Anyone here run Acala? I could use some team-building advice for both of my accounts.
Much like Ronove you need to know what the team needs and fill the holes as best you can with what you have. Acala needs wood and fire to do damage, you don't always need 81x or 729x. She has enough HP and RCV to survive a stupid amount of damage (especially in coop) so you can generally stall for orbs saving actives for when stalling isn't an option. Verdandi+Heart break is your burst board (unless you have xmas Sonia then enjoy). You have Verd, and Australis is a great heart break to inherit. Spica also works as a sub bringing relevant awakenings. You need a bind clear, passive or otherwise. I'd recommend Grodin Tama over ALB because you'll get a solid damage increase from the Orb Enhances, but ALB is totally serviceable as a more offensive option. You need a quick orb generator for a reliable way to kill a floor if every thing else is on cooldown. Leeza, Osiris, Bartz, Phact, and Alnair all serve this purpose well with Leeza or Osiris being the best option depending on your stance on killers and the extra turn cooldown. If you're only running this team coop and don't have to worry about SBR I'd pick Grodin Tamazo and Osiris. The last slot is flex. This is where I'd put a delay or another fast orb changer if I needed one.
Also Dino Rider might be among the best inherits for this team FYI
Given the subs you posted I'd run:
Acala (Australis)
Perseus removes fire which can be a problem. A second ALB is mostly wasted unless you wanted to run a mostly bind immune player one side (which can definitely have benefits) but I'd rather something with more useful awakenings and a different active.
Balboa (super underrated)
Ronove (TE + trash clearing is always a good thing)
Kaede (mostly a stat stick)
Balboa's shield would let you tank Kali's rage hit in coop (possibly solo too lol) and attacker killer is a low key great awakening
Ronove serves as your junk cleaner and possibly emergency heal. Inherit something useful on top if possible
ALB clears binds and floods the board
Kaede is kind of a stat stick here. A cross + prong will still kill quite a bit though.
Probably going to give Bleach a courtesy roll (beyond the hopefully free roll we get) but really not expecting much. I have everything but Aizen I'd want out of it (including Urahara and Toshiro dupes) and I'm not expecting Aizen.
I'm not sure which evo I'd go for Ichigo. I think I'll probably keep him as is for an inherit on Uevo Ra Dragon. I don't need another dark row lead.
Rukia is exciting for me though. I have a great team for her uevo and Awoken Sun Quan should shore up any damage issues my poor combo skills will display.
I'm thinking
Nut (Mori Motonori)
Awoken Sun Quan/Awoken Orochi