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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Though slightly confused at first, Quintus tries not to let a smile appear on his face when he realizes what Val is doing, and says "Yes, it was a very tragic incident..." while slowly shaking his head.
Sarm would be sure to visit the rest of the party members before he begins his day of healing the town, and he would wave them off as they dart off on their fast horses. It is the first time he's seen the magical steeds, and is quite impressed by their speed.

He would return to the stage and talk to the guards to make sure that he is well guarded, not wanting a repeat of the incident before, especially now that two of his companions are gone and Ivor has been busy. If he were to find Valerie or some other figure of importance, he would also request a bard or some other performer to calm the people and make their waiting in line much easier. He feels odd having so much security in his possession, but it is necessary he decides.
((Val, go ahead and put a bluff roll at the beginning of your next post, which will cover this entire encounter))

Valerie is delighted at Sarm's request, and sees to it that a bard is brought to the stage to entertain. Some of the local pub owners take the cue, and begin catering the event, and the atmosphere becomes downright boisterous, as those who have already been cured celebrate their town's reawakening. The remaining zombified citizens are unable to enjoy the festivities, but as each is cured in turn, he/she is immediately offered a meal by one of the local restaurants who have set up booths nearby.


Thaddeus listens to "Sarm" speak, offering no feedback, either verbally or nonverbally. When "Sarm" is finished and holds out the death certificate, Thaddeus takes it, and begins reading without a word.

Val and Quintus wait, and wait, and wait, as the magistrate carefully inspects the document for what seems like hours. He makes no exaggerated motions, and remains completely controlled in his body language.

According to your time pieces, five more minutes pass before he raises his head and begins to speak in a mild tone. "The Kingdom employs a talented pool of casters, both arcane and divine, who are experienced in the arts of Divination magic. Some of the spells they use are meant to discern the identity of a person of interest, whose presence has been discovered by other such spells.

"I don't know much about the machinations of the mystical arts," he continues, "But I do know that occasionally, when a mark has been using a consistent alias for an extended period of time, the results obtained by the use of these Divination magicks are jumbled. Most often, this results in the commingling of the mark's real name, and his alias. From what I'm told, it's fairly obvious when this occurs.

"In these instances, of course there's no good way of determining the mark's real name, so we are forced to use the garbled name when calling him in for a summons. Occasionally, this works to our advantage. This is one of these times."

Thaddeus lifts the death certificate and stares "Sarm" directly in the eye. "This is an impressive forgery, and if it were a death certificate for a real person, I would have been completely fooled. Unfortunately for you, Kal Frenelo is not a real person. Moreover, given the suspicious similarity in name, I'm fairly certain that the person we're looking for is in fact the "legendary" two-bit con artist and known forger of fraudulent documents, Val Fierno." The way he sarcastically enunciates the word 'legendary' is the first bit of emotional inflection that Thaddeus has displayed thus far.

He continues. "I believe your story about the library. I never thought you to be suspects in this crime, and merely wanted your eyewitness accounts. If you hadn't tried to fool me with this forgery, I might have even looked the other way from your association with a wanted fugitive.

"However, given your attempt at deception, taken along with your known association with Mister Fierno, I'm afraid I have no choice but to remand you to the custody of the kingdom. You will remain here until the commander can assemble a team to escort you to Ruby Keep."

As he finishes speaking, the door to the office opens, and the two armored men step inside. They have their hands on their weapons and are watching you closely, expecting you to stand.
Quintus doesn't have a spell prepared to get them out something like this(even if he did, its unlikely he'd even be able to finish casting it), and handling these kinda of situations isn't really his area of expertise... Not sure what to do he looks to 'Sarm'.

Mike M

Nick N
((Bluff check:  1d20 + 23 = 38))

Val doesn't even skip a beat.  "Hm, that would definitely explain some things.  For a time, we traveled with a man whom we... Thought behaved peculiarly.  I had believed him to be merely an intensely private man until we received your summons calling him by a different name.  

"After the panic in Alydar, he was simply listed among the dead and I was handed that certificate while attending to Ivor's injuries.  It hadn't even crossed my mind that he'd be capable of using such a tragedy to fake his death to escape justice such as he apparently has.

"My faults in judgement are my own, but I fear you may inadvertently be about to punish others for my indiscretion.  Alydar has need of a healer at this moment, and I am the nearest and most capable.  It can spare me for a relatively brief time, but if I do not return, the situation will almost certainly degrade.  Allow me one week to stabilize the situation, and I will gladly remand myself to your custody.  You have my word of honor as a holy cleric of Pelor."
Ivor, along with the unexpected tidings of mirth and good cheer that have overtaken the town, you notice that the burly men you have appointed as security are drinking copious amounts of something you're not familiar with, but which you assume to be alcohol.


On hearing "Sarm"'s plea for leniency, the guards hesitate and become unsure of themselves, clearly having been convinced by the story.

Thaddeus, for his part, stares curiously at "Sarm" for another moment. "You are either telling the truth, or you are among the most practiced liars I've ever come across in all my years as a Magistrate. I should very much like to determine the answer, but unfortunately I have a murder investigation to run, and have no time for such indulgences.

"And ultimately it makes no difference. Knowingly or not, you WERE associates of a criminal, and I know more than a few investigators in the Capital who would like to hear your account, especially given Mister Fierno's suspected ties to the Vecna-worshiping terrorist group. I am exercising my authority as Senior Magistrate to keep you in custody and transport you to Ruby Keep for further questioning.

"As for the people of Alydar, I will send a team of clerics to assist in your absence, in case you are indeed telling the truth. We have a surplus of manpower at the moment, and I'm sure some of them are itching for something to do."

He scribbles something onto a sheet of parchment and hands it to one of the guards. "Take these two to Commander Conneley, and give him this. See that they're treated well, and are kept comfortable, so long as they cooperate."

"Sarm" and Quintus are made to stand up, and the guards are waiting for them to start moving, so that they can be directed.


Prodigal Son
Ivor, along with the unexpected tidings of mirth and good cheer that have overtaken the town, you notice that the burly men you have appointed as security are drinking copious amounts of something you're not familiar with, but which you assume to be alcohol.

((Is he allowed to be immediately wary of this? Paranoia fits his character and that seems too much like sabotage. Gotta be poison. Will think of an action to take soon.))
((Is he allowed to be immediately wary of this? Paranoia fits his character and that seems too much like sabotage. Gotta be poison. Will think of an action to take soon.))

((I was sort of counting on the paranoia :) Just be true to your character, and as long as you adhere to that and don't use information that your character shouldn't know, you can do/feel whatever you think is appropriate ))

Mike M

Nick N
Val nods serenely.  "I do not wish to run any more afoul of the law than I already have at this juncture.  So long as the needs of Alydar are met, I have no reservations of cooperating with your investigations in full."

Inwardly, Val is trying to enumerate his options.  This is a library, not a prison, so actually escaping probably would prove little challenge, but how to do so without bringing the heat down on Sarm and Quintus...


Prodigal Son
((Hey guys, I'm afraid my participation may be limited in the next few days. I have some big interviews but will try and post regardless.))
((Good luck, Songbird! If you do end up having to be away for a few days, don't worry - Ivor will still be around when you get back :) ))

Ivor, intuitively sensing something is amiss with the peculiar-looking purple fluid that his men are drinking, inquires as to where they got it. He is given a vague description of a serving boy, and when Ivor goes to find him, he comes up empty. With no other leads, he takes a sample of the liquid and begins to analyze it.

((If you are able to post, Songbird, feel free to describe the process of analysis and give me a Craft Alchemy roll))


As soon as "Sarm" acquiesces, Thaddeus stops paying attention to him and Quintus and looks back down, resuming whatever he was working on when you came in.

The two guards escort you down stairs, and to one of the side entrances of the library that you haven't been to yet. On the way out, you see more Ruby Keep soldiers milling about, trying to look busy; only a few actually seem to be doing useful work.

Outside, you are led to a tall man in fancier armor than the others, and it's obvious that he is the Commander Conneley that Thaddeus referred to earlier. The guard passes on the note, and Conneley reads it; his face, strangely, seems to light up as he does so.

"Wonderful!" he says in a loud, boisterous voice. "Two birds with one stone!" He calls over some other, more lightly-armored soldiers, and dismisses Thaddeus's guard. "You, tell Lieutenant Bertrand that I have an assignment for him. Have him assemble a team of four, plus himself, to escort these men to the Capital. You three, watch over them until the team is ready to leave."

And so, the two of you find yourselves in the middle of the library grounds, essentially surrounded by the king's men, who are milling about in different directions while three keep a watchful eye on you. Half an hour passes; during that half hour, in another part of the grounds you see the Commander having a conversation with a younger man (presumably Lieutenant Bertrand) who looks to be of lesser rank, but even from this distance you can tell that he thinks far more highly of himself than that. The younger man looks in your direction, and the smile on his face might put a chill in your spine.

When that half hour is up, you are led to a large, uncovered wagon, of similar design to the real Sarm's, back in Alydar. There are two sleeping bags arranged on the wagon, obviously for the two of you. Five men are geared up and ready to get moving, with Lieutenant Bertrand among them.

"Ready to go?" the lieutenant says, with a menacing hint of arrogant sarcasm in his tone.

((If you choose to follow along, we will assume that you all get going on the trail. Val, although you've never traveled the route, based on what you've learned about the nearby geography, you would estimate that the journey to the castle will take anywhere from two to four days.

If you decide to make a break for it, or try some other means of escape, you're free to take action at any point during the above narrative, but there is someone watching you at all times.))


Prodigal Son
Leaping down from the rooftops, Ivor gives his colleagues a stern talking to. Finding no trace of the serving boy he sneaks from waiter to waitress and "samples" each of the drinks on display. Being careful not to drink a drop, the dwarf goes as far as commandeering a server's tray of tipple to obscure himself with, leaving the inexperienced waiter rather perturbed. Returning to his vantage point, he wafts the drinks under his nose and runs them through his alchemy kit. If this is poison, he can make an antidote - He'll show those Vecna bastards they can't get the better of him!

Craft Alchemy: d20 20 + 10 = 30 [url=http://i.imgur.com/PrTRZ.jpg](dat crit)[/url]
Swag: d20 18 = 18
While Quintus suspects he could escape relatively easily on his own with a few spells(assuming he could finish casting them...), he does not want to ditch Val nor does he care to have the king's men chasing after him for who knows how long. And as long as they are being watched, talking out a plan isn't an option either. So for now, he just goes along with it...

Mike M

Nick N
Val curses himself for relying in the Mask of Lies to pull this deception off.  If he'd just been relying on his disguise kit, me might have been able to see this through.  Should the spell run out in mid transit in full view of everyone, things could get... Awkward...

He might have one play up his sleeve, but he can't guarantee it would get Quintus out of the situation.

((I need some more info on how the Mask of Lies works, i.e. if it's possible to change the disguise at will at the cost of the remaining time on the charge already in effect.  I'm going to guess by this point I'm in hour two and only have one charge left?  Two would obviously work better, but I maaaaaaay be able to make one work.  Unless this is hour 3, then I'm boned.))
((Lol, I like the "Swag" roll))

Ivor does some on-the-fly chemical analysis, and determines rather easily that although the men are drinking some sort of poison, it's not a particularly dangerous kind. It's intended to create a KILLER hangover the next day, leaving the soldiers lethargic and slow to react, in addition to the splitting headache and queasiness. It has been mixed with a particularly sweet alcohol, and it actually tastes pretty good.

You are able to reverse-engineer something to lessen the effects of the substance, but by now, no matter what you do, you have a feeling that they'll still be at least kind of hung over by the next day.


((The mask is nearing the end of the first hour by the time the wagon gets ready to leave. If you want to change it, you can, and since it's approximately the end of the first hour you can still get 2 more hours out of it. If you decide to change it mid-hour, then you'll lose the rest of that hour.

It sounds like you guys aren't resisting at the library, and are going to follow your escort, at least for the time being. If I misunderstood, we can back up, but if I got that correct, then this is what happens after you leave))

The party of guards asks the two of you to have a seat on the wagon, which is being pulled by two workhorses; the five of them remain on foot. You have access to food and drink, and it's actually pretty decent-quality stuff; jerky, breads, cheeses, and simple-but-flavorful wines as well as water. Thaddeus's orders to keep you comfortable seem to have been followed in the preparation of the wagon.

The party consists of four humans and one half-orc. By listening to their idle conversations, you get the idea that the Lieutenant isn't very well-liked, and there is some small degree of awkwardness and tension in the air for that reason. You get the impression that the four men under Bertrand's command are good, decent people, whereas Bertrand is kind of an arrogant jerk. However, they are loyal to their commanding officer, and you also get the sense that they will follow orders.

After half an hour on the road, once the library can no longer be seen behind you, Bertrand stops the wagon. "Alright," he sneers, "Tie up these murderers and make sure they're bound and gagged. I don't want them conspiring to escape before we deliver them to my uncle."

The four soldiers exchange unsure glances. "But... the Commander told us they're not prisoners. They're not even suspects in the--"

"Are you questioning the orders of the King's NEPHEW?!" Lieutenant Bertrand bellows. "I assure you, Private, if I get another word of disobedience out of you, you'll PRAY that you'll be cleaning chamberpots for the rest of your career. Now MOVE!"

Somewhat reluctantly, and wearing apologetic expressions, the four soldiers produce some ropes and cloth from their supplies and set about tying the two of you up. They also stuff balls of cloth into your mouths, but they seem to purposely put them in there loosely to keep them from being TOO uncomfortable. Because of that, you could easily spit them out if you wanted to.

The ropes are fairly tight, though.
((gonna back up a little to us on the wagon, but before we are bound and gagged))

Quintus suddenly has a very bad idea, and attempts to inform Val of it by what is probably very poor pantomiming. First he points to himself, then mimes putting some kind of glove on one of his arms, then starts pointing at each of the guards, afterwards he sticks his arms out in front of him and makes a groaning noise with a blank look on his face. Finally he shrugs and gives Val a questioning look as if asking what he thinks of his idea.

((if that was confusing... good, that's what I was going for.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's eyes widen in mute comprehension, followed by a nearly imperceptible shake of his head.  Things are not yet that desperate.
The guards stare at Quintus's blatant pantomiming in awkward confusion, and some of them wear an expression of pity toward the wizard. Even Bertrand seems at a loss for words, but quickly finds some, and that's when he decides to have the two of you tied up.

Some time on the road passes. Val knows that there is precious little time remaining before his disguise runs out. The wagon is traveling on a road that runs parallel to the bottom of a barren, somewhat steep hill (or slanted cliff face) on the left. To the right is a lightly wooded area.

The disguise fails. Without access to your timepiece, and no experience with the arcane arts, it was impossible to know exactly when it would happen, but it clearly just did. It happens quietly, and there is a simple shimmer as "Sarm" the holy man becomes Val the rapscallion.

The soldiers don't notice immediately, but within a minute, the wagon has stopped, and they're all looking at you. As you begin trying to spit out your gag, you see an arrow impale one of the soldiers through the throat.

The men revert to their training instantaneously. "We're under attack! Use the wagon as cover!" One guard detaches the horses while two more tip the wagon over, with you still in it. You are both dumped unceremoniously to the ground, but you do have cover from the cliff face, which is where the arrow came from. Three of the men join you; Bertrand is not among them.

"Friends of yours?" one of them says angrily, as arrows thud into the other side of the wagon. You hear one of the horses cry out, and then fall over. Two of the soldiers are preparing bows and arrows; the half-Orc is only wielding a two handed battle axe.
Quintus nods, he's probably right, they should save that as a last resort.

Quintus spits out the rag and says "Friends? They probably came here to kill us, you are just in the way, much like those poor people at the library who were in the way of what they wanted. So, how about you untie us now so we can help, I'm sure your boss won't mind as he didn't even see fit to join you here, where he might actually be useful..."

Mike M

Nick N
Val makes himself as small as possible as soon as he hits the ground, and immediately sets about undoing his rope bindings.

Escape Artist check:  1d20 + 9 + 2 (Use Rope synergy) = 23

As arrows thud into the overturned wagon, he says, "I had a highly improbable plan to escape all worked out ((I did!)), but this is so much better."

Locking eyes with the soldier nearest to Quintus, he adds, "Free the wizard.  We need every advantage if we're to survive this.

"You," he continues, this time to one of the other soldiers, "I have a mirror in my pack.  Use it to scan the tree line and tell us what you see."
Val shimmies out of the confines of rope bindings, and the soldier is forced to look on and allow him to escape as it becomes apparent to him that you are both on the same side for the time being. "Do as he says," he says begrudgingly to the half-orc; the other bowman is already looking over the top of the wagon and returning fire. The half orc uses the blade of his axe with expert precision to easily snap the ropes off of Quintus.

The human next to Val gazes suspiciously at him. "I don't need a bloody mirror to see who's firing at us. It's a group of elves perched on an outcropping up that incline. We might've seen them if you hadn't chanced to distract us by turning into another bloody person," he grumbles. "No time for that now, though." He nods his head down at Val's sheathed rapier. "Hope you know how to use that thing, 'cause we've got a fight on our hands."

As he says that, the bowman who's been returning fire catches an arrow straight through the eye and falls back, dead on impact.

You peek over the top of the wagon between shots and easily spot the four still-living elves, plus a few corpses that the fallen bowman was able to take down. They are wearing light armor with green trimmings - obviously cultists of Vecna - and they have the high ground. There's no way you could get all the way up in one turn safely (you could try, but you'd have to pass a difficult Balance check and risk falling back down); in order to get up there safely it would take about two turns. They are in range of all of Quintus's ranged spells, though.

((For this combat, KittenMaster will be playing the part of Garland the human archer, and Songbird will be playing the part of Frem the half-orc warrior. All of you are currently safe behind the cover of the wagon, but in order to get in a position to fire an arrow (or charge the enemy), you'll have to emerge from safety and leave yourselves vulnerable.

Go ahead and roll initiative and take your turns. Round 1, good luck!))
The Ruby archer still alive soon starts to complain, likely to ease the tension from himself, "I knew he would be bad luck..." He returns a glance to the prisoners, "The Lieutennant I mean. Probably ran back crying to his mistresses or whoever he does in his free time. Makes me hope the elves have better aim than mine, just to know he got shot. Probably gonna end up dying for my nation, which is marked on the map as the rear end of the King's nephew. Damned internal politics."

Initiative: 1D20+3 => [ 8 ] +3 = 11
((Wow I missed the part about kitten and songbird playing the guards at first, I was so confused...))

Init:1D20+7 => [ 3 ] +7 = 10

Quintus' hands now untied, he begins barking orders, "Don't get to far from me, I've got a spell that will help all of us. And Val, if you are willing to wait a little longer and take the risk... you ever wanted to fly?" Unfortunately all this talking has slowed him down or something... so it takes a little while for him to finish casting his first spell, Haste!

((For those who do not know here's a link to haste's effects.))
((Yeah, wanted to see what others were going to do first, but I'll go ahead.))

Garland would move just outside the tent to take a shot at whichever Elf he thinks is closest to the edge of the high ground.

((Assuming that I can, would it be possible to take a five foot step to get back behind cover after I attack? I am not using a full round attack since using a move action to get out of cover would prevent that anyway.))
Once you take a move action and attack - even if it's only a 5-foot step - you aren't able to move again that turn, so you will be vulnerable.

However, you can take a 5-foot step away from the wagon and take your full attack still, which will now include 3 attacks, thanks to Haste being cast.

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative check:  1d20 + 5 = 9
((Son of a...))

"I assure you, if my deep cover investigation hadn't just gone tits up as it did, some other distraction would have been arranged.  Let me guess, your lieutenant chose this route?  Seen him since this started? No?  Why do you suppose that is?"

Val dares a peek over the wagon to evaluate the field before ducking back behind cover.  Drawing his rapier, he speaks to no one in particular.  "Vecna cultists.  I need one of them alive for questioning.  Bertrand too, if we can find him.  I haven't come all this way to lose him now."

((Technically lying about some stuff to lay some groundwork for talking his way out of this after the fight, so bluff check just in case.))
Bluff check = 1d20 + 23 = 30

There's no way he can close the complete distance safely on foot.  Flying, however... "I'm listening..."

((If bluffing doesn't count as my action, invoking full defense until Quintus casts Flying.  Then I will wreak some havoc.))
Once you take a move action and attack - even if it's only a 5-foot step - you aren't able to move again that turn, so you will be vulnerable.

However, you can take a 5-foot step away from the wagon and take your full attack still, which will now include 3 attacks, thanks to Haste being cast.

((Actually I can't because I go before Quintis, so it's just two shots. I'll go ahead and do a full attack for two shots. I also forgot to roll last turn.))

1D20+9 => 11
1D20+4 => 11

I doubt either of these hit so I'm not going to bother rolling damage.
((Actually I can't because I go before Quintis, so it's just two shots. I'll go ahead and do a full attack for two shots. I also forgot to roll last turn.))

1D20+9 => 11
1D20+4 => 11

I doubt either of these hit so I'm not going to bother rolling damage.

((Actually, I do believe you could delay your turn until after mine is finished, though after that i will always go before you, but that is no big deal as it will probably not change which enemies go before or after you.(Unless they got crap init rolls as well.)))


Prodigal Son
Initiative: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s):  4 + 1 = 5

The half-orc soldier, once appearing to be lost in thought (or even in shock from the attack), rises from his crouched position behind cover. Relying on his instincts the man decides being a moving target would be preferable to letting these scoundrels move in and force them from cover. Garland has been Frem's best buddy ever since basic training and these cultists will pay dearly for the murders of his compatriots.

He places a kiss on a trinket kept on his body, tosses then catches his greataxe gently, then bounds into the field wordlessly. His target: The first enemy he can reach while zig zagging from area to area. If he can't slash one in half, he'll defend himself the best he can. ((From cover to cover?))
((Actually, I do believe you could delay your turn until after mine is finished, though after that i will always go before you, but that is no big deal as it will probably not change which enemies go before or after you.(Unless they got crap init rolls as well.)))
((Ah, okay. That works. I am guessing that the Hasted attack just counts as a normal attack and not a full attack based on its description?))

Hasted attack roll: 1D20+9 => [ 2 ] +9 = 11


Despite making efforts to attack three elves at once, especially now that he is moving much faster, Garland is far too offended by the fact that Bertrand is being given far too much credit for any sense of competence, even if it were competence in betraying his men, to be able to properly concentrate on making a legitimate shot.
((Btw, you gain a +1 to all your attack rolls while hasted, as well as your AC, though even a 12 probably won't be quite enough to hit...))
((Sorry about the delay, people.

The elves waited for you to act before taking their turns, so you all go before them.

Elf 1 attacks Frem. d20 + 10 = 25; hits. d12 + 2 = 10 damage.

Elf 2 attacks Frem. d20 + 10 = 30: Possible Crit. Roll to confirm = 25; hits. 2d12 + 4 = 19 damage

Elf 3 attacks Garland. d20 + 10 = 28; hits. d12 + 2 = 7 damage.

Elf 4 attacks Garland. d20 + 10 = 18; miss.))

Once Val and Quintus are free from their bindings, a proper battle is ready to begin. Quintus casts a spell that makes everyone feel faster, though unfortunately that doesn't quite translate into a higher accuracy, as Garland takes three shots which all hit the same hunk of rock, rather than making a mark on an enemy.

Frem makes his move to ascend the somewhat steep cliff face, and on the way, gets pelted by two rather painful arrows; fortunately, half-orcs don't feel pain as much as other humanoids, and he is able to shrug it off and continue on. Another arrow makes contact with Garland, but it's somewhat of a grazing blow.

Val, for his part, confers with Quintus about how to proceed next round, and spends this one in a defensive posture behind the cover of the overturned cart, waiting for the wizard's next spell.

((Begin Round 2, and remember about the +1 bonus to attack that Quintus's Haste gives you. Val, if you fly, you'll easily be able to charge directly up to the enemy and attack this round. Charging gives you a +2 to attack, but also gives you a -2 to AC until next round. Frem, you'll also be able to safely charge the enemy this round.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Just to be clear, my second attack at BAB -5 is only available during a full attack action, yes? So I'd only be able to use the one attack + haste attack since I'd have to move in on them?))
((Just to be clear, my second attack at BAB -5 is only available during a full attack action, yes? So I'd only be able to use the one attack + haste attack since I'd have to move in on them?))

((Correct, and also you can only use the Haste attack on a full-attack action as well. So during your flying charge you'll only be attacking once.

When you get up there, the outcropping is small enough that you'll be in range of at least two elves no matter where you're standing, and they won't have much room to get away from you.))
((From what I understand, I should be able to 5-foot step back into cover after I attack three times? I'm pretty sure I can since I am not starting with movement this turn, but I want to make sure.))

First: 1D20+10 => [ 3 ] +10 = 13
Second: 1D20+5 => [ 8 ] +5 = 13
Haste attack: 1D20+9 => [ 18 ] +9 = 27  ((I can't find the Great Bow on the site.  What's the crit range for it?))

Damage for that last hit: 1D12+2 => [ 5 ] +2 = 7

Garland is scraped by an arrow. He continues to fire back, and continues to miss his targets. I am going to be relieved of duty. He finally hits an Elf but doesn't think he did much to it. They certainly were smart to take out the archer that actually had the balls to do damage.
((Garland, yes, your turn checks out. Sorry about your crappy rolls. I may have stolen the greatbow from 4th Edition so it might not exist in these rules. The crit range is 20 only, and it deals 3x damage))
Quintus takes out a small feather and says a few words, then touches Val, who suddenly feels much lighter(but is not actually any lighter). "Enjoy."

Mike M

Nick N
Feeling the arcane effects of Quintus' magical augmentations course through him, Val vaults the overturned wagon.  Thwarting the forces of gravity, he flies in a beeline for the rocky outcropping as he charges the elven archers.  He alights in front of them and immediately attacks the archer nearest to him with his rapier.

Attack:  1d20 + 14 = 22
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 12

((Dat damage roll!))

In the thick of it now, he focuses on the elf he has attacked and prays that his party can distract the others enough that he doesn't get an arrow to the kidney.

((Declaring my dodge bonus on the elf I'm fighting))
((I just want to let you guys know that you're all awesome, and thanks for playing in my game. I intend for it to run as long as possible, but even if it were to end tomorrow for some ungodly reason, I would still consider it a success. The trombone thing and the Garland's "I am going to be relieved of duty" cracked me up.

Since Songbird said he may not be able to make it, we arranged that I would take Frem's turn for him if too much time passed, so I'll go ahead and do that, and we'll finish up Round 2.

Frem charges the same elf that Val hit (we'll say Elf 1):

d20 + 14 = 18; hit. d12 + 7 = 19 damage))

When Val and Frem reach the outcropping in the cliffside, they see an open doorway that leads inside the cliff, and there happen to be two orcs with maces emerging from the door (you don't see anymore behind them though).

((Elf 1 backs up and attempts to take a point-blank shot at Frem, because he hit the hardest. d20 + 8 = 26; hit. d12 + 2 = 4 damage.

Frem takes an opportunity attack on the elf: d20 + 11 = 24; hit. d12 + 7 = 10 damage.

Val also takes an opportunity attack (I'll take care of these to save time): d20 + 12 = 24; hits. d6 + 11 = 17 damage.

Elf 1 dies before he can take his second attack.

Elf 2 takes two attacks on Val; one 22, one 15. I don't remember if a 22 hits Val, but if it does, he takes 6 damage.

Elf 3 takes two attacks on Frem; Frem takes 9 damage over two hits.

Elf 4 takes two attacks on Val: a 20 and a 25. If a 20 hits, take 6 damage; the 25 will deal 7 more.

Orc 1 moves forward and swings at Frem, and hits for 12 damage.

Orc 2 moves forward and attacks Val: 18 to hit; I don't think that connects, but it might because of the -2 from charging. If so, that's 15 damage.))

Panic becomes evident on the faces of the elves as they see Val unexpectedly flying through the air toward them, and they scramble to fortify their positions....

...Just as Frem comes up from an angle they weren't anticipating and smashes the first elf. Together, he and Val eliminate him in a symphony of blows.

All is not lost for the elves, though, as they still outnumber our heroes. With no viable targets down below, and imminent threats surrounding them, they fire away, even as reinforcements emerge from within the... facility? The door looks awfully well-made, for being built into a cliff face.

A flurry of arrows later, and Frem finds himself looking rather like a pin cushion, beat up pretty bad but still in fighting shape.

((Begin Round 3))
Quintus takes a peak and sees more enemies appearing. He then casts a Sculpt spell Grease to try and put a few out of the fight for at least a little while.

((Thinking i'll use the 4 10' cube version, pretty sure that will hit all of them, and probably allow me one or two extra cubes to try and cut of there escape. DC is 18 btw(mmm spell focus)))

Mike M

Nick N
((For an attack to hit, does it need to meet or exceed the AC score? AC is 19, +1 for Haste, and -2 for charging puts me right at 18))
Garland had stepped back in cover to take a breath, and now steps back out to continue firing upon the elves, not pausing to give any sort of verbal feedback on what he is seeing.

First attack: 1D20+10 => [ 2 ] +10 = 12

Second attack: 1D20+5 => [ 20 ] +5 = 25
Threat roll: 1D20+5 => [ 1 ] +5 = 6
Damage: 1D12+2 => [ 6 ] +2 = 8

Haste attack: 1D20+10 => [ 10 ] +10 = 20
Damage: 1D12+2 => [ 3 ] +2 = 5

He will first target the elf (Elf 3) attacking his ally, prioritizing helping his comrade. If the Elf dies during his attacking (unlikely), then he will move on to Elf 4.

Mike M

Nick N
Feeling as though he had dived headlong into a nest of hellwasps, Val ignores the pain, pivots on his heel to face the orc who attacked them, and unleashes a flurry of stinging strikes with his rapier.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 13 = 20
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 13

Attack 2:  1d20 + 13 = 22
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 16

Haste Attack 3:  1d20 + 13 = 16
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 14

((Declaring this Orc the subject of my dodge bonus.

Also, once again probably one attack from death.))
((Since it will probably be relevant for Frem, Orc 1 was singlehandedly skewered to death by Val, and Orc 2 has fallen flat on his face, thanks to Quintus's Grease spell.

Elf 3 got hit by two arrows from Garland, and then slipped and fell down.

Elves 2 and 4 are still standing.))
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