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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

Suvne, for her part,
((Lol. Exactly.))

Sarm, with the help of Tarkus is finally able to rip apart the monster's stomach and splash into the water, various liquids following him but stopping at the surface. He struggles in the sudden rush of the water for a moment before able to swim up to the side of the croc.

Gazing up at the creature again, he comes to realize that the hole is not as big relative to its size as he expected.

Sarm takes a moment to heal himself (if I have this right, the Croc threatens no squares while it is grappling Val, so I should be okay). Suvne will take a risk and try to help Tarkus kill the croc.

1d20 + 11, rolled a 14, total 25
Cure Serious Wounds - 3d8 + 7, rolled 5, 8, 3, total 16

Attack Roll - 1d20 + 12, rolled an 8, which last time was a 20 which misses​

Mike M

Nick N
((Didn't beat the grapple check with Escape Artist. My understanding of the grappling mechanics is that the EA check counts as a standard action for my turn, so I'm just stuck this round, correct?))

Flush with a sense of victory over the deft way he dispatched the other two crocodiles and distracted by the bizarre sight of Sarm scrambling out from a gaping wound in the belly of the beast, Val is taken unawares when the ancient predator squarely clamps it's jagged jaws around him.

Feeling numerous punctures to his flesh, Val bellows in pain when the dire crocodile drags him to the surface and starts to tighten its grip. He hears something crunch and can only hope it's some component of his armor and not his bones.
((The initial check during the opponent's turn doesn't take anything up for you. During your turn, you can either try to attack with a Light weapon (dagger or hand crossbow, basically), or try to escape the grapple, which is a full round action that will need another Escape Artist check. If you fail, nothing happens.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus takes a deep breath and concentrates his energy into two more overhau strikes against the Dire Croc.

"Your skin and teeth shall make nice trophy, beast!"

Attack 1: 1d20 [16] + 12 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] = 30

Damage: 2d6 [6] + [4] + 9 = 19

Attack 2: 1d20 [5] + 12 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] = 17

[spoiler]Damage: 2d6 [4] + [3] + 9 = 16[/spoiler]
((Dire Crocodile incredibly rolls a 1 on his opposed check versus Val, and Val escapes from the grapple.

Dire Crocodile attacks Suvne: 36 to hit, Suvne takes 20 damage. Automatic grapple check of 39))

Val uses every trick in his playbook, zigging and zagging and successfully bluffing the crocodile into thinking he's every bit as slippery as Tarkus is, and the Crocodile (apparently hungry enough to stick around despite all these little people attacking it) lets Val go and switches gears, going after the lowest-hanging fruit (the Octopus doesn't look big enough to satisfy its hunger). It sinks its teeth into the struggling lady paladin and scoops her into the air, then turns around as though it's preparing to flee on its next turn.

Quintus aims a little better this time with his crossbow, but unfortunately the bolt is deflected by the crocodile's thick skin. Evaneth attempts to freeze the creature into submission, dealing a little bit of damage, while Tarkus hacks into it, connecting once, and on his second swing unable to penetrate its skin.

((Begin Round 7))

Mike M

Nick N
Val puts his lifetime of experience and training at slipping bindings to unconventional but successful use, and manages to slip free of crocodile's immense jaws before it can inflict any more harm.

Brimming over with an unrequited desire for vengeance, he redoubles his stabbing attacks in an effort to put the monster down for good.

Attack 1:  1d20 + 14 = 31
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 14

Attack 2:  1d20 + 9 = 15
Damage:  1d6 + 12 = 13
Opposed Grapple Check (for Round 6) - 1d20 + 11, rolled a 5, total 16​

((Before I do Round 7 actions, would Sarm have surfaced near Suvne, or would he be too far to be able to get to her?))
Opposed Grapple Check (for Round 6) - 1d20 + 11, rolled a 5, total 16​

((Before I do Round 7 actions, would Sarm have surfaced near Suvne, or would he be too far to be able to get to her?))

Even with a good swim check, you're only at half movement in water, and the crocodile just turned around to face away from you, so I'm going to say that Sarm can't get to her this round.
((Alright then. Looks like I'll need to baby sit her more closely in the future. Also I believe Bull's Strength will wear off next turn.))

Sarm didn't fall in the best of position after leaving the stomach of the beast and his lapse in judgement causes Suvne to become in trouble. "No! Not again!" He joins Tarkus in combating the overgrown lizard and uses the mace already in his hand to carve a gash in its side.

Escape Grapple Attempt - 1d20 + 11, rolled a 5, total 16

Attack roll - 1d20 + 9, rolled a 17, total 28
Damage - 1d8 + 3, rolled a 7, total 10​


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Physical dice are on my side))

Tarkus eyes widen as he sees Suvne struggling in the jaws of the Dire Croc as the aquatic tryant turns to flee from the group with their paladin in tow.

He redoubles his efforts in an attempt to cut the beast down or at least slow it enough so that Suvne may be saved.

Attack 1: 1d20 [19] + 12 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] = 33

Damage: 2d6 [5] + [6] + 9 = 20

Attack 2: 1d20 [11]+ 12 [BAB] + 2 [Flanking] = 25

Damage: 2d6 [5] + [2] + 9 = 16
((Combat over))

Sarm, Val, and Tarkus all lash out in wide-eyed panic as they realize that the beast is about to steal away with Suvne, and the combined force of their blows is too much for it to handle; it goes limp in the water from blood loss, and Suvne wriggles out of its jaws, laying back and floating on the water, exhausted from her ordeal.

The canoe banks around to approach her, and Elim speaks. "That was a Dire Crocodile," he says in wonderment, as he pulls Suvne into the canoe, where she sprawls out gratefully. "They are exceedingly rare; I was not expecting to come across one. I must apologize for not joining the fray; as you can see, I am unarmed, and although on land against humanoid opponents, my unarmed combat skills are quite formidable, I'm afraid they would be found lacking against a Dire Crocodile with a home field advantage. Now, is everyone alright?"

You guys are currently all in the water except for Suvne.

Val, you are wounded, but youre okay. Now that the fight is over, you notice that water is not sticking to you once you emerge from beneath it; any part of you above the surface is completely dry (apart from the stray blood spatters that haven't yet been washed out from submerging). This is likely another effect of the ring you're wearing.

Sarm, you still feel kind of disgusting, having just endured the better part of a crocodile's digestive system. You're also still wounded, but your cure spell went a long way toward stemming the bleeding.

Tarkus, you have a few nasty gashes from the crocodile bite. You're also covered in crocodile blood, and are stewing in a mixture of that and swamp water.

Evaneth, you're water-logged, but otherwise in pretty good shape.

Quintus, you're still a fish-man and you're unharmed; how you feel physically is up to you.

The other boat is completely destroyed and unsalvageable. Elim's boat only has room for 5 people, max; any more would be too heavy for it to support.
Suvne would finally cast Cure Light Wounds on herself now that she's no longer focused on trying to help slay a beast that's attacking everyone. (Heals 13 points of damage)

Sarm's dark skin manages to be reddened by the acidic burns that chewed him, but he was only inside long enough to feel sunburned. He slugs through the water back to Elim's boat. "Suvne! Are you well?" he asks through the thick air, the unspeakable horrors he had gone through still unable to compare to the damage she has taken. The battle has frustrated him too much to say anything humorous.

He opts to climb in the boat. Though he would volunteer to stay out of the boat if he could, the others have means of travelling and he needs to heal Suvne. He casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Suvne (heals 23 points of damage).

((EDIT: I thought cure spells rolled the highest outside of battle but looking at the campaign specific rules again I don't see that, so I went ahead and changed to rolled values.))

((EDIT 2: Ah, that's right. Must have came up when I healed the first time. Thanks.))
((You were right about heal spells bring maximized outside of combat. I said that earlier, but never added it to the rules post. So you can change it back to the maximized values))

"Better now, M'Lord," Suvne replies, still tired, but with steadier breathing. "Thank you for helping me. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help against those beasts."
After healing Suvne, he works on trying to clean himself off, "Please. Don't blame yourself. I should have healed you earlier if the 'dire crocodile' were to live just longer." He takes a deep breath, "I am glad that is over." and is finally able to lighten up, "Being eaten is not a story I will pass down to future generations."

((OOC COMMENTARY: I like to cut my HP close. Also if only we weren't stuck in a boat and in the water, the dire crocodile could provide so many good resources: outdoor grill party, crocskin boots, its head as a trophy to hang on the front of the wagon, etc...))

Mike M

Nick N
Val pulls himself halfway out of the water on the counter balancing pontoon. Momentarily fascinated by his realization that water seems to have no ability to adhere to him at all, his attention is wrenched back to his injuries as pain radiates from the ragged rents in his flesh.

"Sorry, Tarkus, but I don't think you'll be collecting any trophies from that exceedingly rare specimen."

Gingerly, he examines his wounds. They hurt, and they're ghastly, but he'll live. Presuming the blood he's leaking into the water doesn't attract more predatory attention, but there's already so much of it in the water by this point his own contribution seems inconsequential.

"Gods damn it, I just bought this armor, and already it's going to need a patch job..."
The cleric does get the visual hints. He casts Cure Moderate Wounds on Val once he arrives (heals 23 points of damage).

He will cast Cure Light Wounds on Tarkus as well when he gets the chance to (13 points of healing).

EDIT: He'll cast CLW on himself as well.


A water logged Evaneth climbs into the boat as well, trying not to land on anyone else already in the boat.

"That... was incredibly humbling.."

Evaneth sits in a corner (so to speak) of the boat and watches the environment for signs of other predators or such possibly coming towards them.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((For Quin's water puns. Thanks for the heals KM. Tarkus is good for now but hopefully we get a chance to rest before heading into the temple. I do have some healing potions for everybody if not. Tarkus will float as he isn't one to be bothered by the swampy water as much as the rest of the party.))

Tarkus spits blood and swamp juice out of his mouth and wipes the sweat from his eyes with his arm. He looks at the dark swirls of the beast's blood pooling around its limp body and hears Val and Elim mention its rarity. He grunts and shakes his head. "Disappointing. Dire Crochead mantle would make nice home decorator." Not one to be deterred easily, he walks over to its floating corpse and lifts its mouth. He picks out the biggest fang and attempts to saw and pry it from the beast's gummed jaw. Afterwards if successful he straps it onto his soggy belt. Either way he rejoins the party, floating in the water near the canoe.
((Yeah, but I am not counting on there being an ideal place to rest, so I went ahead and (mostly) healed everyone just in case. Plus it'd be rude to leave Val as a gushing fountain of blood.))
Tarkus is able to yank a tooth off of the Dire Crocodile fairly easily (or multiple teeth, if he would like).

After an appropriate short period of everyone regaining their bearings and treating wounds through Sarm's healing magicks, Elim clears his throat. "Perhaps now would be a good time for the six of you to descend into the monastery," he says, as delicately as he can. "I realize you're all exhausted - and who wouldn't be, after that ordeal - but the day grows long, and unless one of you is particularly adept at outdoor survival ((Survival check to try and find a suitable place to rest - but the DC will be high, since you've been paddling a canoe through the swamp for 2 hours and there are predators lurking about)), there is nowhere for us to lay our heads anywhere near here. Add to that the ever-present possibility that we are being followed by agents of Vecna..."

He lets the incomplete sentence linger for a while for effect, and looks to each of the party members, awaiting a response. He points in a direction, angling downward. "The front entrance of the monastery is that way."

Suvne looks like she really does not want to go anywhere; despite her best efforts to appear vigilant and determined, she is very fatigued.
Survival (untrained) - 1d20 + 4, rolled a 14, total 18 which to me does not scream "meets high DC"​

He simply glances around, only able to see water fading into the near grayness and the dotting of withered trees silhouetting the backdrop with their dark tall figures. Looking over Suvne her symptoms seem to be obvious enough that he has to express concern as a healer, "Suvne, I would wish for you to fight with us, but not without your valor. It may be better, even if still not good, if you await our return while you rest."

Mike M

Nick N
Feeling significantly better physically, Val relinquishes his grip on the pontoon and glides effortlessly through the water in the direction his brother has indicated.

"I trust there're no objections to my taking point? Not that I'm eager to fling myself headlong into oncoming danger, but I would be remiss to let someone else take the risk without the benefit of this ring...

"Perhaps Suvne should act as rear guard?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Question on how we want to organize this water breathing wise. Are we all going under? If so do we have enough spells/potions to organize it? Also if anyone is not up to full HP I have some potions, I'm gonna use on on Tarkus just to be safe. Hopefully there is an air sealed chamber down there we can surface into.))
((I have two castings of Water Breathing. I'm not sure if Quintis does as well, but 3 Water Breathing pots + two castings should allow everyone but Suvne to have a shot of going down there.))
((Val's ring gives him waterbreathing automatically, and Quintus cast it on himself during combat (and his will last for like 14 hours). So, depending on whether Suvne goes (which is Sarm's call), you will need either 3 or 4 more Waterbreathings, whether through potion or through casting it. The potions last 10 hours each, which you figure will be plenty of time))
((Yes, I do think I'll have Suvne stay behind. HOWEVER...))

Sarm does allow Suvne to stay behind and keep watch, but as he's casting Water Breathing he then casts it on Suvne as well, telling her to dive in the water if she feels it is necessary to do so.

((Basically I'm going to cast it on her anyway, that way while she's keeping watch if something endangers her or she sees something she should let everyone else know, she could try to dive in and hide or try to find the rest of the crew.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Since Val has the ring, and I'm going to assume Sarm uses his casts on Suvne and himself, that means we only need to use 1 potion if Quintus will use a casting on Tarkus. Also I'm gonna use a potion to bring myself back to full health. I'm on board with leaving Suvne up here to stand guard with Elim while we go down and find the entrance.))

As Sarm casts waterbreathing on himself and Suvne, Tarkus hands Evaneth a potion of waterbreathing. "Drink up". For himself, he pulls out a potion of cure moderate wounds and chugs it. Feeling the tonic course through his veins, his shoulders straighten out and he feels much more energetic. He wades over to Quintus. "Hey Finn, can you magick in fishy form?" After everyone is properly suited with water breathing capability, Tarkus grunts and nods at Val, motioning for him to take point since they both have the most mobility. He then dives under directly after the rest of the group to cover their flank and swims as quickly as he can for the bottom of the swamp so they can get their bearings.

((Hopefully my darkvision allows some kind of help in navigating the murky water down here.))
((You guys can sort out how exactly where the Waterbreathing castings came from on our own))

The Potions of Waterbreathing produce a bizarre sensation as they are drunk. Upon the last swallow, the drinker feels as though there is nothing in his stomach and it's his lungs that are suddenly filled with liquid, and for a fleeting instant, the panic of drowning overwhelms him, as the liquid feels like it's shooting up the air passage. (This is different from the spell being cast

And then it's gone, and you can breathe normally.

When you descend into the water, it my be difficult at first, but you eventually learn to inhale the murky liquid, and are surprised when you feel it fill your lungs with no ill effects; your body seems to be literally using it to breathe. Because of this, you are all able to talk normally while underwater. The words come out slightly muffled, but they also carry a great deal further than they would above water, and in that sense, communication is actually easier.


Underwater is a very dark place, and it only gets darker the further you descend. Someone thinks to pull out the Everburning Torches, which are incredibly useful down here due to their waterproof nature. Their illumination is muted somewhat due to the water absorbing some of the light, but you are still able to see clearly 15 feet in front of you, and shadowy illumination extends for 25 feet beyond that.

There are all manner of sea creatures down here, but the majority of them are very small, and either ignore or flee your group.

You continue downward and in the direction pointed out by Elim. The water grows ever colder the further you go, though at this point it's nothing to get worried about ((Endure Elements not needed)). You hit the floor of the swamp, some 100 feet down, and so continue along the muddy bottom.

The monastery sneaks up on you, since your ability to see is so limited. It's huge; you're not sure how high it reaches, but it's certainly more than 40 feet (the limit of your vision). It's made of solid stone, and is not flat against the floor; the front corner seems to have become entrenched deep into the mud, causing the building to be at an angle relative to you.

Quintus, you can sense that there is some arcane magic in play here, and the effects of it are obvious to everyone; neither time nor water damage has seemed to affect this structure at all. Its windows (stained glass that you can't see through on the first floor; higher up, you can't quite tell from here) are all still intact, and not a single stone is out of place.

The door is made of solid wood - probably oak - and it also seems to have become immune to time and water. It is currently closed.

Curiously, this monastery seems to be of the exact same design of the one you grew up in as a child in Faerun.

Edit: Forgot that Orcs have Darkvision. Tarkus can see a lot further than everyone else - all the way up to the surface, even from the bottom. In the distance you can see various smaller crocodiles, which are staying away from you, possibly intentionally. There are even a few Giant Crocs that are giving you a wide berth.

The monastery is about 90 feet tall, give or take. There is a belfry at the top, in which the bell can clearly be seen, and the roof is steepled. On higher floors, there are smaller, see-through windows. Some are open, some are closed.

Mike M

Nick N
Holding an ever burning torch aloft, Val takes in the gloomy and foreboding sight of the sunken monastery. The buoyancy of the water combined with the awkward angle of the structure is giving him a faint case of vertigo, and he he has an urge to align his perception with tilt of the front door.

Living in a port city, he's had his share of experiences with things left underwater for extended periods of time. He may not know magic, but he knows that these massive oaken doors should not be so... Pristine. As though it haphazardly fell out of Ao's pocket and landed in the muck of the swamp not long ago.

"I suppose we should knock?"
Sarm murmurs a quick prayer for success, and thanks Pelor that everyone is alive after the last battle, and pulls out an Everburning torch of his own from his now soggy backpack and leaves the backpack in the boat.

He drops into the water, and after the ordeal of getting used to his new breathing function-ability, it still doesn't stop the water from having a very nasty taste and texture liken to being forced to breathe very smelly air for a long period of time.

Once they reach the door, he awaits what others will say about it.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus is reminded to grab a torch just before he submerges and lights it, slightly mesmerized by its ability to remain lit underwater. Still, his orcish eyes allow him to see past many shadows the torches do not alight, and he blinks several times as the the shimmering visage of the monastery appears shortly before they reach the bottom. It's structure appears as that of something straight from a dream; foggy and yet perfectly intact, the shadows of the water hiding its walls from view of above.

He speaks slowly to the rest of the group, puzzled by the flow of his words underwater.

"Some window are open above if we must. But crocs stay away, maybe from ghosts. And this is Evaneth church...maybe best to try respectful approach."
((Just to save another series of posts about whether or not the door is locked, I'll go ahead and tell you that the front door is not locked))
((Okay, so... Paranoid now. Maybe everybody could step back a bit while the door is opened, and maybe once it is, have some way to enter carefully. Those water animals are scared for a reason and they're farther from the door than we are.))
Quintus makes sure to cast water breathing on Tarkus before going diving with the others. While his fancy fish form lasts, he makes sure to swim circles around the others, claiming he is scouting, but really just showing off.

After they reaching the monastery, Quintus responds, "Well these ghosts are suppose to be monks of Ao right? He seems like a pretty good guy, so I don't think we have to worry to much about them, right?"


Evaneth is slightly disoriented by the feeling of the potion. Once it settles down he relaxes a bit. As the group descends into the murky swamp Evaneth makes his way down. Once the group reaches the monastery Evaneth does a double-take at just how much this one looks like the one he was raised in. As the others mention finding ways in Evaneth is somewhat half-listening. In his mind, he is recalling the terrible events of his youth. At Tarkus' statement about this being Evaneth's church Evaneth shakes his head to come back to the present.

(Somewhat troubled) "I agree that respect must be shown. Also, not everyone who serves Ao is of a good nature. I myself would have been a prime example of that not so long ago."

((Of note, I have Darkvision of 30 naturally at my current level as I pull sight from the Plane of Shadow.))

"Well, here goes nothing. I feel this is the best way to proceed."

Evaneth bows his head in a quick prayer to Ao and then walks up to the door and knocks.

"I request entrance for myself and my companions to this dwelling of Ao. "
With some effort, Evaneth manages to produce enough force to produce a knocking sound on the front door(considering that the water-filled environment is impeding his movement).

There is no reaction, aural or otherwise, from any part of the Monastery. The door remains closed, and everything remains quiet.

Mike M

Nick N
((I get the feeling we're about to get into some New Londo Ruins-type shit here...

Which if you don't know what NLR is, that's firmly in the not a good thing column for our characters...))

Val listens to Evaneth's knock and announcement of their presence resonate in the cavernous interior of the drowned monastery, but the site remains as gloomy and vaguely sinister as before.

Rubbing his hands together, he says with a grin, "Well, it would appear we now resort to burglary. Evaneth, any idea where the belt would be once we're inside? I'd guess the front door will be the quickest means on ingress, but I've gone in through more than a few upper story windows in my time. We may be able to slip in undetected."
"I doubt that their earthly nature matters anymore, at least not to us. They are dutifully serving a purpose and what matters is that we are intruders in their eyes." He would admit this even about himself right now.

He nods at Val, and waits to see what others think, including Evaneth's answer to Val.


Evaneth's face screws up in concentration.

"I honestly don't know for sure where such items would be stored. This looks remarkably like the Monastery I grew up in, but even there I only knew the general location of storage rooms for basic things such as food, cleaning supplies, and such. I never knew where anything like a blessed artifact or such would be."

Evaneth attempts to recall his memories to see if he remembers even just seeing such a location and has just not recalled.

Base Intelligence Roll since I do not have any skills in knowledge the past lol

While attempting to do that he also responds to Sarm and to breaking in.

"I myself agree with Sarm that even though I am a follower of Ao, I will be naught but a trespasser to the ghosts inside. I'd hoped that announcing and requesting entrance might appease the spirits but it seems like nothing has happened. I'm also wary of "sneaking in" via a window. That idea just sits wrong with me. However, I will follow the group's decision on this."

Evaneth glances around and his eyes keep straying back to the doors which look oh so familiar.

((If Evaneth recalls anything on that roll he will mention it to the party.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus figures if something bad is going to happen they might as well get it over with. In one fluid motion he swims over next to Evaneth and attempts to open the door.
Evaneth is not sure where such an artifact would be kept; it's just as likely to be kept prominently on display as it is to be hidden away in a dark corner somewhere.

Tarkus opens the door easily; a muted creak of hinges permeates the surrounding water. The doorway opens into a wide-open area, with a ceiling half as tall as the building itself, about 50 feet high.

Even with the slanted orientation, the entire room is symmetrical, in every way imaginable. A long, red carpet extends down its center. There are benches, in symmetrical places on either side, though they do not fill the room and are only placed intermittently. At the back of the room stands an enormous statue, also symmetrical, of a larger-than-life man, carved with intricate detail and made of stone. Its eyes have no pupils, and it sports an expression that could be seen as either a smile or a frown; it has its arms spread in front of it and at a steep downward angle. The statue's top half is nude, with loose-fitting pants covering the bottom.

At the back corners of the room (on either side of the statue) are winding staircases, leading up to higher floors. Candles adorn the walls, somehow lit with ethereal flame, sort of like the Everburning Torches, but not quite so orange. Flowers, inexplicably fresh and unaffected by the water (just like everything else), are arranged in pots, always symmetrical on either side.

There are soft carpets where benches are lacking, and on some of those carpets sit ethereal humanoid figures, dressed much the same way as the statue. There are somewhere around 10 of them, though their number includes women and children (the women sport small upper-body garments to cover their breasts).

These figures are partially transparent, but not entirely, and a soft glow emanates from them, accentuating their appearance. They are not black-and-white, but their colors are muted, both by the water, and by the strong probability that they are not of this plane.

They don't seem to notice you at first, but if you allow enough time to pass (it's less than a minute), one of them happens to look back and see you. Its lips move, and it turns to the others, though you don't hear any sounds come out.

The rest of the figures look up at you. Some of them seem alarmed. A few of the children are sent away by women, and then the adults - woman and man alike, seven in total - face you in defensive stances. Some wield staves (every bit as ethereal as the figures themselves), others are unarmed; they all look like skilled warriors. One of them cautiously moves ahead of the rest and moves his lips as if to speak, but again, you hear nothing.

As you enter the monastery, a feeling of dread overtakes you as you realize that, impossibly, beyond any measure of reason, this is THE monastery that you grew up in. Every single detail is exactly the same, right down to the tiger lilies in the pot by your favorite bench to sit in during the morning services. There's also something familiar about the ethereal figures you see...

Mike M

Nick N
As slowly and non-threateningly as possible, Val raises his hands to head level. "I see them speaking, but I can't hear anything. Seeing as how we seem to have taken them by surprise despite knocking and announcing ourselves, I don't think they can hear us either. So much for talking our way out of this..."

Val casts his gaze around in vain, hoping for some implement to convey their intent. Even a stick and a bit of mud would do...
The inside of the monastery is in pristine condition, and sticks and mud are in short supply (unless you want to go outside the monastery, in which case it would be fairly easy).

Inside the monastery, though, it seems impossible to create a written message, considering the underwater environment you find yourselves in. The best you might hope for is to try a Diplomacy roll in order to convey some kind of rudimentary sign language-like message ((if you try, give me the roll, plus the most detailed version of the message you'd like to get across to them))


The lump in Evaneth's throat which had been present since finding this place suddenly grows much much larger. Evaneth begins to pick out things that he recognizes at a rapid fire pace.

"It... can't be..."

Evaneth glances around somewhat wild eyed. With the fact that this is THE place where he grew up, he leaves the group and goes to the spot where he used to sit as a child. He stares at it for a few moments, but they feel like an eternity.

"How... is it here?"

Evaneth turns and looks at the spirits who are now in a defensive stance. They seem familiar to him. The lump grows larger and a cold knot settles inside his stomach. It is everything he can do not to start shaking.

"Is it... my family?"

Willpower roll

((Well, apparently my dice decided this is how this was going to play out.))

Evaneth begins weeping at the thought of this and falls to his knees, staring at the spirits of those who look to be his family of old.
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