I utilize Light Pengdras during the rare times they come around, but by far the majority of exp come from off-color Pengdras and Dragons. I also feed random Light monsters that drop, but only up to a point where the gold costs start to outweigh the exp gain. As for King and High Gold Dragons, I don't bother feeding them for exp. It's far more efficient to sell them. I once got 3 Gold Kings in a single run. That's almost 1 million gold in just 1 run.How do you guys go about leveling up your light monsters? Do you just dump in other colors or wait for gold dragon and pendra dungeons?
$100 Itunes card for $85. Fairly decent deal.
GungHo Facebook Page said:Puzzle & Dragons - GungHo Official
*Porings Strike Back!*
[7/29 midnight - 8/11 11:59 PM PDT]
Aww yeah! Glad I grabbed an extra Berserker, Highlander, and Valkyrie before then. I wonder if they'll include the monster to skill-up Kagutsuchi this time.Woo hoo! Poring Tower for more than just a day!
Woo hoo! Poring Tower for more than just a day!
It's possible that they tune the drop rate to be extra low and/or don't give us a Skill Up x2 event, so we'd fill our boxes.Of course they had to drop this on us today, after I gave up on getting a Highlander
Debating whether I should spring for more box space to hold onto all the crap I'll be farming up, or just screw it and attempt for skill-ups without the x2 modifier in effect.
Oh. That's a good point actually. Those Poring feeders provide 15,000exp to the same element.Nice that we get Porings again. Hope I can evolve everything required, because the monsters from that dungeon give alot of exp, I don't want to waste on my unevolved Great Valkyrie.
Of course they had to drop this on us today, after I gave up on getting a Highlander
Poring tower for two weeks? I might use my fire knights to try and get that last skill on Homura so that I have room... Definitely got to max skill valk, seig, and chu chu... Maybe Lilith if lots of that poring drop.
What else other than those four drop from those dungeons?
Has anyone gotten an Angeling(Kagutsuchi skill-up) from the first Poring appearance? I don't know how many runs I did, but I did enough to max skill Cu Chu, Siegfried, and Valkyrie (I didn't bother with Lilith), and I didn't see a single Angeling.Skill-up for golems, and kagu iirc.
The one for Kagu is pretty rare, though. I've not seen it.Skill-up for golems, and kagu iirc.
You only needed a single skillup and farmed 10 feeders? I guess you can skillup a second Homura. That's what I do once I have a max skilled orb changer. Start working on a second one.Fed a fire knight by accident to homura... Got my last skill up.
What the hell am I going to do with nine mystic fire knights?
Gold Dragons rarely come around. So you either have to wait for them or feed the unevolved Light Pengdras for only a measly 9000exp each instead of 45K each.Why sit on the pengdras?
You only needed a single skillup and farmed 10 feeders? I guess you can skillup a second Homura. That's what I do once I have a max skilled orb changer. Start working on a second one.
It's possible that they tune the drop rate to be extra low and/or don't give us a Skill Up x2 event, so we'd fill our boxes.
I'm 100% thinking they tune the drop rates. I haven't gotten one mystic flame knight drop in the entire time it's been up. I haven't even seen one outside of the last stage.
If this is the case then they do it per-person, because I am cleaning up. Averaging 1 knight per 4-5 runs at this point.
That's not AMAZING, but it's a shit ton better than what I usually see.
Yeah. I haven't spent a single stone this week, other than to expand my box space after the update. I have 7 Knights so far. I really prefer these extended special dungeon schedules, and they usually end in a 2x event for people who need that last chance to get that drop or skill-up. Heck just that single 2x day would be good enough for me. The first time the Naga dungeon came around, I max-skilled 3 Echidnas in that single day without any drop rate bonuses. I'm never doing that again.It's hard to bitch about the drop rates when the dungeon is around for 2 weeks. I have 8 stored up so far.
Yeah. RNG gonna RNG. I think I went like 9 runs without a drop, then I got a run with 2 drops and a separate +egg, followed by another run with a drop.I've run all of these enough to know what to expect. I'm over 15 runs without a drop now. But I agree it's probably just awful luck if others are having good luck. This is the first knight dungeon they put up for an extended period of time. Made sense to me that they might tune it down.
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-- Fusion a product of monster type and level; random great/super for extra exp
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-- PAL/REM rolls, event PAL stuff, PAL ususlaly gives shit, wait till godfest
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Post 2
Beginners primer
- #1 goal: Pass COS
- Orb management 101 (being able to move orb anywhere super strategic)
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Experts Primer
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- Important farmable monsters
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- + eggs, busty evolution
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- IAP Team
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Post 3?
The Rare Egg Machine
So pretty much late game is all just about special dungeons?
Normal/Technical seems like it's only good for farming materials/magic stones and I'm not sure if it's worth spending stamina to go further.
(Running 16x teams up to Rhea-Themis Temple for normal and Shrine of Green Water for technical.)
I need a new subtitle too, but all I can think of are bleakly pessimistic ones mostly sourced from old quotes in the thread:
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Sayonara fifty stamina
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Well that was a bad idea.
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| You can have it all... for a small price
2x drop rate on MFK dungeon later today according to the PadGuide app. What do you think Gungho US will do now that they have 40k likes on FB? There was an event on 20k and giveaways on 30k.
Woo hoo! Poring Tower for more than just a day!
I need a new subtitle too, but all I can think of are bleakly pessimistic ones mostly sourced from old quotes in the thread:
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Sayonara fifty stamina
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Well that was a bad idea.
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| You can have it all... for a small price
So Zeus, Goemon, Valk and Hera descends are coming up... No confidence to tackle any of those. I swear how is Horus cream of the crop when a double Horus team can't even tank a single hit from most of these bosses. :/
*Poring Power Summer Throwdown!!!*
[Duration]: 7/30 (Tue), midnight - 8/8 (Thu), 11:59 PM (PDT)
Looks like the Porings have brought some friends to help throwdown! Mighty mythical Monsters, charming little blobs, what more could you need for a perfect 10-day-long summer event?
Poring Tower
[Duration]: 7/29 (Mon), midnight - 8/11 (Sun), 11:59 PM (PDT)
It's time to max Skill your orb-changers and catch the mighty Mastering!
Zeus Descended!
[Duration]: 8/1 (Thu) midnight [12:00 AM] - 11:59 PM (PDT)
The father of gods has returned. Are you ready for him this time?
The Thief Descended!
[Duration]: 8/3 (Sat) midnight [12:00 AM] - 11:59 PM (PDT)
The legendary thief, Goemon, is ready to rumble! Don’t miss your chance to nab him.
The Goddess Descended!
[Duration]: 8/5 (Mon) midnight [12:00 AM] - 11:59 PM (PDT)
The Great Valkyrie is here to triumph over evil. If you're planning a Healer team, here's your Leader!
Hera Descended
[Duration]: 8/7 (Wed) midnight [12:00 AM] - 11:59 PM (PDT)
The ever-infamous Hera is back with a vengeance. Whether you need her for your team or you need her for Skill ups, this event Dungeon is not to be missed!
Daily Free Magic Stone
[Duration]: 7/30 (Tue), midnight - 8/8 (Thu), 11:59 PM (PDT)
Magic Stones will be distributed as late as 3:59 AM (PDT) the following day.
Awesome Daily Bonuses
[Duration]: 7/30 (Tue), midnight - 8/8 (Thu), 11:59 PM (PDT)
2x King appearance rates for the Metal/Gold and Jewel Dragons
[We will also have special visits from the Super King Dragons - (including an invasion from one of the Jeweled Super Kings) and the Pengdra Village!]
2x Drops/1.5x Coins for special daily Dungeons
King Metal Dragons at the Pal Egg Machine
Fusion Bonus: Skill Up rate x2
[Stay tuned for more event info!]
*Events subject to change without notice or compensation - see event policy here http://tinyurl.com/cj7zu4t
Is it possible to take on some of the more difficult dungeons with Horus and just a team of non-REM monsters? I don't want spend money.![]()