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Quentin Tarantino Opts For Toe Sucking + Jerking Off Over Sex

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Obsidian fan
All this story tells me is that Jamie Foxx is a terrible wing-man. If a friend was messing with a chick as unattractive as this one I would of bailed him out.


-htownplaya- said:
All this story tells me is that Jamie Foxx is a terrible wing-man. If a friend was messing with a chick as unattractive as this one I would of bailed him out.

Quentin Tarantino and Tommy Davidson? Someone make that movie, quick.
I wish I was into feet.
It seems so safe and easy to get what you want. Go to the beach, everyone is barefoot. Just walk around campus and most of the undergrads are wearing flip flops.
Find some random girl to go home with--no need to worry about pregnancy or disease; just that she blabs that you're into feet. Oh no, the horror.


-htownplaya- said:
All this story tells me is that Jamie Foxx is a terrible wing-man. If a friend was messing with a chick as unattractive as this one I would of bailed him out.
jaime didn't even look at her

he saw a walking, talking trainwreck and said nothing

Angry Fork

Ether_Snake said:
Weird that at his age he still isn't married and isn't know for having any relationships.

Sort of like Jamie Foxx.
Quentin talked about this a little in a recent interview with Charlie Rose. They didn't spend a long time on it but Charlie asked him about the marriage/kids stuff and Quentin said he was in a couple relationships where that almost happened but things didn't work out and he went on to make Inglourious Basterds. He sounded glad that it didn't work out and alluded to the idea that he wants to make more movies in a more timely fashion than once every 4-5 years so he doesn't have the time to worry about deep relationships.
-htownplaya- said:
All this story tells me is that Jamie Foxx is a terrible wing-man. If a friend was messing with a chick as unattractive as this one I would of bailed him out.

I'm sure that he and his rich friends stopped needing wingmen long ago.

J2 Cool

tiff said:
And I guess girls can't be emotionally taken advantage of by a guy or anything. Because women are smart and men are like dumb little children or something.

Obviously they can, I'm just talking about a specific situation. Men's role in sexuality has generally been to be the aggressor. There's all kinds of exceptions, but it's still generally true. Therefore, it's women's role to judge the men suitable or not. Is that an inherit disadvantage or not? I think it's an emotionally compromising one, and can be abused. That's how this one played out.

As relationships continue, it goes one of a billion different ways. I just know how I've felt on both sides of that, and think its fucked up to take advantage of someone in the more vulnerable position. Since guys put themself out there more, they receive more grief at the start. Being lead on(attention/drinks), ridiculed, treated rudely, ostracized, or this situation's mix. I've seen it happen to a lot of friends of mine, and the solution is just a simple one; let them down easy/honestly. That's not really a lot to ask.

tiff said:

I don't mean to say that it's a justified response. I mean that's how guys justify it, period. I can understand the motivations to be an asshole, to be cocky/funny, or make it a "game". It's a way to (pre-emptively) combat rejection/manipulation, but I don't condone it.


CHEEZMO™ said:
Thank you.

Jamal looks like he's posting pics of the feet of some 50 year olds.

Janet Mason is in her mid 40s I think:


But she's still a fetish legend. (and I say *want*)

I say it's all in the mind of the beholder and womens bodies come in all shapes.


Ohh really now we are gonna start up this footie shit? rofl

I know one cat on gaf who'l be bustin a nut shortly


CHEEZMO™ said:
Stop posting manky nastiness.

dirty foot pic.jpg

lol hahaha this really drives the point home. each has their own. I have even had to pull a girl to the tub. She thought I was being romantic. She just had been wearing dirty flipflops.


the thing about feet, as opposed to other body parts people fetishize, is that they are major load bearing structures. all of the weight of your body goes down to your feet. feet have calluses, rough spots, they get shoved into shoes, toes get warped into weird looking bean things..basically they suffer alot from everyday wear and tear. unlike boobs, butts, etc. plus they have fucking TOENAILS. toe. nails. who wants that shit in their mouth?

for me to let a girl put her foot in my mouth she'd have to clean it for like six hours straight beforehand.


Obsidian fan
I don't like ugly feet at all.
I actually take good care of my feet, which I think might have something to do with it.

I've noticed people who go "Eww, feet" are often people who have bad feet themselves.

But correlation=/=causation, so meh.
To the foot fetishists out there:
I notice this girl didn't wash her feet pre-sucking.
Also she didn't in general sound like the cleanest of girls.
Does this add to the foot attraction? An extra dose of flavour as it were?

not totally serious, but in a way, I am!
CHEEZMO: I don't like ugly feet at all.
I actually take good care of my feet, which I think might have something to do with it.

I've noticed people who go "Eww, feet" are often people who have bad feet themselves.

But correlation=/=causation, so meh.

couldnt agree with you more. with me, no matter how attractive a female might be, if her feet arent polished, clean and taken care of, then its a no-go. period.
Jo Shishido's Cheeks: To the foot fetishists out there:
I notice this girl didn't wash her feet pre-sucking.
Also she didn't in general sound like the cleanest of girls.
Does this add to the foot attraction? An extra dose of flavour as it were?

she'd have to wash those bad boys before anything happened and of course it depends on what they/she looks like and if shes really totally grungy.


Obsidian fan
It's not just cleanliness (although that is very important), but also a more general question of "Do these feet look nice to me?".

J2 Cool

coldvein said:
the thing about feet, as opposed to other body parts people fetishize, is that they are major load bearing structures. all of the weight of your body goes down to your feet. feet have calluses, rough spots, they get shoved into shoes, toes get warped into weird looking bean things..basically they suffer alot from everyday wear and tear. unlike boobs, butts, etc. plus they have fucking TOENAILS. toe. nails. who wants that shit in their mouth?

for me to let a girl put her foot in my mouth she'd have to clean it for like six hours straight beforehand.

Toe nails aren't different from finger nails really. While they're constantly walked on, asses are constantly sat on as well. Couldn't understand putting them in someone's mouth unwashed though. It's interesting that a lot of people are grossed out by feet, on top of it also being a popular fetish.
she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.

Angry Fork

crazy monkey said:
she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.
? Not at all. Why would an average guy be called a champ for going out with an aging, not attractive (by society's standards) woman? It doesn't matter if she's an actress or not, no guy would be championed for having a one night stand with Rosie O'Donnel.
likedamaster said:

QT is actually the better looking one here.

wow she looks totally into him in these pics yet she writes as if she was completely traumatized by the experience

she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.

Not if he described the intimate details like this attention whore does.

Saying "I hooked up with so and so" is totally fine, no big deal
Saying "she was nasty and her vagina smelled like a dead fish" is not fucking cool under any circumstance
crazy monkey said:
she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.


Last week or so there was a mild thread backfire when some dude posted info about an actress in one of his classes.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
crazy monkey said:
she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.

If some dude hooked up with Meryl Streep and called her breasts saggy or something, no one would be cheering. Guy would be a douche.
Ether_Snake said:
Tarantino looks like he's missing his bottom row of teeth.

Weird that at his age he still isn't married and isn't know for having any relationships.

Sort of like Jamie Foxx.
Well I guess you've solved how Jamie got Django job.
I kid, I kid.
crazy monkey said:
she has been called every imaginable bad name here including whore what if the same rolls were reversed and average looking guy went out with aging actress. People would be calling him champs and raising beers.

If a guy slept with a woman he was not attracted to and disliked simply because she was famous he would be a giant whore, too. If he then wrote an email telling "his friends" (i.e. the public) all about it and insulting the woman constantly throughout all in an effort to get attention, then he would be an even bigger whore. Girl's a whore, get over it.


Angry Fork said:
? Not at all. Why would an average guy be called a champ for going out with an aging, not attractive (by society's standards) woman? It doesn't matter if she's an actress or not, no guy would be championed for having a one night stand with Rosie O'Donnel.
Either way I wouldn't expect the amount of sheer contempt and hatred that the girl is receiving here.


tiff said:
Either way I wouldn't expect the amount of sheer contempt and hatred that the girl is receiving here.

It's her tone. She's mocking him and it's QT. Most people here love QT.
If some random guy was ripping on Jessica Alba or Selena Gomez after hooking up with her the pitchforks would be out guaranteed.
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