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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
Her own target dispatched, Valerie appears by Ivor's side and casts Color Spray into the spider's face.

Grabbing Ivor's arm, she advises him to put her spectral swordsmen between the spider and himself ((Presuming they're still there, I'm not seeing a duration for them in the description)).
((Man... that is a really good spell. The Swordsman one I mean. Or at least it's very good for this battle.

The baseline duration of combat spells like this are one round per level, so they'll be there for 3 more rounds))

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, it's been more effective than I even hoped. Which is good, because Valerie doesn't seem to have many offensive options))


Prodigal Son
((I'm feeling sucky about the rules abuse. I know you've allowed it but I remember the crpg games have potions take a whole round. Must have been a lack of sleep, sorry.))
((I'm feeling sucky about the rules abuse. I know you've allowed it but I remember the crpg games have potions take a whole round. Must have been a lack of sleep, sorry.))

((In 4th Edition, they made drinking a potion into a Minor Action (even smaller than a Move), so there's precedent for it. It never feels good to basically use your whole round drinking a potion, especially when the potion doesn't even heal you, so I'm okay with this))
((Forgive me for being out-of-character, but this topic is great, I always wanted to play PnP RPGs, never considered doing it in this format. Can anyone recommend me any websites for playing in this way? Also, would I be good with just the 4Ed. Rulebook?
EDIT: Found PnP OT, ignore this post, don't want to clog your game))
Fortification: 1D20+10 => [ 12 ] +10 = 22

Sarm would get bitten around his shoulder, but crouch down and push the spider off before it can even attempt to inject its venom. Suvne starts to cast a healing spell, but Sarm lifts up a hand, "I am fine for now."

They both attack again, the spider provoking too many squares to pull off. Sarm, seeing as the creature is very tough to kill, decides to put much more force into his swing: Power Attack -4

((Probably a bad idea, but I figure I should add some variety other than attack attack attack))

Sarm's rolls
Attack roll: 1D20+3 => [ 5 ] +3 = 8

Suvne's rolls
Attack roll: 1D20+9 => [ 19 ] +9 = 28
Threat roll: 1D20+9 => [ 4 ] +9 = 13
Damage roll: 1D8+5 => [ 7 ] +5 = 12
Damage roll (only if the threat worked): 1D8+5 => [ 7 ] +5 = 12

And he misses, but Suvne would do much better than he did, being a much more natural warrior.


Prodigal Son
((Being slow again... :( ))

Fortitude Check: 3 + 7 + 5 + 2 = 17 (pass) :s

The potion does its work, bolstering Ivor's already hearty constitution and allowing him to resist the effects of the venom. Taking Valerie's advice, he gingerly follows her to wherever the phantasms can attack the spider and sacrifices offence to defend himself from another bite.

((Should be fully levelled up already. Hit dice, feat, skills etc.))
((Okay. I checked the link you sent me in the original PM with your character sheet and it was only at 5, so my bad. You may want to update the bonus to your attack roll though; you gained a Base Attack Bonus at this level, so your base Dex + BAB should be a total of +8.

Spider 2 attacks Sarm: 18 to hit. I don't remember what your AC is, and that's probably close to the border; the last thing I could find said that your AC was 16 so I'm going to go with that. If it got higher since then, we can retcon if needed.

Take 16 damage and make that DC 16 Fortitude save. If you fail, lose 3 strength.

Spider 3 moves away from Leeta and incurs her AoO: Leeta hits, and deals 10 damage to the spider.

Spider 3 then moves toward Sarm and attacks him. 20 on the die (critical threat), and a 16 to confirm. If that DOES confirm, take 25 damage; if it doesn't confirm, take 12, and either way make a Fort save. If you fail, and haven't failed any previous poison saves, lose 8 strength.

Spider 4 is stunned and can take no action.))

Valerie sees Ivor having some trouble with his spider, and blasts it with a dazzling display of color which leaves it stunned for the time being. Ivor uses this opportunity to get behind the cover of the spectral warriors and regroup somewhat.

Sarm and Suvne continue to trade blows with their spider; this time, Sarm is the one who misses the mark, but Suvne's longsword strikes true (but the creature is still alive and kicking).

Leeta slams into Spider 3 twice as it alters its strategy and goes straight for Sarm, and both spiders go after him simultaneously, dealing significant damage and putting him in a precarious spot....

((Begin Round 4))

Mike M

Nick N
Valerie winces as she witnesses Sarm take a pounding.  Hoping to buy some time for the holy types to work their curative stuff, she attempts to cast Deep Slumber on their arachnid assailants.  ((I'm not sure on the positioning right now, but I'm guessing she can move within range to get all three))
Leeta chases down the spider, shouting, "Hey! I'm not done with you!" and attempting to shove her sword into its head a couple times.

1st Power Attack -3: 1D20+9 => [ 12 ] +9 = 21
1st Damage: 1D8+7 => [ 2 ] +7 = 9
2nd Power Attack -3: 1D20+4 => [ 11 ] +4 = 15
2nd Damage: 1D8+7 => [ 8 ] +7 = 15

((damn already did these rolls so I'll just stick with them, but it occurs to me I could probably get some flanking going on here. Maybe next turn if I remember.))
((I'm gonna go ahead and roll my saves and see what happens here, and then later on I'll edit in whatever actions I will do. My AC has never went above 16, and I plan on sending you an updated character sheet after this battle and whenever I can reconfigure my spells.))

Fort Save 1: 1D20+10 => [ 20 ] +10 = 30
Fort Save 2: 1D20+10 => [ 20 ] +10 = 30

((They're just fortitude rolls, but I think I have to take a screenshot anyway, since they're hard to believe: http://i.imgur.com/PjjLU.png))

((The crit from the 2nd spider brings me down to 9 HP, but how much damage does the first spider do?))
((The first spider dealt 16 damage, so you're actually at -7 right now Sarm. On your turn, roll a d20 to try and stabilize. A 19 or a 20 stabilizes you; anything else, and you lose 1 HP.

Suvne is still up and ready to go though.

The Deep Slumber only puts one of the creatures to sleep, even though more than one is within range. The two surrounding Sarm have both taken poundings; since Leeta is going after the same one she's been fighting, we will say that the other one is put to sleep.

Just to describe the positioning a little better (I hope): Sarm is passed out next to Suvne. Both of them are surrounded by two large spiders. Leeta is behind one of those spiders, flanking it (and I added the bonus into your attack roll, but only the first one, since you had to move more than 5 feet to reach it). Some distance behind Leeta is the 3rd spider, who is stunned right now. Off to the side is the spectral phalanx, and next to the phalanx, there are Valerie and Ivor.))
((Okay, so assuming I don't stabilize, and my shameful vessel of overconfidence isn't attacked, I will die in 11 turns.))

1D20 => [ 8 ] = 8

((I am in a really crappy situation. Casting a healing spell provokes from both of them, even if I were to take a five foot step before hand, Sarm can get attacked while bleeding, and the spiders have so much HP that I wouldn't be able to make the situation better through taking out a threat. I am probably going to cast a heal spell, but I think I need to hear if there might be any ideas that might work better.))
((Okay, so assuming I don't stabilize, and my shameful vessel of overconfidence isn't attacked, I will die in 11 turns.))

1D20 => [ 8 ] = 8

((I am in a really crappy situation. Casting a healing spell provokes from both of them, even if I were to take a five foot step before hand, Sarm can get attacked while bleeding, and the spiders have so much HP that I wouldn't be able to make the situation better through taking out a threat. I am probably going to cast a heal spell, but I think I need to hear if there might be any ideas that might work better.))

((Have your paladin bot use Lay on Hands? Not 100% sure whether or not it give an AoO, but even if it does she should be okay since I don't think she has been hit too much so far.))
((Maybe. That'd probably still provoke (Suvne didn't roll good HP so even though she wears good armor I am still worried) but at least it'd get Sarm out of the way. I'm guessing it's a Strength or some sort of skill check?

EDIT: I forgot about Lay on Hands. I am still considering Mike's idea though, and then healing the turn after.))
((Ivor could dash into combat and drop a potion at Sarm's feet if someone else can administer it.))

((You could do both. Move action to get over there; Standard action to feed him the potion.

Suvne could attempt to cast defensively, and avoid AoO's. That requires a Concentration check with a target DC of 15 + the spell's level. If the check is failed, then the spell is lost.))
((I still want to try dragging Sarm out of the way, especially since Sarm can be healed the same turn. DC 15 seems too high to attempt to make a concentrate check, because that's about a 25% chance of success.))


Prodigal Son
((I'm confused as to how to play this turn. The paladin is likely a far better physical fighter than Ivor, so I would suggest having her attack whichever is closer and Ivor administering a potion to Sarm... But I'm ready to have him run in regardless.))
((Going to move things along here and assume you guys are doing what you've discussed.

Spider 3 takes an AoO on Suvne as she drags Sarm away. 25 to hit; Suvne takes 12 damage and makes a Fort save, DC 16. If she fails, she loses 8 strength due to poison.

Spider 2 is asleep.

Spider 3, on its turn, chomps at Leeta again. A 19 hits (including flanking from Spider 4). Leeta takes 14 damage and passes her Fortitude save, so she doesn't get poisoned.

Spider 4 moves to surround Leeta and also attacks. A 14 won't do it.))

The party leaps to action in a bid to save Sarm, who is in critical condition. As Valerie puts Spider 2 to sleep and Leeta chases after Spider 3, stabbing it in the abdomen, Suvne hurries to drag Sarm to safety, and in the process gets a chunk taken out of her by the still-awake adjacent spider.

Spider 2 looks bizarrely peaceful as it snoozes in the town square, but Spider 3 is forced to contend once again with the spry tiefling who has been causing it problems for the entire battle. This time, it finally lands a hit, but this particular tiefling has an uncannily robust immune system, and the poison fails to affect her. Spider 4 also comes up from behind Leeta, who suddenly finds herself surrounded, but he botches his attack and comes up with a mouthful of dirt after biting into the ground.

Ivor takes advantage of the spiders' collapse in momentum and quickly administers a Potion of Cure Light Wounds to Sarm, giving him 11 hit points and returning him to consciousness.

((Begin Round 5))

Mike M

Nick N
Valerie casts Stay the Hand on Spider 4, as by her accounting he's in the best shape.  Hopefully her spell will give it pause and allow the rest to focus on and finish off Spider 3, or recuperate some more.
((Thanks for the suggestion Mike M. It looks like your idea worked perfectly.))

Suvne Fort Save: 1D20+5 => [ 15 ] +5 = 20

Sarm wakes up as if he were in a nightmare, and then feel immense pain. He quickly acknowledges his poor judgement on how much he can handle, and casts Cure Serious Wounds on himself. Suvne would use Lay Hands to heal 8 points of damage.

Cure Serious Wounds: 3D8+6 => [ 3 +8 +4 ] +6 = 21
"Ahh! ...Took you long enough to hit me." shouts Leeta. She then swings at Spider 3 in anger.
1st Power attack -4: 1D20+8 => [ 19 ] +8 = 27
1st Power Crit Confirm: 1D20+8 => [ 14 ] +8 = 22
1st Power Crit Damage: 2D8+16 => [ 8 +4 ] +16 = 28
2nd Power Attack: 1D20+3 => [ 19 ] +3 = 22
2nd Power Crit Confirm: 1D20+3 => [ 4 ] +3 = 7
2nd Power Damage: 1D8+8 => [ 2 ] +8 = 10
After this amazing display of power, Leeta takes a free 5' step to((Okay, if spider 3 doesn't survive the crit, Leeta probably attempts to get in range to make a second attack on Spider 4. If spider 3 survives the first hit and second hit somehow, she just moves in a direction to try and not be flanked. If 3 dies after the second hit, she probably just moves in closer to Spider 4 to attack next round.))


Prodigal Son
After bringing Sarm back to consciousness, Ivor has a momentary panic as he considers each living target. His gaze switches between each of the spiders before some words of encouragement wakes him.

((Attacking Spider 4))

d20  18 15
Attack 1: 18 + 8 - 2 = 24 to-hit
Attack 2: 15 + 8 - 2 = 21 to-hit

d20  2 4
Attack 1: 2 dmg
Attack 2: 4 dmg

These attacks should soften up the spider attempting to flank Leeta.
((Bad guy turns:

Spider 1 is dead.

Spider 2 is asleep.

Spider 3 gets killed by Leeta.

Spider 4 attacks Leeta. An 8 does not hit.

I'm going to call this one, as the only remaining enemy is already softened up, and the five of you will easily be able to take it out this turn.))

Leeta's devastating critical hit turns the tide of the battle, eliminating Spider 3 and allowing everyone to gang up on the last conscious enemy.

As soon as all of the spiders are dead, their bodies seem to dematerialize, as though they've just been sent back to their home plane.

"I knew it," Valerie grumbles. "Summoned monsters. We've got a mole in town." She turns around and begins finding people to give orders to, in an effort to establish some sort of rudimentary order, because right now everything is still chaotic; illusory or not, the fake aftereffects of the fake explosion are still plainly visible at the edge of town.

*fade to black as everyone pitches in to calm people down and the zombies start getting corralled*


Back at the secret Vecna base, Val and Quintus have just made a startling discovery about the organization's schemes. With their Orcish aggressor presumably restrained and unwilling to talk or move, they ponder their options on how to proceed.
Sarm looks between Suvne and Ivor and nods, "You both have saved me. I am indebted."

He doesn't hesitate, not relaxing just yet and scans the area around him in an effort to try and spot the spellcaster that summoned the magical spiders. "Now we must find this 'mole' you speak of. Suvne, I believe you have seen a portion of what I must face."

He would cast Detect Magic in order to attempt to find the source of the magic. He doesn't let his injuries stop him from trying to contribute.
Quintus gathers up the gold and the great sword, worth plenty on his own, and prepares to leave, hanging around long enough to see whether or not Val has any questions for the people they found.

Mike M

Nick N
Val's lips are pressed together, thin and bloodless. Interrogating the prisoners would take precious time, and more than likely be highly unproductive. "Better call up some of your ghost ponies, Quintus. If we don't get back to Alydar in time, there might not be an Alydar to get back to."
"True enough." says Quintus as he exits the base with Val, after reaching a suitable area, he casts the phantom pony spells and departs for Alydar with a "Let's ride!"
After briefly consulting the map to confirm the best way to get back to the city, Val and Quintus begin the frantic journey back to Alydar. They are unable to go quite as fast on this trip, because they're unfamiliar with the route, but they at least know where they're going.

The trail is eerily devoid of travelers, especially for this time of day, considering how wide and well-traveled the road appears.

After a few hours of riding, Val and Quintus come upon a half-orc riding a horse in the opposite direction, decked out in spiked full-plate armor and sporting a shield and a very mean-looking bastard sword. He seems to be in a hurry, but his body language suggests that he is relieved to see you, and he slows down as you approach.

((I'm happy to report that Jackben will be joining us as the newest member of the party! I'll let him introduce his character to Quintus and Val, though if one of them happens to see this post first and would like to initiate the conversation, they are free to do so.

Oh... and Jackben, if you haven't checked your PMs, make sure to do so before making your post. It's also worth noting that Val and Quintus seem to be heading straight for the direction that you just came from))
((Quintus rides right past the Half-Orc, they have more important shit to worry about!
...Okay, didn't actually do that, but I got nothing right now so I'll wait for Jackben, or Val to do something.))

Quintus slows down a bit, his curiosity peaked for some reason.


bitch I'm taking calls.

"NO!" a gruff voice cries out as the Half-Orc settles his horse a few feet away from the glowing steeds of what look to be adventurers.

Gesturing behind him with his shield he rattles off a quick warning. "Green cloak army! I come from Tarley farm not far. I lead the militia to protect but forces overwhelmed us, burn, kill or capture all." The figure takes a moment to slide his helm off his head and catch his breath. His light olive skin prickled with sweat, he runs a gauntleted hand across his bald head.

"My name is Tarkus. I made an escape but there are too many. Ten regiments at least, heavy armed..." he makes a pained expression, "three hundreds men" he nods slowly and then flashes his fanged mouth in a grimace. "We must warn others, get help! But another way, they will surely find if you are going this path!"

Mike M

Nick N
"We're attempting to reach Alydar before they do. We have allies there who can help, but speed is of the essence. We're far from accomplished navigators and unfamiliar with this area, do you know a way around the advancing forces?"
Tarkus ((Jackben's character)) happens to be familiar with these roads, having escorted caravans to Alydar during his short stay at the farm, and is able to lead Val and Quintus in a wide arc around the army - though you can certainly see them in the distance by virtue of how large the force is.

Because of the zigzag nature of the detour, the journey takes the better part of the day, even riding at full speed (and, considering the lack of experience that Val and Quintus have with riding horses and the amount of concentration required to stay on track at such speeds, the ride is mostly devoid of conversation), and it's close to sunset by the time the three of you arrive in Alydar.

When you enter the city, the scene is much as Val and Quintus would suspect, though for Tarkus it's a bit of a head-scratcher. The staging area is still set up, and Sarm is still at the front of of the line, vigilantly curing zombies of their condition. The line is much shorter now than you remember it being yesterday morning. Ivor, Valerie, and Leeta-in-Lysa's-body are all nearby, and there is a full regiment of security guards, town guards, and volunteer militia. Everyone looks much more on edge than you remember; nevertheless, they all seem glad to see Val and Quintus, though they give curious looks to Tarkus.

"Welcome back," Valerie says, a politician's smile plastered to her face. She walks up to Val and Quintus to give each a hearty handshake, and whispers in hushed tones to Val, "I take it the Magistrate bought your story?"

((By the way, Sarm and Ivor - no one in town found any trace of the wizard responsible for the assault earlier today))
Quintus heads over Sarm, motioning for Ivor to join them, "We've got an entire army of Vecna soldiers headed our way, looking for us no doubt. We should consider leaving town as soon as possible and knowing the Vecna, the people of this town should probably leave as well, I don't think they are prepared to take on an army that large... 300 men or so if that Tarkus fellow is to be believed."
Sarm is healing others apparently, but dismisses himself to speak to Quintis. The Cleric is clearly battle damaged and hasn't had an opportunity to rest. "So they do..." He says to Quintis, almost under his breath, "We have already been attacked... I already know they no longer care to be discreet. I fear that Alydar will be becoming a war zone quickly."

Looking beyond Quintis he spots the half-orc that is now with them, "And he?" He tries not to make prejudgement towards the half-orc, which can be difficult even for him, "An ally?" He then looks over his shoulder towards a lady Paladin to direct Quintis and Val's attention to her, and informs, "I have gained one myself it seems. She helped save my life in fact." He would proceed to introduce her to the two party members that were preoccupied, and her as Suvne to them. He expects to be introduced to the half-orc they are with as well.

Mike M

Nick N
Val resists the familial urge to rush forward and embrace his sister in full view of so many people.  Instead, he settles for hushed whispers.  "He bought one of the stories I was peddling, but there were some complications.  Not the least of which is that we've got a contingent from the Arm 300 strong bearing down on Alydar as we speak.  I don't know why the cult has such a hard on for this town, but they're dead set on using it to bugger the lot of us.  We need to seriously consider evacuation."

Seeing everyone else gathering and conversing, he departs from Valerie's side and moves over to everyone else.  Eyeing Sarm's new sidekick, he says, "Well we're just bursting at the seams with new members.  I presume you all have met Tarkus here?"((Tarkus!  Taaarkus!  TAAAAARKUS!))

Turning to Suvne, he adds, "Do you have the means to contact the forces stationed at the Library?  Their forces are inadequate and too far away, but they are all we've got."

((Okay, with Suvne and Tarkus in tow, are we unable to discuss certain things about the relics in front of them, or will we just conveniently forget that part?  Also, got a hunch that the sword we found might not be best off being sold now that we've got someone who might be able to use it...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Wow just lost my whole post because GAF decided to reload randomly. The Internet gods are frowning on me. Gonna write these in a word document first from now on. And hell yeah, Tarkus > ALL in Dark Souls. Except maybe Solaire. ))

Tarkus leads the two men on a cross-country trail in an arc around the encroaching forces. At first he seems to take pace slowly, carefully leading them to the town, but quickly picks up speed as he realizes the speed of the glowing mounts they ride appear to make up for the adventurers apparent lack of riding experience.

While they are deep in concentration he notes their dress and disposition. Neither appear great of strength or size, but there is an almost unnerving unfamiliarity to one of them, the dark-haired shifty one, that does not make sense to Tarkus. “How can stranger be less familiar?” he shakes his head. He notes the other appears a bit less rough but carries himself a bit higher and sports a very fair complexion and fiery hair. A scholar? “or wizard…” he thinks to himself, noting their glowing steeds.

Upon reaching the town of Alydar, Tarkus is met with a disturbing sight. He knew it as a mostly well-kept township that had recently come into relative prosperity from the discovery of a goldmine nearby. The usual hustle and bustle of activity is largely subdued and the Half-Orc met with many more grim expressions than he could believe due to his appearance. Tarkus covers his mouth and nose with a rag as a foul stench wafts over him. “Dead flesh…” he whispers in awe.

He moves to a nearby stable to secure feed for his horse and tap his usual source of information. T beckons the stable hand and the boy slowly walks over. With the servant children, curiosity usually won out their fear. “What happen to Alydar?” he asks. The boy quickly stammers out that the town has been cursed. First it was betrayed from within by a necromancer that turned most of the town to zombies and then from attacks by giant spiders. He appears to shiver at the thought. Tarkus hands him a few coppers and warns “More rough time coming. Mean army headed this way. Prepare yourself.”

Tark notices his riding companions approach a stage of some kind and speak to a robed man. He presumes from his graceful motions the man may be a healer of some kind but his height, dark complexion and athletic musculature are a strange fixture for such a profession. Most of the domestic healers Takus had seen before being thick of gut and all-too-happy to accept donation in the name of their gods but in service of their drink.

He notices the robed man gesture his way, by his body language asking of Tarkus place. He hears his name spoken and knows he is expected to step forward. Tarkus grits his teeth and hesitantly approaches; his mouth set in what he hopes is a placating grimace, not trusting his own explanation over others who might be better-spoken, but offering a short one himself nonetheless.

"I am Tarkus. Job protector of Tarley family interest. No job now..." his expression drops and his eyes look to the ground.

"Farmstead raized by green-cloaked army. Destroy or capture everyone." He looks up again and snarls. "But I survive, slit captors throats and escape!"

He gestures to his riding buddies "Then I meet...Shifty and Scholar. Lead them here. Hear about Alydar zombies and spiders...now more suffering coming to Alydar" He stops abrubtly hoping his words suffice.
((Val - you guys never had restricted speech. All that happened was that those WITH restricted speech got permission to talk to you.))

Suvne turns to her cleric companions in red, and one of them speaks up. "I will perform a Sending immediately."

Valerie grows pale at the mention of an army, but that's the only outward sign of distress that she betrays in the public eye. As the commotion dies down, she quietly leads Val to a reasonably secluded spot and drops the facade. "Three hundred men?" she says quietly. "It's strange that that would coincide with..." She trails off, her eyebrows furrowed as she struggles to put pieces together.

Finally she gasps. "They want to capture the King's Council. The fact that they will have an entire town as a convenient new base of operations is merely their icing on the cake. Val, this is almost certainly the Arm of Vecna officially making their move to stand against the throne."

She sighs and paces in a small circle in front of Val. "I'm not so sure that evacuation is the best idea, brother. We have been steadily increasing the ranks of the city guard; there are 150 armed men ready to go, and we have city walls. I also have a hunch that they were originally expecting this to be an easy takeover, with a town full of mindless zombies being their only resistance. There was an attack today that was probably a test of our defenses, so they may now know what they're up against, but I'm not sure that they've had time to prepare for the recent developments here.

"And besides... evacuating three thousand people in what... three? Four days? Perhaps it can be done, but then what? And allowing those assholes to fortify themselves here... it wouldn't sit right with me."

Valerie puffs up. "As mayor of this town, I am going to stay here and fight. You and your people can leave if you wish, but I feel like I have a responsibility to help these people protect their homes. They've already suffered enough."


Prodigal Son
Putting aside his solemn task of healing the wounded ((How much more is needed?)) and doing his best to calm the population, Ivor finds it difficult to greet the newcomers with his usual joviality. He is exhausted.

He extends his greetings to Suvne and Tarkus with handshakes but with the grim news of a coming army he leaves his introductions for later. Setting his healing kit down, he supports himself against a nearby wall. The possibility of the Arm engineering this town inspection so the cabinet could be kidnapped is not one that had occurred to him. It's certainly devious.

"Tarkus, is it? My thoughts go toward your farmstead. After all the trouble we've been too late to stop I don't think 'sorry' means a thing any more." He stares at the ground beneath his feet.

"I wonder... What do they want more? The town and the Keep governors or us? We've given them plenty of black eyes, so I say we bait them away from Alydar. It could lower the numbers against the town. Or, we fight. Here."

"How many more must be cured?"
The attack left surprisingly few casualties. The spiders were the only real threat, and you all dealt with then immediately. There were a few unlucky souls in the area of the fake explosion who failed their will save and were immolated to death, but that's all.

As for zombies who need curing, you estimate that everyone will be cured about halfway through tomorrow. The day after that is when the King's party is scheduled to arrive.

Mike M

Nick N
Val contemplates Valerie's analysis of the scenario.  "It's a distinct possibility.  Taking a stand against them might --I emphasize might--  be a viable plan, if not for the fact you already know you're compromised from within. 

"Val, you're not the mayor. Not really, at any rate.  We've got the town in some measure of fighting shape, just... I don't know, delegate authority or something.  Come with us.  Come with me."
((Question about the Vecna attire they have seen before: Was it always green before, or are we about to see a new rank?))

Sarm gives a quick glance to the female Paladin. It soon starts to dawn on Sarm that she may not be capable of speaking. The Clerics always seem to be the ones to do so for her.

The robed man steps forward away from the clique of clerics and the paladin to listen more closely to Tarkus' words, his body language reserved. Sarm is not sure what the half-orc will want to do now, or whether they should convince him to help with anything, but he does mention this: "It is good that my companions were able to find you. Your warning may potentially save many and leaves us without surprise."

He turns towards Valerie, his opinion differing slightly, "Not every person is capable of fighting. We should keep those capable of fighting, including the cowardly and the criminal, and evacuate the rest. As for the King's Counsel, if at all possible can we can prevent their capture somehow?"
((The Vecna cultists have always used green as the primary color in their standard attire. Now is no different))

Valerie looks at Val, and at his impassioned plea, her features soften, in particular her eyes. She says nothing for long minutes, and when Sarm says his peace, she looks like she may not have even heard it.

"I can't," she finally says, quietly but resolutely. "No. Not now. I'm done running. And you say that I'm not truly the one in charge here, but... you're wrong. I HAVE been calling the shots, and thanks to me - thanks to US - the town has been saved. I'm not going to abandon that now!" As she speaks, her speech grows louder, her tone more determined. "Look, Valgar, I'm not saying you have to stay here with me. It sounds like you and your group have been tasked with some kind of important mission, and standing against the Arm of Vecna isn't part of that mission. I get that.

"But someone has to stand up against them. They can't be allowed to throw their weight around anymore. You and I both know that the king is an incompetent buffoon, and if the Arm is able to capture all his smartest advisers... well, let's just say it wouldn't surprise me if Ruby Keep were to fall within the year. You've been laying low these past months; I've spent that time gathering intel on the Arm, and trust me - someone has to stand against them before it's too late."

She closes her eyes and inclines her head for a moment. "I'm done running, Val. And I don't just mean these past few months. In a way, we - the six of us, I mean - we've been running our entire lives. These people here... they look up to me, and if I were to leave them when the shit hit the fan...." She doesn't finish the sentence, and instead shakes her head. "I can't do that to them."

She takes a few steps forward, so that she is just inches away from Val. "You talk it over with your people. If you decide to go, then you can go. I only ask that at least Sarm stay through tomorrow, to finish healing these people. As for me, I promise you that I will be here when you return. You will not lose me."

At some point before she and Sarm separate, Valerie turns to him. "That's not a bad idea. It makes sense to evacuate those who won't be able to fight. The question is, where do we send them? I'll put a call out for any and all volunteers who want to stay and fight to report to my mansion, and the rest... well, I guess we'll have to make arrangements for them somewhere. Preferably to the west, considering that the army is coming in from the east.

"As for the Council, I think the only way to prevent their capture is to prevent the Arm from taking the town."

((Valerie has made her stand; it's up to the party to discuss what to do from here. Sarm was just about finishing up his healing duties for the evening, so everyone is available. Other NPCs are available for conversation; if you want to find one of them who is still in town, just assume that you are able to find them and start a conversation))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus listens to the discussion intently, his brow furrowing in confusion many times. When there is finally considerable silence he says

"People must be protected. I do not know all things, who adventurers are or why town is under many dangers. What I know is way of sword & shield and how to protect." His voice falls to a whisper "I have no charge since farmstead is gone." His eyes narrow momentarily before continuing more boldly, his fist clinched. "But...green cloaks must pay blood, and if group are to help Alydar, I can defend. I know battle fortification, I can help steel town and people for battle."

He takes a cautious look around the group: "If you allow."
Suvne approaches Sarm quietly after he leaves his place at the staging area. "Excuse me, M'Lord," she says in a small voice. As he turns to look at her, she removes her helmet; for a warrior of such impressive stature, she has a surprisingly fair complexion.

"I... I want to become your follower," she says awkwardly. Clearly she is not good at expressing herself verbally. "I've seen the miracles that you've performed in Pelor's name, and... and I want to devote myself to the faith. I want to give you my sword, in Pelor's service. Though I am a paladin of Heironeous, he has never touched my heart the way that... the way that it feels when I watch you heal someone." Her face flushes and she looks down, red-faced and embarrassed, but she does not back down.

"Will you have me?" she asks, and musters up the courage to look Sarm straight in the eye.
Sarm quickly responds to Valerie's question, "You bring up a good point. The Seminary is the safest place I can think of, since they may know that what they want from them is no longer there."

His attention is soon caught by an extremely unfamiliar voice, his imagination making him think that one of the town's commoner girl's may be addressing him at first, but once he realizes who it is it's now confirmed she can speak after all. He is caught off guard, and having to process what she says for a moment before he responds with his own wisdom, placing his hands on the sides of her arms, and looks her back to her eyes with a rather serious and bold look, "It is completely Pelor's power at work here, I am just a hand to guide him. I implore you, if you wish to embark on this quest with us, please do so if it is what would honor Heironeous and stand as equals with us, and not as someone 'I have.'"

He would leave Tarkus' request to the others while occupied with speaking to Suvne.


Prodigal Son
((A six person party means tougher encounters right? :D ))

"Mr Tarkus, Florentine... I am in full agreement. I wish to do what's needed for the people here. There have been too many massacres and I refuse to let another occur without a fight. Curses, spiders, not even an army will stop me. What can be done to possibly thin these enemy numbers? I will give it a serious think."
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