So first of all, to the OT, was i the only one who couldn't stop laughing at Jamie Foxx's' "Yo QT, ready to roll?"?. I have no idea why, but i found that hilarious.
Now onto more serious matters. Ignoring the gender issue here, what is it that has prompted such an outpouring of vitriol against the woman who engaged in the toe-sucking with QT? It did not seem to me to be a particularly reprehensible story, especially given the fact that QT's foot fetish is well acknowledged. Sure, there are certainly some moments where one can assume Tarantino would have rather she kept quiet, yet ultimately can one say that she intended for this email to be leaked? I would argue no she didn't. And as for those calling her ugly, fugly and worse besides, are you serious? She's not exactly a model but she's hardly some kind of beast, it is ridiculous hyperbole to suggest she is hideous.
While there are certainly good points to be made against this woman, I feel that so much of the thread so far has simply been knee jerk reaction rather than any kind of considered position. I can't help but feel that this is part of an ongoing trend over the internet, one of vitriol, meanness & revenge. Whatever happened to common decency? Why does one feel the need to call this woman a cunt rather than saying "I feel her article is facetious & hypocritical", for example?
Of course, ignoring the gender implications does inevitably weaken my argument, yet I'm sure many agree that the vitriol evident on the internet is absurd.