I beat legendary sea of trees this morning. I just SI'd sheen onto Yomi and burst hard through the shield with Gremory. It felt good. I also rolled a bunch on the godfest, out of boredom; but I'm pretty happy with what I got:
1. Sumire (yeah! high HP blue!)
2. Anubis (well I didn't have one and counterattack is useful on occasion)
3. Green dragon (crap, sold)
4. Australis (...not sure what to do with it. Green is such an issue with me, never have any use for them, even the good ones)
5. Dark Wisdom King (..whatever...)
6. Ilm (Yeah!!!!)
7. Dark Chester (3 SBR seems OK sometimes)
8. Red Sonia (x3, they love me)
Actually feel good about all of this. I wanted a Sumire and Ilm is quite the catch for Minerva.
As for the stream, I'm surprised they did all of this at once, it is like information overload. I wonder if they did this on purpose in order to diminish the focus of backlash for mostly disappointing evos. Outside of that, I love the idea of folders, descended assists, and drop buffs.
Let me talk about evos for a moment, just a few things off the top of my head.
First off, I'm very surprised about the lack of quality in the HREM evos. Honestly, even the 7* evos are a bit "lateral" rather than actual upgrades. Despite the presence of glaring weaknesses, almost nothing in HREM had them patched. Meri got more damage (didn't need it), Barbara got better damage (OK, but still really limited), Navi still sucks, and Romia is slightly more useful. If you can field a bunch of machines, elegnubi could be a marginally playable lead. Everyone else got even less, with the exception of Kuvia becoming an even stronger TPA-er.
Other evos were pretty disappointing across the board, including Yomi, Sakuya, Haku. Persephone and Hermes are still broadly playable, but no one is likely clearing any more content with them.
Satsuki is kind of a special case. On the one hand, her leader evo feels very disappointing. On the other hand, her sub seems pretty awesome--on paper. However, the sub version's typing means she can't really see play on a large number of top tier dark teams, including D.Athena and Gremory (don't laugh, I feel it could have opened up a TPA build). Anatyphon, however, may have seriously got access to something impressive. Generally speaking, I'm impressed that they managed to give satsuki solid buffs while at the same time still restricting her playability significantly. Next level trolling there.
Scheat, though, she got a bit scarier. Other buffs were a mixed bag, but I'm also happy about Xin Hua--an extra row and TPA helps to differentiate her from Yomidra as she just has better offensive awakenings overall.