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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Frem attacks Elf 2 three times. He hits all three times, and the third hit kills Elf 2. He then uses his Cleave action to take an attack on Elf 3 on the ground, which hits, but does not kill it.

Elf 3 attempts to use the Tumble skill to avoid opportunity attacks as he springs up, but rolls a 1 and enables Val and Frem together to finish him off as well (I rolled all of it, but it's annoying to transcribe on my phone and I am typing in between other activities).

Orc 1 stands and attacks Frem oncehitting in the 20's and dealing 11 damage.

Elf 4 stands up and attacks Frem once, dealing 12 damage and putting him at -6.))

Once Frem and Val both reach the outcropping, the blows rain fast and furious on both sides. The elves, though capable of close-quarters shooting, seem unprepared for such an all-out frontal assault, and two of them fall quickly, as well as one of their orcish allies. Along the way, however, they manage to take down Frem the half-Orc, leaving Val in precarious positioning as the only one up there, facing down an Orc and an elf who both look in rather good shape.

Down below, Quintus and Garland have been doing a good job supporting their allies above, and now both enemies are clearly visible and within range to attack or cast spells upon - although anything intended to hit both of them would almost certainly hit Val as well.

((Begin Round 4))

Mike M

Nick N
A trickle of blood running from the corner of his mouth, Val faces down the last two opponents.  "Fortunately for you, I have means to remove your melodramatic curse of silence and need a live captive for questioning.  Unfortunately, we only have room for one.  The first to throw down their weapon and surrender gets to live."
"Curses, Frem! This is why I worry about you!" Paying no mind to whatever the person up there happens to be, Garland makes no pause to try and continue pacifying the situation to prevent his half-orc ally from being slain. He targets the Orc first, for obvious reasons.

To hit: 1D20+10 => [ 11 ] +10 = 21
Damage: 1D12+2 => [ 4 ] +2 = 6

To hit: 1D20+5 => [ 10 ] +5 = 15 ((I don't know if this hits, but I'll roll damage))
Damage: 1D12+2 => [ 11 ] +2 = 13

To hit: 1D20+10 => [ 3 ] +10 = 13
((Val, you are free to either take a defensive stance, or hold your action just in case they continue their attack, or do just about anything else you want this round; mere talking is always a free action.

You can also attempt a Diplomacy roll to try and help convince them to follow your suggestion, as a part of that free talking action.))

Mike M

Nick N
Diplomacy check:  1d20 + 5 = 9

((Gonna guess that was less than convincing, but I'll hold off on attacking right this second in case they find their situation particularly untenable.))
((It's cool dude - you warned us about it, after all. Soon after this combat is over, the focus will shift back to Alydar, where Ivor and his paranoia will be able to shine))
Quintus points a finger at the Orc and says "Bang." sending a Scorching Ray right at his face.

Scorching Ray Touch Attack: 1D20+6 => [ 18 ] +6 = 24
SR Damage: 4D6 => [ 5 +2 +1 +1 ] = 9

Mike M

Nick N
((Just gonna go for the elf unless he decides to surrender))

Attack 1:  1d20 + 13 = 18
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 12
((Oh /come on/))

Attack 2:  1d20 + 8 = 15
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 16

Haste Attack:  1d20 + 13 = 24
Damage:  1d6 + 11 = 14
Val eliminates the elven archer in a flurry of rapier thrusts as the Orc is assaulted by ranged attacks, dodging one arrow but getting nailed by another, as well as a Scorching Ray.

After seeing his teammate go down, he retreats into the door on the side of the cliff, disappearing around a corner of what appears to be a well-designed structure (not just a random cave).

((At this point, KittenMaster and Songbird will be losing control of Frem and Garland, as combat is over, and they could potentially be at cross purposes.))

Garland rushes up the side of the cliff and comes to the aid of his partner, producing healing potions and tending to his wounds. "Damned bandits," he grumbles, even as the magical liquid gets to work mending the half-orc's wounds. Right now he's not paying much attention to Val and Quintus.

((You two decide how to proceed, but you may not have much time, depending on what you want to do))

Mike M

Nick N
Val guffaws at the notion that they were attacked by garden variety brigands.  "Bandits?  I'm afraid you haven't been fully briefed, soldier." Tapping the nearest elvin corpse with the toe of his boot, he explains, "These are members of a seditious organization that our good friend the Magistrate back at the library will be highly interested to learn about.    I've long suspected Bertrand a member of their ranks, spent months trying to get close, only to have him slip through my grasp like this...  On the upside, he's revealed himself and won't be able to return to influencing the levers of power for his nefarious ends."

Clasping his hands together, Val assumes a note of authority in his speech.  "Right then, here's what's going to happen.  You two will return to the library.  You will tell the Magistrate that Bertrand led our party into an ambush by these men in green.  That's a very important detail, one he will understand.

"You will also forget you ever saw my face, as there are details involved here beyond even the Magistrate's level of clearance.  As far as you are concerned, Sarm and Quintus both fought bravely by your side, but you were separated during the battle.  

"Whatever ire you incur will doubtlessly be mitigated when you inform him that have discovered a base of operations here in the woods, as he will doubtlessly want to dispatch a sortie as soon as he can manage to investigate.

"Quintus and I will sweep the area in case Bertrand is still about, though I suspect he's high-tailing it back to the Library as we speak with his own accounting of what has transpired here.  Quintus, do you have anything left that can assist them in beating him back?"
Garland looks up at Val. "So you're telling me that these bastards were after you, and my friends died because of it?" He glances down at the corpses of his fallen comrades below, and a genuine expression of sorrow fills his features. "To hell with your bloody war games." He pauses for a moment in thought, then shrugs and adds a bitter "Sir."

Garland helps Frem get to his feet, and together they carefully descend the cliff and begin to work on getting the wagon and remaining workhorse fit for travel again. If you stick around and watch them long enough, you see them load the two bodies onto the wagon and turn it around, heading back in the direction of the library, wordlessly accepting any potential help that Quintus might be able to provide in expediting the process.

At this point the sun has almost completely set; it's fairly late in the day. There are everburning torches lining the walls of the inside facility, however.
Quintus shakes his head, "Unfortunately, I've already cast any spells that might be useful to you today, and I would require some rest before I could prepare more."

After watching the soldier leaves, Quintus turns to Val, "What the hell do we do now? We can't stay here because the Vecna cult apparently has a strong hold right there, and without my magic our only hope of out running them, if they have any reinforcements coming, are these fancy boots... unfortunately that really only helps one of us."

((Should probably note that I have a wand of light, so if Val doesn't want to risk walking into an enemy strong hold just to get an ever burning torch, we should be fine.))

Mike M

Nick N
Val isn't in the greatest shape.  He supposes he could have asked the soldiers for some healing potion, but he was already pressing his luck with them.

Quintus has a good point though, hanging out around a Vecna stronghold hardly seems wise.  Then again, neither does traipsing through the woods at night, but this definitely seems like a lesser of two evils kind of deal.

"Hm.  Maybe we should have caught a ride with the soldiers, I'm not exactly the outdoors type.  Sitting around in the dark isn't like to do us any good though, so lets get moving."
((I know that he is technically not my character, and only played him for 10 seconds, but I think I'm gonna name any male archer I use in video games Garland from now on.))
((do we know where we are right now? with us inside the carriage and the lieutenants suddenly change in destination, I'm worried we may be a bit lost... if not though, I assume we are heading back to town? We could actually try to track down that Bertrand, but I don't think either of us are particularly skilled in that area(and i didn't pick up any spells that would be useful for that either).))

Quintus takes out and loads his cross bow, then uses his Wand of Light on Val's sword, so they will be able to see, "Alright, lets go..." and starts walking in the direction of Aldyer(sp?).

((i can take a untrained survival check if needed, assuming i have a better wis bonus(a whole +1!) then Val.))
Now that the immediate danger has passed, Val and Quintus notice a sturdy, camouflaged ladder made out of metal, next to the doorway, which leads up to the top of the cliff face.

The paths available to you are either up the ladder, or into the stronghold, or down the road toward Ruby Keep, or the other way on the road toward the Library. You could also try going into the woods on the opposite side of the road, but there are no paths; that's just pure wilderness.

You are sort of lost, but you do at least know that if you take the road back toward the Library, you could proceed straight back to Alydar from there.

You can go ahead and try an untrained Survival check (both of you, if you'd like), and tell me what you're trying to accomplish.


Back in Alydar, things have actually been going exceedingly well today; apart from Ivor's somewhat troubling discovery that someone spiked the drinks of the security guards, everything went very smoothly, and Valerie reports to Sarm and Ivor that things seem to be going ahead of schedule. If projections hold, the last of the townspeople will be cured halfway through the day after tomorrow, with plenty of time to spare before the King's Party arrives.

The next day, things are somewhat more subdued and less festive; many of the cured townspeople seem to have slept in, after partying a bit too hard the night before.

The security guards have reported to duty, and although they all seem like they're having a bad day, they are at least functional, thanks to Ivor's makeshift remedy.

In the early afternoon, Sarm and Ivor notice a small commotion coming from the eastern city gate, and a crowd of people seems to be forming, and at the same time making room for someone who has just entered. Valerie goes to see what's going on, but the line of zombies (who by this point are hardly even lucid, seeming to have lost most of their personalities) doesn't react.

A few moments later, whoever just entered the town reaches the stage area. It seems to be a party of three men and a woman. They are all wearing symbols of Heironeous (a Lawful Good god, who in Sarm's world would be considered extremely powerful and well-known, but here, Sarm hasn't really heard much about him); the men are sporting clerics' robes of a bright red hue, while the woman is fairly obviously a Paladin.

They all seem to be a little confused. "...You are Sarm, the Cleric of Pelor, correct?" one of the clerics says. "Forgive us, we must have received some faulty information... we were told that you were the one who petitioned our commander for our help. We were sent here from the Library of Ioun to assist the town with some sort of unnamed crisis."

Another of the clerics steps forward and bows slightly. "We are at your service for the next five days, on the authority of Commander Connelley of the Ruby Keep Royal Army. How can we be of help?"

The paladin woman says nothing, but is watching Sarm with what appears to be extreme interest.
Quintus suggests they head back towards the Library, till they get their bearings so they can head to Alydar... after a little rest if they can find a relatively safe place to do so.
Sarm spends the past couple of days quiet, other than his interactions with people he must heal. He is quite pleased with the progress of the work being done, and that there has been no hitches or attacks from the cult so far. He hasn't attempted to interact with Lysa, Arianna, or even Klaus, out of pure neglect due to his focus on his duty.

He has decided to stop wearing his armor for awhile, feeling that the people may find it unnecessary, and in honesty it may not be at the moment.

When he gets to the stage area, he greets those before him, and becomes equally confused, and then hums, realizing that this may have either been the work of the forged documents back at the Seminary, or Kaff (a name he is still used to) may have made some connections while he was disguised as himself.

He responds to the eager clerics before him, "Yes, I am Sarm. Sarm Santee. I may have done so through a proxy." He is honestly unsure if that is a lie or not, considering he knows not what Kaff is up to. He glances towards the Paladin from over the Clerics, but said gaze returns to the clerics as he speaks to them, "Regardless, this is very unexpected. We may need to have a discussion, but I take it that you are weary from travelling?"
Quintus and Val proceed to engage in a search for a suitable resting spot, which would be comical to an outside observer; both of the adventurers are rather accustomed to sleeping in a warm bed, and when they've been on the road in the past it's always been with a companion who was good at setting up camps and such.

Because of this, they stumble somewhat ignorantly around the area. The first spot they pick happens to be a little too close to a bear's sleeping hole for the bear's comfort, and the two must pack up post-haste to avoid being clawed to death.

The second spot seems secluded enough, and the bedrolls get set up again... only for Val to realize to his dismay that he's laying directly on top of a hill of angry fire ants.

By the time they find a third location that suits their needs, it's well into the middle of the night. It's only by virtue of Quintus's magical talents that they're able to start a fire. Finally they drift off into a barely-restful sleep, somewhere in the woods across the road from the cliff face (out of sight of the door, of course).


The clerics regard Sarm respectfully. "Our travel woes seem to be nothing, compared to the plight of these townspeople. I must admit, upon entry into this fine city, my first instinct was to attempt to Turn these poor undead people, but upon further reflection I am glad that I stayed my hand. We may confer in private if you wish, but I would rather not keep you away from your task for too long."

Mike M

Nick N
Val points out that while the road back to the library is a known way home, it runs the extreme risk of encountering the forces stationed there.  Having only recently obtained freedom after willingly walking into the jaws of that trap, he's not eager to return (Especially since the Magistrate probably would not be so quick to believe the tale he cooked up for the soldiers).  His vote is to scale the ladder in the daylight and see where it leads.

Apparently, he passes the night mostly in fear and pain, like any good city slicker would.
The Cleric nods, "Yes, time is a concern..." He starts to give thought as to where to bring the clerics, and comes to realize that the tavern may not be the best environment for them, especially with the presence of a Paladin and the possibility of the clerics having a more strict god, and the briefing room may be too interrogative. However; "How about a brief stroll while we speak?" It seems like the most peaceful and relaxing solution to him, and would allow him to take a path that circles back to the stage once they are finished.
The clerics of Heironeous exchange glances, and nod to each other. "Very well, then we shall walk."

The line of zombies is put on hold (not that they notice), and the clerics flank Sarm on either side while the Paladin woman stays back to guard the rear; it's pretty obvious that she was sent in a security capacity.

"So," one of the clerics says, "What do you require of us?"


The next morning, Val and Quintus awake, and Val finds that those fire ant bites are both fully inflamed, and seem to be covering most of his body; he is extremely uncomfortable. (-1 to dexterity-based skills for the next week, which includes attack rolls, since you're using Weapon Finesse). Quintus wakes up to find his raven staring passively at his face; it seems to have finally found its way back from its foray to Emerald Bay.

Climbing up the ladder is an easy task, and at the top you find a path leading through a lightly wooded area; up ahead you can see where it connects to a main road, which runs approximately from east to west (somewhat parallel to the road down below).

Perception DC 20
The way that the grass and various plants appear to be trampled, you get a strong impression that a very large number of people have passed through here, though without training in survival you can't tell how recently

((You guys can still decide which way you want to go; I figured you would at least check out what was at the top first, though))
"I am forced to be honest..." He begins, "I did not write the request myself, and I was not aware it was sent, but I can still attempt to speak of my quest and possibly I can find a way for yourselves to help. I was sent to these lands by my god, and by coming here I have learned of followers of an evil cult of an evil god. As of right now, my quest has brought me to heal every single one of the afflicted with an item I must protect."

"It has been difficult keeping the needing people organized, and I have been needing more security as I have already been attacked once."

Had Sarm knew this was going to happen, and had any sort of control over what the request stated, he would have asked for more Paladins.
Perception: 1D20+5 => [ 14 ] +5 = 19
Once up the ladder Quintus summons two phantom steeds once again and heads towards the main road and... uhh... heads in the direction that hopefully leads back to Alyder.

Survival: 1D20+1 => [ 11 ] +1 = 12
((Just in case its needed to know which way to go, hopefully it won't be...))
Oh, Val and Quintus, I forgot to mention it earlier, but you also noticed that the door on the cliff side is still hanging wide open, in the same position it was in the previous night. There are also no signs of any sort of new traffic, either on the cliff itself or on the road running below.


The clerics seem to be in agreement with Sarm. "Aye, we've all heard of this Vecna cult. It's currently under investigation by those who specialize in such things; we are content to follow orders in the service of our kingdom and Heironeous."

Another chimes in, "We've never actually come across a cleric of Pelor, but if the work you've done here is any indication... well, let's just say that I have a higher opinion of the Sun God now than I did when I got here."

The third speaks, "Our primary role in the military is convalescent care and crisis management; however, we are also trained for combat, and if Alydar requires additional security, then we'd be happy to provide."

"And I'm sure Suvne would jump at the chance," the first offers. "That is what she was trained for, after all."

When you look behind you, the Paladin woman smiles slightly and nods in acknowledgment.

When you all return to the staging area, the procession of healing resumes, with the clerics and paladin standing by, ready for whatever eventuality might come up.

((Something is going to happen in town, but it's going to be a long write-up, and I'd rather Val and Quintus solidify their plans before I actually go into it. Sit tight, guys :) ))

Mike M

Nick N
Perception check:  1d20 + 7 = 25
((Putting points in perception paid off!))

Val is not much for wilderness adventures, but it sure seems like someone has been this way in the recent past.

A whole lot of someones.

"I... don't think the cultists are going to be back any time soon...  At least there doesn't seem to be activity since last night.  It might be a good idea to ransack their hidey-hole for anything useful, then, I don't know... Burn it to ashes or something."
Quintus rewinds all that crap he did I guess and says "Hmm... could be a trap, but I suppose it won't hurt to look, though I doubt we will find much, burning it down sounds like a great way to maybe relieve some stress." He then casts detect magic, just in case there are any magical traps in there(or anything else really), and follows Val into the 'hidey-hole'.
When mentioned about being a Cleric of Pelor, Sarm responds, "I come from a distant land, but there exists a Seminary dedicated to Pelor not far from this city, if your people ever wish to visit any devotees of Pelor."

When briefed about the Cleric's roles, he nods and explains, "Then I am grateful. Two of my allies in fighting the cult were obligated to leave recently, so it puts me at ease to know that I have extra aid currently." When the Paladin smiles over to him, he asks the Clerics an assumption, "I take it she is always a quiet person?"
((You can each roll me a Search check, but regardless of the result...))

Val and Quintus enter the facility cautiously, as Val deduces that whoever WAS here, is here no longer.

The first few rooms of the structure are somewhat small and bare-bones, and in the corner of one of the rooms you see a pile of broken statues (Knowledge Religion DC 15
Statues of the Travel God, Farlangh - the same god that Quintus's boots are affiliated with
). After that, however, it seems that the design style changes; this might signify that the original structure was expanded upon.

And it was expanded upon greatly. This place is enormous and consists of two levels, with hallways full of dormitories, two large mess halls, and a significant armory - which is filled with empty armor and weapon racks. You could easily see this place housing a few hundred people, give or take.

The facility does not seem to be in disrepair, and in fact the dormitories appear to be recently lived-in.

Toward the back of the facility, you find a hallway lined with offices, with the biggest located at the very end of said hallway. In the office, you see a topographical map of the continent, with no cities or locations marked, but you can fairly easily tell where this place is on the map, because there is a bold dotted line leading from it, to the center of the map, just east of the Lightbridge.

In other words, it's leading straight to Alydar.

((Search checks will determine what else you might find in here))

Mike M

Nick N
Search check:  1d20 + 5 = 21
Val searches the surprisingly massive complex for anything useful or valuable.  "We're going to need more fire."

Upon discovering the map, he studies it briefly before his eyes widen as the pieces click into place in his mind.  "Oh shit.  Oh shit!"


Prodigal Son
((Hey everyone! It's 2am over here, just wanted to say that I'm fully available now and right on time for this stuff going down.))
search: 1D20+6 => [ 3 ] +6 = 9
Knowledge religion: 1D20+10 => [ 14 ] +10 = 24
Quintus informs Val that the statues used to be of the Travel God Farlangh, and suspects this places was originally made for him and his worshipers, though it seems clear the Vecna cult has decided to make a few 'improvements'.

Once the map is found though, Quintus quickly suggests, "We best be on our way back to Alyder. Now."
With Val's search check, you are able to find three people who were trying to hide from you. Two are cooks who were ducking under tables in the mess halls, and the third is the orcish warrior who fled from you the night before. None of them offer any resistance. The cooks appear to be completely harmless and scared out of their wits; the Orc is staunchly uncooperative, unwilling to either move or talk.

You also find a total of 15,000 gold, by raiding the stashes of some of the dorm rooms, as well as a Greatsword +2.


Sarm has barely settled back into his comfortable chair at the staging area when a very loud and very large explosion erupts at the edge of town (you're in the middle). It looks like it came from the general area of the church, though it was at least the size of two buildings.

Sarm and Ivor, make a Will Save, DC 18
The explosion is not real, and is a sophisticated illusion that produces visuals and sound, and for those who fail their will save, it also produces heat

The result is total chaos. People begin screaming and running in random directions; the zombies were shaken up enough to start doing the same. Everyone loses track of everyone else, and it's a real struggle to even determine what's going on in the immediate area.

Ivor quickly loses track of his security guards, and Sarm loses track of the party from the library.

Just as suddenly as the explosion, people in your immediate area begin fleeing from something very close. Once enough people are cleared out, you see why: There are four LARGE spiders (at least 10x10x10 in dimension) with uncannily sharp, pointy features surrounding you.... and they look hungry.

Fortunately, Sarm and Ivor are not alone. You see that Valerie is here too, as well as Leeta-in-Lysa's-body... and Suvne, the female paladin, also seems to have stood her ground, weapon drawn and ready to fight.

((For this battle, Mike M will be controlling the actions of Valerie; DeadPhoenix will be taking Leeta's turns (DeadPhoenix, I don't know if you read the PM I sent you or not, but if you didn't, you should check it now); and Sarm will be controlling his cohort's turns as well as his own. Everyone roll initiative and take your turn. Sarm, Suvne can just go on the same initiative as you, so you don't have to roll it for her.

Each spider is close enough to run up to it and strike immediately, but none of them are close enough to each other to be caught in an area-effect spell.

Mike M and DeadPhoenix, let's put Val and Quintus's adventures on the back burner until this combat is over. Consider it a cliff-hanger.

...I just noticed that I forgot to give Leeta and Valerie initiatives. Leeta is at a +3 and Valerie is at a +2.))
Will Save: 1D20+12 => [ 15 ] +12 = 27

Sarm jolts as if the explosion would have harmed him, but quickly realizes that it cannot and pushes himself from the chair and strides past the crowd that is running the opposite direction. He quickly moves towards where he believes the magic came from, and of course finds monstrous spiders and the Paladin from before.

Initiative: 1D20+1 => [ 11 ] +1 = 12

He works to keep himself calm while facing off the spiders, "I hope that what we are facing are also illusions."

((EDIT: Hmm, I just remembered I should take my turn in this post. I'll edit again once I think of what I want to do.))

((EDIT 2: Some questions. Does 10x10x10 mean they are that big in terms of grid squares (meaning 50 ft. x 50 ft. x 50 ft.), or 10ft. x 10ft. x 10ft.? Also, since Suvne is going by the same initiative roll as I, Sarm should still go first since he has the higher initiative bonus, correct?))
((yeah, I read it already))
Initiative: 1D20+3 => [ 17 ] +3 = 20
Leeta springs into action, with a spring attack, running up to the nearest giant spiders, swinging at it with her long sword and then hopefully backing out of its range before it can attack.
attack: 1D20+12 => [ 7 ] +12 = 19
damage: 1D8+4 => [ 6 ] +4 = 10
((just remembered i could power attack... but i think this is fine for now, so i'll just save that for next turn))

((In my experience, when you control two people in a single round like that, you can decide which one goes first, sometimes you may even have them do actions simultaneously, though i think that is really only done with mounted units))

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative check:  1d20 + 2 = 15 
Valerie grits her teeth and steels herself.  "We never had to deal with complications like this back in the day.  Physical combat is so unpleasant, can't we leave it to the flunkies?"

She hits her forehead with the heel of her hand.  "Oh right, we'd need flunkies.  Let me see what I can do about that." And with that, she casts Legion of Sentinels.

((And since these guys only make attacks of opportunity, I don't do anything else, right?  This is my first time dealing with magic, do just let me know if I'm screwing something up.))
((Sarm - I meant 10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet, sorry. And DeadPhoenix is right - you can take yours and Suvne's turns in whatever order you want.

Mike M - casting a spell is pretty much always the only Standard Action you can take on your turn, so yeah, you can't do anything else this turn. However, you don't have to worry about taking turns for the Legion you summoned. I'll worry about their opportunity attacks. Basically, you summoned a legion of 9 stationary warriors who are positioned directly in front of one of the spiders, such that the Spider will either occupy itself trying to attack them, or it will have to move through them to get to you and will suffer 9 Opportunity Attacks if it does so.))
((Suddenly Sarm's comment about hoping they are illusions suddenly makes a lot less sense and I wrote that assuming they were 50x50x50ft., so can you guys disregard that? Thanks.))

Sarm would start off by immediately aiming to kill the creature quickly, and starts off by casting Inflict Serious Wounds. He would then move up to a third spider, to channel the spell into it.

Suvne the Paladin would move up and attack the spider Sarm is fighting, to help him finish it off as quickly as possible.

Inflict Serious Wounds damage roll: 3D8+6 => [ 1 +4 +2 ] +6 = 13

Suvne Attack Roll: 1D20+9 => [ 10 ] +9 = 19
Damage Roll: 1D8+5 => [ 4 ] +5 = 9


Prodigal Son
((Gah! Delayed!))

Will Save: 15 + 4 = 19 (pass)
Initiative: 11 + 4 = 15

As surprised as many by the explosion, Ivor stares dumbfounded at the bizarre light show in the sky. He knows this is trickery of some kind, but that is all.

Without even realising that he had readied his crossbows, he descends from his vantage point only to be met by squadron of giant, hairy, nasty spiders! He does his best to yell to any citizens nearby and wave them away before providing Leeta some covering fire. As long as he doesn't hit any civillians, he hopes to shoot the spider and soften it up.

Rolling a 20-sided dice, 2 time(s):  12 15
Attack 1: 12 + 7 - 2 = 17 to-hit
Attack 2: 15 + 7 - 2 = 20 to-hit

Rolling a 4-sided dice, 2 time(s):  4 4 :D
Attack 1: 4 dmg
Attack 2: 4 dmg
((Sarm: Inflict Serious Wounds is a Touch spell, meaning you have to hit with a Touch attack in order to connect. I rolled it for you this time, and you did hit. For future reference, to find out your to-hit bonus on a Touch Attack roll, just add your Base Attack Bonus to your Strength modifier.

I probably should have numbered the spiders in my opening post. Based on how you each described your action, we will say that Valerie went after Spider 1, Leeta and Ivor teamed up on Spider 2, and Sarm and Suvne attacked Spider 3.

Spider 1 moves directly through the spectral sentinels and incurs 9 attacks of opportunity. Six of them hit, and one of those is a Critical Hit; Spider 1 takes a total of 34 damage.

Spider 1 continues through and attacks Valerie: 18 to hit; hits. Valerie takes 14 damage and passes her Fortitude save vs. Poison.

Spider 2 prowls forward and attacks Leeta: Natural 1 is a failure.

Spider 3 attacks Sarm: 23 to hit. Take 11 damage, and make a Fortitude save, DC 16. If you fail the save, you lose 5 Strength due to poison (which will affect attack rolls, including touch attacks).

Spider 4 moves forward and attacks Ivor: Natural 1 is a failure (twice in the same round!)

The team works quickly to move against the spiders. Valerie sets up a blockade of spectral warriors to keep one of them busy, but to her surprise it doesn't seem to be distracted by them at all. Something clicks in her head. "These things were summoned by a wizard!" she says. "He's controlling them. Beware - they're not going to act like regular spiders, and are like to use tactics!"

As she's busy saying this, the spider emerges from the phantasmal phalanx looking extremely wounded, bust still ready to attack, chomping into her; she manages to fend off the poison attempting to seep itself into her veins.

Sarm and Suvne double-team another of the beasts. Sarm moves first, charging his palm with dark energy and pressing it into the arachnid's flesh, rotting part of its body. Suvne looks on, somewhat shocked by Sarm's use of necromantic magic, but doesn't let it bother her much, as she charges forward and slices into it, dealing further damage.

Meanwhile, Leeta takes on another of the creatures, attempting to keep its attention away from the townspeople, leaping forward and striking, then immediately springing back to her original position. It takes the bait and comes forward, but Leeta is too fast for it, deftly evading its bite as Ivor pelts it with two crossbow bolts from an unexpected angle.

The fourth spider lurches forward, thinking it's taking Ivor by surprise, but little does it know that the dwarf knew it was coming all along, and he is able to easily side step it as it bites into thin air.

((Begin Round 2!))
"Haha! Come on into my parlor, said the spider to the fly... don't think about that... why am I talking to a spider?"

Leeta closes in on the spider and gracefully swings at the spider's legs.

((Leeta will attempt a full attack this round if at all possible... if not, just use the first attack I guess?))

1st Power Attack -2: 1D20+10 => 24
Power Attack damage +2: 1D8+6 => 7
2nd Power Attack -2: 1D20+5 => 7
((Gonna go ahead and take a wild guess that that second attack misses))
((Oh, also set dodge for the spider attacking Leeta... I'm so glad they got rid of the choosing a dodge target thing in pathfinder.))
((I want to say I feel silly for going out of character by using a Necromantic spell (I didn't realize it was Necromantic when I was preparing spells, too used to playing Pool of Radiance where a Cleric can use most of the spells with no real repercussions), and also I suck at not overlooking rules.))

Fortitude: 1D20+10 => [ 6 ] +10 = 16 ((I assume that is a success just like with an attack roll?))

The Cleric when bitten, uses his mace to force its head upward out of his newly formed wound before it can place too much poison in him. Suvne should hope to notice that he takes pain quite easily.

Sarm, knowing that the creature would likely lash back at him, would attempt to smash it with his old Mace. Although the Rod of Pelor is a superior weapon, he does not want to use it for non-healing purposes for the time being. Call it bias and irrational, but that is what he chooses.

Attack roll: 1D20+7 => [ 20 ] +7 = 27
Crit threat: 1D20+7 => [ 3 ] +7 = 10
Damage roll: 1D8+4 => [ 7 ] +4 = 11
((I expect the crit threat to miss, but just in case the spider's large size is enough to bring its AC low enough for it to hit...))
2nd Damage roll: 1D8+4 => [ 6 ] +4 = 10

Suvne would attack again as well, or if Sarm's attack kills it, would move on to Spider 4.

Attack roll: 1D20+9 => [ 3 ] +9 = 12
((Again, just putting the damage in case that actually does hit.))
Damage: 1d8+5
((Sarm, even if you didn't mean to, there's nothing particularly wrong with using necromantic spells in the name of a greater good, as you're doing; honestly, in real life most people who play Clerics most likely don't even give it a second thought. I just decided to highlight it as an unusual choice for this setting. So don't feel like you ought to shy away from it in order to stick to your alignment or anything.

On the other hand, if this makes you realize that Sarm would almost certainly never touch the school of necromancy again, then that's perfectly alright too. It's all about what your character would feel is best))

Mike M

Nick N
Valerie shrieks in pain and terror as the spider sinks it's fangs into her.  She manages to pull away before it's venom glands can work their baleful task.  "See?  See?  This is what I was talking about!"

Knowing she can't take many hits like that, she casts Displacement on herself to hopefully tilt the odds in her favor.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((This is one of my favorite things to read at work. I never thought play by post this great could be organized on NeoGAF. If this ends up going into a future campaign I'd love to join. Sorry for the minor interruption, keep up the excellent work guys!))


Prodigal Son
Ivor's combat high begins to dwindle as soon as he notices Valerie take a damaging hit from the spider. He considers concentrating his attacks on it, but the eight legged freak has already taken some serious knocks. Sarm's foe still seems quite fresh, but just as the rogue was about to take aim he was forced to contend with an enemy of his own. Staring the spider right in the eyes he uncorks a potion of antitoxin and drinks it down, stowing his crossbows as if daring it to act. Determined to contain the situation, Ivor thanks his lucky stars that he had the foresight ((+5 alchemical bonus in my fortitude checks, one potion remaining)).

Rolling a 20-sided dice, 2 time(s):  2 9
Attack 1: 2 + 7 - 2 = 7 to-hit
Attack 2: 9 + 7 - 2 = 14 to-hit

Rolling a 4-sided dice, 2 time(s):  3 3
Attack 1: 3 dmg
Attack 2: 3 dmg

Alas, the time spent on this dare may have given him less time to aim...
((Ivor: A few notes about your turn.

First of all, your "Drink potion and then attack" turn shouldn't technically be allowed by the rules as written, but I'm actually going to institute a house-rule that drinking a potion only counts as a Move Action from here on out, for everyone.

Now, taking two attacks is only something you can do as a Full Action, which means that you would only have been able to take the first one, and you also wouldn't have had the -2 to that attack, giving you a 16 to your attack roll and meaning that you hit.

Finally, I looked at your character sheet, and you seem to have forgotten to level up to 6, or maybe you just missed it when I posted - but you definitely should be a level higher.

Now for the bad guy turns.

Spider 1 moves past Valerie now that she's harder to hit, incurring four attacks of opportunity - three from the back row of spectral warriors, and one from Valerie herself. All four of them hit and deal a statistically unlikely amount of damage, killing the spider.

Spider 2 attacks Sarm again: 28 to hit. Take 10 damage, and make a Fortitude save (you passed the first one, yes; all you have to do is meet the DC in order to make the save), DC 16 again. If you fail the save, you lose 5 Strength.

Spider 3 attacks Leeta: 12 to hit, which misses.

Spider 4 attacks Ivor: 23 to hit. Take 17 damage, and make a Fortitude save, DC 16. (Remember that in addition to the antitoxin, Dwarves have a natural +2 to saves against Poison). If you fail the save, lose 5 Strength.))

Valerie panics in the face of the giant arachnid which just sank its fangs into her, and reacts with a defensive spell. The spider seems to recognize that she would be harder to hit than the other, less flickery targets, and attempts to head in Sarm's direction. However, it is still within reach of the rear flank of spectral warriors, and they, in tandem with Valerie herself, are able to take it down entirely before it reaches its new quarry.

Sarm and Suvne continue to tangle with Spider 2, as it once again chomps at the cleric. This time, the cleric strikes back and hits rather hard, but as Suvne attempts to lunge at an exposed part of the spider's underbelly, it swats her blade away with one of its eight bristly legs.

Leeta is doing an excellent job keeping her target at bay, as her quick-yet-powerful strikes take the spider off of its game; its bite ineffectually misses the mark once again this turn.

Ivor is staring down Spider 4, taking a step back to fortify his body's defenses against its poisonous bite and still finding time to pelt it with a crossbow bolt in the process. However, the potion does nothing to deter the creature from tearing into him with its teeth, and it does exactly that, ripping into his flesh and injecting a potentially dangerous dose of poison into his bloodstream.

((Begin Round 3))
Leeta is pretty impressed with herself right now and decides to step up her game with a full round of power attack -3, oh snap!

Power Attack: 1D20+9 => [ 9 ] +9 = 18
Power Damage: 1D8+7 => [ 3 ] +7 = 10
Power Attack 2: 1D20+4 => [ 3 ] +4 = 7
((power attack is very nicely making up for my shitty rolls on the second attacks))

"HA! Come on spider, hit me! After that living with that curse, you little fangs don't scare me!"
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