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Quantum Break |OT| We'll Be Right Back After This Commercial Break


There's a lot of sad fanboys on the internet

That dude's twitter page is amazing.

He's a true professional, no doubt.
Finished. This has genuinely been the game ive disliked the most so far this generation.

I still completed it, so I guess its got that going for it.

Its not a bad game, but I just did not enjoy playing it.


I'm not missing this point. I think the characters in the game are misinterpreting it.

I touched on this earlier.
Several characters mention that they've tried to change the past, but always end up causing the things they tried to avoid. What they fail to realize, is that it was future versions of themselves that caused these events in the first place. When they go try to change the past, they end up doing exactly what their future self had already done.

In act 5, Will considers the possibility of actually altering the course of history when Jack suggests it, (Jack suggests it several times throughout the game) but he concludes that it's even more dangerous than the current path.

QB is operating on the idea that it's impossible to change anything because if you stopped something from happening, what would have sent you back in time to stop it in the first place. There's nothing in the game that disregards that, either.

Will is "saved" only because Jack basically didn't see him actually die, so it wasn't 'set in stone'. And likewise while the fracture was stopped, they haven't necessarily stopped the End of Time from occurring, so everyone's experiences remain fixed.


QB is operating on the idea that it's impossible to change anything because if you stopped something from happening, what would have sent you back in time to stop it in the first place. There's nothing in the game that disregards that, either.

Will is "saved" only because Jack basically didn't see him actually die, so it wasn't 'set in stone'. And likewise while the fracture was stopped, they haven't necessarily stopped the End of Time from occurring, so everyone's experiences remain fixed.

I get that. But no one in the game actually tries to do anything that would alter history. They don't actually "know" what would happen, because it hasn't been done. At best, they simply repeat the exact steps that there future selves had already taken, with futile hope for a better result, even though they know the future has already been decided. They just except the idea that changing anything will screw up their existance so they continue along on their hampster wheel.

Regarding your spoiler:
while it's true that Jack never saw William die, the reason Jack was able to save him is because William never actually died. We know this because in the current timeline,we see Nick's car was at the pool prior to Jack using the time machine there, and we know that "someone" fired the time machine earlier that morning. We learn in act 5 That "someone" was Future Jack and present Will (who was saved by Future Jack, unbeknownst to current Jack)
After the critic meltdown (lol) that the game suffered in the beginning I was afraid I would not enjoy it, but I just beat chapter 3 today and I am having a blast.

The tv show ,characters, gameplay. It's absolutely a great game


Finally beat it. There should be a rule about cliffhanger endings to first entries in new franchises. Don't.

Also how do you take down the
in act 3?

Use the dash ability to get behind it and shoot the core. (This is also a way to beat any enemy using a chronon harness quickly.)
Whoops, wrong thread lol.

Er. Quantum Break! I'll be starting Act 4 in a bit here. Shame I'll probably be done by time the W10 codes actually go out.
Can't wait to start Act 4 tomorrow with all the positive reactions on it. Something about Remedy and Act 4's being top notch (Alan Wake's act 4 was absolutely amazing as well and probably the best in the game).


1000/1000 only Xbox game I bothered to do that with lol

Took me only one restart on the final fight on hard.....but man I blew everyone away abusing those powers

Can't wait to start Act 4 tomorrow with all the positive reactions on it. Something about Remedy and Act 4's being top notch (Alan Wake's act 4 was absolutely amazing as well and probably the best in the game).

It also has one of the best songs to end that act and gets you pumped and ready to take on act V


Finished. Final battle is the toughest in the game, but I think that comes from some confusing visual queues in some of the final bosses attacks.

Kind of wanted a longer ending, but I did enjoy the last line spoken (before end credits scene).

Time stories y'all.

Big thanks to Remedy for the game. I'd buy everyone there a drink for a game well done.
Thankfully, I had heard about this before I finished the game. If you go into timeline, and then go to the beginning you keep all your stuff and can change difficulties.

If you are playing on xbox, and if it hasnt been too long, you might be able to delete local save and then download your old save from the cloud
Ok, that's what i'll be doing. Missing some collectable and light thingy's. Gonna get the hard achievement as well.


I finished this up on xbone yesterday. I found it to be good not great. The Alan Wake easter eggs were heartbreaking. I want am AW sequel dammit! I'll play through the other side of the campaign if I ever get my PC code :p


This final boss battle is terrible.

It kind of makes sense as a logical progression of the combat, but yeah. It's not a very fun fight because there are too many variables flying around at once. My two best attempts came when, during the second wave, I took out the mobile chronon disruptor guy as my first priority since he screws with all your other tactics.

Other than that, keep moving. The game has been trying to make you always be on the run; the final boss does mandate it in a way the game largely hadn't to that point.


It kind of makes sense as a logical progression of the combat, but yeah. It's not a very fun fight because there are too many variables flying around at once. My two best attempts came when, during the second wave, I took out the mobile chronon disruptor guy as my first priority since he screws with all your other tactics.

Other than that, keep moving. The game has been trying to make you always be on the run; the final boss does mandate it in a way the game largely hadn't to that point.

My problem is moving. The environment is so cluttered and the lighting is so bad that I keep getting stuck on stuff.


My problem is moving. The environment is so cluttered and the lightong is so bad that I keep getting stuck on stuff.

Hmm. How my flow developed was spending the first segment towards the room's entrance, because none of the guys are too tough. I think all or nearly all of them can be taken out with your time rush finisher. The rest can be easily taken out with a dash plus headshot with the AR or body shot with the shotgun since none of them are armored types. Then of course run to the opposite side of the room when the boss throws out that attack and you're good. This consistently moved me to the back of the room, which is where I wanted to be anyway.

The second segment I focused on taking out the field generator guy from distance, then used the pool floor (which is more open) to take out the rest of the mooks. Stay away from the front of the room as much as you can because, you're right, there's a lot of cover there that's mostly a hindrance during this stage.

the live action scenes are really friggin' good.

I want a show, man. Episode 4 was badass.

just finished Ep.4 today and am wrapping up Act 5

Pretty much everything about the show is good to great EXCEPT the resolution between Charlie and his lady friend.... that was some weak writing right there, unfortunately :(

Liam's a boss though

And yeah, the show looks fantastic from a DP standpoint, surprisingly.
Wish the action bits where a bit more cohesive/better choreographed/staged, but I respect that they had to work with the budget they had.

Nice modest place :)

Yeah, Beth turned out to be the MVP

I'm right with you. I want to see the way the story flows if I take the opposite junction points.

Me as well

Gonna go back and read all the intel/narrative/emails in the menu. Didn't like how they pulled me away from gameplay so eventually just started skipping them.
Then I go back through it on Hard make pretty much all opposite choices :)

Anyone know if the show is worth watching a second time due to the junctions?


Anyone know if the show is worth watching a second time due to the junctions?
I have heard the show changes drastically. Probably the same basic plot line, just like the game, but significant changes based on those choices. There should be:

Episode 1: two versions (junction 1A; junction 1B)
Episode 2: four versions (1A2A; 1A2B; 1B2A; 1B2B)
Episode 3: eight versions (1A2A3A; 1A2B3A; 1B2A3A; 1B2B3A; 1A2A3B; 1A2B3B; 1B2A3B; 1B2B3B)
Episode 4: sixteen versions (1A2A3A4A; 1A2B3A4A; 1B2A3A4A; 1B2B3A4A; 1A2A3B4A; 1A2B3B4A; 1B2A3B4A; 1B2B3B4A; 1A2A3A4B; 1A2B3A4B; 1B2A3A4B; 1B2B3A4B; 1A2A3B4B; 1A2B3B4B; 1B2A3B4B; 1B2B3B4B)

There are many shared scenes between these versions, but there are some pretty drastic things that change. This is why the download is 75GB. Episode 4 can be entirely different based on your choices as Paul.


my hard graphic balls
Done. Amazing fucking game, gunplay is the best in business. Story was gripping, presentation is fantastic and audio doubly so. Characters and storytelling are Remedy's best, can't wait for their next game. Take your time, the polish is evident through and through.
Clocked in at 14 hours (negative 10 hours in Raylans). Will finish some other games and will have another go at this.


Just finished. Really enjoyed it. Story wasn't great but it was good. A little short considering how long the game took and there only being a story mode.

Tv show was well produced. The choices changing the show were really interesting.

I really enjoyed the gameplay. Shooting was great and the power were fun to experiment with.

I'm down for a sequel, hopefully it doesn't take as long though.
I have heard the show changes drastically. Probably the same basic plot line, just like the game, but significant changes based on those choices. There should be:

Episode 1: two versions (junction 1A; junction 1B)
Episode 2: four versions (1A2A; 1A2B; 1B2A; 1B2B)
Episode 3: eight versions (1A2A3A; 1A2B3A; 1B2A3A; 1B2B3A; 1A2A3B; 1A2B3B; 1B2A3B; 1B2B3B)
Episode 4: sixteen versions (1A2A3A4A; 1A2B3A4A; 1B2A3A4A; 1B2B3A4A; 1A2A3B4A; 1A2B3B4A; 1B2A3B4A; 1B2B3B4A; 1A2A3A4B; 1A2B3A4B; 1B2A3A4B; 1B2B3A4B; 1A2A3B4B; 1A2B3B4B; 1B2A3B4B; 1B2B3B4B)

There are many shared scenes between these versions, but there are some pretty drastic things that change. This is why the download is 75GB. Episode 4 can be entirely different based on your choices as Paul.


Two things...
Did anyone get their PC code yet who preordered the One version digitally? (I indeed know about all of the PC issues, I am just curious if anyone got it yet).

Just beat the game on the One. At 98% so I found a damn good amount of the collectibles on my first playthrough. Definitely going to go back and see if I can 100% everything by replaying some of the levels so at the very least I can check out the earlier levels with all my powers. I just have one more upgrade on the powers themselves and am 100% there as well (the final Time Stop). However I am going to wait to play it again on PC. I just ordered a new PC and it should be here on Thursday. So hope to have the code.

So not including Forza as both Forza games released this gen are easily my most played One exclusives, this is definitely my favorite One exclusive. While it is not without some flaws they are minor overall and I just feel the whole package is pretty damn cohesive. I was especially impressed by how well the audio complimented the visuals. I think it is so well done it is really easy to overlook actually. The change in audio depending on what is happening to the characters sense of time really is something special.

I also feel the story was actually good enough to keep me interested, even with the FLV episodes. Sure, the live action stuff feels a bit like ScyFy channel specials, but the story was still decent enough to carry them. Perhaps it helps that because I have always read a lot (both comics and just plain old fashioned books) and I am also a big "movie buff," I feel that the medium of video games still is the worst at telling a good story and has a long way to go in that department. A real long way. So me saying Quantum Break is a good story for video games is me not saying much all things considered. Still, I enjoyed the story.

I just wish it was a bit more meatier on the gameplay itself. I feel like perhaps Remedy got too absorbed with delivering a new experience that the gameplay itself suffered ever so slightly. And I enjoyed the hell out of it. I just feel like there was something a bit more they could have done.

Overall, favorite One exclusive thus far.


game is def worth it...i havent had this much fun in a third person shooter since who knows...i was hooked with the real life show. good job remedy, now fix the perfoamnce issues my god, they are terrible on the pc.


Lack of checkpoints in the final fight is total bullshit.

Yeah...I died a lot of times on the second wave and was pissed because it meant waiting through two load times because they checkpointed you before the cutscene...

I didn't die a whole lot overall, but the load times after dying were obscene and given how that checkpoint was placed I bet there were a lot of shitty checkpoints.
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