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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

"Yes, you may be right, leaving the town to defend itself may just mean giving Vecna more power, more so if they capture the King's men... Yes, protecting this time is probably the best course of action for now and if it improves our relations with King, all the better! I best get to work finding ways we could give ourselves a magical advantage in the battle to come."

((Btw, we got 15,000 gp from the base, as well as a Greatsword +2(worth 4k gp if sold I believe) and I'm gonna assume we are not jerks and split that with the party(though if anyone takes the great sword, they'd probably have to skip out on the cash?).
Also, any ideas on useful level 3 and below spells would be nice, looking at the core spells, I can't find to many that would be useful against an army of 300... without lots of metamagic at least.))

((And yeah, 6 people normally means we are strong enough to take on harder enemies... that said I'm pretty sure companions like that paladin are normally lower level, so it might even out))
((I would assume Complete Scoundrel would have some stuff rogues would like, Complete Adventurer as well... haven't really look over either one completely, so can't be 100% sure on how useful they would be. That said, everyone can probably make good use of the Magic Item Compendium.))


Prodigal Son
((I lack books, unfortunately. Will see about getting upgraded crossbows though. Kinda wanting to ditch melee altogether.))
that said I'm pretty sure companions like that paladin are normally lower level, so it might even out))
((Yep. Suvne is level 4 compared to us, by Leadership rules, but her only real deficient stat is HP at the moment but that's mainly because she got bad rolls.)

I'll have to look into getting some upgrades for both characters.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Thinking 15K split four ways, Tarkus gets the sword?))

His face contorted in anguish, Val watches Valerie walk away in glassy-eyed silence.  At some level he had always assumed that once this whole ordeal was seen out, he would somehow return to his previous life with her.  Indeed, he can't even fathom another line of work he might take up for the remainder of his life.  To hear her repudiate their lives together, for her to put down the mantle of Val Fierno...  That wounds him, almost as much as the betrayal of his family in the first place did.

Sullenly, he returns to the others to consult on their next choice of action.  "I'm no soldier," he says flatly, "I'm just a guy on a lucky streak lately.  Even that is debatable.  I won't make a difference on the battlefield, unless someone thinks of a way to con them into submission.

"I think evacuating the noncombatants is the right move.  Furthermore, I think we should be the ones to escort them.  Bonus points if we can conceive some pretense to include the royal council in their number."

Removing his spectacles, he rubs his eyes and releases a long sigh as his shoulders slump.  "I've had a trying couple days.  I'm going to see a doctor about some insect bites, get sodding drunk, and plough someone.  We can revisit this in the morning.  Or you all can join me in my debauchery at the Golden Griffin, choice is yours."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((A Greatsword +2 would be beastly. On a role-play level though, I don't know if the group would have huge reason to share any bounty or treasure with Tarkus just yet though, so I would also be fine if you just sold it and split the total between you guys for now. Seeing as we're a bit indecisive about what to do from here on, maybe some tavern talk and general roleplay while people are buying supplies and thinking on it would be best.))

Tarkus' eyes dart back and forth between each speaker as the small band each provides their take on the situation one by one. He accepts the subtle Dwarf's handshake with reluctance but nods in approval at his courageous words about defending Alydar.

He shuffles his weight a bit, his militaristic side noting that these adventurers’ operate on a more individual basis, respecting each view but without a clear captain.

After listening to the frustrated Val, he clears his throat. "Drink would be good. Maybe Shifty tell more of why Alydar in so many dangers, learn some about green cloaks, maybe find weakness."

Tarkus moves to find lodging and store his armor for the night before realizing he started to walk away rather abruptly. Social talking need closures he remembers.

He walks back over quickly, adding "I help plan defense and decide action. Can dig trench and show how to make fortification for invaders..."

Tarkus attempts a placating gesture, making an effort to look each member of the group in the eye and nodding, before heading off towards the Golden Gryffon, gritting his teeth and regretting his social ineptitude.
((Making difficult combats is sort of a weakness of mine, I'll admit. I'm always paranoid that I'll accidentally make them TOO difficult. I will try to do better in that arena from here on; sorry if they've been too easy thus far))

"Tarkus, is it?" Valerie says after hearing his offer to help, and seeing how easily he wears his armor, "I'm Florentine. I'm the mayor of this town, and I would gladly accept your offer to help defend it. You said something about fortifications; perhaps tomorrow you could meet with some of the captains in our Town Guard and help them get started on those fortifications? Of course, tonight the hour is late, and you are welcome to drink to your heart's content at the bar - put it on my tab, as part of your compensations for services rendered."

Suvne smiles at Sarm. "We can travel as equals if that suits you, M'Lord," she says, "But I still desire to learn more about, and ultimately become a paladin of, Pelor. Would you be willing to help me?"

As Ivor ponders his next course of action, he is approached by a gnome. "So," Rubio says in a neutral tone, "Trying to pay penance for what you did to Pahn, eh?" There is an uncomfortable lull before he finally continues, "Well, I hate to admit it, but you're doin' a pretty good job of it. I'll deny sayin' this later, but... this town wouldn't've made it without you and your cronies. Not to mention that I just made a mint off that poor wizard the other day." His mouth twists into a large grin, unbidden.
"Anyway," he says, "If you're tryin' to find ways to thin the herd out there, might as well do killin' like you do it best. Blow them to high hell. Line the ground along their approach with explosive traps, and hide them underground. Bastards won't know what hit 'em." He extends his hand to Ivor. "You take care of this problem, and it means you and me are square. Deal?"

A thought seems to enter your head, though you hear it in your own voice. You get the distinct impression that, were you to wear the Hand of Vecna, it would have an amplifying effect on your magical abilities, and might give you access to some powers that could prove useful in the coming battle. You also hear the idea that Clementine was probably already nuts when she put it on, and wearing the Hand had nothing to do with her mental state.

Val goes to see the town doctor, who is able to come up with the appropriate treatment for the insect bites; by tomorrow they should stop bothering him ((the penalty goes away)). Afterward, he immediately goes to the bar and tells the man in charge to keep them coming. At some point during the night, Arianna comes downstairs in her nightworker's attire, and notices him sitting there sullenly. "You don't look so good," she says, her tone of concern appearing genuine. "Do you want to talk? Or perhaps I can be of some other assistance?"
Sarm nods, and says, "It seems like such a drastic change for just having met me, but I can. You also do not need to refer to me as 'lord', I am not of nobility."

((Oh, no wonder Suvne wants to have Pelor as her new diety, I wrote Pelor as her diety on her character sheet before I knew what you were going to do with her. Should I write something more accurate like "Heironeous transitioning to Pelor" or something like that?))

((Not sure what to do with the money as usual. If I do grab any magic items, the money I have now would be enough for them, and I can give my share to everyone else so they could potentially get better stuff.))

Sarm either does or does not visit a shop, depending on what is decided by the players. Either way, he does not intend on joining in on what Val called 'debauchery', even more so now that a Paladin is on watch.
((Actually I didn't even notice that you put that as her deity on the sheet. However, it makes a lot of thematic sense for her to be inspired by watching Pelor's miracles, being performed through you, and becoming your follower in order to learn more about him.... especially given that with the exception of the Relics, there seems to be a distinct lack of deific influence on this plane, which suggests that Suvne may have only become a paladin of Heironeous because that's what was expected of her, and not through some divine calling. As for the character sheet, I'm not particularly worried about it; feel free to change it if you like))

"Thank you," she says in her small voice. "And if it is as you say, and the civilians are to be escorted to the Seminary of Pelor, I would like to volunteer for that mission, if it please you, m'l.... I mean, Sarm. I feel that I could learn much of the Faith while there, and then when I return to your service, I may be of even better help."
Quintus can't argue with himself on that point, but given Val's reaction last time he suggested using it, perhaps he should just keep that as a back up plan for now.

((As for the Greatsword +2, they way I see it unless we can sell it and buy something more useful(and its only worth half its full price if we sell, so unless it can get someone enough for a +3 weapon...), having it in the hands of a capable fighter is in all our best interests. I say keep and and wreck house with it.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val has had significantly more than three beers this time, which has left him feeling uncomfortably introspective.  Arianna's appearance by his side is a welcome respite from his increasingly inchoate inner thoughts.  "I was thinking some of column A, all of column B.  Hey, are you allowed to have any on the job?  I'm having 'deferred existential crisis.' It's terrible stuff, actually, but apparently it's all that's available tonight."

Rubbing his hand on his cheek, he feels the abrasive grain of his accumulated stubble.  He hasn't bathed in days, this filthy unkempt drunkard at the bar must be completely unrecognizable as the prim and proper Kaff Rayneel that people of the town might know.  "Gods, I must really look like shit, huh?"
Sarm continues speaking with Suvne, "That makes more than one in favor of the evacuation mission. I myself am not sure which direction I shall go yet, as my services would be useful here."


Prodigal Son
In town, Ivor parts ways with the party for now. The uncomfortable discussion of what is to come weighs heavily upon him. After all this time of expecting betrayal and subturfuge from Kaff, Florentine, the governors... There was no grand conspiracy? Or not yet anyway? Perhaps the Arm wanted this to happen between his friends. What a foolish man this dwarf has been.

As these thoughts continue to hound him, he returns to his cosy little home. The flowerpot still smashed on the cobblestones below he remembers how long it has been since he slept there. When he starts to wonder what more could go wrong, Rubio comes to him and offers his proposal. Ivor refuses to accept the handshake.

"When you attempt to make peace with a man you don't also try to score points against him. Do you understand? You come offering compliments but continue to use the memory of a man who was also my friend to put me down. I have had enough of being silent each time you have thrown these allegations at me, but no longer. Your handshake can wait until Alydar is saved or we meet in the hells. We can get to work on this tomorrow."

He turns and leaves to join Kaff, um, Val in the Griffon. After the exchange between him and his lady compatriot the rogue thinks he will need a friend tonight.
Rubio raises an eyebrow at Ivor. "He was my brother," he almost spits in a low growl. "You were friends with him for... weeks? Months? I knew him my whole life," he says, his tone a deathly serious departure from his normal passive-aggressiveness. "Make no mistake, dwarf, the only reason you're still alive is out of the kindness of my heart." He withdraws his hand.

"You don't want to accept peace on my terms? Very well, then there will BE no peace." He turns around and stalks away without another word.


Suvne responds to Sarm, "M'lord," and she immediately turns red and sheepishly looks at Sarm to acknowledge her slip of the tongue before continuing, "I am here to learn from you, and as such, I will defer to your judgment. If you decide we both ought to stay here, I would stay; if you decide both of us should leave, I would go; if you decide one ought to go and one ought to stay, I would follow your instructions either way."


Arianna chuckles at Val. "Even that's a bit of an understatement," she replies, pulling up a seat next to him. "And I'm sort of my own boss here; I make my own rules." She orders two strong glasses of whiskey and sets one down in front of Val. "My treat." She takes a large swig of hers, and daintily wipes her mouth. "I'll listen to you all night if you need; the goddess knows you've earned it, for all you've done for this town. But if you want any further services... I hope you're not offended if I ask you to bathe first. You can even use my wash tub." She is wearing a playful smile, but you can tell that she's sort of serious about the bath part.

At about this point, Ivor walks in and approaches Val and Arianna. She smiles and nods to him respectfully. "Good to see you, Mister Fireheart," she says, and does a half-raise of her glass to acknowledge him.
"It is like I have said before, I hope we can stand as equals. I am not used to having such a loyal subordinate." He can only guess what Suvne's history as a Paladin might've been like. "Either way, I am not even sure the acting mayor will even care to carry out such a plan, but I hope to convince her otherwise."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I'll take the Greatsword then, whoever has it I'll just role play getting it from tomorrow)).

Tarkus is grateful for the aid the fiery Florentine has offered and manages a curt "Thank you" before he shuffles into a room at the tavern, paying for a single night, adds a bit extra so he can take a few cups of ale up with him.

Drinking as he unpacks he moves to unstrap his armor and change into some casual garb. He washes his hands in a basin, the water turning a muddy rust color as blood from the dead leaves his skin in whispy crimson trails. He pauses a moment and remembers Non-barbarian humans happy when you clean more. He scrubs harder.

When he finally enters the bar proper he notes the Dwarf taking a seat near Val, the Shifty one now more apparently the Weepy one, looking quite weary in his cups. Tarkus asks for two pints of ale and pours one down his throat before sitting down at the group's table, blinking once and then drinking half the second pint before he says anything.

"Ivor and Val?" he asks, hoping he remembered correctly for thr Dwarf and caught the right name in conversation for Shifty McSadden. He pauses to finish his cup in another giant gulp, belching before continuing.

"The lady mayor accept my help, but I can see she is mind and mouth who command sword, not one who swing it. But you..you both are swingers." His straight face breaks into a sharp-toothed grin and he laughs hoarsely, orders more ale and leans over the table moving closer.

"No, but for true. I wish acceptance of those who are do-ers. Only..." He thinks a moment. choosing his words carefully. Thinking puts a confused look on his face, but it quickly settles into a very serious stare, the rapid change almost comical.

"It is strange group you have. And each very independent with own mind and mouth. So I must hear it to know: What brought you together? And what you seek: Fate, fortune or fame?" he asks, his eyes unblinking

Mike M

Nick N
Val tilts his own glass towards Ivor in greeting.  "Ivor.  Hope you don't mind, but I've gotten a bit of a head start on you." Tilting his head back, he downs his whiskey in a single gulp, sputtering as it burns its way down his esophagus.  "Oh gods, I hate whiskey.  More, please." He more or less reenacts this scene again when Tarkus joins them at the bar.

Wincing visibly at Tarkus uttering his name aloud.  "Yes, that is my name, but I'd the whole world not know it.  My own fault, I've been remiss in social graces since we met.  Having what remains of the underpinnings of your life will do that to you." 

Gesturing to each in turn, "I'm Val, though you can call me Kaff in public.  Actually, you can call me most anything and I'll probably respond, I change names like people change clothes.  Ivor, one of my partners-in-crime --well, not literally, I'm a bit short on partners in actual crime lately-- and Arianna, one of my partners in... complications.

"Do I seek fame?  Got plenty of it.  Well, infamy at any rate.  Fortune?  Had plenty of it, and probably could again if only events would allow me to settle down without a half dozen parties trying to kill me.  Fate?  Doing my damnedest to outrun it, it's never pleasant for people in my line of work."

Suddenly, he crinkles his nose, as though he has just caught whiff of something foul.  A quick pit check revealing himself to be the culprit, he rises to his feet.  "If you'll excuse me gentlemen, I'm well overdue for a thorough scrubbing.  Arianna, would you be so kind as to assist me up the stairs?  For some reason the ground will not stay still..."
The elven prostitute seems all too eager to get up and help Val ascend the stairs; from the moment Tarkus arrived at the table, she had adopted a stony silence (though Val, being as sloshed as he is, took no notice) and avoided eye contact with the half-orc.

"There there," she says, inserting herself under Val's arm and making a face as though she'd just received a whiff of some foul stench, "Let's get you cleaned up. And remember, in public it's Trixie. You're not the only one with an alias." Together, the two of them depart, and are not seen again for the rest of the evening.
Sarm would eventually turn in for the night, going up to his own room. He prays for the night, asking for success in protecting the weak and fighting the evil behind the cult. Tomorrow he plans on speaking with the clerics that visited the city.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus nods at Val's words and peers stoically over his mug at the wrinkled nose of the Elven whore as she leads him from the table. He takes another drink and leans back in a relaxed posture.

"Kaff then. We all bear chain to fate" he notes quietly, the reality of all their fates attempting to cloud his mind.

He snorts at his own melancholy and pounds the table with a fist. "Worry weak. What comes tomorrow is tomorrow." He continues speaking and listening to Ivor before heading up after many more drinks to collapse in his own bed, the trials of tomorrow threatening to break the pleasant inebriation of his present mind.
Quintus gets a minimal amount of food and drink then heads to his room for some arcane studying, but spends most of the night trying to convince himself not to do something really stupid.
((sorry fellas, I am very sick right now with a fever and god knows what else. My next post wants to be long and involved and I can't do it justice in this state. I promise I will get back to it as soon as I can. If you want to interact with each other early the next morning in-game, go for it. Thanks for your patience.
((Okay I'm out of the hospital and still alive. Currently recovering from a very nasty tonsil infection, and I'm glad to be back to the game))

The next day (after Val's moment of weakness in the bar and Ivor's confrontation with Rubio), the following things happen. ((You are free to address or ignore any of them as you see fit, though some of them are sort of a no-brainer))

-Val wakes up clean and clean-shaven, somehow not feeling any trace of a hangover as Arianna gives him all the attention he might want. She explains that she used a simple Detox spell to get rid of the missing hangover.

-Tarkus meets with a few guard-captains outside of the city walls to discuss trench-digging and fortification-building

-A steward/rider from Ruby Keep arrives in town, announcing that the King's Council will be arriving tomorrow at midday. He arrives with no knowledge of any incoming threat to the town. Valerie, posing as Florentine (and specifically avoiding using her fake surname of Valero), meets with him to discuss the situation and arrange accommodations ((any of you can be present during the initial encounter if desired, except for Tarkus and Sarm probably, since they're busy)).

-In the mid-afternoon, Sarm finally finishes curing the townspeople; there are officially no more zombies in Alydar. He then seeks out the clerics who came from the library, and manages to find them fairly easily.

-The first caravan full of supplies from the contracts that Rubio and Quintus established arrives in town, from Emerald Bay. It's mostly things people need for day to day life, but there are a few extra weapons.

You all may also seek out any interactions with NPCs that you desire; once again, they're all available for you.

Mike M

Nick N
Having availed himself of Arriana's myriad services last night, Val is feeling better, at least physically.  Valerie's characterization of his life as always running from something and subsequent decision to enter a life in civil service still stings, but he has no intention of changing his stripes any time soon.

After all, he muses, it's not as though their father's old gang was still around while they were growing up.  Maybe this is just the natural life cycle of the mantle of Val Fierno, the last remaining member bringing up the next generation?  Ugh, he's entirely too young to raise a cadre of thieves, nowhere near ready to step aside for some up and comers.

Besides, Valance and Valderon are still out there.  He's not the last one yet...

Not one for military strategy, Val swallows his wounded pride and pays a visit to Valerie to discuss evacuating the town's non-combatant types.  If he's going to spend a life on the run, by gods he's going to do it with a crowd whenever possible.

He wasn't expecting (though perhaps he ought to have) Valerie to be entertaining the delegation's herald.  Lurking about the fringes, he attempts to look as inconspicuous as possible while awaiting an audience of his own.
Sarm would apologize to the last people that he cures, "I am sorry that you have had to wait the most out of everyone, but now you are finally free of this curse laid upon you."

He stands up victoriously, and allows celebrations to happen about him for the moment and as always would remind people that credit should be given to the god Pelor for holding more power than their once seemingly impossible to cure affliction.

After awhile, once he finally eases himself away from the gathering he meets the Clerics just outside the stage. He assumes they may have been watching, but doesn't question it. "Greetings. I was about to seek your presence." When given the chance he would explain the situation of Alydar and the possibility of them going into battle, and would ask if it were possible for them to stay a bit longer to help with tending to wounded men during battle.

((Welcome back!))
Upon waking, Quintus sets out to find Tarkus and gives him the +2 Greatsword, "If you're gonna help us with this, I figure I might as well give you a little gift... Hopefully you can make good use of it." Afterwards, he goes to the stage area and waits for Sarm to finish his job their. Once Sarm has done so Quintus approaches him and shoves the Arm of Vecna into his hands saying, "Perhaps your 'god' can keep you from making the mistake I've almost made several times since I started carrying this cursed thing." then proceeding to walk off at a very quick pace.
Sarm looks blankly at Quintis, now wondering what events have transpired, but more importantly what is he going to do carrying an object that exerts evil in front of the Clerics.
Valerie seems slightly uncomfortable when Val goes to see her, but relaxes noticeably when she finds that he wants to talk business. "Yes, actually there's a local ranging company headed by a man named Klaus which has agreed to oversee the civilian evacuation. I already directed Sarm's new Paladin friend to coordinate with them; I'm sure they wouldn't mind more pairs of hands helping out."

Just then, news of the herald's arrival reaches both of you. Valerie excuses herself; you follow.

"You are the mayor of this town?" the man says as he disembarks from his horse.

"Florentine Romero," she says with an easy smile, extending her hand. "I've been overseeing the relief efforts here for the past week. It's good to meet you. We have a situation that you ought to be aware of, though." The steward acts like he expects to hear whatever is coming next, but from his facial expression as she continues, it's obvious that he did not see this coming.

"There is currently a force of three to four hundred men on its way to attack the city. Our intelligence reports indicate that they may be on the same road as the approaching Council. If you have any way to get word to them that they may want to move faster, that would be helpful. We are confident that we can fend off the assault, but we can't protect the council if they're overtaken while still on the road. As for the Council's accommodations, I've already seen to their guest quarters in my personal mansion - the most luxurious in the city. All of their needs will be attended to, I can assure you."

At some point soon after that, the two of them separate, giving Val an opportunity for an audience. The herald looks visibly flustered, however.


The clerics from the library respond to Sarm, "Alydar is a part of this kingdom, and as soldiers in the Royal Army we are sworn to protect it. We will most certainly remain here to defend the city."

Right after they walk away, Quintus forces the Hand of Vecna on Sarm. The moment it touches his skin, he begins to feel very strange and uncomfortable, with two very powerful conflicting signals at war in his soul ((kind of like when you're listening to the radio in the car, and you hit an area where two stations are fighting over the same frequency)). He feels the influence of Pelor decrease markedly, while the presence of something sinister tries to make its own home.

This situation will not be sustainable for very long.
((Okay so I'm assuming you made it so that Quintis gave it to him after Sarm spoke to the Clerics))

Sarm quickly drops the arm the moment the evil starts to creep into him, "Quintis why did you!?" And tries to resist it in whatever way he knows how.

He soon cries out, "Pelor! Please help!!" and falls to his knees quickly.

((Do I need to roll a will, or is this out of my control?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Glad you are feeling better man. I had that when I was a kid and had to get my tonsils removed. Had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia and coughed the stitches in my throat out. They had to burn the cuts shut :( hope your hospital time went better. Also for purposes of this post, a blade’s length I am pretending is 1 foot, so the pits Tarkus describes are 6 by 4ft and are known IRL as Trou de Loup. I also stole the concept of castra from Roman legion military siege defense schematics. Sorry if I've gone into too much detail, TL;DR Tarkus is trying to devise some anti-siege tactics for the town that I stole from old roman and middle ages military pages on Wikipedia. ))

Tarkus wakes from his troubled slumber to a silent morning. He runs a dull blade across his chin and splashes some cool water over his face, noting his own mind has quieted. Always calm before a storm . With a calm resolve he straps back into his full armor and briskly walks to the stables, mounting up to meet the city guard outside the town gates.

On his way, he meets with the fiery-haired Scholar who introduces himself as Quintus and offers him a powerful-looking Greatsword. Tarkus looks taken aback at his generosity but nods solemnly and thanks him before riding off.

The guard leaders ride in a group, slowly trotting around the town walls as Tarkus outlines the situation in a casual manner.

“The force is a green-cloaked battalion. They represent a cult which means they are led by dangerous men. In full they are maybe 300 or more footmen and archers with mixed discipline.” He grunts and clears his throat, remembering the curse and super spiders mentioned to him earlier. “Maybe magickers with them.”

As they ride and Tarkus asks questions about previous incursions he becomes aware that the town guard has clearly never faced a threat on this scale before. He slows his horse and turns about-face to address the group.

“I know there are plans to evacuate non-fighter. And maybe you worry about family. But know this: a Hero of Alydar already volunteer to escort families and weak to safety, and plan is underway.”

He moves his horse closer and looks each man in the eye as he continues. “What you need worry is not present, but future. Future of Alydar. Without defenders…there not be any Alydar to return to.”

“So if you are committed to defense…first we need castra.” Tarkus pauses momentarily as he thinks back to the siege of Snowhaven. He clenches his fist and continues.

“Castra is small defensive area inside town to plan, hold supply and mount defense if enemy manage to break through and breach town. I say best spot is staging area where Lightbringer healed Alydar people.” He steps off his horse and begins to draw squares and lines in the nearby dust with his bastard sword.

“Stockpile supplies here and build fortification wall here . We can set up tent area for wounded behind front lines here. Most important is main area to fight and placement like wall to fall back behind for cover."

“For outside we can dig basic trench near gate to slow but ahead of trench we dig wolf holes. Wolf holes small pit, 6 by 4 blade length with carved sharp wood spikes hammered inside.” Tarkus reaches into his belt and pulls out a dagger, pushing it into the soil and drawing a circle around it for emphasis. He gestures to the display and kneels by it continuing his explanation.

“Three spike point up from bottom and three spikes near top point down, so spiked when falling in and forced to impale or stuck when try to climb out. Slide top with small wicker mat, cover in dirt and brush.” He sits up and brushes himself off. “Time short, but build many as possible. Good amount around gate can halt charger and horse cavalry. Force slow approach. Enemy will be wary of trench but not area before trench, surprise best ally.” He remounts his horse.

“If access to tower or wall to look out on area around town, best idea is place small group of scout and any archer can fire volley.”

Tarkus smiles grimly. “Also speak to Ivor. He may know blacksmith or metalwork to maybe place pitch and oils to pour down. Maybe explosive traps.”

Dicussing the feasibility of all these plans, Tarkus remains hopeful and impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication the guardsman display for defending their home.
The moment Sarm drops the hand, its deleterious effects disappear, and he feels the soothing light of Pelor return to him. He also realizes that he had barely been holding it for a fraction of a second, and yet at the time it had felt like eternity (this means that Quintus is still present to witness the artifact's immediate effect on his companion, having not had a chance to storm off yet).

He suffers no lingering effects from the episode, but it's clear that there's no way that he'll be able to carry the artifact.


The guardsmen are both impressed and inspired by Tarkus's speech, recognizing his expertise in these matters and drawing spiritual strength from his words. When this expedition began, many of them seemed anxious, scared, and worried; now, that has all but disappeared, and everyone is ready and excited to work. They follow his instructions, and everyone toils through the day to ensure that everything goes according to plan.
Sarm quickly thanks Pelor and gives praise for his victory, hopefully convincing enough to Quintis that his god is indeed worthy, and soon stands up and holds out his arms to discourage anyone from coming near.

He then booms loudly afterward, gesturing an arm towards the wizard, "Quintis! What is this madness!?" whether or not he gets an answer, he would allow Quintis to walk off, if only to not leave the Arm unattended.

Mike M

Nick N
Val keeps things professional with Valerie.  He's not cold towards her, but their dealings are definitely not at the level of familiarity they had been.

He thanks her for her information regarding the evacuation plans, and unless she needs his expert advice in bamboozlement of the delegation (though the city being under direct assault is not a scenario he has experience in), he sets out to talk to Klaus.  Odd that he's never really met the man, despite the amount of time he's spent with men in his employ...
Klaus is a man who appears to be in his mid to late forties, with a leathery tan and a very lean and fit physique. He sports and salt-and-pepper goatee and short, curly, dark gray hair, and he wears a rapier at his side; by his movements and demeanor, Val suspects that they may have similar combat training (in technique, and not necessarily in level of experience). He is talking to a small group in his office at their headquarters about the logistics of moving thousands of people.

Val waits for an opportunity to insert himself into the discussion and indicates his desire to help.

"Well, if you have any sort of experience in logistics and in herding large groups of people about, you would be a huge asset in the planning of this thing," Klaus says, immediately adopting a tone of professional comraderie. "If not, we could still use you as a body on the ground during the exodus, just making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to, and perhaps being on the lookout for threats. I understand you've been traveling with some of my men, and you already seem to have saved the town from peril twice over, so as far as I'm concerned, you're a trusted member of our team. An honorary ranger, if you will.

"So... do you have any big-picture ideas on how to go about this?"
Quintus turns around a watches the scene, after a moment he goes back to pick up the Arm, "Sorry, my mistake for thinking your so called god would protect you or something. Should have known trying to take the easy way out wouldn't work, looks like I'll just have to take care of this myself! ...Heh." He then shoves the Arm into his backpack and prepares to take his leave once again.

((btw did we agree on spliting that 15k gp four ways? Probably gonna want to pick up some stuff(spells), so that'd be good to know... of course if people are fine with Quintus taking it all, you won't see me complaining!))
Sarm steps forward as Quintis begins to leave, seeming to be genuinely concerned about him and what he might do, "Quintis! Wait! Allow me talk to you, I wish to know what has gotten into you just now. If it is about who should carry the Arm..." he doesn't continue until he is sure that he has engaged Quintis in conversation.
Take the moment to finish what he wanted to say when it's clear that Quintis can hear "... I just wish you would have talked to me first before attempting what you have just did. Perhaps the others as well."
Quintus sighs and turns back around, "Yes, I suppose I may have been a bit... rash. But this Arm, I think its-I KNOW its doing something to me, trying to convince me to put it on. And quite frankly I'm starting to think it might be a good idea. This Arm boosting my powers even further, I could very well take on a significant portion of that incoming army on my own... Well I wouldn't be on my own very long as I would quickly have my own legion of zombies to join us in the fight. The only thing stopping me is I don't really want to have a skeleton for an arm. That and a very real possibly it will take over my mind or drive me insane." There is a look of extreme worry on his face(mostly for himself).
The Cleric steps foward to better hear what Quintis has to say, and keeps his posture and hands rather reserved as he listens. "Hearing this troubles me greatly. It may be possible that there is more to the hand than what we have seen Clementine do with it."

He then takes a breath, "I also do not blame you for what had happened, I now know that the hand has been troubling you greatly. If anything I wish I was not as angry as I had been just now."

Mike M

Nick N
Val has to stifle his conditioned reflex to immediately start conjuring a fabricated background in emergency management in response to Klaus's inquiries.  He has nothing to gain for playing Klaus falsely in this, and people's lives hang in the balance here.  Besides, at first blush, he kind of likes the man and can't begrudge a fellow who shares the same affinity for the rapier.  

Distasteful though it may be to a man who's greatest skills are in various forms of lying and deception, honesty is the best policy here.

Well, maybe not complete honesty...

Shaking his head, "I'm afraid all my past coordination experience is limited to a group numbering no more than half a dozen at a time.  I'm not even the greatest spotter in the world," he says, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose for emphasis.  "And my reputation for heroics may be somewhat ill-deserved.  I'm handy with a rapier, but I'm not going to be of any use on a full-fledged battlefield, at least not for long.  I'm much more of a... Idunno, guess you might say I'm something of a wordsmith.  If you need someone to talk their way out if a situation, I'm your man.  Otherwise, I'm just another warm body of no particular note trying to help get everyone out safely."
Klaus nods thoughtfully. He only considers for a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Then your job will be to monitor the crowd as best you can, identify potential outbreaks of conflict within, and defuse any situations that could otherwise hamper our progress. Nerves will be frayed and tensions will be running high; we'll need someone to help calm people down." He studies Val's face for another moment, and then claps him on the shoulder reassuringly. "Cheer up, friend. Everyone will come out of this just fine. Don't worry so much. I can see it all over your face. I suggest you take the next day or two to relax until we get on the road. It might do you some good to have a little fun." He smiles genuinely, before returning to his work.


As you finish your desperate plea to Sarm, a voice speaks into your mind clearly. It's not a whisper, and it's not your own voice. It is male and slightly raspy, yet very powerful. "Quintus, listen to me. I see now that I have been approaching this the wrong way. Your will is clearly too strong to fall prey to subtle manipulation, so instead I shall be forthright. I am Vecna, Lord of Secrets, and I am transmitting an extraplanar telepathic message to you. It is not the Hand that has been speaking to you; that was me.

"You are correct in your suspicion that the Hand will grant you the power you need to defeat your enemies. However, I assure you that it will not cause you to go insane; you will remain in full control of your mental faculties.

"And, if cosmetic considerations are of import to you, I shall reveal a secret. To prevent the Hand from permanently affixing itself to your body (and thus retaining your hand and forearm), you can enchant yourself with a Peotection from Evil spell right before donning it. You will have the full powers of the artifact with none of the downsides. It's a simple spell that any cleric would know.

"I only ask that you not get the Pelor fanatic involved in this. He has his uses, but this ought not be one of them." ((if you want to try sending a telepathic message back, feel free to use spoiler tags))
Quintus takes a quick look around at his surroundings, then realizes how silly that is and just responds.
"Holy sh-... *ahem*"
"Aha! So you finally come out and admit it... And while everything you say sounds all well and good, I have to question, why have me use your powers to destroy your own followers? Also using protection against evil was an idea I had a few times already, just to keep you... well the Arm, quiet. Only problem is the spell only last so long, what happens if I don't remove the... or should I say YOUR Arm, before that happens? Really, why should I trust you? Even if everything you say is true, you are a god of secrets, how do I know you aren't leveling out any details I would like to know?"
Sarm sees Quintus stand there silently with a bizarrely intense concentration plain on his face, not responding to Sarm's concerns as though he's distracted by something.

"Your rejection of us gods as all-powerful avatars of right and wrong makes you most likely to be reasonable when interacting with us. Also, I can only directly speak with people in the immediate vicinity of my Hand, thanks to the terms of the Treaty.

"Why am I empowering you to help you kill my followers? Consider it a management tactic to increase the motivation of my teams. The ten artifacts must be gathered; to that end, there are two forces competing for them. Whoever gathers all ten makes no matter, so long as they're gathered.

"If you put on the Hand, it will even the odds, so to speak. You have no idea how many eyes are on the five of you, Quintus. Pelor and Fharlangh could easily choose to give you guidance at this very moment, but for reasons beyond my understanding, they choose not to. I am here, and I want to help you. It's your choice whether you want to accept my help or not.

"Protection from Evil will only be helpful for as long as the spell is in effect, it's true. If you're wearing the Hand when the spell wears off, it will cement itself to you. If you are really that concerned about it, see about getting a piece of clothing permanently enchanted with Protection from Evil and wear it at all times. Though I don't know why you're so preoccupied with it; you'll still have full use of your hand, even if it is just bone.

"Regardless of how you proceed, I must suggest that you not speak of our conversation in any detail with your friends - ESPECIALLY the cleric and his new paladin friend. It will not go over well."
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