinking of starting over completely, but spent some $$$ on stones and egg pulls . Here is the list of things I have gotten - I'd appreciate any advice as to whether I should stick with what I have here or re-start. I really do'nt want to spend more money going forward if possible:

Marine Rider
Indra (god-thing)
Volcano Dragon
Green Dragon
Ivory Dragon
Holy Dragon
Gryps Rider
Vampire Lord
Black Dragon

Thanks for the help - I'm conflicted and honestly do'nt know if any of the above are great or not really worth keeping the current save for...


Saint Nic
I started playing this waaaay back near the beginning in the U.S. and at the time did not know about re-rolling to get a good starter. I got Shardra and kept it. I am thinking of starting over completely, but spent some $$$ on stones and egg pulls . Here is the list of things I have gotten - I'd appreciate any advice as to whether I should stick with what I have here or re-start. I really do'nt want to spend more money going forward if possible:

Thanks for the help - I'm conflicted and honestly do'nt know if any of the above are great or not really worth keeping the current save for...

Shiva, Siren, Verche, Vamp, and MAYBE the toy dragons are decent. The rest is not too great.
This dungeon is not giving me any heart orbs. 3 stones on my current run. Have a + egg and....

....another fucking Highlander. That's 4/4 on higlanders for me. Not coming back today, will try next run. Really need a Berserker for my blue team.

don't feel bad dude, took me six runs to get a highlander (that is 5 beserks in a row)...

And that first run was a disaster (back when the new greek gods first dropped into REM), lots of stones...the other 5 were the time in early May (right when angels dropped into REM) much easier then too.

Worst part is that despite Poring tower coming twice since I got my berserk and all those berserks to feed, only skill level 4... Highlander has only been through 1 Poring tower run, and is already skill level 5...
I started playing this waaaay back near the beginning in the U.S. and at the time did not know about re-rolling to get a good starter. I got Shardra and kept it. I am thinking of starting over completely, but spent some $$$ on stones and egg pulls . Here is the list of things I have gotten - I'd appreciate any advice as to whether I should stick with what I have here or re-start. I really do'nt want to spend more money going forward if possible:

How far into the dungeons are you? It would tell us how many free stones you have left for dungeon completion. If you are still pretty early, then this might be workable. If you are already past Castle of Satan in the Abyss and are at or past Clayus Prison, then I say reroll next Godfest (Especially if it includes Angels...)
I started playing this waaaay back near the beginning in the U.S. and at the time did not know about re-rolling to get a good starter. I got Shardra and kept it. I am thinking of starting over completely, but spent some $$$ on stones and egg pulls . Here is the list of things I have gotten - I'd appreciate any advice as to whether I should stick with what I have here or re-start. I really do'nt want to spend more money going forward if possible:

Marine Rider
Indra (god-thing)
Volcano Dragon
Green Dragon
Ivory Dragon
Holy Dragon
Gryps Rider
Vampire Lord
Black Dragon

Thanks for the help - I'm conflicted and honestly do'nt know if any of the above are great or not really worth keeping the current save for...

As much of a bummer as it would be to throw away money spent, there is nothing in your collection that is "top tier". Now, if you don't mind spending say...a couple hundred bucks (sadly that may be on the low side) then you have a decent start and can add during godfests. If that does not sound good to you, then I would reroll.
If I'm going non iap, how many gems should I put towards box expansion vs saving for REM godfest / other.
Whatever makes you comfortable. Which is kind of a cop out answer but it's the truth. I'm super stingy with box expansion and only ever expand when I can't comfortably sell off any extra materials or fodder. Others would like that extra buffer so they can splurge whenever Thursday/Pengdra village rolls around.

Another possible way to look at it is that there are about 76 non-rotating dungeons in the game currently. If you spend the clear bonus from each of those only on box expansions you'll end up with 405 box slots, and whatever other stones you get from the rotating dungeons get spent on the REM.


I started playing this waaaay back near the beginning in the U.S. and at the time did not know about re-rolling to get a good starter. I got Shardra and kept it. I am thinking of starting over completely, but spent some $$$ on stones and egg pulls . Here is the list of things I have gotten - I'd appreciate any advice as to whether I should stick with what I have here or re-start. I really do'nt want to spend more money going forward if possible


You have some decent staples, but all of the ones that fit under that label are farmable monsters: Siren, Verche, Vampire. Dragons are easily recovered rippers. Shiva is the only one that is worth mentioning, and would be okay to start with, but if you're that far into the game and Shiva is all you have, you need to reroll.

It's very easy to play free, provided you can tackle the special timed dungeons. Those help flesh out teams with great leaders or subs, but I don't see how your current box will be able to do that without some manner of crazy luck in your next REM pull or two from free stones.


I'd also say reroll. It is too bad you spend money already, but if you want a particular god to build a team around, it would cost you far more than you've probably already spend, to obtain him.

The good thing about rerolling is that you can pretty much get whatever you want for free, only downside being it could take some time.

I'm not sure how good you are but Kirin is pretty much build around non-IAP. You get Kirin, the rest of the team can be gained without paying anything ever. That being said, she is not easy to use. I won't be able to do so.


Alright thanks for all the advice. I'm at the Castle of Satan (for the first time? are there more than 1 lol) and it seems hard/tedious to me to get through so I figured it might just be I have a bad setup. I'm going to delete this mess and start over. So I should not do that right now? I thought you could get anything on the first roll? I don't know about the god-fests that were mentioned..


I'd also say reroll. It is too bad you spend money already, but if you want a particular god to build a team around, it would cost you far more than you've probably already spend, to obtain him.

The good thing about rerolling is that you can pretty much get whatever you want for free, only downside being it could take some time.

I'm not sure how good you are but Kirin is pretty much build around non-IAP. You get Kirin, the rest of the team can be gained without paying anything ever. That being said, she is not easy to use. I won't be able to do so.

Kirin I do knot know about. I would not classify myself as "good" at this game but I do like playing it =) I mean, I'll probably spend a LITTLE money but it would only be like 10 or 20 bucks in a month or something.


Kirin I do knot know about. I would not classify myself as "good" at this game but I do like playing it =) I mean, I'll probably spend a LITTLE money but it would only be like 10 or 20 bucks in a month or something.

Ah, thats not much compared to what I've seen some people put into this game! You won't regret it.

Kirin is a new Chinese god, and you need to match 4 different colors to get a huge damage bonus. But as I said, really difficult. You are probably better off with a Lucifer, which is an easy way to clear most of the Descended dungeons.

Here is Kirin, http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=752
Matching Fire,Light,Wood and Water really won't be easy.

Edit: Ideally you'd wait a week, Godfest is not on, and you will need to do many rerolls before you get anything significant unless you get really lucky. Godfest is a scheduled event in which the rate for Gods in REM are increased 3 times. This is currently not on until further notice, so it could take alot of time.

Best scenario for you would be to wait a week, I expect Chinese godfest then. Roll a God that you like, play alot to clear dungeons, you'll end up with another 10 stones to do more rolls during Godfest, if you get lucky you will end up with nice results.


Ah, thats not much compared to what I've seen some people put into this game! You won't regret it.

Kirin is a new Chinese god, and you need to match 4 different colors to get a huge damage bonus. But as I said, really difficult. You are probably better off with a Lucifer, which is an easy way to clear most of the Descended dungeons.

Here is Kirin, http://www.puzzledragonx.com/en/monster.asp?n=752
Matching Fire,Light,Wood and Water really won't be easy.

Edit: Ideally you'd wait a week, Godfest is not on, and you will need to do many rerolls before you get anything significant unless you get really lucky. Godfest is a scheduled event in which the rate for Gods in REM are increased 3 times. This is currently not on until further notice, so it could take alot of time.

Best scenario for you would be to wait a week, I expect Chinese godfest then. Roll a God that you like, play alot to clear dungeons, you'll end up with another 10 stones to do more rolls during Godfest, if you get lucky you will end up with nice results.

ohhh Kirin o_O That is not going to work for me lol! I'll just putz around tonight and see if I get anything good and if not I'll wait til the godfest. Thanks for all of the explanation it helps a lot
Well it doesn't hurt to reroll now; worst off is that you don't get anything until Godfest happens. If you do get a recommended starter before then, progress through the beginning of the game as quickly as possible, saving up stones, then make additional rolls during Godfest.


Alright thanks for all the advice. I'm at the Castle of Satan (for the first time? are there more than 1 lol) and it seems hard/tedious to me to get through so I figured it might just be I have a bad setup. I'm going to delete this mess and start over. So I should not do that right now? I thought you could get anything on the first roll? I don't know about the god-fests that were mentioned..

Make a back-up before re-rolling, in case you don't want to go through with it. Your first REM roll is no different than any other REM roll at the time, so godfests affect it and increase chances of hitting those gods.


Can’t stump the diablos
Well it doesn't hurt to reroll now; worst off is that you don't get anything until Godfest happens. If you do get a recommended starter before then, progress through the beginning of the game as quickly as possible, saving up stones, then make additional rolls during Godfest.

What would be a good god to start out with other than Lucifer?
Is the OP still accurate as far as starters?
What would be a good god to start out with other than Lucifer?
Is the OP still accurate as far as starters?

we actually just had this exact discussion about 50 posts earlier.

Consensus says, Archangel Lucifer, followed closely by Horus.

after that comes Isis,

after those three you have new RBG Greek Gods, Neptune, Orochi, and then Shiva.

However, if you are rerolling and plan on rerolling until you get something good, do not settle for anything less than a Horus, some will say not until you roll the Archangel Lucifer...


What would be a good god to start out with other than Lucifer?
Is the OP still accurate as far as starters?

Yeah I was just about to ask this as I'm starting this up here in about 15 minutes and want to make sure I have the right list to be on the lookout for.


Can’t stump the diablos
we actually just had this exact discussion about 50 posts earlier.

Consensus says, Archangel Lucifer, followed closely by Horus.

after that comes Isis,

after those three you have new RBG Greek Gods, Neptune, Orochi, and then Shiva.

However, if you are rerolling and plan on rerolling until you get something good, do not settle for anything less than a Horus, some will say not until you roll the Archangel Lucifer...

Thanks much!
I have been going for Luci/Horus, but just wanted to know some alternates in-case the tutorial gets more boring.
Another run, another Berserk, another lack of highlander. Days like this are when I especially yearn for a player to player monster trading system. If Gungho isn't going to do it then one of these days someone else is going to come along with a copycat version of PAD + player trading system. It just makes too much sense.

it's so bad. So many Highlanders!

As much of a bummer as it would be to throw away money spent, there is nothing in your collection that is "top tier". Now, if you don't mind spending say...a couple hundred bucks (sadly that may be on the low side) then you have a decent start and can add during godfests. If that does not sound good to you, then I would reroll.

I really wonder what kind of coin people drop on this and the justification. I've spent a quite bit myself, but just can't see putting any more in given all the trolling.
It looks like most, if not all people are evolving their Kagutsuchi's into the Dark form. I have a bunch of Dark Kagutsuchi friends but not a single Light version.
I'm going Dark. The light form is really just kind of unremarkable. It has great stats, but I could get those stats and the light subtype from Minerva if i wanted, though I made her dark too.... But the dark form is really unique, and the massive attack boost really compliments his leader skill. That's my logic anyway.
I'm going Dark. The light form is really just kind of unremarkable. It has great stats, but I could get those stats and the light subtype from Minerva if i wanted, though I made her dark too.... But the dark form is really unique, and the massive attack boost really compliments his leader skill. That's my logic anyway.
Likewise, I'm going Dark to get him to fit into my Lucifer team as a cannon.

Light's only real saving graces seem to be that it gets a Dragon sub-type and that it looks way cooler. Looking way better goes a long way, but it doesn't go all the way.
Got three Highlanders and a Beserker.Already evolved Beserker to next level and maxed out Highlander. Now my Archangel Gabriel is evolved too. Building my mono blue team now.


Hmm, now I see what some were talking about. There is literally no mention of Chinese gods on Gungho Official page. They even go as far as calling 5.3 a minor update, in the pictures they don't mention them either.

I seriously question if they are even in the game right now.




Man sorry for all you guys having bad luck with drops...on the bright side remember all the times we couldn't even complete this dungeon...this is my first time actually completing this damn dungeon...I've had the worst luck with descended dungeons in terms of actually completing them...I sunk in at least 6 stones in Hera-Is( which hurts since I try to spend as little as possible) cause I really needed a gravity mob.

Edit: to balance it out I did get the drop in that one stone-sucking run.


So after re-rolling 3 times I just got Isis. Seems to be In the top 3 for starters but not sure if I should keep or retry for Archangel Lucifer guy..
So after re-rolling 3 times I just got Isis. Seems to be In the top 3 for starters but not sure if I should keep or retry for Archangel Lucifer guy..

Meh I'd keep it. It's really nice to have lucifer, but he's boring to play with and is most useful late game. I like the idea of rolling till you get something decent, but i don't think you need the very best creature in the game to start with either. It's up to you, but personally I'd rather be playing, not pulling the egg machine for the next few days.
Oh hey, I'm more of a lurker round this thread but I just realised I have an ungifted present and was wondering if anyone here might want a shot at one of the starter monsters via the friend machine (that's all the machine gives out right?).

I'm also trying to build myself a team and found myself stuck at hyperion lava flow (final dungeon). I'm currently building up a graviton dragon for it but I'm open to suggestions about where I should take my team from there.

Currently have;
Blue and red starter dragons
Red, blue, green, light, and dark lil rippers (final form)
Ancient dragon knight,
hell queen persephone,
vampire lord
and a couple of different coloured keepers.

I don't make any IAPs and have seen recommendations of building purple teams, but I got pretty lucky with my start (isis and neptune) so I was thinking of trying to build a blue team, however I don't have any utility dudes and have gotten away with just slamming bosses using isis or horus helpers.
Oh hey, I'm more of a lurker round this thread but I just realised I have an ungifted present and was wondering if anyone here might want a shot at one of the starter monsters via the friend machine (that's all the machine gives out right?).

I'm also trying to build myself a team and found myself stuck at hyperion lava flow (final dungeon). I'm currently building up a graviton dragon for it but I'm open to suggestions about where I should take my team from there.

Currently have;
Blue and red starter dragons
Red, blue, green, light, and dark lil rippers (final form)
Ancient dragon knight,
hell queen persephone,
vampire lord
and a couple of different coloured keepers.

I don't make any IAPs and have seen recommendations of building purple teams, but I got pretty lucky with my start (isis and neptune) so I was thinking of trying to build a blue team, however I don't have any utility dudes and have gotten away with just slamming bosses using isis or horus helpers.
You can make yourself a pretty ballin' blue team if you ultimate evolve your starter and set him as a leader, then throw in Neptune, Isis, and Siren. Then just get yourself Hera-Is or maybe Ancient Dragon Bowmore if they ever come back, and you'll be good to go with Hermes or I&I or another ultimate starter as your friend leader.

Then you can setup another team with Isis as your leader and another with Persephone or Neptune as your leader, and you'll have your mono-color, big damage, and durability teams ready to go.


Meh I'd keep it. It's really nice to have lucifer, but he's boring to play with and is most useful late game. I like the idea of rolling till you get something decent, but i don't think you need the very best creature in the game to start with either. It's up to you, but personally I'd rather be playing, not pulling the egg machine for the next few days.

Lucifer also isn't the most fun leader to play with early in the game. Whereas Isis/Horus, you can get their benefits as soon as you get them and you'll get good at making combos trying to activate their abilities.
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