re:ra, re:kagu, re:venus, re:hades coming tomorrow
also alt tsubaki uvo
Makes me sad because i was hoping Radra would be here too.
Tsubaki is ok, got one leveled and pleased for this evo but no awakenings.
re:ra, re:kagu, re:venus, re:hades coming tomorrow
also alt tsubaki uvo
We got the third batch of free mp in JP today, I bought Neptune Dragon, I'm all in on water on that account. Gives me something to work on, I have most of the mats for both evolutions minus Noah Dragon. most aren't evolved, so this will take some time.
Still have 100k mp left and we are still getting another 90k for free, I hope NA gets this eventually.
i'm scared to buy anything with MP because I know some OP mess is just around the corner
also scarlet sky dimension dragon is super boring after the 85th run
thank god the akechi skillups are in the other two.
For the upcoming King Tan/Guaranteed skill up system, you still need skill up fodder right? So it would make more sense to just horde the fodder for now rather than feeding it?
GungHo needs to raise the MP cap
do you really want to wait for two months to get the update
I was watching some vids as they popped up on YouTube to convince myself to Revo Venus and Hades, and decide on which Tsubaki I should go for (basically should I keep one as the leader version or not)
A couple things stood out.
Revo Venus is a valid but cheesy clear of Machine Zeus. I'd still go for the Ra setup personally
Revo Hades is a surprisingly reliable clear of Machine Hera.
Dragon Killer Tsubaki makes SDR a complete joke of a dungeon
I need to see if I can find anyone willing to experiment with DK tsubaki on SDR. I saw a machine Zeus led team absolutely destroy it.
Against my better judgement I went to the reddit today and that crowd seemed rather pessimistic about the idea of a large MP gift, but it would be nice.
I saw that Setsu had moved Ronove down a tier while Myr/Ra Dragon/Kaede remain at the top so I'm not super anxious to blow anything on Ra Dragon despite nearing 300k as long as I'm about to secure Myr. I don't much like heavy combo leaders anyway.
Anyone else bored of Heart cross teams? Myr just made them so boring for me cause I used her so much. I need more combo leads...I think I'm am going to max out a Revo bastet team. Some advice.
Bastet, Verdandi, Visnu, Parvati(Bind Clear)
Last spot is between Spica, Meimei or Artemis.
Who's the best fit?
You guys would've literally just quit the game if you saw how stupid it was to skill up things years ago. Heck, my first post in the neogaf puzzle and dragons OT was complaining about how dumb skilling up Echidna was, making me want to quit the game.
I have everything ready for the new ra dragon when it comes except machine zeus. I don't have either ALB team for coop. But I've seen an awoken UY team do it solo that I could pull off but I need some more tamadras and also tans for inheritance.
Do you have the link to the Venus video?
You'll build up a surplus before too long if you clear the challenge descends/dungeons when they show up and you don't blow the piis on trivial stuff.I believe it, honestly. I'm not at the point yet where I can farm Arena and although I have a small pii stockpile I'm super duper wary about blowing them, especially on monsters with farmable fodder.
Wow Krishna is strong. I put together a jank team of Krishna/Sanada/RValk/Tsubaki/Chiyome and have crazy HP and can hit 1mil+ for several cards with a single row despite NO cards being max leveled/evolved, and RCV is bonkers. I need to do some evoing and awakening but I get the hype. I should level Urd... Stalling for actives is annoying though.
Once your Urd is done, your Krishy team is pretty top tier. If you get an active bind clear for the team (having both leaders bound is pretty devastating) and 5 SBR you're set for life.
The idea isn't that you're stalling "for actives" with Krishna tho. It will be a lot easier to do when you have yours max skilled but the idea is you can always have a Krish active popped between you and your friend leader, so you always have red skyfall buff and you just store your red orbs (4 in each lower corner) until you have enough to do your 3 combo with maybe a row or prong for good measure, as needed. Just stalling for red orbs is good enough to clear 80% of the floors. Save actives for bosses or mechanic enemies you need to surpass.
You have everything you need to make a great Krishna team. Sanada Yukimura is the only big name you're missing.Any other advice for Krishna teams? Pull one PCGF and I hear that he's probably the best non - cross lead in the game right now for NA.
I have these as possible subs.
Lei Lan
Urd x2
Cao Cao
Minerva x 2
I'm planning on waiting on new Ra dragon. Once I know how it plays I'll decide if changing his form is worth it or if he's more useful as an inherit on the team.I was just looking over the bleach collab changes and I didn't realize ichigo got an awoken form that changes his play style entirely. Tanky, 110+ multiplier, row lead, with a better than gemstone princess burst built in! Holy hell I wish I had him now.
@bladelaw, are you going to go that way with him, or use the new rainbow form?
Jesus christ...Hello new Myr whalebait
AS (cd10): turn 7 random non-light to heart, for one turn extend move time by 7 seconds
LS: 4attr->3xatk, 5attr->6x ; 1/2 damage for heart cross and 3xatk
the kaworu kali cosplay is pretty good too